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Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by marvin906(m): 5:02pm On Jan 22, 2019

Please what's this kid's name? Thanks.

don't know

Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:02pm On Jan 22, 2019

U are the A-graded Mumu here. Why does it always happen to people in the act of adultery? Use ur head, young man.

Don't expand your horizon
Keep wallowing in ignorance
Bloggers keep on deceiving you by putting a tittle to it that it occurred during the act of adultery
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by tintingz(m): 5:02pm On Jan 22, 2019
Nawao I still don't understand the magic behind this stuff.
Some people say its Juju while some claimed it's biological stuff nawao
It is no magic or juju it is a trick and also happen to some people during sex.

The woman was probably drugged by her husband or partner which made them stuck(penís captivus).



Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Slynation(m): 5:03pm On Jan 22, 2019
grin grin grin Kenya people keep mistaken lubricants for super glue grin grin
grin grin
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Auwalmustapha(m): 5:03pm On Jan 22, 2019
Lol Hmmm
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:05pm On Jan 22, 2019

Magic would be too obvious if it didn't go hand-in-hand with biology. Some of these biological "phenomenons" can be induced by/with magic. Someone yesterday told me that you could sprinkle hot chillie powder on someone's poo to make their insides/@nus burn. This was after she was complaining about people carelessly throwing dirty pampers for her (as a cleaning lady) to pick up. None of the women with babies were owning up to it, so she said she'll do that to the next dirty diaper she finds lying around. This kind of stuff is fascinating to me. I'm tempted to try a little something just to see if it really works tongue

And you believe the anus will burn?
Common na
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Slynation(m): 5:05pm On Jan 22, 2019
It is no magic it is a trick and also happen to some people during sex.

The woman was probably drugged by her husband or partner which made them stuck(penís captivus).

Just to shift goal post, u said she was drugged and not magic grin name of the drug please, i need to show somebody pepper grin
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by XhosaNostra(f): 5:14pm On Jan 22, 2019

And you believe the anus will burn?
Common na

Not burn as in go up in smoke. More like, it'll become irritated. Hot like when you go to do number 2 just after you've eaten something spicy. Perhaps you should try it with your own poo to see if it works or not, Doubting Thomas. These beliefs are not limited only to Africa. Check this site out.

Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Biafrawillcome: 5:17pm On Jan 22, 2019
Mumu Africa
And they will think it JuJu

It called peniss captivus-the intensity of the vaginal muscle response during orgasm
It is a rare phenomenon
The muscles of the woman's pelvic floor contract rhythmically at orgasm. While those muscles contract the penis becomes stuck and further engorged

Keep fooling yourself with the belief that there is nothing spiritual in this world.

Then why does it only happen to married women does this mean that the single women vagina is different from the married women vagina
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:20pm On Jan 22, 2019

Keep fooling yourself with the belief that there is nothing spiritual in this world.

Then why does it only happen to married women does this mean that the single women vagina is different from the married women vagina

And was it ever confirmed that the woman involved is married or rather it always occur during adultery
Bloggers will always deceive you guys with the way tittle their news
Just expand your horizon please
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:24pm On Jan 22, 2019

Not burn as in go up in smoke. More like, it'll become irritated. Hot like when you go to do number 2 just after you've eaten something spicy. Perhaps you should try it with your own poo to see if it works or not, Doubting Thomas. These beliefs are not limited only to Africa. Check this site out.


Those are implausible story
Nothing like that
Your name sounds Bini
Binis are smarter than those myth
Am a bini
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by XhosaNostra(f): 5:26pm On Jan 22, 2019

Those are implausible story
Nothing like that
Your name sounds Bini
Binis are smarter than those myth
Am a bini

Lol, OK. I'm not Bini. What makes my name sound Bini?
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by tintingz(m): 5:26pm On Jan 22, 2019

Just to shift goal post, u said she was drugged and not magic grin name of the drug please, i need to show somebody pepper grin
The drug can be herbal substance or so, penís captivus happens when the vaginal is swollen than normal and clamp down the penís. It is just like some men taken drugs to enlarge their penís.

Penís captivus can be medically treated without involving any native doctor, it can also be treated without involving medics. Just some few minutes relaxation and everything will come down. The problem that calls for emergency is the pain.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Biafrawillcome: 5:31pm On Jan 22, 2019

And was it ever confirmed that the woman involved is married or rather it always occur during adultery
Bloggers will always deceive you guys with the way tittle their news
Just expand your horizon please

This is the meaning of adultery in case u don't know. Adultery involves sex with a married person.

Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by tintingz(m): 5:32pm On Jan 22, 2019

Keep fooling yourself with the belief that there is nothing spiritual in this world.

Then why does it only happen to married women does this mean that the single women vagina is different from the married women vagina
You read about it with married people because it is adultery. If it is two couples or two married couples you wont see it in blogs.

There's something called catchy news or attractive news. Again it involve adultery.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Originalsly: 5:35pm On Jan 22, 2019

Nawao I still don't understand the magic behind this stuff.
Some people say its Juju while some claimed it's biological stuff nawao

The same reason dogs get stuck.....but kinda rear with women. .... and nothing mystical to unstuck them.... they just need to relax or use a muscle relaxer.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by IYANGBALI: 5:35pm On Jan 22, 2019
It's a pity it's not in circulation, maybe then, people will learn to stop such nonsense.
dem go soon do you too
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:38pm On Jan 22, 2019

This is the meaning of adultery in case u don't know. Adultery involves sex with a married person.
That is exactly what bloggers will tell you that it occurred between a married woman and another man
Where you there to confirm the story
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Biafrawillcome: 5:38pm On Jan 22, 2019
You read about it with married people because it is adultery. If it is two couples or two married couples you wont see it in blogs.

There's something called catchy news or attractive news. Again it involve adultery.

Sir I have seen this with my eyes in Ebony state. The man told us he did it to his wife before divorce. What u don't know is greater than u.
It doesn't happen to single people because u don't own the woman.

Talking about the vaginal muscles blablabla my question remains why don't this same vagina muscle hold boyfriends and girlfriends while having their fun.
Or does this mean married people thrust harder. Or their vagina muscles are different
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:41pm On Jan 22, 2019

Lol, OK. I'm not Bini. What makes my name sound Bini?

The pronunciation sound like it
Xhosa = esosa
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by madridsta007(m): 5:41pm On Jan 22, 2019

Exactly what I'm saying.
Well what I'm trying to say is that, they BELIVE IN religion/paganism more than using scientific means to solve their problems.

In this case u don't expect them to invite a pastor to start praying for 2 stuck fornicators .
So they go native.
Hope u got my point

Well, you clearly stated, and I quote, "Africans are fetish in nature...". There are no scientific data to back that up, stereotypes exists, but stereotype is no data.
A percentage of Africans believe in paganism to solve their problems. That is more specific than, "Africans are fetish in nature." Data shows that isn't the case.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Biafrawillcome: 5:42pm On Jan 22, 2019

That is exactly what bloggers will tell you that it occurred between a married woman and another man
Where you there to confirm the story
Sir I have seen this with my eyes in Ebony state. The man told us he did it to his wife before divorce. What u don't know is greater than u.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 5:44pm On Jan 22, 2019

Sir I have seen this with my eyes in Ebony state. The man told us he did it to his wife before divorce. What u don't know is greater than u.

Those are myth
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by sharpwriter(m): 5:48pm On Jan 22, 2019

Lol, I think one is scam!

None is scam there. They both exist!
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by tintingz(m): 5:51pm On Jan 22, 2019

Sir I have seen this with my eyes in Ebony state. The man told us he did it to his wife before divorce. What u don't know is greater than u.
It doesn't happen to single people because u don't own the woman.
Did they divorced 10 years ago?

Were you always with them? Did you bother asking how he did it?

Ask questions and don't just conclude on half-baked information without evidence.

Talking about the vaginal muscles blablabla my question remains why don't this same vagina muscle hold boyfriends and girlfriends while having their fun.
Or does this mean married people thrust harder. Or their vagina muscles are different
Dude this is what bloggers want you to read and to believe in, adultery saga is more attractive than non-adultery.

Have you been to every room to know what is happening there? Who wants to drug another person girlfriend or wife?

Kindly stop appealing to ignorance and hasty in generalizing, they are fallacies.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by mechanics(m): 5:55pm On Jan 22, 2019
It must happen in kenya
hahahaha, if not Kenya, Zimbabwe.

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Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by mechanics(m): 5:56pm On Jan 22, 2019
They have both brought disgrace to themselves and family members.
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by XhosaNostra(f): 6:04pm On Jan 22, 2019

The pronunciation sound like it
Xhosa = esosa

What does it mean?
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by Ayobami7(m): 6:08pm On Jan 22, 2019
Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by freemanbubble: 6:12pm On Jan 22, 2019

What does it mean?

It means God gift

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Re: Kenyan Man Gets Stuck While Having Sex With Married Woman. Photos by immaculate1234(m): 6:44pm On Jan 22, 2019
toto don kee this one hahaha

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