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Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Poll: Did Munachi Nwankwo-Abii desrve to be Mbgn 2007.

Yes: 62% (38 votes)
No: 37% (23 votes)
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Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by cooljoe(m): 12:32pm On Apr 19, 2007
Munachi Nwankwo-Abii is The Most Beautifull Girl in Nigeria 2007, did she desrve it. What's your opinion.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by iniowei: 11:06am On Apr 24, 2007
I think Munachi desrved to win.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by SMC(f): 8:25pm On Apr 24, 2007

Munachi Nwankwo-Abii is The Most Beautifull Girl in Nigeria 2007, did she desrve it. What's your opinion.

Dunno, What does she look like. Post a photo please.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by lakers: 9:13pm On Jun 09, 2007
She definitely is pretty.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by trendy(f): 12:53pm On Jul 18, 2007
she is pretty yes, but left to me,
if i was among the member of the judges she would not get high marks from me
there was this other girl, i cant remember her state
but on the night she was putting on a white dress with ankle length gloves
god, that's what i call beautiful
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 11:18pm On Oct 11, 2007
here she is:

Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 11:22pm On Oct 11, 2007
What is it like from the male folk?

They don’t bug me. I can still walk on the street without people knowing who I am so that’s a good thing. I don’t get too many people disturbing me or bugging my phone. (abi u no fine reach?)

What is fashion like for you?

So long as it looks good, I’ll wear it. I have my own style, I don’t wear things because people are wearing it. I just do what I want to do. I don’t believe in dressing inappropriately because you want to get attention. I believe in dressing according to how you feel. If you feel sexy, you want to wear something sexy, fine, but you don’t have to look indecent.

I can see you are not against showing off your cleavage?
Don’t expose too much, but look good (2 mouthed naija, just like tey 'll tell u not to steal money, but u can steal SMALL cool shocked ) shocked shocked shocked shocked

nwa pawpaw mennnn, YO! angry

Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 11:46pm On Oct 11, 2007

se na this girl u dey talk?

Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by concrete: 2:56am On Oct 13, 2007

not impressed
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by McOmo(m): 4:54am On Oct 13, 2007
The most beautiful dont always win pageants !
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 6:30am On Oct 13, 2007
beau in what sense?

brains , politics( wink trust now, alausa) or facially
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by ozigbo(m): 1:35pm On Oct 13, 2007
This are beautiful sister's we ve here.
nna ka bu nwa papa no small.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by cooljoe(m): 4:11pm On Oct 15, 2007
She's quite a girl and I think the judges were spot on with their decision, though I would have loved Miss Bayelsa to win.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Seun(m): 4:15pm On Oct 15, 2007
Deserve? Don't use that word 'deserve'. There is no 'deserve', just good fortune. Beauty is subjective.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by jerrymania(m): 4:34pm On Oct 15, 2007

Deserve? Don't use that word 'deserve'. There is no 'deserve', just good fortune. Beauty is subjective.

Hmmm u and your philosophy sef!

Anyway she just dey there (2/5!!)
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by ayoani(f): 11:46am On Oct 17, 2007
She didnt deserve to win at all.
AS per beauty, she wasnt the best.Miss Lagos. Titi Adelagun was much better. Thats the girl putting on white that mustay posted.

And she didnt answer her question well. She answered without thinking . Quite stupidly. They asked her: "What are the qualities u think are needed to be the next most beautiful girl in Nigeria.

She answered: The person must be a christian.

Can u imagine.When the person that even handed over to her Abiola Bashorun is a muslim.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by queenbee2(f): 12:27pm On Oct 17, 2007

And she didnt answer her question well. She answered without thinking . Quite stupidly. They asked her: "What are the qualities u think are needed to be the next most beautiful girl in Nigeria.
She answered: The person must be a christian.
Can u imagine.When the person that even handed over to her Abiola Bashorun is a muslim.

shocked NO SHE DIDN'T shocked

Oh men, how dumb undecided
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by concrete: 1:19pm On Oct 17, 2007

the girl is very useless

as for miss lagos, she definately should have won

miss bayelsa was positively hideous and was very shameful at miss universe. LOL at ANYONE thinking she should have won
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 12:22am On Oct 18, 2007



U MUST BE LIGHT SKINNED!!! cool grin shocked
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by yvy1(f): 12:43am On Oct 18, 2007
I think she was deliberately set up to win. If you look at the top 5 you'll see that the rest were made to look like housegirls next to her in their costumes and her answers looked very rehearsed
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by USnaijagrl(f): 9:00am On Nov 06, 2007
You guys need to stop hating, she's beautifully reppin' Imo state, and the rest of Naija. I will say that it was close between her and miss lagos, but she def. beats lagos beauty wise, as for questioning, I'm not so sure.

Now about it being set up/rigged, wow you guys are ridiculous, just admitt, Igbo girls as well as other SE Nigerian girls (Cross River/Delta/Akwa Ibom) are the best looking girls period. There are execptions, like Ms Bashorun repin yoruba last yr or the yr before, but usually these type of girls don't make it. It's soley SS/SE naija. That's why they rep. In state where they're usually not the majority (like northern, and some Yoruba states), and that's why they win the competion for Nigeria, go on to rep us in the world, and of which Agbani Darego lead us to win in 2001, Munachi may possibly do this yr. grin
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by uchetobi(f): 10:52am On Nov 06, 2007
I agree with Seun, Beauty is subjective and lies in the eye of the beholder, she aint bad anyway, gd skin, attractive, slim, tall, gd bone structure, wat else is needed?
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by dumie(f): 4:36pm On Nov 06, 2007
She was the best among the lot wink
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by cooljoe(m): 9:27am On Nov 19, 2007
Well, in my own opinion she's beautifull and whether or not she derseved to win is another different question, just like everybody has his/her own opinion on who should have won Big Brother Africa2, had I been a member of the judges, Abii would have gotten my vote simple.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by zigbo(f): 12:21am On Nov 20, 2007
pls she is very pretty . . .she is easily the most beautiful girl. . .
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by iniowei: 4:22pm On Nov 20, 2007
To me there was no way she wasn't going to win if I had the chance to decide the winner. My word that lady is glamouros, DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by Mustay(m): 7:52pm On Nov 20, 2007
lets see how she does in the miss world CUP
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by ayoani(f): 1:31pm On Nov 21, 2007

You guys need to stop hating, she's beautifully reppin' Imo state, and the rest of Naija. I will say that it was close between her and miss lagos, but she def. beats lagos beauty wise, as for questioning, I'm not so sure.

Now about it being set up/rigged, wow you guys are ridiculous, just admitt, Igbo girls as well as other SE Nigerian girls (Cross River/Delta/Akwa Ibom) are the best looking girls period. There are execptions, like Ms Bashorun repin yoruba last yr or the yr before, but usually these type of girls don't make it. It's soley SS/SE naija. That's why they rep. In state where they're usually not the majority (like northern, and some Yoruba states), and that's why they win the competion for Nigeria, go on to rep us in the world, and of which Agbani Darego lead us to win in 2001, Munachi may possibly do this yr. grin

Why are you bringing tribe into this issue? Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder and to me, the miss lagos girl is prettier. Munachi has bad dentition and yellow teeth if you've not noticed and They look at all that in international beauty pageants.Apart from Agbani how many nigerian girls have gone as far as winning miss world?
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by londoner: 1:39pm On Nov 21, 2007
I think she deserved to win. To think of it, the last MBGN was not the prettiest of the contestants by a long shot.

All these people talking about her skin tone should realise that Nigeria has many skin tones. Why can't other skin tones represent Nigeria except dark? Most recent MBGN have been dark skinned and thats fine to me, but I dont think people should feel that only one of Nigeria's many varieties of beauty are entitled to represent our country.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by cooljoe(m): 3:53pm On Nov 21, 2007
Whether or not she wins the Miss World title has nothing to do with the fact that this lady is very beautifull, whoever made the Miss World the starndard by which MBGN's were judged, if it were so, then one can be safe to assume that Agbani is the only true MBGN we've had, does'nt make sense to me. Munachi is beautifull, whether she dersved to win or not is a differetn question, its like they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by concrete: 5:21pm On Nov 21, 2007
let's get real. munachi was no where near being the most beautiful there and she's not be most sophisticated either. there's video footage of her on youtube. her nose na die! sorry to say but she's only pretty from certain angle as that huge nose of hers disrupsts her beauty most of the time

anyway, i still wish her all the best but lagos (among others) were much much more attractive than her
Re: Did Munachi Nwankwo-abii Deserve To Be Mbgn 2007. by zigbo(f): 9:22pm On Nov 21, 2007
if theres something about that girl its sophistication undecided

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