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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) (15342 Views)
MY CAMPUS LIFE: A Love Gone Wrong {18+ AN EMOTIONAL STORY TO READ} / NIGERIAN Ethan Hunt... By Danny Walker / Ethan Hunt Nigeria (2) (3) (4)
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Chyksbae(f): 11:36pm On Mar 16, 2019 |
Wow I like that slap, but something beautiful will certainly come out of this from the way it's going, thanks for the update keep up the good work |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by iamgprince: 1:33pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
op come and update ooo! |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Viciyoung(m): 7:44am On Mar 18, 2019 |
Nadia and Ethan (Marriage contract gone wrong) . Sequence 14 . Written by Joy Osamudiamen <b> Continues………… To Ethan everywhere moved in slow pace, he couldn’t remember when last he was hit by anyone, all his hurtful memories of the pain he has went through came pouring down on him, then the anger and then the rage, he was so going to kill Nadia for having the thought to slap him. Immediately Nadia slapped Ethan, jack spring up from his seat, he looked shocked but he quickly got himself as he rushed to create a blockage for Nadia so Ethan could not do anything stupid, he knew Nadia was done for, and he was just in time to prevent Ethan from hitting Nadia as him hand was already on the air few inches from Nadia’s face, Nadia was shocked relieving she was almost slapped by Ethan if not for the intervention of the young man that was now standing in between her and Ethan, she stepped back as Ethan was trying so to push through the young man to get to her, Ethan eyes was now blood as he stared at Nadia, how dare she slapped him, and how dare jack block his way preventing him from dealing with her. “ how dare you, how f**king dare you” Ethan barked angrily as he pushed forward but was always pushed back by Jack, “ man, you need to calm down, and you take her out of here” he shouted at Richard who has been standing there transfix, he quickly got himself and hurriedly dragged Nadia out of the office, “ haaaaa, am f-----g going to kill her” Ethan shouted in rage heading for the door but jack was fast enough, he blocked the door preventing him from getting out, he knows his friend was on the edge now and nothing could stop him from exploding. “ get out of my way” he shouted at jack “ you need to cool this off, okey,” “ she slapped me” “ I know but please calm down, you are not leaving here until you are calm” “ okey am calm” he said trying to behave clam ” no you are not” “ I said an f-----g calm” he snapped at jack “ no you are not” jack barked at him Ethan with annoyance went to his desk in one go throwed everything to the ground, he was so angry right, he can’t just get over the thought that he was just slapped by a woman. “ what is wrong with you miss Nadia, do you know what you just did” Richard fired at her as soon as they got into the elevator, Nadia wasn’t pleased with what she did but at the same time didn’t regret it, Ethan deserves more than that for putting her father in his present situation, she ignored Richard not interested in what he was saying . “ look I know you are angry but you went to far, you just put a lot of people in problem” Nadia looked up at him not understanding what he meant “ what do you mean?” “ he will definitely ask how you were able to pass the front desk, the second and third desks then the security without being stopped or questioned, and it will all fall to me, I was the one that passed the order that no one should question you whenever you come around, am definitely going to get sack, he will sack somebody, if not everyone “ That was when it hits her, that’s why she was able to get through without no check up “ oh my God”, she believed everything that Richard told her, someone like Ethan will definitely do as she was told. Back at Ethan’s office he was still angry and wasn’t even close to calming down, jack was still standing at the door, he wanted to be rest assured that Ethan was relaxed before he could step out of the door “ I will so make her pay, she will come rolling on her knees when am done with her, her and her family anyone close to her will hear from me” “ just calm down a little will you” “ calm, of course I will be calm after am done with all the plans I have for her, she will so see it coming” Jack knew his friend meant every words he said, he just can’t believe Nadia could make such mistake, she really picked the wrong guy. “ come on man, she just hurt and angry, you actually just bankrupted her father, who wouldn’t do more than what she just did” “ do I look like I care, where is my phone and where is my f-----g PA” Just then there was a knock on the door, Jack knowing it was Richard opened up for him to get through, Richard entered into the office slowly, he was so scared of what will happen to him if his boss gets to find out that he was the reason Nadia was able to get to his office, he shouldn’t have gave that order, now he knows it will cost him his job and that of some workers. “ and bring Frank and Max to my office right now, they have to explain to me how that b---h was able to get into my office” he ordered, Frank was the head of security and Max was the head of staff, he already knows what was about to happen, he have to take responsibility for his actions, he wouldn’t want anyone to pay for it. “ sir” he called not sure on how to say it. “ why are you still standing there or are you deaf” he has been shouting non stop and he just couldn’t hold himself back “ sir, I was the one that gave the order of free passage to Nadia” he said with his head bow, Jack eyes grown in shock, his friend was going to definitely sack him. Ethan couldn’t contain his anger, he felt betrayed “ you gave free passage to my enemy’s daughter into my company, my company” he just can’t get over this fate, “ am really sorry sir, I will never make such mistake again, I beg of you” “ there won’t be room for that, I want you to get out of my sight, out of my company and never to step your foot here ever again” “ Ethan, don’t you think….” “ stay out of this Jack “ he interrupted Jack “ sir please, am sorry” he said admit tear now, he was the bread winner of his family, his mother and two sisters look up to him for everything, how was he going to get a good job as good as this and with good pay, it took him two years after he graduated to get this job, his mother and siblings are the only reason he has been tolerant towards Ethan, now he just lose his job all because of a good gesture. “ one more word from you then you will see your a-s in jail, I don’t want to call the security on you” “ Richard, come on, it’s better you leave, come” jack took Richard by the hand and took him out of the office, he wouldn’t want Richard to be dragged out like a criminal. “ listen, he is still pissed off okey, once he is down he will call you, he will definitely miss his PA, and believe me there is no better PA than you” “ what if he doesn’t call” “ he will, you know your boss” “ that’s the point, I know him, he has never called any one that he has sacked back” “ he will make an exception in your case, so go home and don’t think too much about it okey” “ thanks” “ you are welcome “ Richard walked away while Jack returned to the office, he was now annoyed at his friend, he didn’t know if he will be able to convince his to call Richard back but he has to assure Richard for the boy’s sake “ what is your problem, why will you have to sack him, that guy has Been working for you for so long now and he has never for once made a mistake which you and I know, this is his first error, why can’t you just let it go” “ well his first mistake got me a slap on my face” “ I have never interfere with any one you have ever sacked, I don’t care if you are piss off, if you are angry and if this is your company but you see that young man, you are going to call him back and give him back his job, am not telling you what to do but it’s the right thing to do” with that he sat do no the seat, both ignoring each other as Ethan also sat down, all his thoughts right now was how to punish Nadia. in as much as Jack was angry with Ethan he just couldn’t leave him alone, he wouldn’t want Ethan to do anything stupid, even if Ethan won’t accept at, he seriously needs someone around him right now. WILLIAM’S RESIDENT Nadia got home after hours of driving clearing her head and mind which she needed and walk straight to her parents bedroom, she quietly opened the door without entering, her mother was sleeping at the other end of the bed just close to her father still on the clothes she was wearing in the day, she must have cried herself to sleep, her father too was also sleeping. she closed the door quietly again and headed to her room, she took off her clothes leaving them just laying on the floor of her bedroom, she went to the bathroom to have her bath, she closed her eyes as the cold water touched her skin, this was what she needed, a cold bath. Maybe it will make her to forget what she has done few minutes ago, she drifted into her own thought, “ how am I going to do this, God please help me find a way, my parents can’t lose everything, what if it’s my fault, I should have just agreed to marry him when he asked, God please help your daughter”, she didn’t know when the tears starts pouring out from her eyes. After about 15 minutes in the bathroom as she spent most of the minutes there crying and talking to God she came out, she put on her pyjama, it was just 7pm but she too decided to sleep, maybe a good sleep will give her a good idea that will help her and her family, she was about to climb onto her bed when she heard a knock at her door, she opened up to see one of the maid. “ good evening ma’am” she greeted bowing her knees and head “good evening, what is it?” “there is someone on the landline that want to speak with you” “okey am going, thank you” she said trying to think of anyone that will possible call her on the landline, she went immediately to the sitting room where the land line is and picked it up. “ hello, Nadia William speaking, who is this please” she spoke into the phone “ Good evening Miss Nadia, it’s me Richard” She looked at the phone surprisingly then placed it back on her ear “you said who are you again?” she asked again trying to be sure she heard the name correctly “ it’s Richard, Mr Donald PA or rather ex PA” Nadia was shocked with the relaxation, “ he sacked you” “yeah he did” “ am so sorry, this is all my fault” She has been apologizing to Richard even before she left Ethan’s company, Richard should be angry with her but here he is calling her, he just doesn’t know but he have the urge to help her. “ that’s not a problem, things happens, but that’s not why am calling you” “ no, then what is it?” “ I really don’t know why I want to help you but I just want to, if you want to help your family, there is only one person that can help you do that” Nadia mood lighten up to hear that there might be a way to help her father “ what is it?” “ it’s not what, is who, there is only one person that Ethan does listen to and that is his godfather, senator Philip “ “ Senator Philip, I know him, I have met with him on one occasion, he is Ethan godfather?” “ yes, if you are able to talk with him, he might be able to help, do you want to give it a try” “ yes of course, but how do I meet him?” “ he is hosting a party tomorrow evening in Lagos , if you are willing to go I can get an invitation for you” Getting am invitation latter for Nadia won’t be a problem, that the benefits of being Ethan’s PA, Nadia contemplated on what Richard told her before finally made up her mind, she will do anything to help her parents. “yes am in” “ but mine you, Ethan will be there so try to avoid him, you target is Senator Philip “ “ that won’t be a problem” she said confidently “ I will call you tomorrow so we will make preparation” “alright, but why are you helping me?” “ like I said, I really don’t know, talk tomorrow” The line ended, she dropped the phone contemplating on all what Richard said, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy but she will do anything to get her family back on their feet, she prays in her heart Richard was right about what he said, maybe God is answering her prayer after all, she headed back to her room, she needed to catch some sleep for her, tomorrow is going to be a long day. “Lagos, am going to you”. . To be continued . What do you guys think, . pls Don't forget to invite as many peeps as u can to also read this story with u,.. 1 Like |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by felixawe(m): 9:29pm On Mar 18, 2019 |
Guy thank you, but dont kill Ethan so dat the story will end well oooo |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Queenflourish(f): 10:02pm On Mar 18, 2019 |
Now I hope Richard is not against Ethan... Please try to update frequently as waiting for your story can be so devastating and heartbreaking |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Chyksbae(f): 10:32pm On Mar 18, 2019 |
Please update oh |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by iamgprince: 2:17am On Mar 19, 2019 |
thanks for the update |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by iamgprince: 2:34pm On Mar 20, 2019 |
op were are u na |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Ann2012(f): 5:33pm On Mar 20, 2019 |
Well done OP 1 Like |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Debbiemart(f): 12:07pm On Mar 21, 2019 |
Hello, This is my first comment on Naira land and I must say this work is wonderful. ![]() More wisdom to your brain Pls update. |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Viciyoung(m): 2:05pm On Apr 04, 2019 |
Nadia and Ethan (Marriage contract gone wrong) . Sequence 15 . Written by Joy Osamudiamen . So sorry guys for the late posting of this episode, was really busy so couldn’t have time to write, I hope I will be able make it up to you guys by posting two sequence for today. Please don’t be offended. . Continues… . Nadia exhale tiredly as she dropped her luggage on the floor of the hotel room she has occupied, she has just lounged into one of the hotels in Lagos state, she just have hours to prepare for the party of Senator Philip who she has gotten the location and invitation card from Richard, Richard had called as promised to inform her that he has left some package for her in the hands of her security, she was indeed grateful to Richard now everything was in her hands, she sat down on the bed looking around the room, she was impressed with the room design. She snorted angrily remembering the event that took place in the early hour of that day at her house. EARLIER THAT DAY There was a knock on the gate, the security quickly rush out from his quarter, he first looked through the small hole that was made on the gate and found three men standing close to the gate, he opened the gate stepping out of the compound as he closed the gate behind, this he normally does for security reasons. “ Good morning gentle men, how may I be of help to you” he asked “ Good morning, I am detective Lucky”, the head of the small group responded “ we are from the Nigeria Police Headquarter, Louis Edet House” he said this as they all brought out their ID cards showing it to him, he nodded after seeing the ID cards. “ we are here to see Miss Nadia William, is she at home?” “ yes, please come in” He ushered them in, detective Lucky and his men walked in after thanking the security, who immediately leaded them to the front door of the house, a maid opened the door after the security rang the door bell twice, he told the maid same thing that detective Lucky said and she too allowed them inside the sitting room, the security went back to his post after that. The maid offered them seats which they declined politely, without wasting time the maid went to Elena’s room to first inform her, she will be the one to call her daughter because she didn’t know what her small ma’am has done that attracted the attention of the police. Elena was surprised to hear that some police men was at her sitting room asking for her daughter, this was the first time such thing is happening, the maid had gently knocked on the day which was opened almost immediately, she had lower her voice as she passed the information to Elena, Elena without waking her husband as he wasn’t in any condition to handle what ever reason the officer were here for, she descended the stair with a worried look on her face, in no time she was facing the officers. “Good morning officers” she greeted them as soon as she approached them, they in returned responded to her greeting. “ I am Mrs Elena William, I was told that you are looking for my daughter, did anything happened?” “ so sorry to disturb you at this early hour of the day, my name is detective Lucky, this is detective Andrew, and detective Frank, we are from the Nigeria Police Headquarter, Louis Edet House, and to answer your question, no, nothing serious happened, we are just here to ask some questions” “ some questions?”, she asked surprisingly, she knew the officer won’t say anything until they see her daughter, she trusted her daughter so what ever reason why they were here might be a misunderstanding. “ go call Nadia”, she ordered the maid that has been standing there all along, the maid bow and left immediately to call Nadia. Nadia came down few minutes later surprised to see her mother up so early in the sitting room with some men she didn’t recognized, there were worries in her mother’s eyes which she wondered why. She just woke up from that same dream again, she was just about to get up from her bed to pray again as she normally does only to be stopped by a knock on the door, when she was told that her mother called for her to the sitting room, she thought it was all about her father as she rushed down stairs only to meet her mother and three men who later introduced themselves as a police officer. “ what is going on?”, it was her turn to ask. “ we apologize for the disturbance, we could have been here yesterday but we decided against it as it was late already when the information got to us” “ what information?”, she asked not liking the feeling of what was happening “ we got a call from Mr Donald, I presume you know him?” he asked looking straight at her. “ yes of course” she answered him without hesitation, she felt something was wrong at the mention of Ethan. “ he called yesterday reposting a breaking and entry, he said you broke into his office yesterday, is that correct” “WHAT. I didn’t break into his office” she said surprise at what she was hearing. “ where you on an appointment” “ no but” “ we have you on camera ma’am” he said interrupting her “ Nadia, why would you go to Mr Donald office, why?” Elena asked Nadia, she was surprise and also a little disappointed in her not because she believed what the officers said but because she never expected she could be too dumb to go and see Ethan alone. “ mum, I didn’t break in, I was allowed in, you have to believe me” she looked at her mother with pleading eyes, Elena believed her, she knew Ethan was trying to get back at her daughter for some reason he took personal, she was more interested in finding out what happened between them that will make Ethan to take such step. “ am afraid you have to come with us to the station for more questioning” Fear took over Nadia, she has never been to the station before, either to visit a friend or for another reason. “ we will come with you people, but you have to give us time to properly dress up”, that was Elena that spoke, she wasn’t going to allow her daughter to go alone with some officers, she didn’t want to leave her husband but she is also her daughter, she took Nadia by the hand and headed upstairs, it wasn’t easy but she was able to convince Nadia to remain calm as she knew she was scared. ETHAN’S RESIDENCE Ethan was in his room dressing up, as usual he woke up early to prepare for work, there was so much to be done as Richard wasn’t around now, and he has to get to Lagos today for Senator Philip’s party, he wish he could refuse as he knew Nina will be there but of course he couldn’t, his presence is always at parties like this as the godson of Senator Philip, and beside it has been long he saw the old man. He knew he seriously needs a new PA, his personal secretary has filled in the gape of his PA after Richard left yesterday, he could have made her his PA but he prefers men, he has already made the announcement to his human resource manager to hire someone else for him, hopefully he will get one today, it always easy to find a replacement of any employee he sack, who wouldn’t want to work in his company. He shifts his attention to his ringing phone that was just few meters away from him, he walked to where it is, the name detective lucky was boldly written on the screen, he picked it up immediately knowing that the assignment he gave to him has been carried out. “ yes” “ we have her now in our custody “ “ good, one strand of her hair shouldn’t be touched, I repeat, not one strand, just give her some paper to sign or whatever, you know what to do” “ of course sir” With that he ended the call, a smirk appeared on his face as he imagined the look that will be on Nadia face now, this was just a little beginning of what he has in stock for her. PRESENT : AT SENATOR PHILIP’S PARTY Locating the venue Senator Philip’s party was to hold wasn’t very difficult for her, she was still inside the taxi she called to pick her up, she has been few minutes early but she still refused to step out of the car, the taxi driver wasn’t complaining as he will be well paid, there were already people that are all dress elegantly with colorful dresses, men were mostly on suits, she looked as herself thanking God that she has dressed properly and also elegantly. It has been an hours that she has arrived, she doesn’t know why she was still in the car, was she nervous?, she just couldn’t tell but there was this feeling in her stomach and she just don’t understands it, taking a deep breath she came down from the car and headed to the party, she has already paid the taxi driver few minutes ago when he was getting impatient, she has to pay him to keep his mouth shut, the party was held in one of the five stars hotel in Lagos, stepping into the reception hall after she has shown the security her invitation card. The place was already filled with people of different status, truly this is one big man’s party, now without wasting more time she set out to find senator Philip, she really needs to get everything done, she walked around observing her surrounding very carefully as she wouldn’t want to run into Ethan, her Long Gold Silver Sequins dress with a slash neck matched perfectly on her body bringing and putting her curves in their right places, with a silver heel, a silver purse and silver earrings, necklace and bracelet to go with it, she allowed her Brazilian body wave loose, she did a little makeup bringing out a beauty. After few minutes of searching , she saw him, Senator Philip, the man she has been looking for talking to one of his guests with a bond smile on his face, “ this is a great opportunity for me” she murmured to herself, taking a step she walked to Senator Philip, who has just finished talking with the guest as he made to move away from them, but Nadia approached him stopping him. “ good evening, Senator Philip”, she said with a warm smile on her face, extending her hand to him which he shook lightly also with a smile “ hello there, you are…” he Responded staring into the familiar beautiful face “ oh forgive my manners, am Nadia William, daughter to the owner of Rockage cooperation” “ oh, nice to meet you young lady” , he had thought that she was one of the girls that had accompanied some of his men friends to the party but she just proved him wrong, “ we have meet before at a conference meeting five months ago in Dubai” Just then he remembered her, though they didn’t exchange any words that day, he has been impressed by her little presentation she did for who he guessed was the company she works for. “ nice to meet you again, though this isn’t a conducive moment to talk I am still very happy to see you, how are you enjoying the party” “ oh the party is great, thank you for asking” “ no need for that, I am the host after all, I will love to see you again that’s if you don’t mind” Don’t mind, I so don’t mind “ not at all” “ good, this is my personal card, do call me so we can sit and talk” he said giving her his card he has brought out of his suit pocket, she collected it from him happily “ I will give you a call sir” “ will be expecting it, I have to leave you now, I have other guests to attend to, do have a nice night” He walked away after saying this with Nadia only nodding, she was so surprised as how things went, she had thought it will be difficult but God was on her side, she looked at the card in her hand, smiling inwardly, “ I will so call you, sir”, she said this putting it in her purse, now she needs to get out of here, there was nothing she was doing here and she don’t want to come face with Ethan, she quickly made her way out of the place, without looking where she was going as she walked hurriedly only to bumped into the hard back of someone, it was definitely a male judging from how hard and bond the back is, “ am so sorry, so so sorry….” She held her breath as the eyes of the only one she didn’t want to see burned through her eyes, so much for not running into him. To be continue…… Who do you guys think she bumped into, and what do you guys think will happen if the person was to be Ethan. Please leave your comments….. . Itz #Viciyoung 1 Like |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Treasurewamiri(f): 3:42pm On Apr 04, 2019 |
Ghen ghen.... Nadia bumped into Ethan, I can imagine the flowing current... |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Ann2012(f): 10:43pm On Apr 04, 2019 |
Thanks for the update |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by skubido(m): 11:21pm On Apr 05, 2019 |
Nice wan Tanks for the update |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Hyperakua: 9:27am On Apr 22, 2019 |
Please continue the story |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Viciyoung(m): 7:26am On Jun 09, 2019 |
Nadia and Ethan (Marriage contract gone wrong) . Sequence 16 . Written by Joy Osamudiamen . Hello guys, I thank you all for the welcome greetings, and thank you for your understanding regarding the delay of my last post. . Continues.. . The day has been stressful for Ethan, with Richard not around he was finding it difficult to get some things right, I hope that his Human resources manager will be able to find someone before he comes back from Senator Philip's party, going to Lagos wasn’t a problem for him as his private jet was always ready whenever you wish to travel, he wasn’t going to spend long at the party, not that he wasn’t a social person, he is, but being around some old politicians wasn’t something he values. He was at the bar at the party drinking from a glass of champagne that was given to him by the barman, he was just waiting for Senator Philip to give his speech so he could run off to his room that was just on the seventh floor of the same hotel that the party is been held, the hotel belongs to him though only few people knows about this, and Senator Philip again decided to use his hotel for a party. Senator Philip was a man who loves parties that Ethan wonders how many parties he throws a month, he had refused to come but senator didn’t want to hear of it so there he was as always, he just don’t know how to refuse him. “ I knew I will find you around” Without turning to see who it was he already knew, he let it a frustrated sign before he could stop himself, turning around he came in face with Nina, who had a little frown on he face, she is obviously not happy not that he cares. “ you have been ignoring my calls?, please kindly tell me why?” she said crossing her hands on her chest, as usual she is dress in a red knee-length Bodycon bandage one shoulder midi dress with the drees cut open at the side to reveal her fair thigh, parking her hair into ponytail with no necklace on just gold earrings, matching it with her red heel and golden purse, and of course her heavy makeup that fits her perfectly, This’s part of the reason he just don’t like her, Ethan love sexy ladies but not definitely the kind you have to be dressed half naked in public to get attention. Ethan rolled his eyes at the question she asked, manner lost as always “Good evening to you Nina, it’s like you forgot your manners at home again “ “ oh please, yeah yeah yeah, manners lecturing again, that is obviously not the topic “ “maybe if you have asked more nicely I could have told you why am ignoring your calls” He said this dropping his glass of champagne as he made to walk away, Nina looked at him with her jaw dropping, how could he ignore her calls, she quickly caught herself as Ethan walked passed her but she wasn’t going to let him walk away, she just doesn’t know why she keeps trying to win Ethan love even when she knows Ethan has no interest on her, she always gets what she want and Ethan won’t be an exception, even if she has to wait, she will. She quickly got hold of Ethan arm turning him over to face her, “ you just don’t walk out on me okey” she said her voice a little bit raise, she wasn’t angry but she needed to pretend to be. “ so you did agreed to ignore my calls” “ I really don’t have time for this Nina, can we do this another day” “ well you don’t have another day as you are the one ignoring calls” He was about to growl in frustration only for him to feel the pressure of someone press upon his back, thank God for the work out he does, he could have lost his balance and obviously fall on Nina who was still standing opposite him, that could have been embarrassing, he was so ready to put all his anger on who so ever decided to be the scape goat, “ am so sorry, so….so…….sorry” he heard the person apologizing voice who obviously was a lady, he turned round with his angry face only for his face to be replaced with a surprise one on seeing who bumped into him. They both stood there just staring at each other, each not knowing what to say to the other because them were both surprised to see each other. Well Nadia wasn’t that surprise to see him here but she never expected to run into him, but as for Ethan, he was surprised to see her, after what seems like forever, Ethan decided to break the silent, it wasn’t exactly silent as there was light music playing at the background, it’s a party after all. “ what are you doing here?” he asked suspiciously but calmly Nadia was more surprised to hear him talk so calmly but she knew unbeneath that calmness there is a beast about to explode. “ hello, hi lady, can you stop staring at my man now”, that was Nina who snapped at Nadia who raised her eyebrows in surprise, was she for real or she was just trying to play a joke, any way she was going to play along, at least maybe she can use it to get away from here, “ oh so sorry, it’s my fault to bump into your man” she said stressing the last word, Ethan let out a frustrated sigh, he was obviously not enjoying this. “ so now I have apologized, I will just take my leave, bye bye” she was about to turn and walk away but Ethan wasn’t going to have that, he grabbed her by her hands lightly not wanting to leave a bruce on her soft skin, Nadia who didn’t expect to be pull back gave out a light gape of shock. “ no way you are walking out of here just like that” he said as Nadia stood now facing him, “ what…..”, Nina wanted to say, for she was shocked at what Ethan did, did they know each other?, or Ethan was just trying to vex his anger on her for bumping into him, but she was cut short by Ethan who interrupted her by raising one of his finger “ not now Nina” With that he walked away dragging Nadia along with him, Nadia tried to protest but the hold on her was not letting go, she fear for herself as he watched Ethan heading to the elevator, “ where……are you…. taking me to?” She asked stammering in fear, only to be ignored by Ethan. Not long they were inside the elevator yet Ethan didn’t let her go, the little sound from the elevator signal them that they have reached their destination and the door to the elevator opened, Nadia didn’t know the floor them where, but judging from the movement and how long the ride was, she knew they went downward, maybe to fourth of fifth floor. Ethan immediately let go of her as they entered the hallway, he has took her here because this floor was a private floor, so him and of course those he calls family and friends has rooms here and they all seems to be enjoying themselves at the party. “ now tell me, what are you doing here and how did you get here?” he was no longer calm, there were not in public so he had nothing to worry about, not that he care more about what others think but if he will end up getting married to Nadia, he wouldn’t want to give them something to talk about before they even get the chance to say I do. “ well isn’t it obvious, it’s a party after all and I know its not your party” She replied him, she needed to act as if she is unaware that senator Philip is his godfather. “ don’t play dumb with me Nadia” he snapped at her, he knows Nadia was here for something and don’t know how to shake the feeling off him. “ am I?, you are the one that took me to only God knows where and start asking questions” “ are you following me?” it was more like an accusation than a question Nadia raised her eyebrows in amusement “ oh please no, and why will I do that, okey look I know you have your doubts but hey, I didn’t come here for you, why will I even do that” “ really” he wasn’t convinced “ I am not following you okey, why will I even do that” “ I don’t know, you tell me” he said this taking a step closer to Nadia who in return take a step back. “ what….what are you doing” she was stammering, a little scared of what he was going to do to her, there was no one here so yea she was scared and she did nothing to hide it. Ethan didn’t stop moving until her back touched the wall, even at that Ethan went closer to her until they were no space between them only the hand of Nadia that rest on his chest preventing him from going closer, from the way they were standing, you will mistake them for lovely couples. Ethan was few inches taller than Nadia making her to look like a little child in the arms of a young man, Ethan was so tempted to take her into his arms as naughty thoughts came flashing into his mind, but he quickly shook it off, He placed his right hand on the wall few inches away from Nadia, Nadia hates the warmness his body brings to hers, there was so much warmness coming from this man standing in front of her but yet he seems cold, that’s why she just can’t seems to warm up to him. “ you are acting all smart now right?, that means the little message I passed to you this morning didn’t clear out things, did it?, I could have allowed you kept in their custody, maybe you wouldn’t be in here right now” he seriously said, Nadia thought about what he meant by what he said until everything clicked “ you did that just to get to me?” she said more like a statement than a question, Ethan leaded even more closer to her, she tense with his closeness now, this was too close, he didn’t seem to mind their position as he whispers in her ear “ oh I can do more if you don’t stop pushing me, I am that one man you should beware of, next time, you will not be this lucky, you will leave this place immediately, that is an order coming from me, and you will obey if you want to leave here in one piece “ he threatened Oh she really want to leave in one piece and he doesn’t need to threaten her for her to do that, she was always on her way out if not for him that brought her here, she didn’t say anything as he just stare at him, after saying that he stepped back and walked away, Nadia let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding, well now is for her to find her way back, she was scared that he could do something to her but hopefully nothing happened, at least she has gotten what she came for. Nadia arrived to Abuja the next day morning, she took an early flight because she wanted to arrive home on time to avoid unnecessary questions from her mother, because her mother wasn’t aware that she traveled to Abuja, she just has to come up with something to tell her, just as she has planned her parents were still sleeping when she arrived home, she went to her room and immediately went to bed as she was still very tired and sleepy due to the fact that she didn’t get enough sleep before waking up to catch her flight. The ringing on her phone woke her up, she picked it with looking at the caller, it was an unsaved number “ hello” “ Good morning miss William” She recognized the voice, she immediately sat up on her bed, sleep leaving her eyes, “ good morning to you, i wasn’t hoping to hear from you again” she said trying not to sound exciting, she was really happy to hear from him, she really needed someone that can help her in arranging her next plan, even if she doesn’t know him that much he felt he can trust him. Richard chuckles in the other end, “ well of course, just calling to know how yesterday went?” “ oh it went well, I met with him and luckily for me he left me his card” “ woah, that’s a good start, so have you called him” “ no not yet” “ so what are you waiting for, you have to call him so he can fits am appointment with him, you know he’s a busy man” “ yeah, I will do that once it’s mid day” “ it’s already midday” “ its already midday?” She asked surprisingly “ yea, it’s 2pm already” 2pm, she was surprised that she slept that long, she won’t blame her body, her body needed it. “ once we end this call, I will put a call to him” “ okey then I will leave you to it, just call me back once you are done” “ okey” With that the line went dead, she immediately got out of bed to her bag where she has kept the card, immediately she got hold of it she sat back on her bed and dialed the number, she did the sign of the cross as the line began to ring at the other end, after the fourth ring a male voice came through the phone, “ hello, this is Senator Philip speaking” “ Good afternoon Senator, am Nadia William, the lady you gave your card to yesterday at your party “ She hope he would remember her, since she knew he might have given his card to a lot of people that night, but what he said surprised her. “ Nadia, of course, I have been expecting your call, I know you have something you will love to share with me, so how about we meet?” Well that was easy again. “ yes sir you are correct, I do have something important to share with you, but at the moment I am in Abuja, but that won’t be a problem for me as I can take another flight to Lagos to see you” “ no, that won’t be necessary as I will be in Abuja two days from now, I hope whatever you want to tell me can wait still then” “ yes of course” “ good, see you then, I will save your number now and put a call to you one am in Abuja” “ okey sir, thank you sir” “ Don’t thank me yet, until whatever you want me to help you with is done, you take care” “ you too sir” and the line went dead. How was things working so easy for her?, though she has expected this, but she never knew it will be this easy, she was thinking she had to explain herself more before he will even agree to hear her reason for requesting a meeting with him, lord be praised, she quickly went through her call log and daily Richard's number. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung 3 Likes |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by skubido(m): 12:58pm On Jun 09, 2019 |
Welcome back oooo Tanks for the update |
Re: NADIA AND ETHAN (marriage Contract Gone Wrong) by Chizim1: 9:21pm On Jun 09, 2019 |
Welcome back, tanx |
Diary Of A Shy College Kid: Year Two (by Kayode Odusanya) / Nora Roberts Or Daniele Steele? Who Is Better? R They Worth Reading? / Amos Tutuola's 100th Posthumous Birthday Is Today
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