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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? (2364 Views)
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How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Preciousgirl(f): 5:40pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
As a married woman , the only man I should lust after is my husband But truth be told, there are times I think about other men sexually though I try to hide it Please is that a sin? And how can I block those thoughts in the first place? Thank you |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by chiipink(f): 5:42pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Nawao.. U ain't supposed to harbor it in the first place, Now u have started it, u won't stop until u fulfil ur lust... I think u have been mingling with bad friends who put up the idea in ur head! now what ppls said about u ABUJA ladies might be true Afterral.. Smh |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by dingbang(m): 5:42pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Urm, go to your husband's office for a Kwik session everyday |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 5:44pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Guess u ar not bn sexually satisfied by ur husband...Talk to him abt it 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Preciousgirl(f): 5:45pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
chiipink: Are you saying you haven't for a moment had a lustful thought in your life? 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Preciousgirl(f): 5:46pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
sherylbakky: Sex between us is OK, but how can I open this up to my husband? |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by chiipink(f): 5:46pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl: I can neva have that thought.. as a married woman... never!! That's why Its good to marry some1 u love genuinely and not for his wealth, beauty or whatever . 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Preciousgirl(f): 5:57pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
[quote author=chiipink post=76741409] I can neva have that thought.. as a married woman... never!! That's why Its good to marry some1 u love genuinely and not for his wealth, beauty or whatever .[/quote Excuse me, I love my husband 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 6:04pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl:I understand at coloured, but c'mon madam, we are talking abt ur husband here, the father of ur children, the person u wud b spending the rest of ur life wit...U need to open up to him, I'm sure he's gonna understand OK, u tell him- honey I think we need to be more stylish about s*x, y not let's avoid the bed n try some other places in our apartment today? tell him this jokingly next time u guys are trying to "check in"... He's gonna understand , OK? U only need to explore, that's it, dont think its a spiritual dis n tnk me later. 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Preciousgirl(f): 6:05pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
sherylbakky: Hmm you don't understand |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 6:06pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
It's almost I'm possible to bar some teens who come here to attack OPs, instead of profferring a solution. Some comments need to be pulled down or the mods should simply bar some childish monikers here.seun, lalasticlala, mynd44, please take note. And to you, young woman. You're not alone. Millions of married women in Nigeria also experience this. What mostly causes this is lack of sexual satisfaction. Your husband goes to work early morning, rarely has his breakfast and by the time he gets to work, workload would prevent him from having his lunch and he ends up eating junks as brunch. By the time he gets home, he manages to pull his shirt off his neck and he falls asleep on top of his delicious mean you prepared for him. He prefers fast food because he doesn't have time to eat good food and this kills his libido and sexual urge. He grows pot belly and loses interest in women generaly. I have experienced this before. I had had the opportunuty of working with bluechip and fmcg companies in which I was earning good salary with nice official cars. My wife was always complaining. This feeling didn't stop until after I bowed out of the Labour market. Another cause could be, if you are a woman of high libido. You need to work on this by controlling it because there's no medical remedy to it. It's natural. At times when they attack some men or women of having exramarrital affairs despite the fact that the love their spouses , I just shake my head because they don't seem to know what these peeps go through. I have dated a girl in the past who used to say she cant skip a week without meeting a guy. you should know that her man must be just like her else, she go soon jata. i used to have a male friend who always slept with 2 girls at a time and would get them tired in a marathon encounter . He wouldn't take drugs its just that, he doesnt get satisfied by one girl. Above all, with prayers, all things are possible. Solution...ensure he eats before leaving then house in the morning, no matter how small. Dish his lunch in a lunch box which he'd eat at lunch time and when he gets home, just make him small meal with plenty of fruits. By the time he wakes up at night, you'd see your real man happy and able ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 6:07pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl:Mayb u can explain den, i just knw its not spiritual |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by UceeGod: 9:29pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Are you a born again Christian? 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Ihedinobi3: 11:17pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl:Regarding your first question, yes, it is (Matthew 5:27-28). Regarding your second, the answer is a bit more complex. First, we have a free will and can certainly choose what to think in our hearts and what to desire in our hearts. Second, as Paul says in Galatians 5:16-18 and James paraphrases in James 4:5, it is only as we grow spiritually that we become less and less given to fleshly desires such as you speak of. In other words, the only way to gain lasting victory over sin is to grow spiritually. We will never be perfect in this life though because we live in a sinful body but we can grow more and more sanctified until many sins, especially those of this sort, become less and less of a problem for us. It will remain a constant fight for us, but if we stay true in spiritual growth, we will grow increasingly victorious. As for spiritual growth, that comes from seeking, learning (whether by listening to or reading), believing and applying the Truth of the Bible to our lives. This is done not only by reading the Bible but also by diligently listening to gifted and prepared Bible teachers who respect and love the Word of God and the children of God. Grace be with you. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 11:22pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl:In a perfect set up even as God intended for it to be in the beginning, you are not supposed to even lust after your husband. For lust only came into the equation after man fell into sin, as that single or root sin disintegrated into several others with lust being just one of them. And that's the reason man and woman despite being just the two of them in the beginning yet became ashamed of their unclothedness, for it was lust that brought that feeling between them, but it wasn't meant to be so. For they were supposed to have multiply, increase, and be fruitful which cannot happen without sexual intercourse between the husband and wife, even before the coming of lust. So try and aim for that kind of lustless sexual relationship with your husband that God intended when He gave man and woman that blessing. For lust is not worth it at all, for look at the extent to which it has wrecked things, I mean it's crazy that I don't even want to go into the details. So just ask God to help you give the ability to live a life free of lust, for He can do it for you if you give Him the chance to. You've earned my respect though for showing that you truly do not want to settle for lust. So I hope this post proves helpful to you in your quest to overcome it. God be with you. 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 11:34pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
chiipink:This is so brutal and heartless oh, that I wonder what is your true intention after all, to help or to make matters worse. If you ask me my own opinion the lady is far better than you, because it's hard for me to think that you don't lust after men yourself, but even if you don't, you have a terrible heart and mind that completely overshadows that. SMH. 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 11:34pm On Mar 17, 2019 |
Preciousgirl don't mind that lady chiipink or what. Maybe it because she's not precious herself that makes her to be jealous and spew such trash. 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by chiipink(f): 1:19am On Mar 18, 2019 |
jesusjnr2: ![]() 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Maxi3k(m): 1:50am On Mar 18, 2019 |
It shouldn't bother you at all |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 5:08am On Mar 18, 2019 |
chiipink:Shift where? to the left or right? See woman, you made a very valid point, with respect to the misguided reasons for which people, especially woman marry these days, as it often on a lustful and canal basis. But some other aspects of your response were so uncalled for, as though you were speaking out of fear with respect to your husband. So I was trying not to discourage the woman here who has shown some extent of willingness to change, at least by admitting it and seeking a solution to it. So maybe you are much better than that but try let it also reflect in your comments as such that's all i'm saying. Sorry if i came down too hard on you. |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 7:05am On Mar 18, 2019 |
fairfora:this advice is nice! You should follow this advice. @preciousgirl you are not expected to lust after any other man, anyway it happens, even among men too, so spice up your sex life with your hubby. 2 Likes |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by frank317: 7:57am On Mar 18, 2019 |
chiipink: Are u married? |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by frank317: 8:00am On Mar 18, 2019 |
sherylbakky: What kind of advise is this? Are u asking her to open up about her lustful thoughts or about their sex styles? Did she complain about her sex style with her husband? Na wa 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by chiipink(f): 8:10am On Mar 18, 2019 |
frank317: No |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Nobody: 8:22am On Mar 18, 2019 |
frank317:She said shes having lustful desire, frm my own view, d cause cud av bn as a result of not bn sexually satisfied...or wot cud av caused a "married woman" to b having lustful desire? Ohhh! u expect me to ask her to start praying abt what she suppose to work on because she brings dis to religion section ryt? or u expect me to tell her to go to her husband n explain to him dat shes aving lustful desire? U are entitled to ur opinion just like i'm entitled to mine, u ar free to drop ur suggestion, for dat wud be beta instead of trying to fight another person on NL. The truth is dat, the Op is not even opening up ...I wudnt av even advised her if i went tru her profile n posts at first. Check her posts n see...But u av to note dat dis is a forum n every1 is entitle to his or her opinion, n next time, if u don't av any good cause to mention others, u are free to just PASS. 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by OpenYourEyes1: 9:10am On Mar 18, 2019 |
Read your Bible always especially the parts on GOD disgust for sin and the destruction of sinners. Love and fear GOD my friend. The fear factor plays a big role in my life Avoid friends that sexualize their posts on social media. Avoid them completely or block them all. Those behaviors are pure wickedness and evil. Social Media is not a porn site The easiest way devil can take over your life is to destroy your relationship with GOD. Sexual temptation is one of devil tools to get you abandoned by your Creator 1 Like |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by Desmondum: 10:03am On Mar 18, 2019 |
This religion section cud b funny at times, so, because som1 write on religion section means her problem is spiritual to some ppl? Sherylbakky and fairfora have tried in bringing up a real solution anyway, just that sherylbakky is a bit pure which I can term "raw" for some ppl who may b too religious. And @fairfora n others criticising chiipink, pls check Op's posts n see for ursef, I guess chiipink did this b4 commenting...chiipink is just a bit frank, she has a point too. @preciousgirl, ur first question is yes...i think it is a sin. Second, don't b deceived, u only need some kind of satisfaction from ur husband...which may not even be sexual, it might b sometins u are finding in other men that u can't see in ur husband...try n work on this, u are the only one that can work on this, just tell ursef the truth, work on it n be determined to change. And if u av ever cheated on ur hubby, ask for God's forgiveness please. Shalom |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by ochibuogwu5: 10:39am On Mar 18, 2019 |
"Be filled CONSISTENTLY with the HOLY SPIRIT and you will no longer desire *carnal things*" {Galatians 5:16} How does a human being get filled by the HOLY SPIRIT? By meditating on Jesus Christ and his teachings in your MIND/HEART/EARS thus "the flesh has nothing to offer, the *spirit* is what *gives/produces the life of Jesus Christ in any human being/Believer/Christian* and the WORDS{MY TEACHINGS} I SPEAK TO YOU ARE THE SPIRIT THAT GIVES/PRODUCES THIS LIFE/LIFESTYLE/SEXUAL-PURITY/CHRISTIANITY/WHOLENESS" {John 6:63} Abbah Father, fill us with your mercy and grace to consistently meditate on the teachings of Jesus Christ; Our Lord and Redeemer so that there will be no-space for carnal desires inside and outside our minds through the unlimited manifestations of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen. Great Grace Brethren!!! For more SOUND TEACHING ON GENUINE CHRISTIAN LIVING WITH UNCONTAMINATED GRACE check youtube for *messages by Bro. Gbile Akanni* |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by bingbagbo(m): 10:51am On Mar 18, 2019 |
Walk by the spirit |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by vybzkartel: 10:53am On Mar 18, 2019 |
Preciousgirl: Don't worry, pm me for immediate assistance |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by paxonel(m): 11:29am On Mar 18, 2019 |
Preciousgirl:your husband isnt doing enough to satisfy you sexually, thats his fault, not you |
Re: How Do I Block Lustful Desires From Coming To My Mind? by vybzkartel: 11:31am On Mar 18, 2019 |
paxonel: What kinda demonic advice is this? So she should continue? Birds of a feather |
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