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There Is A God! by Koora: 6:16pm On Aug 16, 2010
I would rather live my life believing that there IS a God and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in God and to die and find out there IS!
Re: There Is A God! by Jenwitemi(m): 10:28pm On Aug 16, 2010
^^^ Impressive! So, let's get to something much more important. What good have you done for humanity lately?
Re: There Is A God! by Dolemite(f): 10:52pm On Aug 16, 2010

I would rather live my life believing that there IS a God and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in God and to die and find out there IS!
Thing is there are so many gods out there, what if you believe in the Christian god, die and find out that Allah, Zues, Krishna etc is the REAL god, you still perish in whatever hell they have for infidels. . .that's one, and two, you're not serving god because you BELIEVE it, you're only serving because you are AFRAID, serving your master in FEAR and I find that weak and pathetic.
Re: There Is A God! by Koora: 12:24pm On Aug 17, 2010
@ Dolemite, All religions serve one God. They just have different names of calling God like Krishna, Zeus, Allah e.t.c but its actually about the way of to God that actually matter and that is where Jesus Christ comes in. Its only in the Bible that Someone (Jesus) actually says he is the way towards God. So other religions are actually wasting their time.

Have you ever wondered *why the Bible is the most populous books on earth? and why the name Jesus is the most populous name?
*why christianity is the most attacked religion? (think about dis).
Maybe der is a reason for all dis. Just ponder on it. Its only in the Bible dat the actual beginning of Everything was told (by beginning i mean beginnings of beginnigs before God even created light). God said "I am the Beginning and the End" Alpha and Omega. There is no beginning befor Him. That is y he is d beginning. The Human mind will not be able to understand this though.

Now compare this theory with others in different religions and see which makes more sense. Peace.
Re: There Is A God! by omobadan(m): 2:50pm On Aug 17, 2010
I think it doesn't really matter. If you die you die! I don't think deep down anyone wholeheartedly believes there's going to be a party after we die. Where sinners and saint are going to be given awards for good behaviour on heart. All religions have a sort of supreme Being. To say the Christian God is the ultimate Being, is just ignorant. You have to have experience all other 'Gods' to come to that conclusion. Even at that, that's not conclusive enough. When people want to argue this fact, they quote from their own religious books. The closest religions are Islam and Christianity. The can't even agree on their 'Gods'! All in all, if there's God or not, what the world needs are good people!
Re: There Is A God! by Zodiac61(m): 10:59pm On Aug 17, 2010

I would rather live my life believing that there IS a God and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in God and to die and find out there IS!
Good for you.
Good luck in your search for the truth. However, you will not find where you are going. Belief in god is like the emperor's clothes. Nothing there.
Re: There Is A God! by Dolemite(f): 10:31pm On Aug 18, 2010

Have you ever wondered *why the Bible is the most populous books on earth? and why the name Jesus is the most populous name?
*why christianity is the most attacked religion? (think about dis).

This is because Christians back in the day killed everyone who didn't believe in their god, check the crusades, the Spanish inquisition which tortured and killed people of other religions, the native Americans who were almost wiped out from the earth because they worshipped other gods (also because of their lands grin ) heck even that guy who said the earth was round instead of the 'Christian' belief that the earth was flat was killed for telling the world something that contradicted the church's stand. . .Christianity is popular also because it is the popular religion of world powers who influence the world's view for example the reason why marijuana is seen as a negative drug is because of a poorly informed views of the makers of a 1930's movie Reefer madness, that just goes to show how the views of world powers can affect the whole world. . .you're not a Christian because it's authentic, you are because the white man tells you to. . .


Its only in the Bible dat the actual beginning of Everything was told (by beginning i mean beginnings of beginnigs before God even created light). God said "I am the Beginning and the End" Alpha and Omega. There is no beginning befor Him. That is y he is d beginning. The Human mind will not be able to understand this though.

Now compare this theory with others in different religions and see which makes more sense. Peace.
I think you would be wrong on that, there are MANY religions that claim their god made this and that. . .and what makes sense to you may not be the same for all, the bible tells you a man puts ALL the animals in the WORLD into one boat to save them and that makes sense to you?
Re: There Is A God! by Purist(m): 7:48pm On Aug 20, 2010

I would rather live my life believing that there IS a God and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in God and to die and find out there IS!

Pascal's wager, eh? Why would I want to base my belief on a wager? Anyways dude, good luck! grin
Re: There Is A God! by Nobody: 8:17pm On Aug 20, 2010
I would rather live my life believing that there IS a flying spaghetti monster and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in the[b] flying spaghetti monster[/b] and to die and find out there IS!

I would rather live my life believing that there IS an all powerful invisible pink unicorn and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in the all powerful invincible pink unicorn and to die and find out there IS!

I would rather live my life believing that there IS an all powerful invincible g.ay man and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in an all powerful invincible g.ay man and to die and find out there IS! which means i will have to be ra.ped by g.ay men for eternity! grin

so you better spend your life worshipping anyone of the three mentioned above rather than waste your time worshipping the confused God of the bible who has anger management problems  grin cool
Re: There Is A God! by Mudley313: 7:30pm On Aug 21, 2010

I would rather live my life believing that there IS a flying spaghetti monster and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in the[b] flying spaghetti monster[/b] and to die and find out there IS!

I would rather live my life believing that there IS an all powerful invisible pink unicorn and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in the all powerful invincible pink unicorn and to die and find out there IS!

I would rather live my life believing that there IS an all powerful invincible g.ay man and to die to find out there isn't, then to live my life NOT believing in an all powerful invincible g.ay man and to die and find out there IS! which means i will have to be ra.ped by g.ay men for eternity! grin

so you better spend your life worshipping anyone of the three mentioned above rather than waste your time worshipping the confused God of the bible who has anger management problems  grin cool

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