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Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? - Politics - Nairaland

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Poll: Is It Worth Celebrating?

Yes: 34% (33 votes)
No: 65% (63 votes)
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Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by abusol: 11:49am On Sep 24, 2010
Fellow Nigerian youths, this is not a sermon but to throw light to where we have missed it as a youth. this is high time we should taken our destiny in our hands,  millions of Nigerian youths are living in agony due to our corrupt leaders since independent till now. What we need now is to carry our cross by ourselves and comforting the situation without looking back. 95% of Nigerians are living in densely poverty while the remaining 5% are dancing on Nigeria wealth and resource. these few ones are living within us both living and dead while their children are in abroad. enough is enough of this slavery, We all suppose to have equal opportunity in the nation but 5% control our future. Who is that saint among our leaders to set us free from this wilderness we are? Whatever it will take so that our people we be set free from the wilderness we should do it now and we need to pay the price.

I cry for this nation because the 5% that had ruled us are controlling our future now both living and dead. All the high rise buildings,companies, empire of lands and expensive cars are owing by all these corrupt leaders. This is a fight that we all need to fight so that Nigeria will be a better place. men and women are dying of poverty while youths are crying on how to survive in life,  I hope to see A NEW NIGERIA if we can take the bull by the horns,
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by adetoru(f): 12:37pm On Sep 24, 2010
It's worth praying for.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by pheesayor(m): 12:44pm On Sep 24, 2010

Despite all Nigeria has been through over the years, we have remained as one country, that alone is worth celebrating.

However, about the hardship in the country I'll say Nigerians are more informed now and the first step is to make sure we come out to vote en masse, it's not just  ok to sit and talk, we have to act. The 5% referred to above are having a field day because there's no stiff resistance. See what it took the Niger Delta people to get government to listen to them.

Yes, government is a body but it is run by people, humans like us and they are not invincible.

As I said earlier, it is worth celebrating and the unity of the country is in our hands, we need to fix Nigeria ourselves because no foreigner can do it better.

God Bless Nigeria
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by NaijaSisi(f): 12:47pm On Sep 24, 2010

It's worth praying for.

definetely, country with so much potential like this, definetely needs prayers and maybe a bit of fasting too
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by CareTaker1(m): 12:53pm On Sep 24, 2010
Thanks giving, being grateful to God that we are still marching on, being hopeful that we will get to our destination.

The fact that we are not yet consumed raises conviction that we are winning and victory calls for celebration.

We have survived all our challenges so far, we have overcome all that we have ever faced as a nation.

We are a nation of winners, we are victors, we are champions, we are no quitters and


Nigeria at 50 is worth celebrating

Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Ayowumie(m): 1:04pm On Sep 24, 2010

I cry for this nation because the 5% that had ruled us are controlling our future now both living and dead. All the high rise buildings,companies, empire of lands and expensive cars are owing by all these corrupt leaders. This is a fight that we all need to fight so that Nigeria will be a better place. men and women are dying of poverty while youths are crying on how to survive in life,  I hope to see A NEW NIGERIA if we can take the bull by the horns,

I share this view as well. However, it is more than a mere a write-up. I know you might want to ask me, what i have done about it. I have also written about it (and u know, most of the time, this is how far we usually go) but that it is not enough. What should we do, what actions should we take?
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Fhemmmy: 1:12pm On Sep 24, 2010
Prayer might be a good thing, but when people knows what their problem is and knows the solution and refused to solve it, then me no know wetin that one be oh.
But it is not worth celebrating at all
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by monkeyleg: 1:23pm On Sep 24, 2010
Maybe at a very small scale. Not that proposed by some. 12BN injected into our education system and used wisely, will surely improve standards and drive up neco results. Yet we are bent on stupid and careless spending as usual. Nigeria is just like one of those kids that never learns.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Fhemmmy: 1:25pm On Sep 24, 2010

Maybe at a very small scale. Not that proposed by some. 12BN injected into our education system and used wisely, will surely improve standards and drive up neco results. Yet we are bent on silly and careless spending as usual. Nigeria is just like one of those kids that never learns.

At 50, i will say it is a like a big adult that refused to grow up
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by monkeyleg: 1:30pm On Sep 24, 2010

Someone once challenegd me on here that why should we not celebrate in a big way, after all you are only 50yrs once. Well, I am really not sure what a man of 50 with no job or money would be throwing come-one come-all party.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Fhemmmy: 2:06pm On Sep 24, 2010


Someone once challenegd me on here that why should we not celebrate in a big way, after all you are only 50yrs once. Well, I am really not sure what a man of 50 with no job or money would be throwing come-one come-all party.

Such person probably has a limited thinking.
Nigeria is 50 with lots of money and so many other mentor.
Most of what we need, we dont have to invent, we only have to buy, train on it and install them and our people will be aiight and we have a developed nation, but cos of the money that those that are older than Nigeria wanna steal and cos of how they wanna steal the future away from those that owns it, that has made Nigeria to remain in her present states.
But one day, monkey go go market and surely no go return
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by MsTom(f): 2:17pm On Sep 24, 2010
I wonder what we are celebrating!
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by UyiIredia(m): 2:21pm On Sep 24, 2010
yes & no >>> yes >>> b'cos Naija still dey
no >>> b'cos our 'leader' have misplaced priorities >>> #700 million for national birthday cake  
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by ezeagu(m): 2:41pm On Sep 24, 2010
'Nigeria is still worth celebrating because it's still there'

Hmm, Somalia is worth celebrating because it's still there?

Afghanistan is worth celebrating because it's still there?

I would even say the opposite that it is sad that it is still there.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by olakintanj(m): 2:51pm On Sep 24, 2010
Fellow Nigerians, i think Nigeria at 50 worth reflecting on and not celebrating
What do we want to celebrate, is it our ill-equip Health sector?
or our Electorial body that is characterized with all manner of rigging
may be we need to celebrate the high level of Kidnapping that we are experincing in almost all the states
Perhaps we may have to celebrate our Police force that Bribrey and corruption has become the order of the day
is it our failure in the last world cup we want to celebrate?
or we should celebrate militancy, gerrymander, drugs trafficking, high rate of corruption of our leaders, joblessness of our youth, internet fraud etc.
I think we just need to reflect back and try to put things right again, then we can now talk about celebration.
I don't imagine us celebrating our epileptic power supply, neither did i imagine us celebrate our delapidated academic sector. the list is endless.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Echidime(m): 3:00pm On Sep 24, 2010
It is or are you a FOOL?
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by HamidO1(m): 3:01pm On Sep 24, 2010
The fact dat we have managed to remain as one calls for celebration. Celebration doesn't mean spending billions to organize parties and all that, the perfect birthday present for Nigeria to me will be a free and fair election which I'm not optimistic about. All the same, lets thank God, it is our responsibilty as human beings
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Ranoscky(m): 3:03pm On Sep 24, 2010
A woman that has no child atall will like to have dwarf as 1 (but may not feel happy for the child's condition).
But when ask all the mothers to bring out their children for a children beauty parade competition, the mother of a 'Dwarf' will not feel happy and proud to bring her 'Dwarf' child to such competion b'cos, if she sees other womens children, she'll start feelin sad and myt even start cryin (No pun intended to the Dwarfs in the house pls) !!!

Im so fukkin proud to call NIGERIA my country, but im not happy with the stat of my country. So why will i celebrate something that im not happy about? undecided. . .NGR is not worth celebratin, if u ask me !!!
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by r231(m): 3:15pm On Sep 24, 2010

At 50, i will say it is a like a big adult that refused to grow up

Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by UyiIredia(m): 3:17pm On Sep 24, 2010
@  olakintanj >>> precisely, my point  cool>>> the case in Nigeria could easily have degenerated to the crisis present in such nations >>> even worse>>> not to forget Haiti
>>> imagine that we are prone to natural disasters like tsunamis  cry  cry cry

sober reflecting & a renewed vigour towards the task of nation-building >>> better captures my idea of celebrating
thank God for the Awolowos, Ojukwus, Dagrins, Felas, Achebes, Soyinkas, Dangotes, Dafinones, Fasholas, Abiolas & other unknown heroes we had
>>> we have every cause to celebrate & reflect >>> please don't take my idea of celebration as such nonsense our leaders have >>> still #700 million
on national birthday cake  shocked tongue >>> give 700 people #1 million >>> i will be the first to applaud
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by jesuseun1(m): 3:21pm On Sep 24, 2010
Nigeria at 50 is worth celebrating.If we are not yet where we shld be ,does not mean we shld not appreciate where we are now.
let us not be pessimistic.let us all play our part and stop complaining.there are  little difference u and I can make.
God bless Nigeria.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by victorazy(m): 3:23pm On Sep 24, 2010
Absolutely yes, it worth it.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Ranoscky(m): 3:28pm On Sep 24, 2010
Uyi Iredia:

yes & no >>> yes >>> b'cos Naija still dey
no >>> b'cos our 'leader' have misplaced priorities >>> #700 million for national birthday cake  

My sister, me sef taya O!


I wonder what we are celebrating!

Exactly my broda!

Imagin wia dem dey call all Aligators, 'Lizard' sef com out, say afterall, em sef get tail.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by victorazy(m): 3:39pm On Sep 24, 2010
sober reflecting & a renewed vigour towards the task of nation-building >>> better captures my idea of celebratingthank God for the Awolowos, Ojukwus, Dagrins, Felas, Achebes, Soyinkas, Dangotes, Dafinones, Fasholas, Abiolas & other unknown heroes we had>>> we have every cause to celebrate & reflect >>> please don't take my idea of celebration as such nonsense our leaders have >>> still #700 million on national birthday cake  shocked tongue >>> give 700 million #1 million >>> i will be the first to applaud[quote][/quote]If they will spend only N700. 00 for the cake, we will still come here and complain that we worth more than that.If they like let them spend N700 billion, we will still be breathing
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by IBEXY(m): 3:42pm On Sep 24, 2010
Nothing to celebrate - or did I miss something?
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by tomzman: 3:52pm On Sep 24, 2010
There is really nothing to celebrate.I can bet that on Oct. 1 most places will be without electricity.Does that call for celebration?The money govt is planning to use for the celebration should be used to improve the power sector cos it is a shame that at fifty the "giant of Africa" cannot provide uninterrupted power supply for her citizens.May God help us.


Imagin wia dem dey call all Aligators, 'Lizard' sef com out, say afterall, em sef get tail.
grin grin grin grin
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by hauler: 3:56pm On Sep 24, 2010
We need to be mourning that country embarassed embarassed embarassed
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by CareTaker1(m): 4:06pm On Sep 24, 2010
jesu seun:

Nigeria at 50 is worth celebrating.If we are not yet where we shld be ,does not mean we shld not appreciate where we are now.
let us not be pessimistic.let us all play our part and stop complaining.there are  little difference u and I can make.
God bless Nigeria.

Celebration creates determination and generates strength to advance forward, it builds up encouragement to do more to get to where we are going. It shows you know where you are and where you are going, it builds up focus and you begin to see your future from where you are.

It shows you are not a failure or a cow.ard, a loser

Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by ogajim(m): 4:09pm On Sep 24, 2010
It would amount to celebrating mediocrity, anyone who is 50 and still crawling like Nigeria is doing now ought to be shot.
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by IBEXY(m): 4:14pm On Sep 24, 2010

Celebration creates determination and generates strength to advance forward, it builds up encouragement to do more to get to where we are going. It shows you know where you are and where you are going, it builds up focus and you begin to see your future from where you are. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GodBlessNigeria
Its also a good reason to embezzling public funds as sadly has become the culture in our dear country.

It shows you are not a failure or a cow.ard, a loser
You just defined what we have become. So should we wine and dine to celebrate failure?
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by Afam4eva(m): 4:15pm On Sep 24, 2010


Despite all Nigeria has been through over the years, we have remained as one country, that alone is worth celebrating.

However, about the hardship in the country I'll say Nigerians are more informed now and the first step is to make sure we come out to vote en masse, it's not just  ok to sit and talk, we have to act. The 5% referred to above are having a field day because there's no stiff resistance. See what it took the Niger Delta people to get government to listen to them.

Isn't that because we've not challenged the governement?
Re: Nigeria At 50: Is It Worth Celebrating? by reubeno(m): 4:21pm On Sep 24, 2010
Personally  Nigeria @ 50 does nt worth celebrating, it should be a period of sober reflection.

The last 50 years is been saddled with corruption, starvation, ethnic/religious crisis (Boko Haraim), Political thuggery, high rate of unemployment, Bad governance, Kidnapping, 419ers, infrastructural decay etc.

A country blessed with abundant human and material resource at 50  failed to get it  right, "a fool at 40 is a fool for ever"- Fela, now that we are 50 what  should we be refer to?

The same process that have led to this present situation is  very much around and waxing stronger, we are heading towards another  decisive  moment of history (2011 election) let us please get it right for once.

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