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I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria - Travel (3) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 11:43pm On Apr 29, 2007
Dude, just shut up.

Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by DisGuy: 11:44pm On Apr 29, 2007
If i can remember the girl's post correctly, she wrote down her fears, asked for help, advice and guidance and then asked if someone else have been in her shoes.

What does she get?? Mouth-slaughter

Abi o, people mentioning lekki, vgc,fine houses, living large, shopping malls to a teenager that will be alone in Nigeria, shes not going for coffee shes is going to (boarding) school

Nah wa all in the name of protecting our country
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 11:46pm On Apr 29, 2007
Gosh boarding school is the worst.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 11:56pm On Apr 29, 2007
The One, i wish i could have warned you to say nothing. tongue Pele.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 11:59pm On Apr 29, 2007
better heed that warning yourself David before I decend on you too  angry

foolish boys. shio.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 12:10am On Apr 30, 2007

better heed that warning yourself David before I decend on you too angry

foolish boys. shio.

Take it easy o madam. It's just a forum, no need for the unecessary personal insults. I assume we are all adults here. Pls.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 12:11am On Apr 30, 2007
Lmao how is it personal?
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by labiran(m): 12:11am On Apr 30, 2007
i dey use water to clean my yansh when my s**t is finish
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by RedLips3(f): 12:11am On Apr 30, 2007
amazing how easy it is for people to change towards others.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by zigbo(f): 12:34am On Apr 30, 2007
i ve been goin thru this thread i havent come across a line that states that she is coming bak to go to "boarding skool"
Dis Guy:

shes not going for coffee shes is going to (boarding) school

Nah wa all in the name of protecting our country
so wats ur inspiration undecided all in the name of protecting her u are adding jara
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 12:55am On Apr 30, 2007

amazing how easy it is for people to change towards others.

Doesnt life suck sometimes. wink that might not be true though. If u're online now i'd like to talk for a while.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 3:22am On Apr 30, 2007

Did I say I was living in heaven? In case I did please show me. Better don't place your assumptions on me. I'm not fine_mocha so you better know what you are talking about.

My uncle, read Chemical Engineering in Ife, since Ife being the useless stupid school that it is known for it';s constant strikes, he was there for 7 and a half years, he now works in a bank.

who studies all that for so much time to work in a damn bank? and the people who read garbage take all these jobs from those who actually read something good. You have people who studied Communication working in Oil Companies while those who spent more than 5 years slavcng away are in lower positions, it's not fair

Not saying it happens to everyone but it happens and I'm not going to be an idiot and deny that all in the name of trying to make us look good. I love Nigeria and unless I tell a person they never really know that i've spent 16 years in The States and only 7 in Nigeria but Nigeria will always be the country I mention but like i said, i don't ignore the problems.

Btw How does a chemist end up being president? Wouldnt surprise me if the dude never took a poli sci class in his life. grin
Well at least we made progress from farmer to someone who actually has a degree even if it's not in what it should be,  . .

what is this girl talking? last time i checked the constitution anyone could be president irrespective of course of study.its not a right of political science university degree holders. it may come as big shocking news to you. also all your blah blah about reading one course and working in a different capacity is crazy. we have people switching professions all over the world everyday.its allowed. your uncle applied to the bank by choice honey.
in describing to her how bad nigeria is, you need to get better arguments that really make sense.  grin
i really dont know where jewyork is but girl you need more exposure to put out better arguments. undecided
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 3:49am On Apr 30, 2007

what is this girl talking? last time i checked the constitution anyone could be president irrespective of course of study.its not a right of political science university degree holders. it may come as big shocking news to you. also all your blah blah about reading one course and working in a different capacity is crazy. we have people switching professions all over the world everyday.its allowed. your uncle applied to the bank by choice honey.
in describing to her how bad nigeria is, you need to get better arguments that really make sensegrin
i really don't know where jewyork is but girl you need more exposure to put out better arguments. undecided

spoilt, you don't have to be this rude to @Red_lips to put your point across. Nothing she has written so far warrants this degree of rudeness. Haba !
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 3:59am On Apr 30, 2007
@ Gnature
what's rude in my post? no name calling in there. just told her to get better arguments so what the heck are you talking about?
i see you highlighted where i told her to make better arguements and get more exposure. if that rude to you then you need to buy a dictionary! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 4:04am On Apr 30, 2007

I just thought you didn't have to mention that she needs exposure just because you had a different point of view from hers. I see a lot of this on nairaland and it just shows immaturity.

anyway, back to topic.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 4:06am On Apr 30, 2007

better heed that warning yourself David before I decend on you too  angry

foolish boys. shio.

@ GNature, there's need to balance things. Going by your analogy, would you consider the above rude?

Oh sorry, back to the topic.  tongue
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 4:09am On Apr 30, 2007
but david, you have a history with red_lips (from different threads).

Spolit's rude comment came out of no where, it was totally unwarranted.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 4:19am On Apr 30, 2007


I just thought you didn't have to mention that she needs exposure just because you had a different point of view from hers. I see a lot of this on nairaland and it just shows immaturity.

anyway, back to topic.

telling her to gain exposure is not immature. what are you talking about?! grin
obviously if she knew that in other countries (besides where she lives,wherever that is ) that their presidents dont have political science degrees then she wouldnt have used that line of argument. its absurd.
I feel that if you must potray the problems this girl will face when coming to nigeria, then you should lay down correct concerns not telling her that the president studied chemistry!
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 4:21am On Apr 30, 2007

but david, you have a history with red_lips (from different threads).

Spolit's rude comment came out of no where, it was totally unwarranted.

my post came after reading her ignorant post. i didnt just fabricate stuff from thin air!
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 4:27am On Apr 30, 2007

my post came after reading her ignorant post. i didnt just fabricate stuff from thin air!


Na waa ooh, it seems you just don't like Red_lips, so I am not getting caught up in the middle of unaa heifer fight/rivalry grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 4:29am On Apr 30, 2007

but david, you have a history with red_lips (from different threads).

maybe maybe not. Perhaps you have a point there. We shall resolve our history someday. She has run away just when it was time to call for a truce.  grin

But spoilt has a point. American presidents did not attend a special school of political science dedicated for future presidents. Economists, soldiers, lawyers have all ruled the USA at one point and performed well.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 4:34am On Apr 30, 2007


Na waa ooh, it seems you just don't like Red_lips, so I am not getting caught up in the middle of unaa heifer fight/rivalry grin

dont know red_lips from adam.
when i read people's posts, some things just jump out at me and smack me between the eyes. her post was one of them. i had to read it like three times to make sure it wasnt just a trick of the light! grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 4:38am On Apr 30, 2007

maybe maybe not. Perhaps you have a point there. We shall resolve our history someday. She has run away just when it was time to call for a truce.  grin

But spoilt has a point. American presidents did not attend a special school of political science dedicated for future presidents. Economists, soldiers, lawyers have all ruled the USA at one point and performed well.

David, I am not disagreeing with the president/political science point spoilt made. Not at all.  It's the fact that she called Red_Lips 'not exposed' and her post "ignorant" that I am objecting.

But it seems spoilt's demeanor towards Red_Lips is actually beyond the bounds of this thread, I think there is some history here too. So, I am leaving this one alone (for the heifers)  grin grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 4:40am On Apr 30, 2007

I am not disagreeing with the president/political science point spoilt made. Not at all. It's the fact that she called Red_Lips 'not exposed' and her post "ignorant" that I am objecting.

But it seems spoilt's demeanor towards Red_Lips is actually beyond the bounds of this thread, I think there is some history here too. So, I am leaving this one alone grin grin

yeah leave it alone. dont try to make it bigger than what it actually is and move on aiight? undecided
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 4:42am On Apr 30, 2007
GNature, dont push it. Leave women to their intrigues.
We guys can do whatever we like with each other and give ourselves a high 5 over drinks later. grin grin Women are another kettle of fish entirely.

Oh and back to the topic.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 4:43am On Apr 30, 2007

GNature, don't push it. Leave women to their intrigues.
We guys can do whatever we like with each other and give ourselves a high 5 over drinks later. grin grin Women are another kettle of fish entirely.

Oh and back to the topic.

True Talk my brother grin grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 4:53am On Apr 30, 2007
davidylan and Gnature
seems to me like you guys are trying to instigate something here. trying to manufacture a catfight out of nowhere! grin
wonder if she'll even be as ruffled by my post as Gnature was. grin na una sabi.
she probably doesnt give a hoot what i think!

n.b this back to the topic, back to the topic una dey type sef. make una cool down oh! cool
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by ikamefa(f): 4:54am On Apr 30, 2007
ok back to topic i am scurreed to[b] went[/b] back to 9ja too embarassed grin grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by Nobody: 4:58am On Apr 30, 2007
@ spoilt,
instigate ke? innocent men like us? wink

@ topic,
Anyone scared of going to Nigeria will have more fear of attending Virginia Tech or working in skyscappers in New York.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 5:10am On Apr 30, 2007
okay im going back to the topic now.

truthfully nigeria is a third world country with its flaws. but when im in nigeria i relax and go with the flow. i know NEPA is going to strike, i know the roads are bad, i know the police doesnt respond as fast and everywhere you see dirt on the streets. i know politicians are looting the national treasuryi. know all that.but we still have a life and we enjoy it to the fullest.
i don't always look over my shoulder when walking the streets at night (like i do here expecting a perv to drag me into the bushes), i don't worry about a psycho breaking into my home, i don't worry about drug dealers in the neighbourhood. i get to enjoy the culture and pleasant people. anyone who asks me about nigeria always gets the same response : YOU SHOULD GO!   grin

ive been privileged to experience both sides of the fence and i know despite all the crap going on in naija, its still the best place to live.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by GNature(m): 5:10am On Apr 30, 2007
miss ikamefa, e kaa le oo. hope all is well  wink

alright then, back to the topic  wink

I just think the girl that created this thread has read too much into the africa portrayed by the western media. All they show are ghettos and mudhouses (as we all know), but my thinking is, she should know better because her parents are Nigerians.

If I had a kid here that hasn't been back home, I 'll let them know what the deal is; we have our nice parts of town too. All this stuff about mosquito and stuff ? Come on, her parents ought to have brought her up to speed about all that.
Re: I'm Scared Of Going To Nigeria by spoilt(f): 5:12am On Apr 30, 2007
i actually miss the mosquito bites sometimes. grin
im just kidding!

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