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Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by hype: 11:07am On May 16, 2007
@ Nella. Paris don chop belle full because if hunger they catch am she go know whats up with life. Plus i think its because back there in yankee they've got all their essential needs i.e clean water, stable electricity, cheap food, security, good roads e.t.c. If this needs are not readily available they would start thinking of ways to get them instead of doing stupid things.
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by derinsola(f): 7:19pm On May 17, 2007
Thanks to her good behaviour Paris will only be spending three weeks behind bars, not the six weeks of her original sentence for breaking her driving ban. Paris will be moving in over the next couple of weeks.


Paris Hilton will serve about half of her 45-day jail sentence and will be separated from the general inmate population, authorities said Wednesday.

The hotel heiress will spend about 23 days in a "special needs housing unit" at the Century Regional Detention Center in suburban Lynwood, Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

Her sentence was shortened after jail officials gave her credit for good behavior, Whitmore said. Officials considered several factors in calculating the credit, including that she appeared for her latest court date, he said.

Hilton will stay in a unit that contains 12 two-person cells reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates, he said.

Like everyone else in the 2,200-inmate facility, Hilton will get at least an hour outside her cell each day to shower, watch television, participate in outdoor recreation or talk on the telephone, he said.

Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Nella(f): 9:46pm On May 17, 2007

Thanks to her good behaviour Paris will only be spending three weeks behind bars, not the six weeks of her original sentence for breaking her driving ban. Paris will be moving in over the next couple of weeks.


Paris Hilton will serve about half of her 45-day jail sentence and will be separated from the general inmate population, authorities said Wednesday.

The hotel heiress will spend about 23 days in a "special needs housing unit" at the Century Regional Detention Center in suburban Lynwood, Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

Her sentence was shortened after jail officials gave her credit for good behavior, Whitmore said. Officials considered several factors in calculating the credit, including that she appeared for her latest court date, he said.

Hilton will stay in a unit that contains 12 two-person cells reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates, he said.

Like everyone else in the 2,200-inmate facility, Hilton will get at least an hour outside her cell each day to shower, watch television, participate in outdoor recreation or talk on the telephone, he said.


enemy of good news!!
i heard of these---DAMN!!!!! God help her i never bcome a police!!!
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 2:37pm On May 21, 2007
whoaw thank God she abstain for sex for 45 days grin grin
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by trendy(f): 2:44pm On May 21, 2007
lol, you can say that again grin
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Mychoice: 8:44am On May 22, 2007
she's going for 23days only. What won't money do?
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 8:52am On May 22, 2007
Well well as Jane Fonda said, "if Paris were black and poor , she would have served a greater term, and been sent to jail much quicker "
What wont money do angry angry angry
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by trendy(f): 3:58pm On May 23, 2007
let everybody work hard and make their money
so they can get special treatment
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 5:57pm On May 23, 2007
That is a very selfish thing to say
So what about the poor children?
where is the world going to
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Iman3(m): 6:02pm On May 23, 2007

Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by trendy(f): 10:58am On May 24, 2007
jesus christ
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by QueenB1(f): 11:03am On May 24, 2007
Bible in her hands, hehehe. i don laugh finish. heheheee grin grin grin
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Nella(f): 5:44pm On May 26, 2007
All she needs is : " one punch 4rom me!!
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by eslynera(f): 8:02pm On May 26, 2007
@nella, why do u hate every celebrity? first it was lindsay, now it's PARIS HILTON. cheesy
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by hype: 12:03pm On May 28, 2007
@ eslynera. I dont think she hates every celebrity i think its just the foolish ones. You too just look at the names you mentioned lindsey lohan, paris hilton. Dumbest celebrities alive!
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Iman3(m): 5:04pm On Jun 07, 2007
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 8:52am On Jun 08, 2007
NO , this morning's news says she went back to complete the 23day term grin grin grin
much to my pleasure
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by angel101(f): 12:24pm On Jun 08, 2007
Has she really gone back? what stunt were they trying to pull for goodness sake?
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 2:17pm On Jun 08, 2007
they wanted the judge to reconsider, but he stood by his word
When they made a poll of "do you want Paris to go back to jail or not?"
88.5% of the people said YES ,
I think it is only fair, if she was a black girl and poor  they would not even be asking twice, or calling and recalling the case  angry angry
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Iman3(m): 2:19pm On Jun 08, 2007
The judge called her to appear in court.Thence,he will decide whether to send her back to jail.The reality is that,if she wasn't who she was,she won't have been incarcerated in the 1st place.
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by moondust(m): 3:01pm On Jun 08, 2007
They should toss her back in the slammer and throw away the keys!
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 3:29pm On Jun 08, 2007
haba moondust grin
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by justkunmi(m): 7:04pm On Jun 08, 2007
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Nella(f): 9:21pm On Jun 08, 2007
Hey! I just heard a great news! 4rom Cnn! D Idiot is to serve her entire 45 sentence!!
wao! wat other better reson is there 4 a celebration??!

Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 2:47pm On Jun 10, 2007
i just read that , i have been dancing since then
Atonement day is here PARISSSSSSSSS grin grin
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by hype: 7:14pm On Jun 10, 2007
@ nella. You want to make sure u see her off to that jail sha. Paris must pay u back watever she must have bought 4rm u that she did not pay for.
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by hype: 7:15pm On Jun 10, 2007
@ nella. You want to make sure u see her off to that jail sha. Paris must pay u back watever she must have bought 4rm u that she did not pay for.
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by GNature(m): 7:37pm On Jun 10, 2007

you are really funny with all your jubilation  cheesy

Anyway, i think it's only fair that she completes her sentence, there shouldn't be a seperate standard for the rich & famous in the u.s. judicial system.

The paris girl dey too spoilt sef. lol
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Iman3(m): 7:01pm On Jun 11, 2007
She seems to have undergone a genuine re-apraisal of her life-http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3264588&page=1
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by soulpatrol(f): 2:07am On Jun 12, 2007
she's just been there a couple days now. not enough time for anyone to make a complete change as far as i'm concerned. i think some more time there will definitely do her some good.
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Emad(f): 8:59am On Jun 12, 2007
May God Try release am angry angry angry
I think the big question here is not whether or ot Paris shd return to Jail
The Question is " Are u above the law because you are rich and famous?"
This whole hype would never have happened if it was a Black poor child
Nonsense angry angry
Re: Paris Hilton To Spend 45 Days In Jail by Nella(f): 11:24am On Jun 12, 2007


you are really funny with all your jubilation cheesy

Anyway, i think it's only fair that she completes her sentence, there shouldn't be a seperate standard for the rich & famous in the u.s. judicial system.

The paris girl dey too spoilt sef. lol

lol, ok who wouldn't jubilate? it's high time she know's that money isn't everything!!!
She hasn't lived d real world 2 see how it is, that is why she has that annoying behaviour
that just makes me wanna slap her, "ONLY" 10 times! and bring her back to reality!


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