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Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 10:33pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod: incubi and succubi are twin demons that terrorise men and women sexually and steal away their virtues, however they are the lowest level of twin demons who carry out such acts and unfortunately they are the ones most Christians are aware of even pastors. After incubus and succubus, the next level of twin demons that act as spirit husband and wives are known by coven names Lilu , Lilitu 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 10:39pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
Lilu is another form of spirit husband similar to incubus that has sexual intercourse with women , but they are more deadly than incubus. Lilitu is also another form of spirit wife that has sexual intercourse with men similar to succubus. While incubus and succubus operate only at night between 12.05am- 2.55am, Lilu and Lilitu operate at any time of the day, wether morning, afternoon or night. They have no respect and don't care where you are, they can even have sexual intercourse with the oppressed person inside a local bus within minutes, as long as the person closes his/her eyes to sleep. 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 10:43pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
incubus and succubus normally wait for their victims at midnight to sleep off before they attack, but that's not so with Lilu and Lilitu. Lilu and Lilitu follow their victims as monitoring spirits wherever they go and oppress their victims wherever they meet them. They monitor the progress of their victims making sure they make no progress in life and inflict all kinds of hardship and incurable diseases on their victims. These demons are worse than incubus and succubus, but funny enough they aren't the worst of the twin demons that act as spirit husbands/ wife 2 Likes |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 10:49pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
The worst of the twin demons that attack men and women and act as spirit husbands and wives are known by their coven names: Ardatlili and Irdulili. These ones are extremely terrible and cruel and are all out to steal, kill and then destroy their victims through death and if possible lead them away from Christ. Ardatlili acts just like incubus and Lilu, but is far worse than both of them combined, while Irdulili acts just like succubus and Lilitu but is also far worse than both of them combined 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 11:00pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod:What you dont realise is, this isnt an argument, but it is a dissemination of information, as I never argue or engage in arguments. The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie and building a profile of telling lies OkCornel:The charlatan and sham, is pleading to you OkCornel, not me. EnthronedbyGod:In time, after I've uploaded my response, let's see whether he'll obey you or ignore your pleading. EnthronedbyGod:I dont need to call anyone out. I dont need anyone's response. I dont need anyone's attention. I am not doing this for likes or money, but I am carrying out a moral obligation. Telling someone the truth, is a loving act. They shall know the truth, and the truth shall make them free. Truth will never imprison you. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:04pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
Adatlili and Irdulili don't just follow their victims around like Lilu and Liluti do, they go further to inhabit the bodies of their victims. They are extremely deadly and can kill their victims within a very short period of time. These demons are sent from the marine witchcraft kingdom mainly against Christians. They cause untold hardship to their victims inflicting them with terminal diseases, they also cause a lot of divorce and failed relationship, cos they claim outright ownership of their victims. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:08pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
These demons mentioned above are deployed mostly from the marine witchcraft kingdom against the church. They start by trying to gain entrance into their victims by seduction in the dreams. So many Christians have dreams where guys/ladies try to seduce them or have sexual intercourse with them and these Christians ignore such dreams claiming the demons didn't succeed instead of praying against it. Once the demon sees you're ignorant, the next thing is you'll find yourself having sexual intercourse with them in the dream 2 Likes |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 11:11pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod: He's itching so bad for attention. If after his long response I don't see anything on the location or whereabouts of Elijah's grave, then it's not even worth replying him. Couldn't help but laugh seeing someone supporting homosexuality calling you a charlatan. Smh. 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:14pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
The moment they succeed in having sexual intercourse with you, they'll take your sperm or fluid they stole from you to your family altar in the spirit realm and go and claim outright ownership. This is how people get to have spirit husbands/ wives. That's why some people see themselves getting married to strange people in the dreams, the unlucky ones don't even have such dreams, cos the demons play hide and seek thereby hiding such dreams from them. Some ladies also see themselves breastfeeding strange babies in the dream, while some guys see themselves playing with ladies in the water or strange places . 2 Likes |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:18pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
OkCornel: This is why I said you should ignore him, cos he'll do everything to get your attention. He has told me I'll end up in hell, so calling me a charlatan is small, you can go back and read all he has said against me but I've never responded. Try as much as possible to ignore. I know it's difficult, but it's worth it. The Bible says he that hath no rule over his spirit is like a city that's broken down and without walls. I'll be so happy if you ignore him. God bless 8 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:23pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
These spirits inflict a lot of terminal diseases on their victims like HIV, AIDS,Tuberculosis, Fibroid, Cancer, Diabetes, e.t.c They are deployed to destroy marriages by all forms and tactics. Fibroid is the most common of diseases used by these spirits to destroy marriages, followed by cancer , then HIV. Not everyone that has HIV actually got it through sexual intercourse, there are many people living with HIV who got it through Spirit husbands/wives. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:32pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
The coven term for cancer deployed by this satanic spirits vary depending on wether it's male or female. The cancer of the breast caused by this spirit is known with the coven name - Mocumat- This is the type of cancer that comes upon women such that even after cutting off the two breasts they will still somehow detect cancer in other parts of the body. Mohoshis- Coven name for prostrate cancer used by these spirits to destroy men. These types of cancer can never be cured by chemotherapy and unfortunately more than 70% of people living with prostate cancer and cancer of the breast got it from Spirit husbands/wives 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:38pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
These spirits also cause low sperm count in men and barrenness in women. When a spirit husband has sexual intercourse with a woman, it releases an acidic kind of sperm that builds a type of hedge around her reproductive organs, such that if she later has sexual intercourse with her husband, the sperm released by this spirit will instantly neutralise the husbands sperm and makes it impossible for the woman's egg to be fertilised. Same goes for the husband, the spirit wife also neutralises the man's sperm by the acidic fluid she releases and makes such man's sperm unable to impregnate his wife. This is why so many couples are declared medically fit and yet are unable to bear children 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:46pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
The most common of these diseases upon Christians is inflicted upon women and it's known as Fibroid. This is the medical term but not the witchcraft term. Fibroid is a strictly from the marine witchcraft kingdom and it's mostly caused by these spirit husbands. Its coven name in the witchcraft kingdom is known as Cheltac. Cheltac means womb terrorists and that's actually what Fibroid is. It's really a womb terrorist. TBC 3 Likes |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 11:52pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod: Hi, sorry lemme update your request on this. I just typed out the chapter without comparing to your original post. Although I just updated it to include your post. Lemme do it here as well. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 11:53pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod: Enoch Chapter 6 - 8; CHAPTER 6; 1 And it came to pass, after the children of men increased in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born to them. 2 And the angels, the sons of the heavens saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: "Behold, we will choose for ourselves wives among the children of men, and will beget for ourselves children." 3 And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: "I fear that perhaps ye will not be willing to do this deed, and I alone shall suffer for this great sin." 4 Then all answered him and said: "We all will swear an oath, and bind ourselves mutually to a curse, that we will not give up this plan, but will make this plan a deed." 5 Then they all swore together, and bound themselves by a curse; and together they were two hundred. 6 And they descended on Ardis, which is the summit of Mount Hermon; and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn on it and bound themselves mutually by a curse. 7 And these are the names of their leaders: Semjaza who was their leader, Urakibarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Saraqujal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anani, Zaqebe, Samsaveel, Sartael, Turel, Jomjael, Arazjal. 8 These are the leaders of the two hundred angels, and the others all were with them. CHAPTER 7 1 And they took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go into them, and mixed with them, and taught them charms and conjurations, and made them acquainted with cutting of roots and woods. 2 And they became pregnant and brought forth great giants whose stature was three thousand ells. 3 These devoured the acquisitions of all mankind till men were unable to sustain themselves. 4 And the giants turned themselves against mankind in order to devour them. 5 And they began to sin against the birds and the beasts, and against the creeping things, and the fish, and devoured their flesh among themselves, and drank the blood thereof. 6 Then the earth complained of the unjust ones. CHAPTER 8 1 And Azazel taught mankind to make swords and knives and shields and coat of mail, and taught them to see what is behind them, and their works of art: bracelets and ornaments, and the use of rouge, and the beautifying of the eyebrows, and the dearest and choicest stones and all coloring substances and the metals of the earth. 2 And there was great wickedness and much fornication, and they sinned, and all their ways were corrupt. 3 Amezarak taught all the conjurers and root cutters, Armaros the loosening of conjurations, Baraq'al the astrologers, Kokabel the signs, Temel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the course of the moon. 4 And in the destruction of mankind, they cried aloud, and their voices reached heaven. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 11:57pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
OkCornel: It's okay. Conjurer is same as witchcraft/ sorcery. The difference in name spelling is probably due to language barrier |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 11:58pm On Aug 23, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod: Yeah, most likely language and interpretation issues on the way the names were spelt. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nephilim: 12:36am On Aug 24, 2019 |
Mermaid issues! Big fish like whale/shark playing at the sea shore then turn to stunning beautiful lady, and comes to me and....!!! Rest is story... EnthronedbyGod: |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by Nobody: 7:37am On Aug 24, 2019 |
OkCornel:I first encountered this guy sometime late last year when I first came to Nairaland on one of my early threads. But it seems I was immediately able to sense that something was wrong with him from the onset, since I deliberately ignored him despite responding to some others who even quoted me after him. But he kept disturbing me and trying to seek my attention, so I thought I should respond to him for all his efforts and at least hear what he had to say. Do you know that my decision to ignore him at first was justified because I regretted it after doing so, because I had found him to be someone that would say something, but at the same time be denying what he said even when the evidence of what he said was right in front of his eyes. That made me know that he had really serious issues, and that arguing with such a person would be a waste of time, so from then up til this very day I have never responded once to his mentions at least not directly, not even once. But do you know that if someone can die by mentioning, that poster could have not only killed but already buried me by now? The first time I came to know he supported homosexualism was from the mouth of someone close to me here, a former atheist, who had told me she had made a thread to call him out for his support of homosexualism, abortion and I think divorce, but I advised her not to get into the gutter with him, and after much pleading she finally agreed to shelve it. And you can see how wise that step was, for today what was secret has been revealed, but you can yet see how useless God's instructions concerning the abominable act is being completely denied and ignored by him as though they don't exist. But prior to him coming fully out to openly declare his support for homosexualism, there was someone active on this thread formerly with the moniker arogbeide or so, now caveadullam, who I had told this concerning him, but this guy completely denied it to the extent that caveadullam believed him that I just made that up as a smokescreen. But I believed the caveadullam lived to regret it because what the homosexualist denied beforehand to his belief, he was later on the neck of the same caveadullam preaching the gospel of homosexualism for caveadullam to accept, to his embarrassment I believe, because I who had forewarned him about such concerning that fella was a witness to it all. But yet this was the same homosexualist that was here mocking me on this thread at some point when I was at the receiving end of many attacks and jokes, and even mocked and rejoice at my departure from the thread then, was being foolishly joined by the same caveadullam to laugh me to scorn. And at that point knowing their folly and truth about what was going on, I just left without responding to their concerted onslaught, but here I am back on this thread by the Holy Ghost and not by man, but you can see the treatment the unrepentant and passionate homosexualist who mocked me is now receiving, and tell who is now the butt of many jokes. Hence my plea to you to ignore him even though he mentioned you, because if you expect him to not mention you for you to ignore him on this thread, then you would have to keep responding to him till thy kingdom come. At least not on this thread if you really care about souls, for I expect you should have seen how despite that anas09 had attacked me severally on this thread, I had to settle any scores with her out of this thread, because this thread means a lot to me as you may have already seen from my several comments here. So I join the op to yet plead with you again, ignore this guy, even if he mentions you. God bless. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:17am On Aug 24, 2019 |
OkCornel:"But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;" - Job 12:7 I only brought up the letter because you said, "let me know when you are ready to tell us where Elijah was buried if you think he did not ascend to Heaven", so I mentioned the letter, so you can realise that dead people dont write letters and send letters from the great beyond. The materialisation of that letter proves that Elijah was alive on earth, about 8 years later after the ascension, when the Bible, in II Chronicles 21:12, says, that letter came to King Jehoram from Elijah. So, dont love any fact or anything centred on any letter. The issue IS NOT anchored or centred on a letter. What this issue is centred on are the following: 1/ It is centred on the word, heaven. There are three heavens, arent they?. The first heaven, is the one where the birds fly in the sky, the second heaven, is outer space, where we have the planets, sun, moon, stars etcetera are hung and the third heaven, is the incorporeal habitation of God, which is where Jesus descended from. The hebrew word used in the 2 Kings 2:11 concerning Elijah's ascension, is "shamayim" It is the same word seen in Job 12:7 reproduced above, used for birds in the sky and the word typifies sky or the air. So just as birds fly in the heaven, likewise, Elijah was caught up in the air, as in, the sky, where the birds fly and taken somewhere else, as in, a different location on earth. He was not taken anywhere about the above the sky or above the air, but just as Philip was in Acts 8:39-40, Elijah too was teleported and/or transported to another location to retire 2/ It is centred on the chariot of fire and horses of fire. The Bible clearly states that the chariot of fire and horses of fire separated Elijah and Elisha period. Nothing more, nothing less concerning the chariot of fire and horses of fire is said, except anyone wants to read into what is written and try put words into the bible's mouth by suggesting that Elijah went up in air with the chariot of fire and horses of fire 3/ It is centred on whirlwind. According to the 2 Kings 2:11 bible verse, Elijah wasn’t taken up to sky, in a chariot of fire, as many popularly believe, but he was caught up in a whirlwind. It says it right there in 2 Kings 2:11, in black and white, is what the Bible says and reports, that Elijah went up by a whirlwind into the sky. Whirlwinds only operate in the first heaven, they dont operate in the second and third heavens. 4/ It is centred on whys and whats. Like, why was Elijah translated, why was Enoch, as well, earlier translated too?. What were both of them being protected from that God caused them to be translated?. The bible says, Elijah went up by a whirlwind, it didnt say, Elijah went up by any a chariot of any kind. The chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire, was there, present to prevent Elisha from obstructing Elijah from leaving, not for use by Elijah, for going up in air to anywhere, as if, into heaven. Why is Elijah writing King Jehoram a letter? OkCornel:Theorising, you rather theorise, than let the Bible, outrightly speak for itself. You prefer to put words in the Bible's mouth, right? You'll rather gravitate to the controversies, than the black and white of the Bible, hmmm? OkCornel:"Then the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "Since there are 50 strong men here with your servants, please let them go and search for your master. Maybe the Spirit of the LORD has carried him away and put him on one of the mountains or into one of the valleys." He answered, "Don't send them." - 2 Kings 2:16 "12Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard a great rumbling sound behind me—blessed be the glory of the LORD in His dwelling place!— 13the sound of the wings of the living creatures brushing against one another and the sound of the wheels beside them, a great rumbling sound. 14So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the LORD upon me. 15I came to the exiles at Tel-abib who dwelt by the River Kebar. And for seven days I sat where they sat and remained there among them, overwhelmed (i.e. shocked at what had happened to me)" - Ezekiel 3:12-15 Just as no one knows where Moses is buried, so, no one knows where Enoch and Elijah were buried. As for Elijah, 2 Kings 2:16 above, inadvertently gives us a clue that Elijah was teleported to another part of earth, because whirlwind is wind, it only exists on earth, it doesnt extend up into the third heaven, where Jesus came down from and/or where God is. Now 2 Kings 2:16, is corroborated by Ezekiel 3:12-15 also reproduced above, where Ezekiel, another prophet and person, is lifted up in air and carried away to somewhere else, just as Philip too mentioned in Acts 8:39-40 above, was. "What if the spirit of the LORD carries you off to some unknown place as soon as I leave? Then, when I tell Ahab that you are here and he can't find you, he will put me to death. Remember that I have been a devout worshiper of the LORD ever since I was a boy." - 1 Kings 18:12 Being carried and taken away by God's Spirit, is a visually striking experience, a phenomenon as it were, very conversant with in the Bible, just was we see prophet Obadiah, in 1 Kings 18:12 above, make reference to this rare occuring phenomenon OkCornel:This has been adddressed above, besides, the Bible, in this matter, is my preferred only authority out of your Jewish History literature, the Tanakh, The Talmud or the Bible list. OkCornel:I careless about Irenaeus and Tertullian, who are human beings just as I. I take the words of Jesus above Irenaeus and Tertullian. Jesus said, no one has ever ascended into heaven except Him that came down from there. Was Jesus mistaken when He said this? Of course not, He wasn't. Making noise is not necessarily making good music |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:17am On Aug 24, 2019 |
EnthronedbyGod:I have informed you umpteenth times, I crave for nobody's attention. I dont need anyone's attention. Dissemination of information is dissemination of information and just that. If anyone doesnt respond to it, so be it, if they do, nothing's spoilt, its alright. What I know is that, in the midst of darkness, light persists. EnthronedbyGod:"I am almost certain that except you repent, you possibly might find yourself end up with hell and death in the lake of fire. How do I know? By your antecedents, fruits, your behavioural etcetera. Nothing personal, but saying out of love, what I've observed." - Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 1:25pm On Jul 31 Why am I not surprised, you havent got your facts right. That and making tactless and unneccesary remarks plus catering and pandering to your faithful itching ears, is what you're "good" at EnthronedbyGod:Of course, you'll never respond, because darkness cant drive out light, its light that makes darkness disappear, that's why you're unable to respond. Not that I want you to anyway No one needs to go back anywhere. I stand by everything I've written concerning you, and fyi, people have been contacting me, asking me to throw more light on why I put up what I wrote about you. EnthronedbyGod:Psychological manipulation and emotional blackmail. Wow, you're a weak arse pro. EnthronedbyGod:I'll be happier than you, if he'll ignore 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:17am On Aug 24, 2019 |
jesusjnr:"luvmijejè and you, jèsusjnr, are both cut from the same cloth but do you know why luvmijejè is confusing, oh really, confusing to you, like you've admitted, as seen reproduced above It is because she's nothing but a two-faced liar, a lurking green snake in the green grass, and an accuser/fault-finder of Paul" - Re: Daddy Freeze: The Second Coming Of John The Baptist by MuttleyLaff: 9:05pm On Dec 25, 2018 "jèsusjnr and àlBHAGDADI should go start fertilizer plants. àlBHAGDADI will distort anything in the bible in order to justify entitlement to tithes and so validate, spread and promote obligatory or imposed ecclesiastical monitised tithing. jesusjnr, on the other hand, in cahoot with luvmijejè, is an easily scared, self styled attacker of Apostle Paul who relishes in laying charges against Paul, by slandering and codemning him" - Re: Daddy Freeze Hails Pastor Abel Damina For Saying Women Can Wear Trousers by MuttleyLaff: 6:54pm On Apr 14 "I am lowering my standards, if to wrestle you jesusjnr. Besides I never wrestle a pig. Bad move, poor judgment and taste it'll be, as the pig and I will both get dirty, but unlike me, the pig likes and enjoys the dirt. Do sycophant, arse-lickers & arse-kissers bullshitters always need to stoop as low as you've written so? Arse-lickers & arse-kissers bullshitters like you, are always the first post false bullshits & start drama. I'll whoop your bumbum, your brain will reset and your false bullshits & drama evaporate. Mtcheew. No wonder you're the arse-licker & arse-kisser, and I am an arse-kicker. Your insecurities are loud. Your boastings and gloating to luvmijeje confirms you shamelessly need regard & appreciation from her. Stop seeking recognition and validation from people, jesusjnr!. All these your, sucking up to luvmijeje, especially, is unflattering and your all of a sudden, lately attention-seeking, famzing Freeze, all over the forum, haba, is cringeworthy! Repent brother because the day of reckoning for your slander and impudence, is round the corner, about to happen." - Re: Daddy Freeze: The Second Coming Of John The Baptist by MuttleyLaff: 8:44am On Dec 27, 2018 "People like you, and the likes of Agrogbeide, jesusjnr etcetera understand only to the level of your perception(s). Just think for a moment, how much pleasure you are giving Satan with your discrimination, hypocrisy, bigotry and ignorance. How you are not making every effort to present yourself approved to God, not being a workman that has no reason to be ashamed as he accurately handles the word of truth. You arent correctly and rightly dividing the word of the truth, the message of God's truth" - Re: THE SIN THAT IS SO PREVALENT. by MuttleyLaff: 8:51am On Apr 28 I will be the first to admit that jesusjnr and EnthronedbyGod are right about me being a fool, but they both are bigger fools than I am jesusjnr, whos said I am a fool, but doesnt realise he is a greater fool than I am. jesusjnr, for getting involved in a matter that doesnt concerns him, is a bigger fool, than I am. It is an unintelligent fool, someone like jesusjnr, who goes yanking sleeping yanga's leg, looking for yanga's trouble. I am not perturbed about the noises around the MuttleyLaff ID or mudslings thrown at it. I know all each what you jesusjnr and EnthronebyGod are doing and being up to Argh, this is so wrong, yuck, WORMS coming out of the woodwork, LEECHEES crawling out of the DARK, RATS coming out of their holes they call home and LURKING GREEN SNAKE IN THE GREEN GRASS, the confirmed and bonafide likes of jesusjnr, comes out in the open and begins to sing too. The woodwork creaks and out comes the freak, jesusjnr. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 8:21am On Aug 24, 2019 |
@enthronedbygod and Jesusjnr. Just as I expected, a long Epistle without the grave or burial location of Elijah is the reply I got back. Hell bent on spinning around teleportation theories to suit narratives. Ireneaus and Tertullian are suddenly flesh and blood whose writings should be disregarded..but the decision of flesh and blood to decide the books that should be God's word is totally acceptable. Double standards at Smh |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 8:23am On Aug 24, 2019 |
@jesusjnr, did you notice how the matter of homosexuality was totally dodged in that response to you? So much for elusiveness.... |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 8:26am On Aug 24, 2019 |
jesusjnr: Check out how the issue of homosexuality was totally dodged in the response to you. Lol, someone with hefty logs in the eye trying to remove the speck in another person's eye. ![]() EnthronedbyGod, abeg fire on with your updates on this thread jare. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by CaveAdullam: 8:33am On Aug 24, 2019 |
jesusjnr:.... 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:37am On Aug 24, 2019 |
OkCornel:I am sorry, if you find long post(s) challenging for you. It is apparent the content in the post, went swoosh over your head, like as if it was a Naija Airforce fighter jet and "you didn't know warris going on" Well you cant turn round and say, it's my fault now, can you, especially as its obvious, you find it challenging putting effort, in reading other people's long posts. If you want to hide information from someone like this guy, just put it in a long post. He has trouble challenges with reading and understanding long posts. Prophet Obadiah, Ezekiel, the sons of the prophets, and Philip too must have been spinning around with teleportation theories to suit their narratives. OkCornel:Why should I become embroiled in what has got nothing to do with whats currently discussed. It is when people like youse, the OkCornel, the jesusjnr, the enthronebyGod, sense and know you're loosing ground, that you resort to bringing in completely unrelated matter to whats on the ground just to gain mileage and be using ad hominem to attack for gaining unfair advantage etcetera |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by OkCornel(m): 8:42am On Aug 24, 2019 |
Now I have stopped mentioning him, he can't keep his end of the rope. If you're not in support of homosexuality as I and Jesusjnr pointed out, come out clearly and say so. If you can't deal with this, just move on abeg. And yeah, still nothing concerning the grave or burial location of Prophet Elijah. Abeg, let this thread continue with the OPs update. |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:45am On Aug 24, 2019 |
CaveAdullam:CaveAdullam, please sheath your sword and hold your peace, I beg you. This is not a fight for you, please remain silent about this jesusjnr fellow. jesusjnr's cup of wrath is filled to the brim, he next soon will be drinking the cup of trembling, if he does not repent and make peace with God |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by CaveAdullam: 8:45am On Aug 24, 2019 |
jesusjnr:This one just mentioning CaveAdullam up and down........ Vbosùnü Jesusjnr? Keep this your trash of "False Humility" to the can, I don't care......... Wetin happen bros? See the way you castigating the classic specimen of a human being @muttleylaff when you yourself have flaws.............abi no be you say Apostle Paul for Bible made many mistakes make you still dey try correct? oga sir, Jesu Christi say make you remove the log of wood may dey your eyes before removing the speck of dust may dey muttleylaff eyes.........shikena You want us to see you as being highly spiritual by claiming "Lucifer himself came to visit you abi branch your area, that I nor care. Number 2 you came up with a portrait of Jesus Christ on this thread, Hmmmm....... Your head never still tell you say you are under delusion abi? Homosexuality is abominable and I will rather risk my ticket to heaven for hell than accept the claims of homosexuality no matter how true it may appear. Muttleylaff is a CaseMaker, because you are scared of the truth you don't reply his mentions unlike Shepherd and OkCornel......... And here you are bros painting apostle Paul black and calling others all sorts of nonsense. You don't throw away a baby in a water bath because of the bad water bro. What you do is separate the infant from the water bath and do away with the bad water and that is what you see me doing with muttleylaff. What binds every Christians together is not doctrines or denominations; be it celestial, cherubim and seraphim, Christ embassy, winners, catholic, synagogue, redeem etc Na JESUS CHRIST NA BE THE YOKE WEY BIND US TOGETHER. Inasmuch you believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with all thy heart, Spirit, Soul and Body you are free to go BUT WILL NOT GROW EFFECTIVELY WHEN ENTANGLED IN THE WRONG DOCTRINES. Oga Jesusjnr you have not repented. But the Lord is willing and able to help you only if you will pray the prayer of PSALMS 139:23......... E go pain you o but Las Las na you go still dey enjoy am wella. Lol. Your strawman is always too bad bro. Any truth that cannot stand the light of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will begin and end like the tower of Babel. Thanks. God bless. 1 Like |
Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 8:51am On Aug 24, 2019 |
OkCornel:"You're less than a learner. You've shown yourself up with your beliefs in bullshits, fantasy and slanderous trash talk. Practice what you preach. Stop my mentions, stop responding to posts that mentions MuttleLaff and affairs related to Muttleylaff, and I'll stay off your mention. If you fail to do, I promise to come after you and accordingly Stick to the genesis, leave out unrelated and irrelevant homosexual topics and whatnot." - Re: Cultism, The Spiritual Consequences And Deliverance Through Christ by MuttleyLaff: 4:13pm On Aug 22 You are weak and a complete let-down, simple order from your bosses, simple instruction from jesusjnr and EnthronedByGod, who both, are cut from the same cloth, to ignore me, you cant muster that. What a pity, smh. |
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