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Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. - Business To Business - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Business To Business / Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. (7334 Views)

Were to get Catfish,rosted/life One,egg,broiler,mrs ijimakin,in akure. / Tip : Feed snails to catfish / Catfish Fingerlings, Juveniles And Feeds Excluder Machine For Sale (2) (3) (4)

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Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by oxygen2010: 8:40pm On Sep 14, 2010
A lot must have been said about catfish breeding business,but out of 100% of people who are into this business ,only a handful of people truely make it in the business.The reason is not far fetched,60% of the hundred don't know how to produce the feed with locally available materials. 75% don't know much about proper management of aquatic habitat for several species of cat fish while 95% don't know how to Hatch Catfish(where the money truely is)
Then 97% dont know how to economically maximize output for consistent profitability in this business.Please dont take my word,make your own research to confirm this statements.Though you might hardly find any one that will open up to you but from thier countenance as they speak to you,you should be able to tell if they are making good profit or not. Now this is where we come in.

For those newbe who are in this business or have interest to get into this business,you are adviced to consult experienced practitionals who have had thier fingers once burnt and are truely making it in the business,period.

Like i noted ealier the money is in the hatching. If you know how to hatch,Your services will be highly needed in big farms to hatch for them and you will be making #40,000 to #250,000 per service rendered,depending on the capacity of the farm you are working on or required number of fingerlings.

You can hatch for yourself and sell to farmers around your state. The minimum output fingerlings from a pair of mature pair of catfish is 5000. Now if you sell a week old at the rate of #20 each,that is a turn over of #100,000. Hatching period is withing 6 weeks. Now the market is very insatiable due to our population and the fact that CatFish cannot be imported.So by the time you are done with your Hatching,you will be having clients ready to buy all from you. if things even get wast,you can dry them after 2 months and sell at great price to market women.Because if you keep them longer,you might not be able to realise exact quantity you got after hatching.Due to their canibal nature,insufficient capacity as they grow,and those that will die naturally,or as a result of poor management. i will stop here for now.

If you want to learn how to hatch,or maximize output in your catfish farm,or start the business newly,you can reach me on kris4excellence@gmail.com, or fpolicap@yahoo.com Or call 08131161233. Remain blessed.

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Re: Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by ayosat(m): 5:59am On Jan 25, 2011
for the best fingerlins and juvenils. Please call 08035193433. The farm is located at abule egba. Lagos.
Re: Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by aquatic1(m): 2:03pm On Apr 12, 2011
hello catfish farmers,

good and healthy catfish is available for sale, we have different sizes the fingerlings, post fingerlings, juvenile for sale at affordable prices. you can contact us at araratnigeria@gmail.com or you call or text

08137497296 or 07089391123.

bulk purchase will be discounted

home delivery is available in Lagos and outside Lagos.
Re: Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by ayosat(m): 2:19pm On Jan 16, 2012
For the best fingerlings / juveniles please call Ayo on 08035193433 or drop your e-mail at ayo.tiamiyu@yahoo.com . The farm is located at abule egba, lagos abeokuta expressway.
Re: Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by praisenet2003: 7:35pm On Jun 29, 2012
Are you interested in being a catfish farmer and you dont know how to go about it? Then, let us consult for you and make your dream a reality. Call us on 08083704738
Re: Catfish Hatching Business,and Feed Production,dont Be Told. by hopealivedeji: 8:58am On Apr 03, 2013
To get a very good stock for your grow-out operation, it is advisable to stock (good fingerlings) 'shooters' which guarantees good success in the business, as minimal feeding is required to achieve between 800gm and 1kg in 3-4 months of management.
To get good fingerlings(Shooters) to stock in order to achieve good success in Catfish farming contact
Abayomi on; 08027573476 0r 08065415971

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