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Infants Who Never Grow Up by ivysunday(f): 7:28am On Jun 14, 2019
(Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

Everyone has a natural attachment to their mother and no one wants to leave her swaddling cloth. One can drink their mother’s milk and feel safe in her arms, so one would ever want to leave their mother’s side. However, those who never leave their mothers will never grow up, so if you are to grow up, you must do so. Of course, I do not mean to leave her physically, but rather to leave her spiritually and psychologically, or you will never grow into maturity.

Leaving one’s mother is painful, but to not do it is to remain an infant who never grows up. Leaving the mother takes these four steps:

Cutting the umbilical cord. This step is done right after we leave our mother’s body.
Weaning. This step is forcefully done when we transition from being babies to becoming children.
Cutting loose from home. This step usually happens when we marry.
Cutting the emotional attachment. This step is gradual and melts away as our mothers leave the mortal world.
This is as natural a process, as it is an uncontrollable one, and it describes our growth process. This is not being heartless, it is simply our journey of LIFE. Many people have left their mothers in form, but not in essence. Their “mother complex” is transformed and demonstrated in other ways.

When we were young, we thought that we could not survive without our mothers, and when we grew up, we felt that we could not endure without our states. People all over the world defend their states. National defence is designed to protect the mother state, and so military expenditures on national defence worldwide is alarming. This is an unnecessary waste. If people around the world had no states, civilization could ascend to a much higher level, but people are attached to their mother states, and no one wants to wean. The ideal of the absence of the state is not a fantasy and if everyone were to become Chanyuan Celestials, then states would naturally disappear and they would become historical memories. The more powerful and intrusive that states become, the more contradictions and conflicts that they inflict upon their people, the heavier that the burdens they place upon them always become. Therefore, the absence of the state is the ideal dream of the sages and saints of mankind.

The role of religion is in fact the mother’s role. The feelings of religious believers to their own religions are actually the subconscious reflections of infants’ attachments to their mothers. Pledging to protect their mother is an inherent nature contained within every person. The fanaticism of religious believers is the perfect manifestation of this inherent nature. The Greatest Creator is not in religion, and this is understood by every follower, so why do they still maintain their religions? Because their followers are unwilling to wean. Maintaining religions is actually a kind of natural complex of maintaining their mothers to infants who have never grown up. As long as we take a rational analysis, we can see that throughout history, much misery and many disasters have been the outgrowths of religions. Religions confused people’s minds, paralysed their instincts, created barriers and shackles to the full display of human nature, and diverted people from the Great Way and led them astray. If religions are everywhere, then our minds can never be at peace, and disputes will continue. Therefore, the absence of religion is the desired dream of the sages and saints of mankind.

Political parties are also umbrellas playing the role of the mother. We have a saying, “back to the arms of the party”, which, is the best footnote to the meaning of political parties. The reason that people join political parties is to be embraced by others so they can enjoy a steady flow of “milk” and a sense of safety. Claiming to be serving the people and the nation is but a cover. There are tens of thousands of political parties of various sizes worldwide, but their existence is a sign that people are still savage and ignorant. The power struggles between political parties have always flashed with knives and swords for life and death. Superficially, it is for democracy, but actually it is to inflate their “mother complexes”. To reach substantive purposes, they resort to various conspiracies in both light and shadow, adding endless suffering and problems to society. So, the absence of all political parties everywhere is the noble ideal of people climbing to the highest realm of Life.

The other “organization” acting in the mother’s role is the family. It is said that the family is the cell of society, but these “cells” are inherently cancerous and everyone’s life troubles and misfortunes stem mainly from them. It is the bane of selfishness, greed, and infinite lust, and if they are not destroyed, the vicious cycles that people endure will never end. Why do people want families?Because people need to get their “milk” and their sense of security from them. People are reluctant to grow up and they all hope to cling to their mother’s arms forever.

States, religions, political parties, and families take on the roles of mothers and as long as we still cling to them, we can only be described as infants who have never grown up. New era consciousness requires people to step out of infancy because those who cannot think outside the infant’s crib have no road to heaven.

Before the birth of Lifechanyuan, the existence of states, religions, political parties, and families was justified, but now their presence is irrational. Previously, we thought that those who sacrificed for their states, religions, political parties, and brought honours to their ancestors were great and respectable. Now, we know they are pathetic and are infants who have never grown up.

January 15th 2006

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Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by youngest85(m): 7:30am On Jun 14, 2019
Are you a seeker?
Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by ivysunday(f): 3:10pm On Jun 15, 2019
Are you a seeker?
I once was till i find Lifechanyuan.

What is Lifechanyuan

Xue Feng

” Men of privilege without power are waste material. Men of enlightenment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. Men of intellectual and moral and religious culture, who are not active forces for good in society, are not worth what is a cost to produce and keep them.” – Henry Van Dyke

Lifechanyuan is a place where great souls come together to create a peaceful, beautiful, and harmonious reality for humanity and at the mean time, to make themselves qualified for accessing higher life spaces by means of self-cultivation and self-improvement.​

Lifechanyuan is the integration of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, science and Mao Zedong thoughts which truthfully explains the origin of the universe, the mystery of LIFE, and the true meaning of life.

For thousands of years, human beings have been groping their way forward and lost themselves. They have been suffering unnecessary grief and sorrows, not knowing the secret of LIFE; Few ever ask themselves: Why should I be busy as a bee all day long? Does it have anything to do with the meaning of my life? What’s the difference between me and a rushing ant?

During the history, many have been working hard to seek the answers; sages such as Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, from one generation after another had paid their painstaking efforts for us; Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln had worked so hard for us. All of them tried to create a peaceful world in which everyone enjoy happiness; some other great sages had endured the hardships and advised us in earnest in order to lead us into a happy homeland; but the real answer seems to be still far away from us, and we still need to go a long journey, step by step, to approach the other side of truth.

Lifechanyuan has answers and solutions for human sufferings and increasingly serious crises of the world, it also has answers for inquirying souls for questions as “Who am I, where did I come from, where am I going?” Lifechanyuan contains precious truths from the Greatest Creator of universe. It reveals how the universe comes into beings, how LIFE started, and the origin of human beings. It explains the meaning of time and space, and the purpose and meaning of LIFE. It also points out the cause of human suffering, the future of mankind, and the way how a person can get an everlasting happy life.

Lifechanyuan follows the path of the Greatest Creator, and the core values of Lifechanyuan are to revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, and revere nature.​

Lifechanyuan is a wonderland for resonant souls; it is a big family full of harmony and happiness, and it is a land of idyllic beauty for people living Lifechanyuan values to enjoy happiness.

Lifechanyuan is not a religion, so there is no special ceremony and requirements; Lifechanyuan is not a company, so it will not involve any business activities aiming for profits; Lifechanyuan is not a political party, so it neither has a constitution nor participates in any political activities.

Lifechanyuan does not belong to any individual, country, nation, religion, political party or organization.​​

Lifechanyuan intends to set up 256 new life oases in the form of intentional communities worldwide.

June 18, 2003
Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by youngest85(m): 11:35pm On Jun 15, 2019

I once was till i find Lifechanyuan.

What is Lifechanyuan

Xue Feng

” Men of privilege without power are waste material. Men of enlightenment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. Men of intellectual and moral and religious culture, who are not active forces for good in society, are not worth what is a cost to produce and keep them.” – Henry Van Dyke

Lifechanyuan is a place where great souls come together to create a peaceful, beautiful, and harmonious reality for humanity and at the mean time, to make themselves qualified for accessing higher life spaces by means of self-cultivation and self-improvement.​

Lifechanyuan is the integration of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, science and Mao Zedong thoughts which truthfully explains the origin of the universe, the mystery of LIFE, and the true meaning of life.

For thousands of years, human beings have been groping their way forward and lost themselves. They have been suffering unnecessary grief and sorrows, not knowing the secret of LIFE; Few ever ask themselves: Why should I be busy as a bee all day long? Does it have anything to do with the meaning of my life? What’s the difference between me and a rushing ant?

During the history, many have been working hard to seek the answers; sages such as Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, from one generation after another had paid their painstaking efforts for us; Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln had worked so hard for us. All of them tried to create a peaceful world in which everyone enjoy happiness; some other great sages had endured the hardships and advised us in earnest in order to lead us into a happy homeland; but the real answer seems to be still far away from us, and we still need to go a long journey, step by step, to approach the other side of truth.

Lifechanyuan has answers and solutions for human sufferings and increasingly serious crises of the world, it also has answers for inquirying souls for questions as “Who am I, where did I come from, where am I going?” Lifechanyuan contains precious truths from the Greatest Creator of universe. It reveals how the universe comes into beings, how LIFE started, and the origin of human beings. It explains the meaning of time and space, and the purpose and meaning of LIFE. It also points out the cause of human suffering, the future of mankind, and the way how a person can get an everlasting happy life.

Lifechanyuan follows the path of the Greatest Creator, and the core values of Lifechanyuan are to revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, and revere nature.​

Lifechanyuan is a wonderland for resonant souls; it is a big family full of harmony and happiness, and it is a land of idyllic beauty for people living Lifechanyuan values to enjoy happiness.

Lifechanyuan is not a religion, so there is no special ceremony and requirements; Lifechanyuan is not a company, so it will not involve any business activities aiming for profits; Lifechanyuan is not a political party, so it neither has a constitution nor participates in any political activities.

Lifechanyuan does not belong to any individual, country, nation, religion, political party or organization.​​

Lifechanyuan intends to set up 256 new life oases in the form of intentional communities worldwide.

June 18, 2003
How do I join the movement
Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by ivysunday(f): 9:25am On Jun 16, 2019

How do I join the movement
HI, thanks you for asking. Any one who want to enter Lifechanyuan, need to read through the Chanyuan Corpus and Xue Feng Corpus. If you are resonant with the Chanyuan values, you can write an application to be one of us. Below articles are relevant requirements.

Notice for Who Wants to Apply for Chanyuan- Celestial

Xue Feng

Chanyuan celestials are "ripen crops", and they shoulder the important task of pioneering the Lifechanyuan era for human beings.

Standards to be a Chanyuan celestial.

01. Revere the Greatest Creator, revere life, love nature and do not oppose government and the ruling party.

02. With graceful mind, civilized and cultivated, with certain degree of reading ability.

03. Healthy, well presented, gentle, kind, hard-working, honest, and trustworthy.

04. With a certain economic foundation and be able to solve one's own problems.

05. Having read at least one-third of Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus

06. Age from 18 to 60.

07. Willing to enter the 2nd home to live a new collective life of Chanyuan with no family and marriage.

08. Willing to devote everything to create a joyful, happy and free Lifechanyuan era, an environment, where things are harmonious, and everyone belongs to a big family which has lots of happiness, joy and freedom.

Chanyuan celestial will NOT take the following:

01. People who do not believe in the Greatest Creator.

02. Enemies of the government and the ruling party.

03. Incapable of reading.

04. Too much occupied with worldly affairs or engaged with too many human feelings.

05. Less than 18 or more than 60.

06. Those who can not help themselves.

07. No access to the Internet or incapable of computer network.

08. Eaten up with diseases.

09. Vulgar language user and with the inclination of bullying people.

10. Abusing one's parents.

11. Profaning God and Buddha, insulting ancestors and abusing the state leaders.

12. Liars and hypocrites who do not respect the facts and science.

13. People who are in favor of magic arts and the exceptional function.

14. High demanding for material living conditions.

15. Eccentrics, unable to integrate into the collective life.

16. People who are very jealousy and use to complain and compare.

17. People who are too egocentric or cynical.

18. Incapable of expressing one's own wishes and thoughts completely and accurately.

Chanyuan celestial not only needs to have the ability to solve his own problems, but also needs to have the ability to solve the problems faced by all human beings, so the Chanyuan celestial should have a Mahayana aspiration, and should be hard-working, perseverant, brave and selfless dedicated, should be open-minded, optimistic, positive, cheerful and unfettered, should have the courage to overcome all difficulties and march toward the ultimate goal, should have the quality of being true, kind, fair, honest and trustful.

Chanyuan celestial is not a common self-improver or self-refiner with the Hinayana aspiration, and he/she has to be an outstanding person, has to be the elite of all human beings, has to be the mainstay of human civilization, and a pioneer for the new life of all human beings.
Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by ivysunday(f): 9:26am On Jun 16, 2019

How do I join the movement

Another Notice for the Application of Chanyuan Celestial

Xue Feng

Each time I turn down your application, I feel uncomfortable as you are. I do wish to bring all the people who want to become Chanyuan celestial to Chanyuan home. However, the reality is cruel; I have no choice but to close the door on you.

Lifechanyuan "harvests the ripen crops". Even once the "unripe crops" are taken in, they will ultimately be eliminated. Lifechanyuan has eliminated more than one thousand people. One fifth of the currently listed names will be eliminated. The process of easily giving a grass name then eliminating out is very painful, so please understand.

Actually, the standards and requirements of Chanyuan celestial are very strict, ten times stricter than selecting pilots.

Chanyuan celestial not only will create a Lifechanyuan era for human life, it also should be capable of touching the sky which is by no means easy for the common spiritual practitioners. Chanyuan celestial can not have any deformity, and they should have super comprehension ability.

I list some more UNACCEPTABLE terms as follows for applicants to check.

1. Illiteracy

It is hard for those who can not read Chanyuan corpus and Xuefeng corpus to comprehend Chanyuan concept.

2. Aged

Lifechanyuan implements brand new ideas and life system. Whereas the aged people have formed thinking set and consciousness through long time accumulation and it is hard for them to make a fundamental change and difficult to accept Chanyuan concept.

3. Disabled

This is not discrimination, but a standard. Handicapped people are not eligible for pilots, let alone Chanyuan celestial who will have big missions

4. Too tall or too short; non symmetrical or unbalanced appearance; people with body odor.

I'm not choosing the beauties, it's because the standards of place I want to take Chanyuan celestials to are very high.

5. People in the marriage and family life

Chanyuan celestial is leading a life without marriage and family. If you become a Chanyuan celestial, who will take care of your husband or wife? Who will attend to your parents and children? You can not just walk away and leave them behind, you have to take care of them and you can't be merciless.

6. Insufficient economic conditions

If you find it hard to be self sufficient, how can you possibly create Lifechanyuan era for human?

7. People are severely jealous, complaining and use to compare People who have the above mentioned three characters can not bring joy, happiness and free to other people, instead they tend to bring a series of distress, trouble, anxiety and worry.

8. No access to Internet

Network came into being for Lifechanyuan era. Lifechanyuan's operation mainly depends on network. So it is impossible for you to involve in the construction of Lifechanyuan era without Internet access.

9. People find difficulty in expressing ideas and thoughts accurately

It is hard to cooperate with others if you can not express yourself and hard for me to guide you as well.

10. People who are not humble, modest and open-minded

People who are not humble, modest and open-minded are too stubborn, too rigid and hard to train.

We would rather not have Lifechanyuan than to lower its standard. And we would prefer not having Chanyuan celestial to reap the "unripe crops" into Lifechanyuan.

You can scold or blame Xuefeng for his cruelness, but it would not make him lower the standard.

Jan 13, 2010
Re: Infants Who Never Grow Up by ivysunday(f): 9:27am On Jun 16, 2019

How do I join the movement
To Those Who Wish to be Chanyuan Celestial

Xue Feng

To realize the supreme ideal of human being--enter into the era of Lifechanyuan, we hope that everyone can be a Chanyuan celestial. Therefore, anyone wants to become a Chanyuan celestial is very much welcome, desired, and will be warmly embraced by us.

However, Lifechanyuan selects only the gems, not the pebbles from among people and accepts only the livings not the dead.

Chanyuan celestials are the greatest, the most civilized, intelligent, brave, kind, lovely, innocent and perfect persons among the human beings in present society, who are the seed of celestial beings and the residents of future kingdom of heaven. And therefore not everyone can be a Chanyuan celestial.

If you want to be a Chanyuan celestial, you must have the following characters.

1. You are a civilized person.

1. You are a kind person

2. You are a wise person.

3. You are a diligent person.

4. You are a person with great ideals.

5. You are a person wanting to be celestial.

6. You are a person who keeps promise.

7. You are a person who loves to bring delighted, joyful, free and happy life to others.

If you think that you possess the standards mentioned above, you are eligible to apply for Chanyuan celestial.

If you want to be Chanyuan celestial, you must understand the tactic.

1. As a new comer, never ever show off yourself; to enter into the narrow gate of life, you should low down your head.

1. Learn play and entertainment first, can you play? If you can't play, you can't be a Chanyuan celestial.

2. Focus on the strengths of other Chanyuan celestial, use praise, encouraging and appreciative language as possible as you can. Do not be fussy about other Chanyuan celestial; do not argue with them either.

3. First understand the values of Lifechanyuan, then explicate your own opinion. Focusing on Chanyuan values when you interpret something.

4. After you get along well with other people, then you can reveal yourself and demonstrate your talent and character thoroughly.

5. Being a Chanyuan celestial, you should never ever be jealous about each other. You should extend your happiness and congratulations to other's progress from the bottom of your heart.

6. You should be enthusiastic, passionate and flexible.

7. After being a Chanyuan celestial, you must stand up straightly, hold the head up, and be a man of indomitable spirit.

Eight don'ts to be a Chanyuan celestial.

1. Do not have political ambitions.

2. Do not conspire it into to some organizations.

3. Do not attempt to out match Chanyuan-celestial.

4. Do not gossip.

5. Do not attack any government, political party, religion, or other organizations and individuals.

6. Do not use big, empty, formulary, false, dirty and stupid words.

7. Do not give others lessons, but well manage yourself.

8. Do not attempt to highlight yourself.

Remember this paradox: only when you abandon yourself totally, you can fulfill yourself ultimately. If you are eager to fulfill yourself, you will lose yourself ultimately.

At the same time, you should remember to unfold yourself timely and don't make yourself expired.

You can not highlight yourself but to unfold yourself timely, this seems to be a contradiction. It depends mostly on your artistic talent or your spiritual nature to deal with this contradiction,.

To be a Chanyuan celestial is both the easiest and hardest thing.

March 2, 2008

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