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Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by Anndrew(m): 5:15pm On Jan 17, 2019

One man from Otuoke was also at the helms of affairs for almost 6 years in this country. He must have played the politics of "put them down policy" against the igbo as well.
u made a point there..yeah,i still will nt vote 4 buhari..gej was once there,he wod have done it,snce he a southern..there is no way i can b a president and not develope my home..
Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by jaxxy(m): 5:18pm On Jan 17, 2019
Children of hate will never see good things done by this government

Buhari has done more in the last 6months than he has done the last 3year plus of his administration. Isnt that magical grin

Power of elections is wonderful. No herdsmen exist again just cos of elections too. Wow

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Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by Nitah1: 5:38pm On Jan 17, 2019
And the Onitsha, Warri and Calabar port that will help the country in no small measure is still been played politics with because of the 'put them down policy' against the Igbo? No wahala.

Until we as a country learn to do first things first, there won't be any meaningful development in this 'geographical expression'. But one thing I know for sure is if we fail to address injustice early and keep sweeping them under the carpet, our geographical expression' will be filled with "mess" one blessed day undecided
Untill we as a people stop tribal, religious, sectionalism and nepotism etc, we will not go anywhere.
No matter how poor this administration has failed i still believed is better than the previous regimes.
I do ask this question, people kept thanking jonathan anytime a project is comission by pmb, how many projects were initiated, executed, completed and comission in the last 16yrs?
Does pdp has a covenant with abadone projects?
Railway was dead,power sector dead, bcc gboko dead, taraku mill dead, arewa textile kaduna dead, ajauokuta company dead,nigeria airways dead etc, all this and more were supervised by atiku under the alias of privitization.
How many of them are working today?
PHCN can not be compare to NEPA.

But to be honest, gej decieved the eastern region with the promised of giving them second niger bridge, where is the bridge?

He spent almost seven years without bringing any development to the region.
Look at how pmb spread projects all over the country, look at the progress on the �.
Let us forget about where the person come from and focus on what the person has in stock for us as a nation.

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Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by Kuginzi: 6:19pm On Jan 17, 2019
port that leads to no where m
Bad belle that leads to self-destruction
Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by 77up(m): 5:54pm On Jan 18, 2019
Lately I've been seeing front page threads listing projects being completed by Buhari's administration. Is this all an attempt to sway voters during election day?
PDP dont want you and i know that this administration is working but its called MAKE-BELIEVE .

Nigerians are wiser now , we cant keep our meant with cat anymore .

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Re: Buhari To Inaugurate First Northern Nigeria's River Port On Saturday by Oritsewhandey(m): 3:54pm On Oct 07, 2020
It is always about the North North and North

Onitsha don get too.

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