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NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 6:10am On Jun 03, 2019
Get any of your dogs needs from us. We sell dog food,dog accessories,dog multivitamins, anything related to dog you can ever think of.We appreciate many Nairalander's that have been patronizing us,from every part of Nigeria, North,South ,East and West,God will continue to bless you.For those about to patronize us,God will open you doors of blessing.For those intending to get a pup,God will bless your pocket enough to getting yourself a good ones.
We understand you might already have where you are getting your dog stuffs from,but here is a NAIRALANDERS PET STORE which need your support to grow bigger and worldly known. Come up with suggestions,tell us what we can embark on to enable our store to becoming one of the best in the world.
This is an open market,we have what they sell there, name the dog food,Royalcanine,Nutroplan,Arion,Bavaro, Optimax,Booster,Puina,K9 products,Pedigree,Diamond, Dog Chow,Binggo,Argos,Romeo, Josera,Ritana,etc,just name your choice,and we supply Nationwide.Choose to buying from us today to making a NAIRALANDERS PET STORE flourish;we are tested and trusted.
Location should never be the barrier or reason why you won't patronise us, we do waybill on every blessed day, so no hastle sending stuffs to you wherever you are;just extent the love and support towards us.
Note that even if you don't own a dog,you are just a passers-by, please recommend us to people and your loved ones,;we promise never to let you down.
Thanks for your time taken to reading this write up,
God bless you as you did. Call/WhatsApp us on 08032112196,whenever our service is needed.
Waiting to hearing from you.
God bless our hustles.


Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by HarunaWest(m): 6:13am On Jun 03, 2019
Your not a serious business man...You say pet store,and all I see are dog stories..Is dog the only pet,what happened to felines, birds and others?.

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Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Lilusm: 5:16pm On Jun 03, 2019
If you have a purebred dog, then you must choose the right dog food for it. Read more about what kind of food to choose for your pet.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 7:47pm On Jun 03, 2019
What people sell majorly here are dogs.It's a new store and that is why we decided to start with things related with dogs. If the order for other pets start coming,then we will stock up for them.
Pls bear with us.
Your not a serious business man...You say pet store,and all I see are dog stories..Is dog the only pet,what happened to felines, birds and others?.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by HarunaWest(m): 7:53pm On Jun 03, 2019
What people sell majorly here are dogs.It's a new store and that is why we decided to start with things related with dogs. If the order for other pets start coming,then we will stock up for them.
Pls bear with us.
ok..cos me I love cats
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 10:46pm On Jun 03, 2019
Ok . A client need a kitten,incase u come across any.

ok..cos me I love cats
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 6:09pm On Jun 06, 2019
We are at your service anytime.Dog rice really taking over.Rice is cheaper than Indomie,but fills your dogs longer than Indomie. Add fish,meat,chicken head & leg to make it more nutritious for your dog.
5kg of dog rice is 1000. (200per kg)
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by royalair(m): 6:34pm On Jun 06, 2019
Oga you are not business oriented. Your profile on WhatsApp reads auto parts. I even messaged you you just snubbed me oga work on yourself
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 9:05am On Jun 07, 2019
We are into sales of cars also,so we interchange;lolz.U these people,una no go kill person.Thanks for d observation though.Kindly message me again so i can attend to you.God bless u.if u the one from thid platform,check ur msg on whatsapp,av replied you since ystde.
Oga you are not business oriented. Your profile on WhatsApp reads auto parts. I even messaged you you just snubbed me oga work on yourself
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by vinotinto5: 10:21am On Jun 07, 2019
Catch the opportunity to own a quality, exotic dog. Buy Your Dogs/Puppies From Breeders & Sellers With Integrity (Vingold Veterinary Consult & Farms Limited- RC Number. 1307444)

... at Vingold, we offer 1st class breeding and animal health (veterinary) services of global best practices.

... at Vingold, we also process the exportation and importation of your animals (pets).

... at Vingold, we sell and deliver exotic, pedigree breed of dogs nationwide and across Africa.

Company's Motto: Great integrity maintenance & more good times to clients.

For High quality, exotic dogs of all kinds, kindly call Dr. Gold Obiejesi (Director- Veterinary Services & Sales) on 09099568813, or Vincent Obiejesi (Director- Breeding & Farm Services) on 09098383299.

Vingold Veterinary Services & Farms Limited is located in Abuja. However, we are noted for our genuine and speedy delivery nationwide and across some African countries.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 4:39pm On Jun 09, 2019
Order for ur dogs need today from us at AJESEH PET STORE, Ore-Ofe Plaza, Elero, Ashi, Bodija, Ibadan.
Call/WhatsApp 08032112196.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 6:24pm On Jun 14, 2019
We are here to serve you. Buy ur dog food from us.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by BalaklavaS: 1:41pm On Dec 17, 2019
Do you have dog clippers for sale? If you do, people should know about it. 3 months ago I bought my first dog clippers and it was one of the best investments that I did for my dog. Before buying it, I was spending a lot of money for its hair cut, without a haircut it looks odd. But I learned to cut its hair by myself and at the same time I save money, a good amount of money. A few more months and I'll be able to open my own a pet barber shop. If someone's interested into buying a dog clipper, I have the oneisall Dog Shaver Clippers. I can recommend it to you guys also. For more information about it, but also other clippers for dogs, visit bestdoggear.com.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Jackonsy(m): 3:37pm On Dec 17, 2019
How much is DHLPP vaccine so far you sell everything concerning digs
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 1:04am On Dec 19, 2019
Dhlpp vaccine varies from #1500-#5000. Call/WhatsApp for details.
How much is DHLPP vaccine so far you sell everything concerning digs
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by bosst123: 3:44pm On Dec 19, 2019
Get any of your dogs needs from us. We sell dog food,dog accessories,dog multivitamins, anything related to dog you can ever think of.We appreciate many Nairalander's that have been patronizing us,from every part of Nigeria, North,South ,East and West,God will continue to bless you.For those about to patronize us,God will open you doors of blessing.For those intending to get a pup,God will bless your pocket enough to getting yourself a good ones.
We understand you might already have where you are getting your dog stuffs from,but here is a NAIRALANDERS PET STORE which need your support to grow bigger and worldly known. Come up with suggestions,tell us what we can embark on to enable our store to becoming one of the best in the world.
This is an open market,we have what they sell there, name the dog food,Royalcanine,Nutroplan,Arion,Bavaro, Optimax,Booster,Puina,K9 products,Pedigree,Diamond, Dog Chow,Binggo,Argos,Romeo, Josera,Ritana,etc,just name your choice,and we supply Nationwide.Choose to buying from us today to making a NAIRALANDERS PET STORE flourish;we are tested and trusted.
Location should never be the barrier or reason why you won't patronise us, we do waybill on every blessed day, so no hastle sending stuffs to you wherever you are;just extent the love and support towards us.
Note that even if you don't own a dog,you are just a passers-by, please recommend us to people and your loved ones,;we promise never to let you down.
Thanks for your time taken to reading this write up,
God bless you as you did. Call/WhatsApp us on 08032112196,whenever our service is needed.
Waiting to hearing from you.
God bless our hustles.


Pls help !! They re both around six months and I’m afraid they aren’t growing well . The skinny one is the female and she eats well too but I have no idea why she doesn’t wanna add up . Somebody help signify if I have the right breed of GSD

Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 9:26pm On Dec 19, 2019
How often do u deworm ur dogs?

Pls help !! They re both around six months and I’m afraid they aren’t growing well . The skinny one is the female and she eats well too but I have no idea why she doesn’t wanna add up . Somebody help signify if I have the right breed of GSD
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by bosst123: 9:33pm On Dec 19, 2019
I have dewormed them only once since adoption . Is there any recommended tabs / multivitamin tabs etc
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 2:10am On Dec 22, 2019
Praziwormer is a good dewormer for dogs. 1tab per 10kg.Repeat after 2wks& ur dogs will be fine.Quite lots of dog Multivitamins, hop in any PET store & ask for one.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by theecaus(m): 9:20am On Dec 23, 2019
Do you cut and trim dogs hair? I live in Ibadan and I need where I can groom my dog
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 4:36am On Jan 16, 2020
Yes,we do. Call/WhatsApp 08032112196.
Do you cut and trim dogs hair? I live in Ibadan and I need where I can groom my dog
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 4:54am On Jan 16, 2020
Yes,we do. Call/WhatsApp 08032112196 for further discussion..
Do you cut and trim dogs hair? I live in Ibadan and I need where I can groom my dog
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 7:46am On Aug 09, 2020
Contact us for all ur Dog needs.
ForFood & Accessories,buying of Dogs & Sales,
we got you covered.
We are located in Ibadan.
We waybill Nationwide.
Try us today.
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by kibooh: 2:06pm On Aug 27, 2020
Please I need a Dog food for affordable price Nutritola cost 6k for 6kg but can I get for Optimax for less price Thank you
Re: NAIRALANDERS PET STORE IS HERE!!! by Sunjay13(m): 2:42am On Aug 29, 2020
How old is your dog?
Please I need a Dog food for affordable price Nutritola cost 6k for 6kg but can I get for Optimax for less price Thank you

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Pictures Of My Little Boerboel Puppy. / See The Highly Technical Way Dogs Drink Water. Look Closely And Adore / Matured Antelopes For Sale

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