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VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring - Sports (2) - Nairaland

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Ayoswit(f): 6:39am On Apr 03, 2019
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Topmaike007(m): 6:39am On Apr 03, 2019
they are like ipobbbbs
yeah cos it was covered on igberetv
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by EdiAbali: 6:40am On Apr 03, 2019
Racism is just like tribalism

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by faaz24: 6:41am On Apr 03, 2019

Not all Italians. They got provoked by him plus too many immigrants committing crimes in Italy.

It was the other way round.. He was been booed for most of the touches he made until he scored so after that goal, the kid was like.. what now ?

I think if it were to be an older player he would have handled it maturely.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by nicolasakins: 6:41am On Apr 03, 2019
All i have 2 say is; be nice anywhere u found urself, it doesn't matter ur skin colour now, what matters is how good and happy u're.
mere words won't harm u in any ways.
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by bluefilm: 6:41am On Apr 03, 2019
But excuse me o, sorry to ask, but what's the big deal about being racially abused?

It's not like such abusers will come to physically attack and harm you or their racial chants will stop you from passing the ball well or scoring a clear chance goal?

In fact, all their racial chants cannot even stop your pay from entering your akant.

So what's the big deal?


Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by luizkyworld(m): 6:48am On Apr 03, 2019
Racism is not only a black-white thing, it's a human thing. What's the difference between a southern man calling an Hausa man " aboki" in a derogatory way, vis sa vis, and a white man calling a black man monkey?


Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Emmanuel226(m): 6:51am On Apr 03, 2019
dats so bad of d fans
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Emmanuel226(m): 6:52am On Apr 03, 2019
d kinda fans we have these days eh, only God will deliver us sad
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Emmanuel226(m): 6:53am On Apr 03, 2019
more goals and shots to ur boots,haterz must keep crying
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by femmoy(m): 6:54am On Apr 03, 2019
89% of the World are RACISTS.

When you come down from a keke because a Fulani guy entered, na Racism

I don't concur with that point,look at it from this point,what if the Fulani guy is dirty has a sickness,would u want to contact it?
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Emmanuel226(m): 6:54am On Apr 03, 2019
dats why its not adviceable to play in Italy, cause it has d highest racism case angry

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Emmanuel226(m): 6:55am On Apr 03, 2019
racist will never gain anytin just keep hating and dying tongue
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by STRENGTHesq(m): 7:02am On Apr 03, 2019
89% of the World are RACISTS.

When you come down from a keke because a Fulani guy entered, na Racism

.But they smell like hell
Very dirty people
Most of them shaa

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by STRENGTHesq(m): 7:05am On Apr 03, 2019

It was the other way round.. He was been booed for most of the touches he made until he scored so after that goal, the kid was like.. what now ?

I think if it were to be an older player he would have handled it maturely.
If it were Eto'o or Evra or Kevin Prince Boateng or even Dani Alves they would have done worse.what do you mean by handling it maturedly. He was even mild about it. sad


Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Ayotemide(f): 7:07am On Apr 03, 2019
He is just a boy! Really saddening.
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Reference(m): 7:07am On Apr 03, 2019
Let us talk about the racism here on this forum first.


Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by dochenaj: 7:08am On Apr 03, 2019
Says an ignoramus that classifies anyone not from his region or toes his religious or political ideologies as a cessasion pressure group...what about I call you MURIC whenever you say or do something utterly stupid or something I disagree with?
Why MURIC? When Boko Haram is more appropriate.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Muscomide: 7:10am On Apr 03, 2019

Our Girls in Saudi Arabia need Our Help - Please Watch video and share



Abeg nor dey derail thread for person joor. Nor be she carry her leg waka go Saudi ni? Abi dem forbid am to return like Agaracha?
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Boyooosa(m): 7:18am On Apr 03, 2019

Not all Italians. They got provoked by him plus too many immigrants committing crimes in Italy.
That's hugely a lie!
They still have the orientation that blacks are inferior race. As at date, their kids still not believe black's are not animals...
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by pixey(m): 7:24am On Apr 03, 2019
But excuse me o, sorry to ask, but what's the big deal about being racially abused?

It's not like such abusers will come to physically attack and harm you or their racial chants will stop you from passing the ball well or scoring a clear chance goal?

In fact, all their racial chants cannot even stop our pay from entering your akant.

So what's the big deal?
You have not been there and there is a difference between physical abuse and emotional abuse.Pray you dont experience such abuse.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by LUCASC(m): 7:27am On Apr 03, 2019
racism in Nigeria is called what
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by dlux: 7:31am On Apr 03, 2019

That's hugely a lie!
They still have the orientation that blacks are inferior race. As at date, their kids still not believe black's are not animals...
Yes their kids feel that way. No lies about it and it is annoying.
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Jaqenhghar: 7:32am On Apr 03, 2019
Racism is no longer big news in Italy but Nigerians will rather live in Italy under racism than live in Nigeria.
...and Nigeria is one haven where everyone lives in peace shey.
You forget the 20 Nigerian girls that drowned and how they declared a day of mourning. How do you remember your dead in your shithole
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Jaqenhghar: 7:35am On Apr 03, 2019
Racism is just like tribalism
Exactly but some will prefer to throw stones.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Reeses: 7:35am On Apr 03, 2019
This is for all the people that want to move to Canada,Us and Europe.Stay home I warn!
Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Stallion93(m): 7:36am On Apr 03, 2019
As usual the Response will be "Saddening indeed", Italy this Germany that. All this racism still go to the Italian embassy, Grown up Negros in Multitude begging for visa, Hell take an Aerial view on The Meditarranean sea, Negros of different forms and divides Risking heaven and earth to Run away from their "Hell Bound black Homes' to the same Italy. We all know the truth, Racist abuse is nothing compared to the kind of hate we get from our own Brothers here. If there's no hate within, the hate outside can't do you no harm. Frankly speaking blacks haven't done much to earn respect from any part of the world, Some even see us as parasites and Saprophytes. P.S I had my own lot of Racist abuse far eastern europe and That shit frightening asF.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Odiriance4all(m): 7:37am On Apr 03, 2019
Tribalism is worst than racism.

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Re: VIDEO: Juventus 19 Year Old Striker Moise Kean Abused Racially After Scoring by Nobody: 7:38am On Apr 03, 2019
But excuse me o, sorry to ask, but what's the big deal about being racially abused?

It's not like such abusers will come to physically attack and harm you or their racial chants will stop you from passing the ball well or scoring a clear chance goal?

In fact, all their racial chants cannot even stop our pay from entering your akant.

So what's the big deal?

You are a dunce without any iota of self-worth if you don't see anything wrong with racism

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