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Faith In Nigeria's Judiciary by mrsquib(m): 7:52am On May 07, 2007
THE GLORY COURT By Adesina Ogunlana
Surely you must have heard about the writer’s block – that situation where a pen pusher draws blank from his brain bank, staring into space, at a loss at what to put down.
Last Friday I was in that semi-idiotic state (where instead of concentrating on turning out sensible stuff down these pages, my mind kept flitting to my salacious brunch in hot detention in a food flask somewhere in the car) when I suddenly took notice of the drivel on the television and saw the legend BREAKING NEWS: SUPREME COURT REINSTATES JOSHUA DARIYE TO OFFICE AS GOVERNOR OF PLATEAU STATE, AFFIRMS COURT OF APPEAL RULING.
Oh was I happy? Surely I didn’t raise a whoop of joy but my innards screamed my gladness. Boy, oh boy! Joshua Dariye back in office, in from the cold of mendacious impeachment. Of course it was not of Dariye that pleasantness cosseted my heart at the hearing of the news. Can’t be. For one, I have met the guy only once and on that occasion he appeared very much a ‘guy man,’ if you know what I mean.
The occasion in reference was the 2004 NBA JOS ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE. The occasion was wrapped up with a dinner at the Government House. The fare that night was sweet but not as sweet as Dariye’s tongue. Glib, smooth, even silky, best described that tongue. The tongue of a fibber.
But Dariye had his difficulties. Political difficulties, and when push came to shove, contrary to all known laws and principles of Mathematics, six out of twenty-four members of the state’s parliament successfully impeached Dariye.
It was a very absurd situation but to the hatchet that was used to do the deed, that is the EFCC and its admirers like Chief Gani Fawehinmi S.A.N, Dariye’s sack was proper, very proper. After all, according to them, Dariye is a rogue, a thief.
What they refused to understand or accept is that when the thief is a state governor, such a thief cannot be given short shrift. You have to follow due process in removing him from office. Then you prosecute him.
Now Dariye is back in the saddle, courtesy of the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court was right. 6 of 24 can never measure up to 18 which is the two-thirds of 24 the required number needed for proper impeachment.
Again and again the Judiciary demonstrates its firmness, fairness and wisdom in discharging her duties, especially at the higher appellate levels. The judiciary has risen wonderfully and abated the rascality of the legislature and recklessness of the executive.
This is one good reason why victimized politicians and their supporters should have faith in the Judiciary and refrain from self-help. Verily I say unto such people, with the Supreme Court still around and intact, everybody should ‘kulu temper.’
Re: Faith In Nigeria's Judiciary by ifezue(m): 1:21pm On May 07, 2007
HAppy to know that People like you either viwe this site or have your publication posted on it. As an "old wig" , i would rather you concentrated on the issue of reforming the the legal profession.For instance, why do we many one-man chambers in Nigeria? Why do "old wigs" find it hard to employ fresh graduates feom law school? What has happened to professionalism and specialisation?

I wat to know because i am a lawyer and i am affected!!!

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