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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Travel / Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? (49230 Views)
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Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by shugabasbn: 9:33am On Apr 27, 2019 |
In far olden days all the black are called Sudanese not necessary from present day Sudan. Sudan in the far far olden days is black people even from uncommon historical Odua father Lamurudu is from Sudan 2 Likes |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 9:38am On Apr 27, 2019 |
whytediamond:started to go wrong when the white men came with things our ancestors had never seen. Back then, arrows where used to fight wars but the white men came with a boom stick that just made a sound and who or what everr it was pointed at fell down dead. Man has always wanted power and our ancestors where no different. The white men had more where that came from so it was easy for them to give their boomsticks up in exchange for our kinsmen who where less powerful but obviously powerful enough to do hard labour for the white man hence slave trade began. Typical black man wanted wealth and power and didn't mind ruining his own to get get what he wanted for just himself and family while the white men remained united but grew stronger because of our own greed. It still happens till this day. Ritualists killing fellow Nigerians to make money so that they can buy things made by the white man and use it to opress the other Nigerians that they couldn't kill. Our people keep dying, the white Man's economy keeps growing. We think slave trade is over? It isn't. Imagine our own government selling the major shares of corporations to expatriates and foreign governments. Imagine America meddling in our elections. How is it their business? And we do not help matters. Once there is a political issue, our people with their slave mentality run to foreign powers to come to their aid as if it is not Ghana that few years ago took care of their own political problems. The youth rounded up their corrupt leaders and made sure they set an example for others who would want to default. The black man will always be a slave to the white man so long as we remain timid and stupid. A Chinese man who had nothing in his country will come to Nigeria and booom... We don't dash am 4 police escorts and hilux with mansion for lekki or jabbi. We aren't ready. We love being inferior human beings. We love being slaves and you can't blame the white man.... It is ourselves we should blame. We Re the reason for our downtrodden state. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Horus(m): 9:39am On Apr 27, 2019 |
The Meroë Pyramids of Sudan are 2,000 years older than Egypt's pyramids 3 Likes 2 Shares
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:00am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Afonja007: The Nubians today are not the original Nubians even though they remain black. The pyramid building Nubians spoke their own language, used it to acquire knowledge about pyramid building technology, believed their own God. Slavery and colonialism means that the identity of those Nubians have been changed a long time ago. Their official language today is English, education English, God is Muhammad and Allah. Its as good as importing new people into that land. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by geosegun(m): 10:04am On Apr 27, 2019 |
TAO11: I will like to read more please 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:04am On Apr 27, 2019 |
QuickStandard: Because of slavery/ colonialism/ intellectual slavery. If interested, I can send you 3 books that after reading them you'll no longer be surprised. 5 Likes |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by geosegun(m): 10:07am On Apr 27, 2019 |
musicwriter: I am interested, Please send to Let me know if this is possible. Cheers 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:12am On Apr 27, 2019 |
geosegun: Ok. Please delete your email from Nairaland. Email: kemeticphilosophy@gmail 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:14am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Herrmes: Good day brother. I have books on that. Email: kemeticphilosophy@gmail 3 Likes |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by tayot1(m): 10:17am On Apr 27, 2019 |
musicwriter: Kindly forward the books to me too. Thanks 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by AngelicBeing: 10:27am On Apr 27, 2019 |
![]() |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by wunaESQ(m): 10:29am On Apr 27, 2019 |
I thought it was Egypt ooo.
but d images looks like Egypt images 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:33am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Apollux: Myth VS reality....... I am only responding to the quote in bold. Note that its the bible that made the claim of civilization beginning in Summer due to proximity to Israel where the garden of Eden was supposedly located according to the bible's creation myth. This has been the believe of western scholars for hundreds of years until all modern sciences began to disprove it- some western scholars still arrogantly teach it. But in reality, all the sciences- genetics, anthropology, archeology, paleontology, unanimously agree that human civilization began in the Nile valley in the region of Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo. Its from here that humanity moved to North Africa, the Midle East and the rest of the world. The Egyptians themselves were descendants of the Nubians, not the other way round. Human ancestry made easy. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by ADMAF(m): 10:34am On Apr 27, 2019 |
[quote author=Blainz post=77893924] i'm talking about Sudanese...they are mainly pure blacks [/quotes. Modern Sudan is now much more mixed. Ancient Nubians to whom the pyramids are credited were not negroid. That's my argument. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by yankison(m): 10:36am On Apr 27, 2019 |
agrobusiness: Why pasting site that is not going |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 10:36am On Apr 27, 2019 |
tayot1: Email: kemeticphilosophy@gmail 2 Likes |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by ADMAF(m): 10:38am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Blainz:I guess both groups have the exact same features ![]()
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Amujale(m): 10:39am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Its in my opinion that Ancient Sudan is more important to Africa then Ancient Egypt will ever be. If one put the necessary effort to study the true African history, it will soon be clear that Ancient Egypt betrayed the mainland and Sudan are redeemed as the REAL heroes. Defenders of the African mainland. Internationally reknowned for their impossible accuracy with the long bow. Furthermore, as Op eloquently determines, Ancient Sudan is deemed a major influence on Ancient Egypt. Its clear to see why African historians deem that to be an accurate assessment. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by OGOg: 10:42am On Apr 27, 2019 |
musicwriter:U really need to read wide with an unbiased mind. The earliest civilization is Mesopotamia (Sumerian) The 22000 year old Sumerian text is a testament to that. Gobeklii tepe in Turkey is another old pre-flood civilization. The information given to u above are documented facts and verifiable |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Amujale(m): 10:44am On Apr 27, 2019 |
OGOg: Absolute Euricentric gibberish and are the ones that needs refuting. These arent based on scientific conclusions, rather are loosely based on out dated Eurocentric and Asian bias. Africa owns the first civilisation, thats simply common sense. There’s need to understand that the way Africans operate in the ancient times cannot be crosschecked by making use of Eurocentric and or Asian bias text or viewpoints. Furthermore, the greatest significance of "Gobekli Tepe" is shroud in the myth that it supposedly the birth place of civilisation, however, that is 100% untrue, it's sacred significance however, is in the fact that the people who built "Gobekli Tepe" are rightfully deemed the first religious gathering to come out of Europe. African historians have been proven to be more trustworthy than their Eurocentric and Asian peers in the determination of African history. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Amujale(m): 10:54am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Due to the huge amount of misinformation and false assertions of foreigners, to truly get understanding African history, certain conditions are to hold; one is to disregard foreign rhetoric, foreign hear say and all other anti-African discourse with regards to history. Furthermore, to regard African history as genuine, If not written, deliberated-upon or judged by Africans to being correct and accurate beyond reasonable doubt, such writings that fit into these category must, for now, simply be deemed inadmissable. I.e The false assertion that "Gobekli Tepe" is suppose to be the birth of civilisation; stop using these false assertions. Before "Gobekli Tepe", civilisation occurs in Africa numerous times already; civilisation doesnt occur in a vacuum. Throughtout human history, its an undeniable fact that great civilisation often influences future great civilisations. Ultimately, Africa is the phenomenon that is responsible for the civilisation of the world and NOT colonisation. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by mrkings84(m): 10:55am On Apr 27, 2019 |
The whites will never let the world know the true history of the black race. So much talent and creativity. My question till this day is, where did it all start to go wrong? [/quote] It started in the garden of Eden near Egypt |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by whytediamond(m): 10:59am On Apr 27, 2019 |
kay29000: If you ask me, na who i go ask my brother? |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Apollux(m): 11:01am On Apr 27, 2019 |
musicwriter: Sorry sir it wasn't the Bible that made that claim it is history. The Bible never made a claim that civilization started in Sumer. It is proven that the earliest form of civilization is found in sumar. Civilization is different from settlement. The earliest form of writing is the cuneiform used on clay tablets and it is from the sumarians. Egyptian hieroglyphics is a more advanced form of it. The sumer civilizations predated the 1st Babylonia, Akkadian, the Hittites etc. The oldest form of writing is the cuneiform. Research it. 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Amujale(m): 11:04am On Apr 27, 2019 |
mrkings84: Well i agree with much of your post, plus the fact that the complications began in Egypt no doubt i also agree. As for the concept of "Garden of Eden" its best to look at that philosophically, as in, if at all the garden of Eden really exists, then you will not find it in Egypt; you have a better chance of finding the so-called Garden of Eden in Nigeria than Egypt. West Africa predates Ancient Egypt. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 11:08am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Neddyogu: Thanks for that bro, but the maths of geometry is what was used in constructing the pyramids at Gizah thousands of years before Pythagoras was born. Pythagoras himself studied geometry here in Africa. Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, were all students in Africa. There were no other school any place in the world at that time where anybody would have gotten educated at that time. In the book, the Kybalion, the author (a white man) states ''Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace of the Hidden Wisdom and Mystic Teachings. From her Secret Doctrine all nations have borrowed. India, Persia, Chaldea, Medea, China, Japan, Assyria, ancient Greece and Rome, and other ancient countries partook liberally at the feast of knowledge which the Hierophants and Masters of the Land of Isis so freely provided for those who came prepared to partake of the great store of Mystic and Occult Lore which the masterminds of that ancient land had gathered together. In ancient Egypt dwelt the great Adepts and Masters who have never been surpassed, and who seldom have been equaled, during the centuries that have taken their processional flight since the days of the Great Hermes. In Egypt was located the Great Lodge of Lodges of the Mystics. At the doors of her Temples entered the Neophytes who afterward, as Hierophants, Adepts, and Masters, traveled to the four corners of the earth, carrying with them the precious knowledge which they were ready, anxious, and willing to pass on to those who were ready to receive the same'' Note that in those ancient time, knowledge like mathematics was considered mysticism. Pythagoras himself went back to Europe after his education and continued to teach it as mysticism. He was later chased away from Greece because the Greek ruling class thought that type of knowledge was evil. 5 Likes |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Amujale(m): 11:09am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Apollux: Those are unfounded Eurocentric rhetoric, untrue. Africa predates summeria in years that amount to hundred of thousands. Egyptian hieroglyphics are a form of Sudanese hieloglyphics and not Summeria. Summeria rose up when Ancient Egypt was at the heights of its development; Ancient Egypt was created by fellow Africans from regions on the continent that already been in existence for thousands upon thousands of years. i.e Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana, Chad, Niger, Benin Republic, Cameroon, Mali, Togo, Cote d'ivoire, Guinea, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Congo e.t.c The oldest form of writting is that of an African community. Africa owns the first verbal language and written text. |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by benardtotti(m): 11:14am On Apr 27, 2019 |
musicwriter:I'm also interested in the books, pls send to thanks 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by Oricha79(m): 11:20am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Ebirra:oyizoza sir |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by arantess: 11:21am On Apr 27, 2019 |
So it's true the ancient Israelites were black 1 Like |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by musicwriter(m): 11:27am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Apollux: Already researched. Everybody knows the bible did say the first humans were created in the garden of Eden near river Euphrates. That's a river in ancient Sumner!. There's no other basis why they make the argument of Sumerian civilization being older that the Nile civilization. They can't defend such argument with Cuneiform writing because linguists agree that all languages originated from Afro-Asiatic group of languages first spoken in the region of Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Burundi, Congo. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Did You Know SUDAN Has More PYRAMIDS Than Any Country On Earth? by sucre2(m): 11:27am On Apr 27, 2019 |
Please I’m interested, my email address is musicwriter: |
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