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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Rollitout: 7:34am On Jun 19, 2019
I pray you don't get there because you hate blacks and muslims

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by gesundheit: 7:34am On Jun 19, 2019

lol, I am so looking forward to the abundance of tears you and your fellow TDS suffering liberals will shed next year after trump kicks your butts again cheesy

What a slowpoke!!!
Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Emyres: 7:35am On Jun 19, 2019


I am sorry for your heart attack bro. You can come back to Nigeria and help make it great for once.


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by CapitanS: 7:39am On Jun 19, 2019
So much crowd, yet his own polling data shows he's under water. He's not extending outside his base. He's doing extremely poorly among women, sub urban women and gat disapproval in the high 60's among women. He's doing only 4-5% among African Americans.

The Supreme court is also undoing all the GOP racial gerrymandering in midwest states. He will be beaten like a purple baby in 2020.
the polling data also showed Hillary winning in 2016, TRUMP won anyway. Just as he will win in 2020


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by justli: 7:40am On Jun 19, 2019
If Trump could roast Hilary the way he did, I'm eagerly waiting for the drama verses creepy Joe biden . Joe has no chance, against Trump.

Within the last three years Trumps love from all quarters has sky rocketed. And we know this because CNNs rating is at all time low. The people love their president.
The only people who hates this man are, Muslims, liberal, lgbqt..., The far left.

Wish he could ban African leaders from going to America


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by itchie: 7:43am On Jun 19, 2019

I the foolish monkey kophschmerzen am a slowpoke!!!
Fixed wink


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by justli: 7:44am On Jun 19, 2019
He started his 2020 re-election campaign the day he took office. He has been fundraising and speaking at campaign rallies, shoring up his base. Current polls suggest he's behind other candidates like Biden, Sanders, and Buttigieg tho, but we'll see. Another term of this man in the WH isn't what America needs.

Current poll! ���
This is so funny. Polls from CNN right? No problems, liberals just don't learn. The real Americans hate the liberal madness and would vote Trump again.

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Naanlong01: 7:44am On Jun 19, 2019
He will so defeat his opponent with a wider margin than the last election.

I love this guy.

Shithole declarer
Get out of my head bro

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by EdenH: 7:47am On Jun 19, 2019
Hmmm,may he not get reelected
Only gays are against him. are u one?


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by justli: 7:49am On Jun 19, 2019

I'm a born again Christian but i don't like how trump treat Muslims

My brother you have no idea about how Trump treats Muslims.
Before he took office, the Muslim world was in disarray, isil was tearing the place apart . A fight Obama couldn't win for 6 years.

You have no idea the Pain suffered by these Muslims in the hand of isil

Trump doesn't want America to become another London, where Muslims have completely hijacked the city. Muslims need to be put on check, and thank God for a president with the courage to do so


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by EdenH: 7:51am On Jun 19, 2019
I pray you don't get there because you hate blacks and muslims
u are a gay, not d reasons u gave above


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Megatrix: 7:53am On Jun 19, 2019
So much crowd, yet his own polling data shows he's under water. He's not extending outside his base. He's doing extremely poorly among women, sub urban women and gat disapproval in the high 60's among women. He's doing only 4-5% among African Americans.

The Supreme court is also undoing all the GOP racial gerrymandering in midwest states. He will be beaten like a purple baby in 2020.
stop wasting your time, Trump will be reelected in 2020


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by greypencils: 7:55am On Jun 19, 2019
sad I pray he won't win in Jesus name. He is an islamophobic idiot that shouldn't occupy the white house. The rate of visa denials under his regime is second to none. Any Christian that supports this man should have their heads checked
What is your deal with insulting the U.S for being islamophbic? Isnt the horror of 9/11 a just cause to be that way? The last I checked Dubai and Saudi Arabia is the new America for Muslims so y'all can take your shit there and leave the U.S alone.


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by ChristineC: 7:56am On Jun 19, 2019
Hmmm,may he not get reelected

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Megatrix: 7:56am On Jun 19, 2019

My brother you have no idea about how Trump treats Muslims.
Before he took office, the Muslim world was in disarray, isil was tearing the place apart . A fight Obama couldn't win for 6 years.

You have no idea the Pain suffered by these Muslims in the hand of isil

Trump doesn't want America to become another London, where Muslims have completely hijacked the city. Muslims need to be put on check, and thank God for a president with the courage to do so
the guy you quoted is not a Christian, he is a Muslim. He is a well-known troll on nairaland


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by hush15: 8:00am On Jun 19, 2019
May Democrats win the elections this time. Trump has caused more division to the world than any president of the USA. People now prefer to do businesses in other countries than the USA. Trump is a scum. May He never get re-elected

Atleast it is division that makes sense. He ia honest in his commitment to US. not one usessless president here that still believe 95 to 7 percent


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Moikiitos: 8:02am On Jun 19, 2019
Early this morning(Nigerian Time), the 45th US President, Donald Trump declared his bid to run for the US presidency for a second term.

He captioned his campaign to be "KEEP AMERICA GREAT"

If you watched the campaign, the crowd was too much, but the most amazing thing was the strength of Donald Trump. At 73, he is still agile and bouncing.

He had no MC because he was the MC himself.

He could remember and call people by their names.

It was a great moment.

please do the needful.

Good morning people.

Good luck to him and the American people...But come to think of it: he has kept most campaign promises set out in his first term. If ONLY our pear shaped heads political leaders in Nigeria can keep even a fraction of their promises during their campaigns. Things would have getting better slow but steady...INSTEAD what we have is the blame game. They should work the talk. Shikina!


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Masama: 8:06am On Jun 19, 2019
So much crowd, yet his own polling data shows he's under water. He's not extending outside his base. He's doing extremely poorly among women, sub urban women and gat disapproval in the high 60's among women. He's doing only 4-5% among African Americans.

The Supreme court is also undoing all the GOP racial gerrymandering in midwest states. He will be beaten like a purple baby in 2020.
what has gerrymandering got to do with presidential elections


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by wink2015(m): 8:07am On Jun 19, 2019
Early this morning(Nigerian Time), the 45th US President, Donald Trump declared his bid to run for the US presidency for a second term.

He captioned his campaign to be "KEEP AMERICA GREAT"

If you watched the campaign, the crowd was too much, but the most amazing thing was the strength of Donald Trump. At 73, he is still agile and bouncing.

He had no MC because he was the MC himself.

He could remember and call people by their names.

It was a great moment.

please do the needful.

Good morning people.


But in Nigeria we operate UNITARY CONSTITUTION created by previous military administration and camoflag it to look like we are operating true federalism.


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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by nextnear(m): 8:10am On Jun 19, 2019
Good judgement over bad reasoning! Trump has kept his promises but has kept the USA on edges and in the brink of war with China coupled with the trade war with Iran and also India. This isn’t what the USA is known for.

Lied and covered up most of the investigations through the FBI on Russia.., refused to submit his TAX returns, behaves like a kid on Twitter.

Hopefully, they issues with Iran cannot be resolved amicably without hostilities. In conclusion, I think trump talks too much for a USA president, yet he is not flexible on immigration which the USA was built on. I doubt if he would get a second term, but you never can tell. But I can tell you that he is sincere compared to our President Buhari!!

Trump: Lets make America Huawei great again!! grin
forget what America is known for, he has the right to implement his own foreign politicies. So stop crucifying him for his own opinion, and one more thing... If the majority still prefer him, then they will elect him and if they don't, then they won't elect him. Period!


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Nobody: 8:14am On Jun 19, 2019

My brother you have no idea about how Trump treats Muslims.
Before he took office, the Muslim world was in disarray, isil was tearing the place apart . A fight Obama couldn't win for 6 years.

You have no idea the Pain suffered by these Muslims in the hand of isil

Trump doesn't want America to become another London, where Muslims have completely hijacked the city. Muslims need to be put on check, and thank God for a president with the courage to do so

Every nonsense he is implementing will be reversed. America is built on immigration. It's doors is always open to people who became the back bone of it's success. Muslims did not hijack London, we Christians did
Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by ellamines(f): 8:18am On Jun 19, 2019
May her soul rest in peace... It'll take a while but you'll be healed. This is the 8th year since my Mum departed and I still remember her so fondly. Still see her in my dreams... We were so so close.

Their business undecided undecided we have our own problem to deal with here in Nigeria

Fellow landers, please say a prayer for my mom as today made it 8 months she departed cry cry cry, I was so attached to her that I still can't let her go

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Nobody: 8:20am On Jun 19, 2019
He said it and he did it what more do you want...unlike some Bubu that I know


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by peeps4u: 8:25am On Jun 19, 2019
Hmmm,may he not get reelected

Because he loves his country by stopping illegal immigration?
Or by building wall?


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Nobody: 8:27am On Jun 19, 2019
I just wonder if American's all spend their time on Quora and Reddit arguing about a Nigerian president that won't even affect them over there. As much as everybody as a say in global politics, this thread doesn't worth the 7 page and running it is getting. If Trump wins it won't affect any Nigerian in Nigeria, so y'all go back to your daily activities and stop yearning about what doesn't simply concern us. Deal with Buhari, your state governors, legislators, ministers and LGA chairmen.



Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by peeps4u: 8:29am On Jun 19, 2019
sad I pray he won't win in Jesus name. He is an islamophobic idiot that shouldn't occupy the white house. The rate of visa denials under his regime is second to none. Any Christian that supports this man should have their heads checked
Getting visa to USA or any country isn't a right.
A country can deny you if he deems so.
Ask yourself, would u compare the rate of influx of people to USA with many countries? That explains why the denial rate is high.
Nigeria can as well deny Americans visa if she feels so.


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by HenryInno1(m): 8:33am On Jun 19, 2019
i pray he wins


Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by igwefivestar(m): 8:41am On Jun 19, 2019
Hmmm,may he not get reelected
why, but u reelected me. It seems u are allergic to good things.

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Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by AngelicBeing: 8:46am On Jun 19, 2019
Re: Donald J Trump Declares Second Term Bid! by Erastuslove: 8:49am On Jun 19, 2019
You got my support Trump


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