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How To Increase Soil Ph - Agriculture - Nairaland

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How To Increase Soil Ph by Queenshealth: 12:54pm On Apr 30, 2019
Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a soil. pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the activity of hydronium ions in a solution.
Finding the right soil pH is important for the health of your plants. A proper pH determines how efficiently the plants absorb nutrients. In order to adjust your soil’s pH, you first need to determine what changes to make. If you need to increase the acidity or lower the pH.

Evaluating your Soil
1. Identify your soil type: Before you test your soil or add anything to it, you will need to determine what type of soil you have. Determine if your soil is clumpy, dry, loose or wet.
2. Understand soil pH: In order to adjust your soil’s pH, you will need to know what that is. A soil's pH represents how acidic or alkaline it is. Soil pH is determined on a scale from zero to 14, with seven being a neutral pH that is neither acidic nor alkaline. Anything over seven is alkaline and anything below seven is acidic.
3. Consider what you are planting: The type of plants you intend to grow will determine what your soil’s pH needs to be. Many plants prefer a more acidic soil, particularly flowers and some fruit plants like blueberries.
4. Have your water tested: Test your water to determine how it affects your soil. Groundwater, the water used in most homes and gardens, tends to be more alkaline. However, rainwater tends to be more acidic. If you live somewhere with lots of rainfall, your soil may be slightly more acidic. If you mostly water your garden or yard with water from a faucet, your soil may be more alkaline.

Increasing Soil ph
1. Pick a liming material: If you have tested your soil and found that it is too acidic, you can raise the pH by adding a base. The most common materials used to increase the pH of soil are compounds made from powdered limestone, or lime, which you can find at most home and garden store.
2. Think about using wood ashes: The ash of burned trees is also quite basic and can add micronutrients like calcium, potassium, phosphate, and boron. Wood ash is not as effective as lime. However, it can dramatically increase a soil’s pH over time.
3. Water the soil regularly: Lime will have little effect on dry soils, so you will need to apply water regularly. Water activates the lime and helps it seep into the soil.

Decreasing Soil pH
1. Use organic materials: Over time, organic matter, such as pine needles, compost or composted manure, can lower your soil’s pH.
2. Consider applying sulfur: Another way to increase your soil’s acidity gradually is by adding sulfur. The effectiveness of sulfur depends on a number of factors, including moisture, temperature, and bacteria.
3.Think about adding aluminum sulfate: This compound instantly makes the soil more acidic due to a chemical reaction involving aluminum. Because of this, many amateur and small-scale gardeners prefer aluminum sulfate to organic compounds or plain sulfur.
Till the materials into the soil. You will need to till the organic compounds, sulfur and aluminum sulfate into the soil to be effective. Organic compounds may need multiple applications depending on the soil pH. Be sure to test the soil before reapplying

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