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Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Dreamz77(m): 12:41pm On Jun 08, 2019
Dreamz77, You took him from taking syrup to taking alcohol. You made him worse and you're the reason he's not enjoying his marriage.
i never said anything about my friend nor myself being a saint.You drifting lad
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Dreamz77(m): 12:44pm On Jun 08, 2019
Young man always read and understand before answering any question or replying to any message.that is why some of you fail exams in school because you don't read and assimilate...the op stated clearly that he's not in support of a legally married man cheating and he also wants to help salvage his friends marriage that is why he's seeking for a matured advise from matured minds on how to help out his friend to save his marriage.
blessings fall on u sir
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Dreamz77(m): 12:46pm On Jun 08, 2019


He is a clown.

When I read the problem started when he travelled...

I was like 'here comes the accident'.

Happy seeing, OP.

Maybe he just go back 'blind' grin
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Dreamz77(m): 12:48pm On Jun 08, 2019
Divorce is not solution! So you succeeded in stopping your friend from taking codeine and other crazy syrubs, then while introducing him again into proper Alchohol? My guy, two wrongs can never make a right. But why referring to Hausas as most people that takes hard drugs, and Igbo ladies as beast on bed? How do you come to have all these experiences? Please you and your friend can equally teach her(your friend's wife) how to cook and how to make love like a beast if that is what you prefer as you were referring to Igbo ladies.
no offense bro
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Dreamz77(m): 12:50pm On Jun 08, 2019
Na wa o. See ur friend has no problem in his marriage. Instead of building his marriage he is busy whining. I am pretty sure the lady also had some expectations that he is not meeting either
He married a virgin, what did he expect?
Since he is more experienced he shld lead her through besides let him take her to sexual heights that will move the "wood" to anaconda level
All these one no be problem dat cannot be fixed with little patience.

Cooking can be learnt
Sex can be sweeter
Friendship can be earned
Companionship can be built

He shld try marrying a nymphomaniac that has slept with the whole neighborhood and cannot just stop or a lady that curses every two sentences then we know he has a problem
lolxx.tanx for d outlined

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Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by koyyess: 1:09pm On Jun 08, 2019
There is no problem here.

These are some the things couples discover when they newly get married and have to be confined in a space for life.
This is the 'shock' period for all newly weds.

They can learn, adjust and build each other up but know where or where not to compromise.

You only see this as a problem because you and your friend like every other negroe are not wired/raised to tackle marriage 'issues' amicably.
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by HitSong: 1:10pm On Jun 08, 2019
A friend of mine happens to be in a serious dilemma, he is a Successful young man, a Muslim but Unhappily Married! The gist -.

Some few years back my Buddy (Ibrahim)was fortunate to secure a Federal govt job which as we all know in naija is like hitting a jackpot! His family are quite rich and he happens to be the last born so he had so much benefits and little or no responsibilities.

Dude was living large and as such was able to Conquer quite a number of ladies and you know our Naija girls, once you are a "money spender" you Automatically become their dream Man! Love of their life and all those rubbish etc.

Every damn thing was good, we always balled together, i made him stop takin codeine and all this crazy syrub which I noticed most some part of Hausa's Cherish more than their O level(dats mostly their max anyway)well I introduced him to taking proper Alchohol like Hero, legend and my ever favorite "Budweiser "!
He always payed the bills coz financially he was bigger!

The main problem began wen he traveled to Philippines to meet with his dad, a Consultant in Manilla, their he met Zainab who was a med practitioner. This lady drove my guy crazy! Like literally crazy! First, wen she got back to Nigeria he became more obsessed ,their was no conversation we could make without he mentioning or Linkin it to her. He was becoming bitchy! Even wen we all go out together she always had dis disdainful grimace on her face like the people around there are beneath her. Imagine ordinary Philippines naim she school (no disrespect for) dats not my headache atoll.

In a nutshell, he wanted her badly and as we all know, as a Muslim its a serious taboo to lose ur virginity before marriage! Ibrahim wanted dis lady soo badly and I don't know mayb it was her beauty cause to be honest she was glaringly radiant in beauty and very erudite in speech. or maybe twas his percievd pedigree of her, I couldn't tell what the oomph was all about.

She liked him too dou but he never took the time to understand that marriage is different from the normal menalin quest!

They never kissed; touched nor romanced before he proposed which I agitated against but my friend went on with his plan and they got married. Yes! He got married Blindy and ever since Dia marriage has been more like its a hell in a cell match.

First, this lady knows nothing about cooking,she can't even cook shit! Ibrahim always have to come eat at my place after work cause according to him she only prepares indomie and Egg!

Secondly she is not a playmate unlike before she doesn't gist while watching tv or have naughty talks aside work and normal stuff like dey use to.

Lastly she doesn't flow in bed (dead wood) and my friend through me has tasted some igbo girls and we know igbo ladies are beasts in bed (we love it like da) he complains of her being too modest in bed and this is funny cause I believe he solely got married cause that was the only way he could have her.

At the moment, they not on talking terms cause he doesn't touch her anymore nor even eat her food (indomie).

My friend was blind to get married with a wrong perception but I really feel for him dou he causd the drama himself. He is considering cheating on his wife at the moment just to relax his urge but I don't support cassanovering wen one is already legally married.

The wife already believes me to be the shenanigan confusing her hubby not knowing m trying to save her marriage .pls dam, Any reasonable advice would be much appreciated guys cause I really don't know how to help out here. Tanx
This your stupid post reeks high stench of bigotry and tribalism.... OSU PEOPLE DON SUFFER grin grin grin grin
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by HitSong: 1:17pm On Jun 08, 2019
young Lad am asking for solution not dissolution

Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Caseless: 1:35pm On Jun 08, 2019
i never said anything about my friend nor myself being a saint.You drifting lad
teach him to learn to find happiness in himself and not what he drinks, you'll see him creating happiness and reinventing himself to the enchantment of his wife.
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by owila4luv(m): 1:49pm On Jun 08, 2019
the only interesting part is "it's a taboo for muslims(ladies) not to be a virgin no her wedding night" the question is who disvirgined the gals b4 marriage
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by JaphNice(m): 3:25pm On Jun 08, 2019
Well not a big deal as a muslem he be he can just borne this one and go get his second wife of his teste as the eye don open... Anyway wht do i know? Let him keep enjoying sisi nyarinya wife.
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Jayfixer: 3:33pm On Jun 08, 2019
...life is too short to live a home that has become a “legal cage”....

Talk about it Openly and cordially, with her.

Happiness is free MyMan... you can’t harness bitterness everyday of your beautiful life.
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by sisilimart622(f): 4:50pm On Jun 08, 2019
will advise him to get a second wife... and tell him to open his � well and taste Wat he want to buy... cos dis marriage b4 sex has destroy so many home when d partner is not romantic... I rest my case

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Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by xianah(f): 5:15pm On Jun 08, 2019
U welcome..
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Amanda4life: 9:14pm On Jun 08, 2019

How can u be amanda4life n dish out such deadened piece of advice....
Are u high

I just sipped a little thing, im sorry �
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by kennypedia(m): 8:07am On Jun 09, 2019
Op you're the cause of their problem but I know you will argue it. Get yourself a life and stop intruding in matrimonial issue. I'm not sure you're married self.

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Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Talentsportal: 6:13pm On Jun 09, 2019
Na WA ohh waiting we no go see

Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Abcruz(m): 6:24pm On Jun 09, 2019
Frankly speaking, if you were truely a good friend you would have taught him morals in the first place instead of taking him from sirrup to alcoholism.

Alcohol also contributed to his blindness in this marriage.

Change your ways and advice your friend to be at peace with God, then all will be well.
Re: Man Wants Divorce After Getting Married "Blind" But Now Sees. by Cityguy: 4:05pm On Jun 10, 2019
No biggie here. All listed probs amenable. First place to start is having a heart to heart, honest conversation about their situation. For cooking, she either enrols for class or he gets a cook, shey money no be problem. They come either as male or female, choice their based on other factors that may come to play. Also, he is at liberty to increase his wife tally to four at a time with caveat that he treats them justly.
About not dirty talking, well, if she didn't do it from start, he shouldn't expect it now. He needs to adjust to her person, she seems pious and serious type. Lastly about frigidity, there must be that emotional connection first engendered by trust, sincere love and desire for each other. Fortunately too, he has possibility of adding. He has no reason to cheat, he has the knife and the yams. He should do the right thing. Lastly, be careful not to be seen as meddlesome. Sometimes these impressions could come with grave consequences. Not worth dying on another person matter oooo.

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