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Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 7:53pm On Sep 05, 2010

If I could manage it, I'd lock you and Jo and Deep Sight in one room with one ax. Maybe I'll add thehomer and Oladegbu too, just for kicks
Lol. I'd pay some very good money to see that.


Please if I make a mistaken in the title of a thread, how do I go about correcting it. Secondly if I make a post and observe I had made an error , is there room for editing or correcting it after it has been posted?
Thanks .
Joagbaje, both your questions have the same answer. Look the the right of any post you make, whether you start a topic or just a make a response in a thread, there's a button that says "Modify" - you can modify the title of your thread or your post, or even the title in your post. Hope this answers your question.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by manmustwac(m): 8:28pm On Sep 05, 2010

Please if I make a mistaken in the title of a thread, how do I go about correcting it. Secondly if I make a post and observe I had made an error , is there room for editing or correcting it after it has been posted?
Thanks .

I already changed the topic title to ''NIGHT OF BLISS with Pastor Chris at the O2 Arena. Were You There?'' But i can't edit the information in your post. Just click on the modify button to the right of the post and do it yourself.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by nuclearboy(m): 10:41pm On Sep 05, 2010
@Vescucci and Jesoul:

Which of these scenarios? [1] Nuclearboy gets the ax [2] Jo gets the ax [3] DeepSight gets the axe

[1] Nothing'll happen except I lambast Jo with my mouth for making a mockery of truth and deepSight of course supports him since his problem is hatred for the Nazarene which would ensure he supports an enemy of Christ against me. The ax being in my arms will stop both from attacking me

[2] You will bring me out with shovels and mops with DeepSight postulating legally that his primary task was to protect himself from ax-man Jo. A hidden camera will show he actually cheered him on during the massacre.

[3] The door, walls and the very air will take off once DS starts his legal battles against himself. I mean, how does anyone strive with ineluctable, staggering, undeniable proof that you're saying the opposite of what you are since a staggering shintiyan-lifter has decided what he wants to hear you said? Both me and Jo will be dragged half insensate, me moaning "satan had the ax" and Jo moaning "my father had the ax"

BTW, Did you read about the drunk who sat at a bar screaming "I hate Lawyers, I hate DEM Lawyers, Lawyers are arseholes". Up comes a guy who walks up and says "I take exception to your statement". So the drunk asks him "why, are you a lawyer" and the response "No, I'm an arsehole".
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Joagbaje(m): 7:45am On Sep 06, 2010

^^^ First time I hear Jo accept he is not infallible. Normally, what we hear is that he is God, angel, righteous etc when Christ Himself humbled Himself (knowing the limitations of FLESH) and said "no one is good except God". If God then was humble, do we have right to strut about proudly?

If you are ready to continue like this Bro (and hopefully put God in His place and MEN in theirs - starting from Oga chris), maybe its time for such as me to leave the religious section as a poster and become just a learner. Whist Pride goes before a fall, humility is the true mark of a servant child of God.  smiley

I only asked a general question. I was to write Michael Jackson [/b]in Full. Only to see only [b]Michael after it was posted. And I had a deliberate reason for that. I'm one the individuals praying for Michael to be saved. Thinking of the millions that will turn to the lord through his conversion. If the Arena he was to use , was finally used to bring men to christ. It's a thing of pride for me.

And there you go again. Jumping into conclusions.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Joagbaje(m): 7:47am On Sep 06, 2010

Joagbaje, both your questions have the same answer. Look the the right of any post you make, whether you start a topic or just a make a response in a thread, there's a button that says "Modify" - you can modify the title of your thread or your post, or even the title in your post. Hope this answers your question.

I never knew that, thanks.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by PastorAIO: 8:26am On Sep 06, 2010

And there you go again. Jumping into conclusions.

^^^ First time I hear Jo accept he is not infallible. Normally, what we hear is that he is God, angel, righteous etc

Do you hear now Nuclearboy. Stop jumping to conclusions. Joagbaje never accepted that he is not infallible. Stop putting words in the mouth of God.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by vescucci(m): 10:28am On Sep 06, 2010
Eya. Make una pity Jo na. Wetin he do?

Lol, Nuke. I think I'll prefer option one but option three will certainly boost TV ratings. Yep, most arseholes don't wanna be associated with lawyers. I know a dozen or so lawyer jokes but it's Deep Sight's birthday
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by nuclearboy(m): 11:40am On Sep 06, 2010
How can you expect someone to pity "god"?

Even if I must say this type of "god" is wonderful - imagine god asking how to modify an ordinary post when his mates are creating galaxies and planets and animals like the rhinoceros. I'd have expected "god" to confess/claim what he wants the post to be and pronto - a healing miracle on the post! One thing truly suprises me however - I thought Michael Jackson died last year (I must be growing old embarassed). When did Christians start praying for dead men to get saved? Cos it seems to me that "praying for" is a phrase that falls into the "present continuous" not "past"! Abi "god" too don dey talk > Michael Jackson (SAW)

PS: DS will definitely get the joke. He's got that and more mental capability. Its the "gods" we need to teach what a joke is
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by fyneguy: 12:42am On Sep 07, 2010
As HE is, so am I in this world
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by PastorAIO: 1:20pm On Sep 07, 2010
Abegi, can someone teach me step by step how to put videos from youtube into my posts, and also how to put photos?
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 3:11pm On Sep 07, 2010
Nuclearboy this section would be 100times less enjoyable without your presence  grin do you moonlight as a comedian on weeknights/weekends?

Pastor AIO:

Abegi, can someone teach me step by step how to put videos from youtube into my posts, and also how to put photos?
Pastor how bodi? smiley

For youtube videos:

- On youtube, click "embed" underneath the video you want and copy the link it generates.
     Lets use my favorite video of all time as an example.

   This is the youtube address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUAJPKRYeNk  - copy and paste into the address bar.

   Underneath the video, click "embed", this is the link it generates: <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://w ww.youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

- Now you don't need all that^ (thankfully). You just need the address, which is the part I've bolded. Copy the bolded part.

- When composing your new post post on NL, the button right below the "B" (bold button) is the "Insert Flash" button. Click it and insert your copied address in between. It will give you this: [flash= 200,200]http://w ww. youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US[/flash]

    *note I added spaces between the 'flash= 200' and 'w ww' characters so that it'll show as text. Once you take out the spaces up there will show as this below:


Hope that helps!
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 3:26pm On Sep 07, 2010
And as for photos, thankfully its much easier.

There are two ways:

-When posting a new comment, you can simply "attach" the photo from your computer. This is right below the area where you enter text on the page. The maximum size of the picture has to be 200kb.

-Alternatively, if the image is online, you can simply get the address of the image (such as an image search on google).
    Ex. I searched for "Clouds" on google image search.
    I clicked on one of the pictures that came up, and further clicked on "see full size image"
    This will give you the direct link in the address bar. Copy it.

-On your NL post, click on the button right below the "I" (italics), this is the "insert image" button. Paste the address in between it. It will look like this:
  [img ]http://ht tp://hobbyistsoftware.com/Initiate-backgrounds/Clouds_320.jpg[ /img]

*note I added spaces to the characters to make it show up as text. Once I take out the spaces, it'll look like this -


   Pastor you owe me $50. What? I didn't mention it wasn't free?
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by MyJoe: 4:15pm On Sep 07, 2010

I already changed the topic title to ''NIGHT OF BLISS with Pastor Chris at the O2 Arena. Were You There?'' But i can't edit the information in your post. Just click on the modify button to the right of the post and do it yourself.
I think the change was unnecessary and quite wrong, moderator.

For one thing, if he had given the thread the title you changed it to from the beginning, I can bet you there would have been only a handful of people clicking on it and perhaps only one or two responding - nuclearboy or KunleOshob, and then maybe mabell to reinforce that it was indeed an "anointing-filled" outing. But the "Michael" titled pulled in a crowd. It's called "branding". Ask JeSoul how she once opened a thread titled: "That sinful and amorous book called Song of Solomon", or something like that. Within minutes page after page was getting full.  smiley I recall telling her what an advertising genius she was. (Actually, that wasn't her exact intention, but that's how it worked out.)

For another thing, since the old title did not break any stated rule and the new one was picked by you yourself, you merely abused your powers by effecting the change.  wink
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Nobody: 6:39pm On Sep 07, 2010
May God bless u forever. Thats exactly what i told the biased moderator manmustwac. He just wanted to flex power in envy&overzealousness. Whats wrong in pst chris used an arena which michael couldnt use? Thats what happened. Michael died&couldnt use the venue, but pst is alive&used the venue simple.

I think the change was unnecessary and quite wrong, moderator.

For one thing, if he had given the thread the title you changed it to from the beginning, I can bet you there would have been only a handful of people clicking on it and perhaps only one or two responding - nuclearboy or KunleOshob, and then maybe mabell to reinforce that it was indeed an "anointing-filled" outing. But the "Michael" titled pulled in a crowd. It's called "branding". Ask JeSoul how she once opened a thread titled: "That sinful and amorous book called Song of Solomon", or something like that. Within minutes page after page was getting full.  smiley I recall telling her what an advertising genius she was. (Actually, that wasn't her exact intention, but that's how it worked out.)

For another thing, since the title did not break any rule, you merely usurped your powers in changing in it.  wink
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by manmustwac(m): 8:53pm On Sep 07, 2010
@toba & Myjoe
So Pastor Chris can't pull a crowd without the help of michael jackson? So when Pastor Chris started promoting and advertising for the event at the 02 Arena why didn't he himself title the event Pastor Chris Used The Venue That Micheal Could Not Use Don't you think he would've distributed a lot more flyers and soldout 6 nights in a row like Michael had done if he used his name? And made lots more money to buy more expensive jeeps mansions and private jets.

Do you really believe that the authorities in england would allow him to do such a thing? Obviously not. But they would allow him to call the event  NIGHT OF BLISS with Pastor Chris at the O2 Arena. Were You There?

I know its just because am an athiest thats the real reason why your complaining. I bet if it was JeSoul who changed the topic title you wouldn't have said anything. angry
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 10:06pm On Sep 07, 2010
MMW, nor vex ehn oga. It's usually tricky changing topic titles as I've noticed in other sections, with approval being about 50%. I also thought to change the topic at first just like you did, but chuckled with anticipation and an evil grin at the joyful "attacks" that would soon follow such an inciteful title.

And I return the bet, double, that MyJoe and Toba woulda still voiced some disagreement if it had been I who changed it . . . they may have just gone a lil easier on me being the gentlemen that they are cheesy
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by PastorAIO: 12:30am On Sep 08, 2010

Nuclearboy this section would be 100times less enjoyable without your presence  grin do you moonlight as a comedian on weeknights/weekends?

Pastor how bodi? smiley

For youtube videos:

- On youtube, click "embed" underneath the video you want and copy the link it generates.
     Lets use my favorite video of all time as an example.

   This is the youtube address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUAJPKRYeNk  - copy and paste into the address bar.

   Underneath the video, click "embed", this is the link it generates: <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://w ww.youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

- Now you don't need all that^ (thankfully). You just need the address, which is the part I've bolded. Copy the bolded part.

- When composing your new post post on NL, the button right below the "B" (bold button) is the "Insert Flash" button. Click it and insert your copied address in between. It will give you this: [flash= 200,200]http://w ww. youtube.com/v/ZUAJPKRYeNk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US[/flash]

    *note I added spaces between the 'flash= 200' and 'w ww' characters so that it'll show as text. Once you take out the spaces up there will show as this below:


Hope that helps!

Thank you very mush, omoluwabi. As regards payment, you know how to do it. Get your people to send the invoice to my people, okay. smiley
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by MyJoe: 11:41am On Sep 08, 2010

@toba & Myjoe
So Pastor Chris can't pull a crowd without the help of michael jackson? So when Pastor Chris started promoting and advertising for the event at the 02 Arena why didn't he himself title the event Pastor Chris Used The Venue That Micheal Could Not Use Don't you think he would've distributed a lot more flyers and soldout 6 nights in a row like Michael had done if he used his name? And made lots more money to buy more expensive jeeps mansions and private jets.

Do you really believe that the authorities in england would allow him to do such a thing? Obviously not. But they would allow him to call the event  NIGHT OF BLISS with Pastor Chris at the O2 Arena. Were You There?

I know its just because am an athiest thats the real reason why your complaining. I bet if it was JeSoul who changed the topic title you wouldn't have said anything.  angry
I see you miss the point totally. I wasn't on about the propriety of the title - if you ask 10 people about that you may get as many opinions. My point is that it is someone's prerogative to title his thread. A moderator could change it if it breaks any of the stated rules. Anything short of that the moderator should seek the the consent of the thread starter before changing it - that is what is proper.

I brought in the issue of pulling clicks to let you see why the thread starter may have chosen that topic. And that was his prerogative. As an author I can do anything to get a title that would sell my book not what would be liked by "Her Majesty's government".


MMW, nor vex ehn oga. It's usually tricky changing topic titles as I've noticed in other sections, with approval being about 50%. I also thought to change the topic at first just like you did, but chuckled with anticipation and an evil grin at the joyful "attacks" that would soon follow such an inciteful title.
Bolded were my exact sentiments. Check out the testy responses from Tudor and some others. Changing the title simply took the fun away and turned a controversial thread into an ordinary one.   smiley
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Nobody: 7:01pm On Sep 08, 2010
@jesoul,myjoe&joagbaje, kindly checkout the title of bawolo's thread on a Pastor&the fate of his 'yansh' according to the topic. What will manmustwac do to the title?
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Rhino3dm: 7:49pm On Sep 08, 2010
^^ chil down now. Haba! How e dey do you?
Your case has been heard abi?
Remeber, he who fights the mods will be banned and banned another day.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by nuclearboy(m): 8:18pm On Sep 08, 2010

Thanks for your kind words - I've been MC and crowd clown at many gatherings since childhood. Going thru a lot makes you able to find fun in more. But if you really want to laugh, Comedy central has some totally amazing stuff - try New York Friars roasts (Drew Carey, Hugh Hefner etc). And then there were the Dean Martin celebrity roasts of the 70s. Some totally awesome stuff there. If you want specific links, let me know.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Nobody: 8:22pm On Sep 08, 2010
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Nobody: 8:23pm On Sep 08, 2010

^^ chil down now. Haba! How e dey do you?
Your case has been heard abi?
Remeber, he who fights the mods will be banned and banned another day.
the thing weh the guy do dey vex me
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Rhino3dm: 8:30pm On Sep 08, 2010
^^ Jor fi nle. Ma ba mods ja o!hmm Owo mi o si nbe.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by okerav4: 3:40pm On Sep 14, 2010
The Internet is the future of world evangelism.Because of its penetrating nature and portability,the gospel can now reach homes in countries where humans are not allowed to openly claim Christianity.Thank God for this wonderful tool.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by nuclearboy(m): 11:09pm On Sep 17, 2010
Serious request this time - What happened to the thread "Christians on NL"? I got a mail it was moved to "General" but it ain't there.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by manmustwac(m): 12:14pm On Sep 19, 2010

Serious request this time - What happened to the thread "Christians on NL"? I got a mail it was moved to "General" but it ain't there.
check page two on religion its there https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-509832.96.html
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by dexmond: 9:54am On Sep 20, 2010
I want to complain about the unjust treatment meted out to me by the religion moderators. I did a well researched article on Muhammed. It was titled " Muhammed's obsession with woman" But to my utter amazement, wily Muslims did not allow it to stay. There was no abusive words, purely an academic exercise. It just goes to show that Muslims have many things to hide and we will continue to expose them.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 3:30pm On Sep 20, 2010

I want to complain about the unjust treatment meted out to me by the religion moderators. I did a well researched article on Muhammed. It was titled " Muhammed's obsession with woman" But to my utter amazement, wily Muslims did not allow it to stay. There was no abusive words, purely an academic exercise. It just goes to show that Muslims have many things to hide and we will continue to expose them.
Hmmm . . . did you post the topic here, or in the "Islam" section?
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by dexmond: 4:11pm On Sep 20, 2010
I posted both on the religion section and the Islam section.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by JeSoul(f): 4:20pm On Sep 20, 2010
Hmmm okay. I can't seem to find any trace of it, even in your posts. I will check with the other Mod. Sit tight.
Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by Nobody: 4:28pm On Sep 20, 2010
@jesoul, u no dey perform ooo. lol

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