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Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) - Crime (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by GeneralPula: 3:03am On Jun 01, 2019

Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by Gentlewarrior1(m): 5:31am On Jun 01, 2019

Canada, maybe yes.

Switzerland is worse, as a black man you’ll have a hard time living there
Nawa o. I thought switzerland was nice because i have a cousin there. He is quite happy over there

Well Its not easy being a black man sha

Its about time we level up
Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by Ubenedictus(m): 1:05pm On Jun 01, 2019
Wow, this is a clear instance where the old saying of "Damned if you do, and damned if you don't" is appropriate.

Reach for the engine stop button of your car, and be blasted to kingdom come, or don't reach for it, and risk being lit up for failure to comply.

The long and short of this story is that one should NEVER commit the major crime of driving whilst black, in the good state of Arkansas.

Wait a minute. I just watched the entire video, and a black police officer is shown displaying an AR15 assault rifle that SEEMS to have been in the car of the arrested black man. If that was indeed the scenario, then the aggressive stance of the arresting officer is perfectly understandable.

While it may be perfectly legal to carry an assault rifle in your car whilst in the state of Arkansas, it is no surprise to see pulse rates speed up when it is spotted by the police.
all the more reason why he was right not to move. If he had moved they would have used the riffle as proof that he was armed.
Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by Octopusssy(f): 1:47pm On Jun 01, 2019
I watched the video and from the policeman's body language, it is very doubtful he was going to shoot
Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by Jakumo(m): 3:11pm On Jun 01, 2019
I watched the video and from the policeman's body language, it is very doubtful he was going to shoot

No chit, Sherlock. Obviously you have no idea how blindingly fast a polite and "respectful" request, issued by a white police officer to a black motorist, can evolve into a scenario where that officer administers a barrage of red-hot bullets into the convulsing body of the black man, simply on the basis of the officer CLAIMING to have felt threatened.
Re: Black Man Disobey Cop To Avoid Being Shot In U.S(Video/Pics) by Jakumo(m): 3:15pm On Jun 01, 2019
all the more reason why he was right not to move. If he had moved they would have used the riffle as proof that he was armed.

The motorist was very wise, given the presence of that assault rifle in his car, to play it calm, and to DEFY that order that he reach for ANYTHING in that car.

The motorist was literally poised on the knife-edge that separates life from violent death, yet, he still had the presence of mind to continue filming the officer with his smart-phone. Now that is true cool under IMMENSE pressure.

Probably in that motorists shoes, I would have been begging and grovelling like a wounded dog caught in a leg-hold trap, all the while hoping I would live to describe the experience five minutes later.

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