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Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child - Religion - Nairaland

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Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 12:07pm On Mar 05, 2019
Prophet Joshua Iginla,the Senior Pastor of Champions Royal Assembly in Church on Sunday March 3,2019 announced that his Marriage to Yemisi Iginla had crashed because he made the mistake of having a baby mama ......

His confessional announcement went viral on Monday March 4th....

The Prophet however forgot to add that he married his baby mama as far back as October 2014 in a Civil Marriage and that they are pregnant with their second child...They have a first child named Rhema.

The Baby Mama Stella Zimasa Ndamase Iginla who is from South Africa is whispered to be ''so rich she does not know what to do with money''.

Insiders also inform SDK Blog that Yemisi Iginla's sister who is married to a Pastor might open a can of worms soon to defend her sister who was referred to as bringing an 'unholy child' into her Marriage with Prophet Iginla...

Read the document below as proof of 'Holy Matrimony' between Prophet Iginla and Stella.....

Let us pray for the Church and look up to God alone as the Author and finisher of OUR FAITH.......hmmmmm!!!


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Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 12:09pm On Mar 05, 2019
God will expose all these fake pastors hehehehehe.

73 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 12:13pm On Mar 05, 2019
Oga oooo..... See Movie

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Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 12:28pm On Mar 05, 2019
Oga oooo..... See Movie
Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by greatnaija01: 12:48pm On Mar 05, 2019
Will a FAKE be sorry and repent?

some of you hypocrites are shamelessly the ones pointing accusing fingers to people for what you secretly do.

IF HE IS FAKE... then why not confess your own sins here so that we can know you are not a fake... #ode-oshi

IF HE RAISED THE DEAD.... he is fake
IF HE BOUGHT PRIVATE JET..... he is more fake because he is chopping members money
IF He prophesied and it didnt happen... HE IS FAKE...

when will you grow sense na... EVEN JESUS would not do what you are doing. When someone falls or makes terrible mistakes... IF YOU WANT GOD TO HAVE MERCY ON YOUR OWN LIFE... you are supposed to show the person mercy and pray for him so he can recover.... DEVIL ATTACKS PEOPLE without caring how big they are.


God will expose all these fake pastors hehehehehe.

57 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 12:50pm On Mar 05, 2019
Will a FAKE be sorry and repent?

some of you hypocrites are shamelessly the ones pointing accusing fingers to people for what you secretly do.

IF HE IS FAKE... then why not confess your own sins here so that we can know you are not a fake... #ode-oshi

IF HE RAISED THE DEAD.... he is fake
IF HE BOUGHT PRIVATE JET..... he is more fake because he is chopping members money
IF He prophesied and it didnt happen... HE IS FAKE...

when will you grow sense na... EVEN JESUS would not do what you are doing. When someone falls or makes terrible mistakes... IF YOU WANT GOD TO HAVE MERCY ON YOUR OWN LIFE... you are supposed to show the person mercy and pray for him so he can recover.... DEVIL ATTACKS PEOPLE without caring how big they are.


confessed before the scandal got out lol. Keep defending rubbish

101 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by greatnaija01: 12:56pm On Mar 05, 2019
the SCANDAL WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN OUT... mumu... did u not hear that he told his wife he would expose it to the world. watch the video and stop being ignorantly bias if you want to make heaven...

why not confess, you think its easy?

IF IT GOT OUT AND HE DIDN'T REPLY WOULD IT NOT BE FORGOTTEN IN 2-3 MONTHS.... you are very very funny sha.... maybe you are not a Nigerian...

ORITSEJAFOR was accused of arms dealing... YET he didnt defend himself... and His church also kept growing....

SCANDALS affect people who have NOT made it....

so your vexing is blinding u from seeing clearly.

I am not his member, BUT i UNDERSTAND the bible enough to know that we should not MOCK anyone for their failures.... rather we should PRAY.

confessed before the scandal got out lol. Keep defending rubbish

38 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by jcross19: 1:47pm On Mar 05, 2019
the SCANDAL WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN OUT... mumu... did u not hear that he told his wife he would expose it to the world. watch the video and stop being ignorantly bias if you want to make heaven...

why not confess, you think its easy?

IF IT GOT OUT AND HE DIDN'T REPLY WOULD IT NOT BE FORGOTTEN IN 2-3 MONTHS.... you are very very funny sha.... maybe you are not a Nigerian...

ORITSEJAFOR was accused of arms dealing... YET he didnt defend himself... and His church also kept growing....

SCANDALS affect people who have NOT made it....

so your vexing is blinding u from seeing clearly.

I am not his member, BUT i UNDERSTAND the bible enough to know that we should not MOCK anyone for their failures.... rather we should PRAY.

I have realised something about God when you make mistake He will give you the grace to confess but our so call man of God won't confess rather than covering their sins while wise ones will open up but they are few men of God that can do what that man of God did.


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by mytime24(f): 1:57pm On Mar 05, 2019


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by hemartins(m): 1:57pm On Mar 05, 2019
How hath the mighty fallen.

1 Like

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Chubhie: 1:58pm On Mar 05, 2019
I knew the cheating on both sides was a soft landing for him to humanly divorce the wife. She should sue him to the last kobo.


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Racoon(m): 1:59pm On Mar 05, 2019
And this is someone my former fiancee venerate like a god angry No wonder my relationship with her was never stable till we parted ways.

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by BornnAgainChild(f): 2:00pm On Mar 05, 2019
When it comes to pastors and christain topics...everyone can comment whether good or bad.

But when its topic related to islam..there would now be a restriction of are you a member bla bla bla

#total rubbish from nairaland.

na christains good to castigate pass undecided

77 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by abitex577(m): 2:00pm On Mar 05, 2019
There are no perfect men, only perfect mantles. God strengthen his servants and preserve his Church.


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Fanatique2: 2:00pm On Mar 05, 2019
God of awesome wonders. congrats to both parents.
Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Melancho: 2:01pm On Mar 05, 2019
You go to church and worship your pastors, forgetting that he's just human like you but the difference is that he's smarter than you.

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Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 2:02pm On Mar 05, 2019
government should tax the title "pastor" and "imam"



Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by millionboi2: 2:02pm On Mar 05, 2019
If our pastors open dia mouth tell us wetin we supposed know,we no go dey go church again


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by eagleeye2: 2:03pm On Mar 05, 2019
god of men...sô Chukwu ma ndi nke ya


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 2:03pm On Mar 05, 2019
He is part of us.

1 Like

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Ayoswit(f): 2:04pm On Mar 05, 2019
Let's leave God to be the judge. David sinned against God by committing adultery with bethsheda and even killed her husband but the Bible recorded that King David was a man after God's heart. God's way are different from man's way and he does whatsoever he pleases. I applaud him for been truthful and not hiding the truth from his church members.

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Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by rattlesnake(m): 2:04pm On Mar 05, 2019

1 Like

Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Nobody: 2:04pm On Mar 05, 2019
PRAY for Men of God.


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by oteneaaron(m): 2:04pm On Mar 05, 2019
Will a FAKE be sorry and repent?

some of you hypocrites are shamelessly the ones pointing accusing fingers to people for what you secretly do.

IF HE IS FAKE... then why not confess your own sins here so that we can know you are not a fake... #ode-oshi

IF HE RAISED THE DEAD.... he is fake
IF HE BOUGHT PRIVATE JET..... he is more fake because he is chopping members money
IF He prophesied and it didnt happen... HE IS FAKE...

when will you grow sense na... EVEN JESUS would not do what you are doing. When someone falls or makes terrible mistakes... IF YOU WANT GOD TO HAVE MERCY ON YOUR OWN LIFE... you are supposed to show the person mercy and pray for him so he can recover.... DEVIL ATTACKS PEOPLE without caring how big they are.


Bros calm down. See don't angry me oo

These so-called Men of God are just Mentalist who know how to manipulate people.

Mind control is an awesome power.

Unlike Politics where money has to exchange hands for dirty deals to happen, with religion it's much easier.

Just say God spoke to you and every disgusting act is made holy.

Do you still remember when Paster Suleman was exposed for f-ucking the living hell out of Otobo??


The heart of everyman(including your beloved pastor) is freaking evil.

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Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by OgbanjeProphet: 2:04pm On Mar 05, 2019
Religion is a deceit.

Which Bible does pastor Iginla use. I am not condemning him ooh, but anybody consulting this man for marital issues is a fool.
Jesus don suffer disgrace tire from these men and women of God.


Re: Prophet Joshua Iginla Married Stella Zimasa Ndamase, Pregnant With 2nd Child by Jason007: 2:05pm On Mar 05, 2019
nobody holy face,so stop thinking most of this people are invisible to life's issues, may God help them and you too reading this message cheesy


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