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So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? - Politics - Nairaland

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So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:28pm On May 30, 2019

So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying in America While Ordering Sit At Home in Naija?

So this guy is in America right now chopping life while asking ''his people'' here to sit at home and not earn their daily bread?

Even ordering that those who attend work should be dealt with by his IPOB thugs?

I only pity those who take this guy seriously.

It's clearly one rule for him and another rule for his followers.

Does he ever take one of his followers to that London or America so they can follow him to chop that thing he's chopping there, or are they only good to sweat for him in Nigeria while he lives the good life abroad?

The idea that someone can sit in faraway United States enjoying all kinds of exotic lifestyle there, while ordering those in Nigeria to sit at home and suffer is just incredible.


Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Masterppower: 5:39pm On May 30, 2019
So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying in America While Ordering Sit At Home in Naija?

So this guy is in America right now chopping life while asking ''his people'' here to sit at home and not earn their daily bread?

Even ordering that those who attend work should be dealt with by his IPOB thugs?

I only pity those who take this guy seriously.

It's clearly one rule for him and another rule for his followers.

Does he ever take one of his followers to that London or America so they can follow him to chop that thing he's chopping there, or are they only good to sweat for him in Nigeria while he lives the good life abroad?

The idea that someone can sit in faraway United States enjoying all kinds of exotic lifestyle there, while ordering those in Naija to sit at home and suffer is just incredible.

Afonjas are not permitted to discuss umunna issues.

Leave matter for Igbos .

Concentrate on ewedu na amala

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by vengertime: 5:42pm On May 30, 2019
So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying in America While Ordering Sit At Home in Naija?

So this guy is in America right now chopping life while asking ''his people'' here to sit at home and not earn their daily bread?

Even ordering that those who attend work should be dealt with by his IPOB thugs?

I only pity those who take this guy seriously.

It's clearly one rule for him and another rule for his followers.

Does he ever take one of his followers to that London or America so they can follow him to chop that thing he's chopping there, or are they only good to sweat for him in Nigeria while he lives the good life abroad?

The idea that someone can sit in faraway United States enjoying all kinds of exotic lifestyle there, while ordering those in Naija to sit at home and suffer is just incredible.

Have you wash your face today?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:43pm On May 30, 2019

Afonjas are not permitted to discuss umunna issues.

Leave matter for Igbos .

Concentrate on ewedu na amala

But I'm not Yoruba... smiley

Just a concerned Nigerian.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:45pm On May 30, 2019

Have you wash your face today?

Did you also observe the Sit-At-Home order while Nnamdi is enjoying in Yanki? Olodo grin

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by vengertime: 5:46pm On May 30, 2019

But I'm not Yoruba... smiley

Just a concerned Nigerian.

When the cockk crows 3 times, Afonjas will deny their heritage. Why

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:47pm On May 30, 2019

When the cock crows 3 times, Afonjas will deny their heritage. Why

She looks beautiful. What's your problem? Oh, is it the tribal marks? That's an African thing, you wouldn't understand.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:52pm On May 30, 2019
Nnamdi's sumptuous DINNER in AMERICA while his people in 'Biafra' were observing ''sit at home and don't work''.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by gidgiddy: 5:53pm On May 30, 2019
So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying in America While Ordering Sit At Home in Naija?

So this guy is in America right now chopping life while asking ''his people'' here to sit at home and not earn their daily bread?

Even ordering that those who attend work should be dealt with by his IPOB thugs?

I only pity those who take this guy seriously.

It's clearly one rule for him and another rule for his followers.

Does he ever take one of his followers to that London or America so they can follow him to chop that thing he's chopping there, or are they only good to sweat for him in Nigeria while he lives the good life abroad?

The idea that someone can sit in faraway United States enjoying all kinds of exotic lifestyle there, while ordering those in Naija to sit at home and suffer is just incredible.

Why dont you mind your business in Ogbomosho and forget what happens in.the East?

Dem use Biafra swear for una?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:55pm On May 30, 2019
Nnamdi's AMERICAN BREAKFAST THIS MORNING While you Were Doing ''Sit at home, don't work''.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by buharitill2023: 5:59pm On May 30, 2019
Idiotic pigs of bia fra are just allowing one useless porn star to be deceiving them

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 5:59pm On May 30, 2019

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 6:48pm On May 30, 2019

When the cockk crows 3 times, Afonjas will deny their heritage. Why

I'm an Igbo nah... smiley


Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 6:52pm On May 30, 2019

I'm an Igbo nah... smiley

If u r igbo, your family were saboteurs during the war. Hence they never lost a soul.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Annie939(f): 6:55pm On May 30, 2019
run away leader

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 6:55pm On May 30, 2019

If u r igbo, your family were saboteurs during the war. Hence they never lost a soul.

My friend go and sit down. What does losing someone in the war have to do with your oga living large in Yanki, while ordering you to sit at home in Nigeria? Why is he also not sitting at home here with you in Onitsha, abi na only am wey know road to America?

Same thing with Ojukwu. Before you knew it, the man don dust to Ivory Coast.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 6:57pm On May 30, 2019

My friend go and sit down. What does losing someone in the war have to do with your oga living large in Yanki, while ordering you to sit at home in Nigeria? Why is he also not sitting at home here with you in Onitsha, abi na only am wey know road to America?

Same thing with Ojukwu. Before you knew it, the man don dust to Ivory Coast.

Do you know why we sit at home?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:03pm On May 30, 2019

Do you know why we sit at home?

I do. I also know that you should be demanding that your leader sit at home with you. Not gallivanting around the world in first class luxury while you do the leg work in Nigeria. When will Igbos produce a REAL leader? One that will say, ''I am not going anywhere. If una like make una kill me here.'' OBJ did it. He was here and Abacha jailed him. He came out looking like a stick. He could have run to London or US. But he didn't. That's a real leader. Awo same thing. He stayed here and suffered jail sentences. With Igbo leaders, the slightest problem, aeroplane.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by maiunguwar: 7:05pm On May 30, 2019
@rossicki,believe me were working on your matter.You go kpeme this year
Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:08pm On May 30, 2019
@rossicki,believe me were working on your matter. You go kpeme this year

Awww...poor baby. He can't stand criticism so he says he'll kill you. TYPICAL BIAFRAN THUG and LOAFER.. I pity those who join you in your worthless, wretched, fake, dictatorial republic.

Idi Amin's Uganda will be like the Garden of Eden in comparison.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by helinues: 7:10pm On May 30, 2019
Wetin consigned you? Is it your sit at home?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:12pm On May 30, 2019
Wetin consigned you? Is it your sit at home?

I'm a concerned Nigerian alarmed that a population of supposedly smart people is being led by the nose like a herd of cows by a manipulative scumbag living the good life overseas.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 7:17pm On May 30, 2019

I do. I also know that you should be demanding that your leader sit at home with you. Not gallivanting around the world in first class luxury while you do the leg work in Nigeria. When will Igbos produce a REAL leader? One that will say, ''I am going nowhere. If una like kill me here.'' OBJ did it. He was here and Abacha jailed him. He came out looking like a stick. He could have run to London or US. But he didn't. That's a real leader. Awo same thing. He stayed here and suffered jail sentences. With Igbo leaders, the slightest problem, na aeroplane.

When did our problem became your problem? We can't need what you need.

Buhari cannot command the respect Nnamdi command in Igbo land. Not because Nnamdi is powerful but because his reasons resonate with us.

There are many Igbo all over the world sitting at home. They must not do it in Igbo land. Nnamdi is free to do it anywhere he likes with the best he can afford. We aren't as envious as you guys.

Tell me why we sit at home?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:21pm On May 30, 2019

When did our problem became your problem? We can't need what you need.

Buhari cannot command the respect Nnamdi command in Igbo land. Not because Nnamdi is powerful but because his reasons resonate with us.

There are many Igbo all over the world sitting at home. They must not do it in Igbo land. Nnamdi is free to do it anywhere he likes with the best he can afford. We aren't as envious as you guys.

Tell me why we sit at home?

You reason like a fool. If you have a leader, your leader must be HERE with you, or as close as possible, not on the other side of the world eating Ala Carte while you're here paying the sacrifice.

''Other Igbos around the world'' are not your leader. Nnamdi Kanu is. So where is he?

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 7:21pm On May 30, 2019

Afonjas are not permitted to discuss umunna issues.

Leave matter for Igbos .

Concentrate on ewedu na amala

rossikk right now

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by monthz: 7:22pm On May 30, 2019

So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying in America While Ordering Sit At Home in Naija?

So this guy is in America right now chopping life while asking ''his people'' here to sit at home and not earn their daily bread?

Even ordering that those who attend work should be dealt with by his IPOB thugs?

I only pity those who take this guy seriously.

It's clearly one rule for him and another rule for his followers.

Does he ever take one of his followers to that London or America so they can follow him to chop that thing he's chopping there, or are they only good to sweat for him in Nigeria while he lives the good life abroad?

The idea that someone can sit in faraway United States enjoying all kinds of exotic lifestyle there, while ordering those in Naija to sit at home and suffer is just incredible.

Did Nnamdi Kanu kill ur father?

Sit at home is sit at home and once again Igbo have spoken with one voice.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:23pm On May 30, 2019

rossikk right now

lolzzzz grin How did you know, Imhotep? wink

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 7:24pm On May 30, 2019

lolzzzz grin How did you know, Imhotep? wink
I know its not easy grin grin

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 7:25pm On May 30, 2019

You reason like a fool. If you have a leader, your leader must be HERE with you, or as close as possible, not on the other side of the world eating Ala Carte while you're here paying the sacrifice.

''Other Igbos around the world'' are not your leader. Nnamdi Kanu is. So where is he?

Since you don't know the reason for our struggle, you can cry us a river.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Rossikk(m): 7:29pm On May 30, 2019

Since you don't know the reason for our struggle, you can cry us a river.

What ''struggle''? Abeg go to work. Mr struggler. Look, your Igbo leaders are corrupt and self-serving. From Kanu to the rest of them. Read Achebe. Even during the civil war, Biafran officials were hoarding food aid supplies and reselling them on the black market, or handing them to their girlfriends and concubines. They always ginger the masses like you with this agitation nonsense, but they never sacrifice their own luxury to achieve that 'freedom'.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by Nobody: 7:33pm On May 30, 2019

What ''struggle''? Abeg go to work. Mr struggler. Look, your Igbo leaders are corrupt. From Kanu to the rest of them. Read Achebe. Even during the civil war, Biafran officials were hoarding food aid supplies and reselling them on the black market, and handing them to their girlfriends and concubines. They always ginger the masses like you with this agitation nonsense, but they never sacrifice their own luxury to achieve the 'freedom'.

I thought you said you were Igbo? grin, Don't die of heart attack because we are a special kind of people that people don't understand.

Let me leak you a secret.

Igbo don't have a leader.

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Re: So Nnamdi Kanu Is Enjoying In America While Ordering Sit At Home In Naija? by RemiTinubu(f): 7:34pm On May 30, 2019
yeroba Muslims don't understand and will never understand the fact behind may 30th

Igbos choose today to honour their fallen heroes not that Kanu said or commanded
we igbos are free born we don't need federal government to grant us public holidays to honour our heroes unlike afonjas

this one carry this sit at home for head like say yeroba Muslims will be greater than igbos because of a day holiday grin

let me tell you, even if igbos decides to sit at home for a year and allow afonjas to do their normal trade and work which are mainly yahoo plus, skull mining and head hunting within that period
they won't still reach 10% of igbos wealth so worry more about your afonja people because if you guys didn't overtook the Igbos when they had only 20 pounds na for a day sit at home you go do am?

Meanwhile better enroll yourself into a nearby yahoo yahoo school instead of wasting your time on nairaland

kiss the truth

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