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Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by 1102(m): 3:30pm On Sep 26, 2010
Why Do 9ja Girls Feel It Is Cool To Pour Verbal Insult On Men Who 'Toasts' Them?

I'm sure some other guys must be wondering about this too - ladies in civilised societies don't do that so why are our girls fond of this? is something to do with our culture?
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by ElRazur: 3:36pm On Sep 26, 2010
It may be because they do not know better, and do not want to be seen as "cheap". Once you understand the culture and environment it is happening, then you can understand things better. (My opinion off course)
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by sohiemi(m): 3:36pm On Sep 26, 2010
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Nobody: 3:37pm On Sep 26, 2010
Like to show off
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Omolola1(f): 3:38pm On Sep 26, 2010
its because the guys deserve the INSULT~
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Nobody: 3:39pm On Sep 26, 2010
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 3:40pm On Sep 26, 2010

Why Do 9ja Girls Feel It Is Cool To Pour Verbal Insult On Men Who 'Toasts' Them?

I'm sure some other guys must be wondering about this too - ladies in civilised societies don't do that so why are our girls fond of this? is something to do with our culture?  

So these societies you consider to be civilized are? And by you referring to women of other societies as civilized compared to Nigerian girls are you trying to say that we [Nigerian women] are in some way primitive? I highly suggest you think carefully before you answer my questions, because I have an idea of how you may answer and you may not liek my response to you.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by MOBO444(f): 3:40pm On Sep 26, 2010
Nigeria girls, the worst of the worst, worst than the Jamaicans and Zimbabwe, the worst of the worst.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Omolola1(f): 3:41pm On Sep 26, 2010
@toba, some guys do not know when a gurl do not like them, they keep pestering until d insults are rolled out.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Nobody: 3:47pm On Sep 26, 2010
I simply don't understand myself.Bt most times some guyz are d cause of insult unleashed on them by gals. As guyz u have 2 be sensitive enough 2 know when/where is appropriate 2 approach a gal and also using d rite words/startin lines.

D economy is also hitting hard on some gals really bad.So they asset u vry well b4 they give u audience n God help u if u fall below there xpectation,then na insult go follow be dat o.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by cpatra(f): 3:48pm On Sep 26, 2010
Some guys can really be bugging, but dat doesn't mean that we don't ve rude girls.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by 1102(m): 4:01pm On Sep 26, 2010

So these societies you consider to be civilized are? And by you referring to women of other societies as civilized compared to Nigerian girls are you trying to say that we [Nigerian women] are in some way primitive? I highly suggest you think carefully before you answer my questions, because I have an idea of how you may answer and you may not liek my response to you.

What are u saying are u high on cheap crack?
Have u been to Nigeria and do u know what Nigerian gurls are capable of doin
I asked a simple question and ure free 2 answer,Nigeria is among the 3rd world countries
so why get paraniod when i said ladies from more civilized societies dont do such~, PLEZZE spare me undecided
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by sohiemi(m): 4:04pm On Sep 26, 2010
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by harry4: 4:21pm On Sep 26, 2010
N y is thad even wen they like a guy, its so difficult 4 dem 2 accept it. and they will keep forming till d guy gets pissed out, ? cool

1 Like

Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Omolola1(f): 4:24pm On Sep 26, 2010
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by adagz01(m): 4:59pm On Sep 26, 2010
190 i understand your vexnation,i guess thats how omolola insult u when u'r toasting her
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by 1102(m): 5:51pm On Sep 26, 2010
she did even up till this afternoon she still did~ grin
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by yme1(f): 5:56pm On Sep 26, 2010
why generalizing?

i have never insulted a toaster before so i cant really say much on this but all i can say is that some guys don't get the word NO or can never tell when a girl isn't in the mood for any chit chat so them trying to force a conversation on the girl gets to the babe's nerve and if she is the impatient type she explodes and rain insults
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Nobody: 6:05pm On Sep 26, 2010

Ask jennykandry cos i dey fear ha mouth o

The worst in this whole forum. Watch-out for her trash spewing.


So these societies you consider to be civilized are? And by you referring to women of other societies as civilized compared to Nigerian girls are you trying to say that we [Nigerian women] are in some way primitive? I highly suggest you think carefully before you answer my questions, because I have an idea of how you may answer and you may not liek my response to you.

Ha ba na why are you taking it so personal and serious,
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by 1102(m): 6:09pm On Sep 26, 2010

Leave nerd alone,
I know whats she's High on, grin grin
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by adaphik(f): 6:21pm On Sep 26, 2010
@ OP, i do not believe a civilized lady wld insult u, if its not warranted. Therefore, two things r involved here, Its either she's not civilized or it was called for. Which of d two?
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 7:08pm On Sep 26, 2010

What are u saying are u high on cheap crack?
Have u been to Nigeria and do u know what Nigerian gurls are capable of doin
I asked a simple question and ure free 2 answer,Nigeria is among the 3rd world countries
so why get paraniod when i said ladies from more civilized societies dont do such~, PLEZZE spare me undecided

Yes, I have been to Nigeria. And I asked a simple question as well. And by the way, the term "third world country" is a dated term. It more commonly referred to as global north and global south countries; the term was changed due to the fact that the word in itself is degrading and conjures up thoughts of despair towards certain countries within the global community. It creates egotistical nationalism among countries of the global community that are commonly thought to be wealthy and creates the notion that counties that do not fall within the category of the "elites" of the global community will never prosper. Anyway, the things that you say that Nigerian girls are capable of doing are the things that just about any human being can do. They are not qualities that are limited to the women of Nigeria.


The worst in this whole forum. Watch-out for her trash spewing.

Ha ba na why are you taking it so personal and serious, 

I was taking anything personally grin
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by vitool: 7:20pm On Sep 26, 2010

[size=11pt][font=times new roman]
Yes, I have been to Nigeria. And I asked a simple question as well. And by the way, the term "third world country" is a dated term. It more commonly referred to as global north and global south countries; the term was changed due to the fact that the word in itself is degrading and conjures up thoughts of despair towards certain countries within the global community. It creates egotistical nationalism among countries of the global community that are common;y thought to be wealthy and creates the notion that counties that do not fall within the category of the "elites" of the global community will never prosper. Anyway, the things that you say that Nigerian girls are capable of doing are the things that just about any human being can do. They are not qualities that are limited to the women of Nigeria.

Gramar with the help of google + Copy and paste,

@op because they are stu pidly rude and born forming wannabe'z
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 7:25pm On Sep 26, 2010

Gramar with the help of google + Copy and paste,

@op because they are stu pidly rude and born forming wannabe'z

Excuse me? What are you trying to say? I didn't copy and paste anything.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by vitool: 7:27pm On Sep 26, 2010

Excuse me? What are you trying to say? I didn't copy and paste anything.

Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 7:32pm On Sep 26, 2010


Yes. What I just explained, do they not teach you those things in school? Besides, my grammar is different because we don't have the same grammar system as people in Nigeria tongue
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Nobody: 7:38pm On Sep 26, 2010
~~And what is ur point?
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 7:40pm On Sep 26, 2010

~~And what is your point?

Are you referring to me?
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by r231(m): 7:44pm On Sep 26, 2010
it depends on the way you approach them

if you act like a kid. . .

they will treat you like one
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by vitool: 7:47pm On Sep 26, 2010

Yes. What I just explained, do they not teach you those things in school? Besides, my grammar is different because we don't have the same grammar system as people in Nigeria tongue

And what makes you think I am in Nigeria? and what makes you think that your wannabe grammar is all that diff from the people in Nigeria?
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by Specialist900(m): 7:51pm On Sep 26, 2010

[size=11pt][font=times new roman]
Yes, I have been to Nigeria. And I asked a simple question as well. And by the way, the term "third world country" is a dated term. It more commonly referred to as global north and global south countries; the term was changed due to the fact that the word in itself is degrading and conjures up thoughts of despair towards certain countries within the global community. It creates egotistical nationalism among countries of the global community that are commonly thought to be wealthy and creates the notion that counties that do not fall within the category of the "elites" of the global community will never prosper. Anyway, the things that you say that Nigerian girls are capable of doing are the things that just about any human being can do. They are not qualities that are limited to the women of Nigeria.

thanks for the lecture, now i'm enlightened.
Re: Why Are Nigerian Gurls Like This (matured Replies Only) by InkedNerd(f): 7:53pm On Sep 26, 2010

And what makes you think I am in Nigeria? and what makes you think that your wannabe grammar is all that diff from the people in Nigeria?

I never said that you were in Nigeria. All I said was that the grammar here is different from the grammar in Nigeria since you brought up the fact that there were supposed grammar issues with what I wrote. Not once did I mention anything about you being in Nigeria. Besides, I know that in Nigeria, the grammar is similar to the grammar in the UK, every once in a while, I see people on NL trying to get on one another about supposed grammar issues when in reality its just that the grammar within the regions is slightly different.


thanks for the lecture, now i'm enlightened.

Ummm. . . Ok undecided

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