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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? (433 Views)
God the father, son (Jesus Christ) & Holy Spirit is the only true God / Daddy Freeze Is A Liar, Tithing Is Very Scriptural And Was Approved By Jesus / Jehovahs Witnesses that believe they are the only True Christians.Please come in (2) (3) (4)
Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Abdulgaffar22: 3:54am On Jun 17, 2019 |
If you really believe in the existence of God and you really want to know the ONLY true religion (or faith or spiritual path) on earth that is APPROVED by this God, then take your time and carefully follow the FOUR LOGICAL POINTS explained below #1. Suppose your son was asked in a school assignment to list the major types of religion ( or faith or spiritual path ) we have in the world. If you really want to assist your son, then you would start mentioning some NAMES like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. But wait! What do you think is going to happen if all these religions (or faiths or spiritual paths)have NO NAME you can use to mention them ? Would you be able to assist your son in doing the assignment ? Certainly not! This simply shows that a religion ( or faith or any spiritual path claimed to bring us closer to God) must have a particular "NAME" through which it can be mentioned, described or referenced; just like any other ENTITY ( like human being, animal, place, colour or thing) in the world must have a particular "NAME" through which it can be mentioned, described or referenced #2. Having established that a religion (or faith or any spiritual path) must have a particular NAME through which it can be mentioned, described or referenced. Now, who do you think should be the RIGHT and APPROPRIATE person/people to give or invent such a NAME ? There are only three options; A.The general humanity ? B. The people that practice the religion ( or believe in the faith or follow the spiritual path) ? C. The original author /founder of the religion ( or faith or spiritual path) ? Of course, the option C is the correct option. The original author of a book is the right and appropriate person to give a NAME to that book. Again, the original author or the maker of a car is the right and appropriate person to give a NAME to that car. Furthermore, the original author or founder of a school is the right and appropriate person to give a NAME to that school. Also, the original author or founder of a company is the right and appropriate person to give a NAME to that company. Therefore, in a similar sense, the ORIGINAL AUTHOR/ FOUNDER of a religion (or faith or spiritual path) is the right and appropriate person to give a NAME to that religion (or faith or spiritual path). #3. Therefore, if God is really the ORIGINAL AUTHOR/ FOUNDER of any religion (or faith or spiritual path) that has a SCRIPTURE, then as we have established above from the FIRST and the SECOND point, giving a particular NAME to such a religion( or faith or spiritual path) by God Himself in that very SCRIPTURE is exactly what we are EXPECTING #4. However, with the exception of ONLY ONE religion, the NAMES of all the major religions( or faiths or spiritual paths) in the world are NO WHERE to be found in their scriptures. Simply put, the word "HINDUISM" is no where to be found in the scriptures (i:e Vedas and Upanishads) used by the Hindus. Again, the word "BUDDHISM" is no where to be found in the scriptures (i:e the Sutras) used by the Buddhists. Furthermore, the word "CHRISTIANITY" is no where to be found in the scriptures (i:e the Bible) used by the Christians. Similarly, the word "JUDAISM" is no where to be found in the scriptures (i:e the Torah) used by the Judaists. Hence, follows from the THIRD POINT explained above, this simply shows that God is NOT the original author of all these religions (or faiths or spiritual paths). The only exception we have is the religion of ISLAM. It is the ONLY religion on earth that satisfied the EXPECTATION made mention above in the THIRD POINT . That is to say, the word "ISLAM" is found on the many pages of the scripture ( i:e the Qur'an) used by the Muslims. For example, Qur'an 5:3 read as follows; "This day, I (Allah) have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed MY favour upon you, and I have chosen for you ISLAM as your religion". If the NAME of the religion embraced by the Muslims is not Islam but "muhammedanism" (which is analogous to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and others), then similar problem will occur. This is because the word "Muhammedanism" is no where to be found in the Qur'an. But God Almighty Himself has carefully coined the word "ISLAM" so that Islam would continue to remain as the NAME of only religion or faith that ever came from God. The word "Islam" means ; submission to the will of God (see Qur'an 2:112). Those who submit in this manner are called Muslims (i:e submitters to the will of God). Therefore, logically speaking, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Isaac, Jacob and the likes can be called Muslims (i:e submitters to the will of God) without any problem. Hence, we can say conveniently that they practice Islam (i:e they submit to the will of one true God). Hence, Islam is not the religion of the Qur'an alone, nor is the name of a religion started by prophet Muhammad. Rather, ISLAM (i:e submission to God's will) is the NAME of the religion ever brought by all the true prophets of God. However, the ceremonial content of this ISLAM may differ slightly from one prophet to another just like the syllabus contents of Mathematics differ slightly from one school level to another. This is a very simple, direct and logical analysis. But if you think my analysis is wrong, please kindly let me know which of the FOUR LOGICAL POINTS explained above is not correct. 1 Like |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Nobody: 4:41am On Jun 17, 2019 |
You got it wrong with your Four Logical Point. 2 Likes |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Megatrix: 5:29am On Jun 17, 2019 |
all religions are scam 1 Like |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by wisea(m): 5:46am On Jun 17, 2019 |
Whats the essence of religion if it could not be use as criteria for judgment on judgment day..YOUR DEEDS WILL SPEAK FOR YOU |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Mordecai(m): 6:30am On Jun 17, 2019 |
False premises. First of all, name the number 567,387,098,169,361,007.61 in your native language. I'm sure you can't. Does that invalidate the number? That shows your first point is a fallacy. For the academic exercise, let us assume it is not fallacious. Taking your second and third points and applying them to a person, for instance, you the poster: Who named you - your parents, guardian or your God? The right person to name you is the one that created you ie God. Since he didn't name you and no human has the right to name you, it is safe to assume you have no name. We can then classify you as a nonentity or not using your first point. You know where you'd belong ![]() You wouldn't want to apply this to your Prophet. Please discard these fallacies and move on. 1 Like |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Abdulgaffar22: 3:46pm On Jun 17, 2019 |
@ Mordecai There is nothing wrong with my first point. My first point says that all religions or faiths or spiritual paths MUST HAVE NAMES just like any other entity in the world must have a particular name through which it can be mentioned. If something has no name, then there is no way you can mention it or describe it. Suppose you want to describe the color of a car you see on the road to your wife, you have to mention the NAME of that color. Suppose you send your child to bring something for you in your room, you have to mention the NAME of that something. So the first point is very simple to understand. Yes, according to my second point, the right and appropriate person to give me NAME is my Creator. But there is NO WAY for God my Creator to announce my NAME directly to the world. Therefore, He has to put my NAME in the minds of my parents. But in case of religion (or faith or spiritual path) that came from God, there is way for God Himself to announce its NAME directly to the world; by way of revelation in the religious scriptures. Therefore there is nothing wrong with my second point. |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by rekinomtla(m): 5:08pm On Jun 17, 2019 |
So basically your argument is Islam is the true because the word "Islam" is found in the Quran. And we know that it came from God because it said so, sounds logical. ![]() |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Abdulgaffar22: 5:20pm On Jun 17, 2019 |
Pls follow the four points one after the other and you will understand the whole analysis. One point lead to another. The analysis does not say; Islam is true because the word Islam is found in the Qur'an. But the analysis says if there is any true religion from God, then it must be Islam because it is ONLY faith on earth that satisfy the EXPECTATION made mention above in the THIRD POINT. |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Youngjho(m): 6:58pm On Jun 17, 2019 |
Come!be his friend What to know before you can be his friend 1.Where his from 2.His worth 3.What he want from you 4.Your reward Then who is Jesus (luke3vs22) And the holy ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven, which said, thou art my beloved son,in thee I am well pleased. Confirmation from his Father to us on earth His worth(John 1vs3) All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. He is our lord and master from the beginning of the world. Matthew 28vs18 And Jesus came and spake unto them,saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Abdulgaffar22: 12:34pm On Jun 18, 2019 |
@ youngjho You wrote; Then who is Jesus (luke3vs22) And the holy ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven, which said, thou art my beloved son,in thee I am well pleased. Confirmation from his Father to us on earth My reply; How are you sure that a voice that came from heaven was voice of God the Father especially when Jesus made it known to the the disciples that no one can see the form of God or hear his voice(John 5:37) ? |
Re: Do You Really Want To Know The Only True Religion Approved By God ? by Youngjho(m): 1:02pm On Jun 18, 2019 |
Abdulgaffar22:Bro read that verse you quoted and you"ll realise its answer your question cos they were not there when john baptist him and please read it to verse 39 |
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