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Revival Hour : TALK & DO !!. - Religion - Nairaland

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Revival Hour : TALK & DO !!. by TheRevivalist(m): 7:57pm On Feb 09, 2019
Reviving Message: TALK & DO !!!.
Text: 1 Samuel 2:3.

I recently learned from a sermon that No matter how genuine your Intention is, if your Action doesn't tally with it then there is a problem.
Your Action interprets your Intention and according to 1sam 2:3 , God is more interested in your Actions than your Intentions.
Be a Do as I Do Christian and Not a Do as I Say Christian.
Let your actions disciple people more than your words without you even sitting them down to teach them.
No one knows what's in your heart except God, they only see what you ACT and not what you THINK.
Even God works in mysterious "WAYS" and not "THOUGHTS".
Intentions are easier said than done!!
Actions speak better than words.
When you say you are a Man/woman of your "WORD" it means you "Talk and Do" them.
Action will betray Intention if you are doing it for self pleasure and exaltation, And when your Action betray your Intention, especially when it involves God then you'll face the consequence of the wrath of the Holy Ghost just like ananias and sapphira in acts 5.
As True Believers and Followers of Christ, we must be ready to decrease for Christ to Increase according to John 3:30.
Actions are straight and direct! , Intentions are secretive and only known to it Thinkers plus your Intentions are useless and good for nothing If the Actions used 2back them up doesn't please God.
God is a Faithful God, but our inability to meet up with the promises or vows made to Him has withheld His Blessings upon our lives.
God is ever ready to play His part, You just have to start the ACT!! Revival is not by Mouth or Intention but by Act and Action.
Reviving Word: Action is the prove of Intention.
- Re-dedicate your life first to God by confessions and repentance, asking for Mercy.
- Thank Him for His Love and Patience Upon Your Life.
- Ask for the Power to fulfill all Pending Promises you have made to Him.
- Ask for the Grace to continue steadfastly in His Will for your Life.
Re: Revival Hour : TALK & DO !!. by TheRevivalist(m): 3:38am On Mar 05, 2019
Reviving Message: TALK & DO !!!.
Text: 1 Samuel 2:3.

I recently learned from a sermon that No matter how genuine your Intention is, if your Action doesn't tally with it then there is a problem.
Your Action interprets your Intention and according to 1sam 2:3 , God is more interested in your Actions than your Intentions.
Be a Do as I Do Christian and Not a Do as I Say Christian.
Let your actions disciple people more than your words without you even sitting them down to teach them.
No one knows what's in your heart except God, they only see what you ACT and not what you THINK.
Even God works in mysterious "WAYS" and not "THOUGHTS".
Intentions are easier said than done!!
Actions speak better than words.
When you say you are a Man/woman of your "WORD" it means you "Talk and Do" them.
Action will betray Intention if you are doing it for self pleasure and exaltation, And when your Action betray your Intention, especially when it involves God then you'll face the consequence of the wrath of the Holy Ghost just like ananias and sapphira in acts 5.
As True Believers and Followers of Christ, we must be ready to decrease for Christ to Increase according to John 3:30.
Actions are straight and direct! , Intentions are secretive and only known to it Thinkers plus your Intentions are useless and good for nothing If the Actions used 2back them up doesn't please God.
God is a Faithful God, but our inability to meet up with the promises or vows made to Him has withheld His Blessings upon our lives.
God is ever ready to play His part, You just have to start the ACT!! Revival is not by Mouth or Intention but by Act and Action.
Reviving Word: Action is the prove of Intention.
- Re-dedicate your life first to God by confessions and repentance, asking for Mercy.
- Thank Him for His Love and Patience Upon Your Life.
- Ask for the Power to fulfill all Pending Promises you have made to Him.
- Ask for the Grace to continue steadfastly in His Will for your Life.

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