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Lord Luggard Is The Cause Of Nigerian Poltical Problem,believe It Or Not!. - Politics - Nairaland

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Lord Luggard Is The Cause Of Nigerian Poltical Problem,believe It Or Not!. by Dandas: 2:09pm On Oct 05, 2010
I am still saying it,if you like believe it or not,Lord Luggard caused all these problems we are having.THIS IS THREE IN ONE COUNTRY,and how do u expect that there will be no problem?.If Northerners(Hausa/Fulani,etc),Easterners(Igbo,Niger Delta),Westerners(Yoruba) were created as different countries,all these political problems/Other crisis in this country cannot be heard off,especially anytime general elections draws nearer.Tell me apart from English language,any other things these three regions(Countries)combined as one country have in common?.Nothing!!.Is it in their culture,way of life,phyiscal appearance? etc or what?.Here in Nigeria,if a sample of one hundred persons are brought out,and i was called upon to come and classify them whether he/she is hausa/fulani or igbo/Niger Delta or yoruba,definetly,i will achieve atleast 90% success in my selection.Each region resembles each other in every perspectives.So why should we be combined as one entity when we dont have anything in common,only causing one problem or the other.We use the word 'ONE NIGERIA'.as a mind softening word to bear the havoc Luggard has caused us.Anything like ONE USA,or ONE CAMEROUN,ONE FRANCE etc.?.Now tell me whether any of the countries that doesnt use this deceiving word 'ONE' before the country name is having these problems the so called Nigeria is having.Lets stop deceiving ourselves,we are not one and there is no how we can be one because nothing common is binding us.Let the Northners,the Easterners and the Westerners have their respective country.
Re: Lord Luggard Is The Cause Of Nigerian Poltical Problem,believe It Or Not!. by oludashmi(f): 5:25pm On Oct 05, 2010
HE IS!! angry angry angry

He did it out of his selfish reasons. the same way Africa was scrambled upon during the berlin conference of 18th century.
ONE USA,ONE CAMEROUN,ONE FRANCE - All speaking one common language and similar or same cultural identity but ONE NIGERIA equals to more more than 10 languages (not dialects), different cultural background, different looks, different smiles, different way of crying, different foods and way of feeding, the list is endless mschewwww angry

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