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Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? - Romance - Nairaland

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Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 11:50am On May 08, 2007
or are you one that goes with : WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW CAN'T HURT YOU?
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by dupebaby(m): 3:08pm On May 09, 2007
i think it much better for u to know, because u won;t have 2 put ur hope in one asshole, (sorrry guy), [/color][color=#990000]
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by iice(f): 3:17pm On May 09, 2007
I'd love to know, like i tend to say, the truth might be a bitter pill to swallow but it'l do ya good in the end.
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 3:39pm On May 09, 2007
i feel y'all ladies, but i have this friend who was dating a complete jerk once, and she chose to be oblivious to his infedelity because, she said she loved him and nothing she said/did would change him. Its how african men are.

PERSONALLY I AM GETTING TIRED OF MEN TRYING TO JUSTIFY CHEATING GENETICALLY, about its in their nature to cheat/be polygamous, heck it's in my nature to not take bull sh*t from u,

and u'd be surprise, that this way of thinking is begining to make some girls think its ok, to stay with a serial cheat,


Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 3:44pm On May 09, 2007
no, i dont want to know
whats the point?
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by iice(f): 3:50pm On May 09, 2007

heck it's in my nature to not take bull sh*t from u,

I love that line! grin
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by IBDat(m): 4:07pm On May 09, 2007
Hell yeah i'd want to know, why, whom, where, when, how long n how many others (if any) - as it will be over b'tween us angry
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 4:08pm On May 09, 2007
iice, lol, hahaha, but's true now, see me see wahala

@viee, what do u mean, what is the point?, i mean he is being unfailthful and u wouldn't want to know?, why not? (and plz dont say love)
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 4:09pm On May 09, 2007

Hell yeah i'd want to know, why, whom, where, when, how long n how many others (if any) - as it will be over b'tween us angry

u see, as long as u also don't expect her to stay with u if u cheat on her, then i'm cool with ur reaction (because most of u guys have double standards, IT'S OK FOR THE GUY TO CHEAT, BUT NOT THE GIRL, because then the guys get all hot n' bothered about it)
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:04pm On May 09, 2007
This is a nice one

I heard one lady tell her friend that came to complain her husband was cheating "well all men do, as far as he takes care of you, your needs and your kids, you're covered ooh my dear"

What arrant nonsense, what makes it ok for him to cheat?? Does he have 3heads??

I want to know ooh so that i can walk . . and if we were married, don't think you'll get off that easily. angry

What is good for the goose . . . (you know the rest) wink cheesy cheesy
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by neelsel(f): 5:09pm On May 09, 2007
Two can play that game cheesy grin,

Ok. on a more serious note though, this seem to be an every growing problem. It still infuriates me when society literally excuses men for cheating blaming it on genetics, norms, practices and host of other things.

I strongly believe that men who cheat lack something essential and need to seek professional help. I would NEVER adhere to or tolerate such behaviours, and advise anyone caught in this despictable dilemma to get out as soon as possible. In the end it's your sanity that should matter most and not what society glorifies as acceptable behaviour.
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 5:11pm On May 09, 2007
cute-ass, i am begining to grow a liking for ur attitude to life, lol

hahaha 'arrant non-sense'

hahahaha, btu it's true i'd want to know, although i don't want to know the details, what positions, what u did etc, i remember the first time i got cheated on and then dumped (up until then, i was the one doing the dumping right, and then i fall head over heels inlove with this guy, who chetas on me with my friend and then has the guts to dump me -ME? hmm- it was a self humbling experience, but painful)

i remember asking him for details, which he gave me some in arguments, and at the time i wanted to know, btu it made moving on 3times harder, and a part of me respects him for being the 1st to let me know i am 'dump-able' btu another part of me still hates/dislikes me.

So YES i wanna know if he's cheating or if he find someone attractive, btu i dont wanna know the details

(and just for those who are wondering, i havent been dumped again!-and i intend to keep it that way) smiley
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 5:14pm On May 09, 2007
because it will not make much difference
it surely not be because of love-hell no

i will rather prefer to live in a fools paradise and see him as ireally want to see him
i have come to realise that for partners who cheat, they will always cheat,
it will take a special miracle to make them stop

if i find out the lady and maybe start a fight
she is just one lady out of a million undecided
he leaves her and finds someone else!

this days the rate with which spouses cheat is alarming
i met a guy that once said that he dosnt cheat since he has just one wife and one gfriend and he is faithful to them
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:16pm On May 09, 2007
@ neelsel

You're so right, if 6 out of 10 refuses to settle for them "i don't want to eat the same soup every night" guys, believe me they'll all wake up from their slumbers wink

The fact that there are some guys that have actually stood out has made me know, realise and believe they weren't created that way, its just a path they choose to go so my dearest if you choose to walk down that path with rest of the "do you know who we are" group,

darling so be it, but do not come back angry

Whoever said girls liked having the same kind of cake for dessert, but for all the other things a relationship represents, they do. Now you better buckle up or go do it somewhere else!!! cool

I feel so sorry for girls who do not know their worth and think they were made for guys to come walk over them, NO ooh its not by far acceptable and i'll tell thet to any grieving ear that would listen. Yes, love is enduring, but both ways!!!!!!

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Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 5:16pm On May 09, 2007
besides im yet to meet any successful guy that dosnt have a wife at home and a babe somewhere
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 5:20pm On May 09, 2007
@viee, hmmm u see, that ur way of thinking pass me ohhh, are u a jealous lover? (please u dont have to answer, if u dont want to)

every woman, deserves to be respected and treated that way, now if he cheats, i am not saying u have to leave him straight away, btu dont let him understand from the start that cheating is OK

and i have met faithful guys and utter playas, i roll in both circles, so i can smell a rat b4 it even appears, my guy knows i can tell the signs of cheating, he's gotta be very good to get past me

@cute, i am feeling u
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:22pm On May 09, 2007

cute-ass, i am begining to grow a liking for your attitude to life, lol

hahaha 'arrant non-sense'

LOL grin grin dearie laugh ooh, i learnt that from my mum though and i laugh each time she uses it wink

But honestly though, its high time these guys get a taste of that "paracetamol' they've been serving us

And just for the records, i do not condone a "cheating girl" either, so it goes both ways wink
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 5:32pm On May 09, 2007
of course!
but more importantly, im resonable
i will believe that he is not capable of cheating on me as long as he dosnt give me any reason to think otherwise.

i expect him to come home on time, call me always,i wont pick his calls(cos it is private)
i expect him to answer me whenever i call and always be there for me

if he does all this, i dont want to know with the remaining 5% of his time
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:32pm On May 09, 2007
@ Luxoire

girl you are reading my mind so

No ooh, the circumstances should determine if he's gotten chances to last him a life-time or if he still could be listed as a deserver of one more chance. The point is, not making him think its OK, hell nah!

Make yourself his pride, that if you could be satisfied with just him, then he should be ready to do the same. All there is to sex is the girl's in-between and a guys "thingy", now why not make your partner the only one you want to do "it" with

Or does the other girl have some "diamond" in there that you're hunting for, if yes ,then you've totally ruined your partners pride and the trust and respect she has for you . . now why would you take that lightly??

If you're not ready to commit, then don't and then you'll have a free ticket to as many as you want, you can't eat your cake and still expect to have it in your palms wink wink

My boyfriend and i were kidding sometime back and he said "I'll rather loose you to being a lesbo than loose you to a fellow guy, Cos i'll keep wondering what it is he has that i don't have" . . now thats the emotional trauma and much more that these people that get cheated on are being subjected to cry cry cry
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:34pm On May 09, 2007

if he does all this, i don't want to know with the remaining 5% of his time

Darling, neither do we, as far as the 5% doesn't go to another woman's pleasure and sexual practice or satisfaction wink

We didnt say we wanted to monitor his whereabout and actions, we want to know when he's CHEATING cheesy
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by osegwu(m): 5:39pm On May 09, 2007
I don't want to know because I will push her out of my life.

And the next one I get will definitely cheat as is their nature way.

So I will rather don't know for what you don't know don't hurt you
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 5:41pm On May 09, 2007
i feel u cute,
but i dont want to know if he is cheatn
i will only be concerned if he starts gettn emtionally attached to a particular babe
that is when i know that they is trouble!
i know you will say that the best way to avoid such is to make sure he cheat
i will rather make sure i keep him home more  grin

lose u to a lesbo?
that will hurt me more ooooooooooo
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:47pm On May 09, 2007

lose u to a lesbo?
that will hurt me more ooooooooooo

Will you rather think there's something your fellow guy could give that you were lacking?? undecided

With the lesbo, at least you know you can not and will never possess her features.

Not that i'llgo about spying him, but if i knew, i wouldnt wish i didnt and if he could be so calous to cheat, i hope he thought out the consequences cool

But for those who were wondering . . NO, i'm not lesbo, it was all in the cause of a discussion!! wink grin
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 5:47pm On May 09, 2007
COME OH @vIEE, I BEG I NO UNDERSTAND U, SO HE CAN CHEAT AND ITS OK WITH U AS LONG AS ITS JUST A PHYSICAL THING AND THERE ARE NO EMOTIONAL STRINGS?, truth is u cant keep him home all the time, because if he wants he can still bang someone else in his lunch hour

@cute, i know hun

When me and my guy first started dating the first thing he made me promise was, ''the day u fall out of love with me, leave me, Dont cheat on me'', promise u will do that, and i will return the honour,
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 5:49pm On May 09, 2007
Funny thing is, when a gy truly loves u, if u cheat on him, u will break his heart, possibly scar him for life, sensitive creatures they are, men
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by cuteass1(f): 5:49pm On May 09, 2007

@cute, i know hun

When me and my guy first started dating the first thing he made me promise was, ''the day u fall out of love with me, leave me, Dont cheat on me'', promise u will do that, and i will return the honour,

Funny darl

I too told my boyfriend that once, what a coincidence grin
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by viee(f): 5:54pm On May 09, 2007
i meant make he dosnt cheat

what im saying here is simple what i dont will not hurt

a guy/girl cheats once
he/she will probably do it again

i rather believe that he will never do it at all than he can do it again wink
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by luxoire(f): 5:56pm On May 09, 2007
@cute, u see, i  knew theres something about u i like, i like that matter-of-factly approach to things,

he aint saying dont have anotehr person, but just to not disrespect him, by cheating on him, lol grin, and when i told him that was teh sweetest thing ever, lol, he rolled back into his 'macho shell' i just smiled and shook my head thinking BABY!!, MY BABY!!, i'll try my best to look after u and ur heart!!!
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by uyai(f): 7:34pm On May 09, 2007
my question is, who do all these men cheat with?
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by kike001(f): 1:24pm On May 10, 2007
teach him a really gud lesson d one he will never forget but i doubt any guy will eva cheat on me its probably me doin d cheating lol
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by nawa1(m): 2:48pm On May 10, 2007
osegwu, abi d sickness weh u no know d name no fit kill u? grin grin

d truth is dat once u found out ur spouse is cheatin on u, ur felling 4 her/him will neva b dsame again.

if she/him cheats on u, find out y, if d reason is not gud enough, kick HER ass. sorry i 4got to add /HIM grin grin
Re: Would You Want To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating? by bebe2007(m): 1:59pm On May 11, 2007
Am taking another dimension here. If your babe cheats on you cry cry there is obviously a reason. Stay and find out what you are doing wrong and learn to correct your mistake. she probably would not do it again if you correct your mistake.

If your boyfriend cheats on you he obviously has no reason to do so.LOL just being a dog that he is anyway. tongue

Seriuously, i would want to know why he did it probably am doing something wrong.Sometimes its true, you are probably in the wrong. BUT MOSTLY ITS NOT YOUR FAULT.

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