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10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence - Gaming - Nairaland

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10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 9:15am On Feb 02, 2019
Who doesn't love a video game, heh? And if you're like me, you like to get all the achievements and you like a good challenge. A game that's easy to learn and hard to master. Well the following games do not fall in that category because they were so difficult that the best players in the world had difficulty with them. Here are the 10 hardest video games ever made.
Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by jaheymezz(m): 2:49am On Feb 03, 2019
Who doesn't love a video game, heh? And if you're like me, you like to get all the achievements and you like a good challenge. A game that's easy to learn and hard to master. Well the following games do not fall in that category because they were so difficult that the best players in the world had difficulty with them. Here are the 10 hardest video games ever made.

How far u dey okay? U no post anything keh...abi are u whyning me


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by MobileGees: 2:41pm On Feb 03, 2019

How far u dey okay? U no post anything keh...abi are u whyning me
no mind am the guy na coward


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:12am On Feb 04, 2019
#10: Shinobi 3D
Unlike it's predecessors, the original Shinobi games that were produced for arcades, home computers, and eventually early home gaming systems, Shinobi 3D threw out side scrolling and fell in line with the growing trend of 3D combat games.

Released by SEGA for the PlayStation 2 on November 10, 2002, this game delivered incredibly challenging levels with tough enemies. But what made it truly hard was the fact that, instead of being a stealthy ninja, you had to race through your foes as quickly as possible. If you didn't continually recharge your sword with the souls of your enemies, you'd start dealing damage to yourself. This had many gamers repeating levels dozens and dozens of times only to lose again to deadly villains, bottomless pits, or their own waiting.


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:14am On Feb 04, 2019
#9: Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy, they named a game Super Meat Boy?....okay.
Initially released for Xbox 360 and Windows in late 2010, Super Meat Boy is now available for PlayStation 4, Wii U, Nintendo Switch as well as other platforms due to the critical acclaim that it received.

The brain child of Team Meat, this game actually won IGN's Most Challenging Game Award in 2010. The gameplay demands that you race as fast as you can through obstacles, most of which will kill you, which leads to many pressings of the reset button.
Ah, I almost got it. Ah, almost got it. Oh, I'm gonna lose my mind grin .

Aware of the challenge that their game possesses, the designers made sure that resetting the game only takes seconds, which means little downtime between attempts, which keeps players fixed on getting past the buzz saws and enemies that keep cutting them into tiny little bloody pieces.

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:28am On Feb 04, 2019
#8: Mega Man 9
Considered some of the most challenging side scrolling games that Capcom ever released, the Mega Man series was a huge hit with gamers. So much so that a throwback to the first sequel, 1988's Mega Man 2 was created for modern systems. Complete with eight bit graphics and retro sounds, Mega Man 9 was unleashed on the world through Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and the Wii in September of 2008. But while many felt the nostalgia of playing a familiar game they also were met with a very tricky and often frustrating series of levels.

Enemies popping out of holes, flying in quickly from off-screen, or falling from above taught you, as the player, often suddenly grabbing you and hurling you towards pits or spikes. I've always loved the Mega Man series, but I do remember this game and it just makes me, I think I just felt some more hair fall out.

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:30am On Feb 04, 2019
#7: I Wanna Be The Guy
Designed and developed by Michael O'Reilly, I Want To Be The Guy is a parody freeware game for Windows that steals a number of elements from beloved games, such as Super Mario, Mega Man, and the Legend of Zelda, as well as Tetris and many more. Combining them into a single game that's terribly difficult.

Thought it never officially left beta testing, it still developed a cult following with some playing just to see how many Easter eggs that they could spot. Most of the elements visible in the game are specifically there to defeat the player, making it necessary to play the same stages over, and over, and over. It's been deemed impossible to beat without previous knowledge of levels, as there are sudden traps that come without warning. Meaning you'd have to already been killed by them previously to know they're there.

I'm not gonna lie, this is actually a game I've never heard of, so as soon as I'm done with this I'm actually gonna go download it so that I can stress myself out, I guess. Sounds fun.

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:33am On Feb 04, 2019
#6: Contra

Released on February 20, 1987 as an arcade game, and later for a variety of other platforms, Contra as it's called in Europe and Oceana markets, is a side scrolling run and gun style game that was developed by Konami.

As the player, you take on large seemingly endless hordes of attacking aliens and very hard to kill bosses, any one of which can kill you with a single hit.

Oh yes, I remember this game. Just infuriating. You're also forced to navigate around deadly obstacles and make it to the end of each stage before your timer runs out. So you're literally racing through dozens upon dozens of enemies as fast as possible, dying often. Contra was actually the first game to ever include the 00p0ppp0 add Konami code, the famous sequence of up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, granting the player 30 lives. But even with all those lives it was almost impossible to beat! You ever play it, you know exactly what I'm talking about, ahhh, I'm dead. grin

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:38am On Feb 04, 2019
#5: The Silver Surfer
Developed by Software Creations and released in November of 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, this shoot 'em up game is consider by many to be a prime example of poor game design.

The game is auto scroller and if your board touches anything, including walls, enemies, or tiny projectiles that have been launched at you, you instantly lose.

To make matters worse, many stages force you to navigate angled paths with a board that's always facing the same direction and is way too long, meaning you've got to be a pro at the game and extremely patient to ever see how it ends.

Like I said, I played this as a kid and I remember how fun it was at first and then immediately, basically almost cracking the game in half. So, yeah.

Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:39am On Feb 04, 2019
#4: Ghosts n' GoblinsN
Vastly considered by players and gaming magazines to be easily one of the most difficult games to ever torture players, Ghosts N' Goblins definitely saw it's fair share of smashed televisions with controllers sticking out of them. I can't beat it!

Released in 1985 as an arcade game before being developed in 1986 for the original NES and Ghosts N' Goblins was extremely challenging, burdening players with items that they didn't want, and if they got hit just twice, you die. But what really had players furious was the fact that after hours and hours of agonizing attempts to reach the end of the game, you find out you're in a trap and the princess you're after isn't there at all.

Oh yeah, sorry, spoiler alert in case you were gonna play this infuriating game. You're then sent back to the beginning of the game and forced to play the entire thing again with even harder obstacles to overcome to reach the real ending.

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:42am On Feb 04, 2019
#3:Ninja Gaiden
Considered a hack and slash video game, the reboot of the Ninja Gaiden series brought with it a challenge that many found even more overwhelming than the bloody decapitations and ultra-gross monsters.

Released by Team Ninja on March 2, 2004 for PlayStation 2 and Xbox, this super violent action game pits players against fast-moving antagonists that dodge almost every attack. If you didn't play the level perfectly, you died. Pretty much one mistake against a monster and you're restarting the level.

Though the original release came without the ability to change the difficulty level, a rerelease in 2005 called Ninja Gaiden Black allowed the players to take on an easier challenge. Which was a welcome enhancement by anyone who actually wanted to see how the damn game ends.

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:47am On Feb 04, 2019
#2: Dark Souls II

When it was first announced at the Spike Video Game Awards on December 7, 2012, Dark Souls II came with the promise from Brian Hong, global director manager and Namco Bandai Games American that it would be viciously hard. And he didn't lie.

Though it's definitely a beatable game, the hours and amount of patience needed to get through it are staggering. An open-world action role playing game, Dark Souls II was official released on March 11, 2014 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

The developers specifically eliminated the ability to choose a difficulty, claiming the insane challenge was essential for the game to be experienced properly. And while the true difficulty is debated, many have given up on Dark Souls II, not for a lack of good gameplay, but because they simply cannot advance. Sounds like my blogging career in 2016. *sips water* grin

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by vasaratti: 10:52am On Feb 04, 2019
#1: Battletoad.
Though it was released way back in June of 1991, Battletoads is still at the top of a large number of gamer's can't-beat list. I played this, I'm on that list. sad

This shameless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ripoff was the brain child of Tim and Chris Stamper and was developed by their company, Rare, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Battletoads falls under the genre of beat 'em up games, giving you control of three mutated amphibians who are named after their skin conditions. Specifically, zits, rash, and pimple.

Famous for just how difficult it is to progress even a little bit, every level of this game is said to have been unnecessarily challenging, with some claiming that it was intended to persuade gamers to buy the game instead of renting it.

Despite the dozens and dozens or hundreds of attempts it would take to pass certain stages, it has quite the cult following. I'm part of that cult, I had this game, I played this game, I couldn't beat this game, I'm going to lose my mind now that I'm thinking about it.

Lalasticlala, Cao

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Kaycee7(m): 12:47pm On Feb 04, 2019
#3:Ninja Gaiden
Considered a hack and slash video game, the reboot of the Ninja Gaiden series brought with it a challenge that many found even more overwhelming than the bloody decapitations and ultra-gross monsters.

Released by Team Ninja on March 2, 2004 for PlayStation 2 and Xbox, this super violent action game pits players against fast-moving antagonists that dodge almost every attack. If you didn't play the level perfectly, you died. Pretty much one mistake against a monster and you're restarting the level.

Though the original release came without the ability to change the difficulty level, a rerelease in 2005 called Ninja Gaiden Black allowed the players to take on an easier challenge. Which was a welcome enhancement by anyone who actually wanted to see how the damn game ends.
The OG Ryu Hayabusa experience. The sequels, especially Razor's Edge were kinda watered down when compared to this first entry. But I guess being able to play as the DOA girls was a neat bonus.

#1: Battletoad.
Though it was released way back in June of 1991, Battletoads is still at the top of a large number of gamer's can't-beat list. I played this, I'm on that list.

This shameless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ripoff was the brain child of Tim and Chris Stamper and was developed by their company, Rare, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Battletoads falls under the genre of beat 'em up games, giving you control of three mutated amphibians who are named after their skin conditions. Specifically, zits, rash, and pimple.

Famous for just how difficult it is to progress even a little bit, every level of this game is said to have been unnecessarily challenging, with some claiming that it was intended to persuade gamers to buy the game instead of renting it.

Despite the dozens and dozens or hundreds of attempts it would take to pass certain stages, it has quite the cult following. I'm part of that cult, I had this game, I played this game, I couldn't beat this game, I'm going to lose my mind now that I'm thinking about it.

Lalasticlala, Cao
I'm yet to meet anyone who actually beat this game. Hope the remake will be on PC. Wonder if the difficulty will measure up to the original.


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by TEYA: 12:47pm On Feb 04, 2019
Please what interesting android 3d off line games can i find on play store? Eg racing and combat
Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by anambraamaka: 12:47pm On Feb 04, 2019
Which android games action can I downloaded under 300 mb
Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Ikem11(m): 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2019
That game contra shouldn't be there... I remember when we were younger we finish it over and over without dying once


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Nicoddemus(m): 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2019
You de yan dust. Ife ana ako bu akuko ego

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Xcelinteriors(f): 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2019
#6: Contra

Released on February 20, 1987 as an arcade game, and later for a variety of other platforms, Contra as it's called in Europe and Oceana markets, is a side scrolling run and gun style game that was developed by Konami.

As the player, you take on large seemingly endless hordes of attacking aliens and very hard to kill bosses, any one of which can kill you with a single hit.

Oh yes, I remember this game. Just infuriating. You're also forced to navigate around deadly obstacles and make it to the end of each stage before your timer runs out. So you're literally racing through dozens upon dozens of enemies as fast as possible, dying often. Contra was actually the first game to ever include the 00p0ppp0 add Konami code, the famous sequence of up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, granting the player 30 lives. But even with all those lives it was almost impossible to beat! You ever play it, you know exactly what I'm talking about, ahhh, I'm dead. grin
Contra that my seven years old can play

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by lyfe(m): 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2019
Metal Gear Solid-PS One and Duck Hunt Micro juniors grin ....

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by helinues: 12:51pm On Feb 04, 2019

Like the game like kilode then..

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by LordCenturion(m): 12:52pm On Feb 04, 2019
Onimusha series

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Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Darkseid(m): 12:52pm On Feb 04, 2019
I end that contra many times na. The painful thing about those old games is that when you die, or NEPA take light, you'll have to start from beginning again.


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by unimaiddata(m): 12:53pm On Feb 04, 2019
not completely true
Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Viking007(m): 12:54pm On Feb 04, 2019
#6: Contra

Released on February 20, 1987 as an arcade game, and later for a variety of other platforms, Contra as it's called in Europe and Oceana markets, is a side scrolling run and gun style game that was developed by Konami.

As the player, you take on large seemingly endless hordes of attacking aliens and very hard to kill bosses, any one of which can kill you with a single hit.

Oh yes, I remember this game. Just infuriating. You're also forced to navigate around deadly obstacles and make it to the end of each stage before your timer runs out. So you're literally racing through dozens upon dozens of enemies as fast as possible, dying often. Contra was actually the first game to ever include the 00p0ppp0 add Konami code, the famous sequence of up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, granting the player 30 lives. But even with all those lives it was almost impossible to beat! You ever play it, you know exactly what I'm talking about, ahhh, I'm dead. grin
God knows I love this game. cheesy Good old days.


Re: 10 Most Difficult Video Games In Existence by Ogaemmy: 12:55pm On Feb 04, 2019
shocked Thread for the gamers.
Meanwhile, meet the little Princess Adaeze who is taking over Nollywood at her tender age. You can't be Nigerian and not know about her. Meet her below


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