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Great Bible Contradictions / Nigerian "Apostle" Marries 9 Women, Plans 11 More / 11 More Contradictions In The Qur'an (2) (3) (4)
11 More Contradictions by nossycheek(f): 9:45am On May 09, 2007 |
The Quran, with its many ambiguous statements, is an ideal scripture to find contradictions. At the same time, its ambiguity provides a good opportunity for Muslims to find some explanation or the other to negate a contradiction. The innumerable repetitions and frequent appearance of irrelevant verses make the CONTEXT-finding task indeed difficult. One would expect a scripture to be organized in some logical manner to enable people to understand it better. Unfortunately the Quran, often projected by Muslims as the FINAL TESTAMENT from God, fails in this criterion too. "Better than a thousand verses devoid of meaning is a single meaningful verse which can bring tranquility to the one who hears it" Dhammapada, 101 1. Embryonic Sex Determination One of the references on human reproduction which Muslims often quote from the Quran is verse 53:45-46. (53:45-46) "That He did create the pairs - male and female from a sperm-drop* (nutfah) when lodged (in its place)" (75:38-39) "Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)? Then did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion. And of him He made the sexes, male and female" ** ___________ * Note the conspicuous absence of ovum required for fertilization. ** This view is further supported by this Hadith: "When 42 nights have passed over the drop (nutfah), Allah sends an Angel to it, who shapes it and make its ears, eyes, skin, flesh and bones. Then he says, "O Lord, is it male or female?" and your Lord decides what He wishes" (Hadith, Muslim, Book 33, No. 6392) 2. Width of the Garden There is a clear discrepancy with reference to the width of the Paradise or Garden in the Quran. Verse 3:133 says that it is all the heavens (Samawath: plural) and the earth combined. Verse 57:21 says that the width is the (lower?) heaven (Sama: singular) and the earth combined. (3:133) ", a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous," (57:21) ", a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah , " 3. Who misleads people? Satan or Allah? According to verse 4:119-120, Satan (the rejected one) is the one who creates false desires and misleads people. Refer also 15:42. However, according to verse 16:93, it is God who leaves people astray as He wills! See also 4:78. (4:119-120) "I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires, " (says Satan) "Satan make them promises and creates in them false hopes, " (vouched by Allah) (16:93) "If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people. But He leaves straying whom He pleases and He guides whom He pleases , " 4. Attitude towards unbelieving parents Al-Quran givens contradicting information as to what a believer should do when unbelieving parents and brothers insist on worshipping their gods. Verse 31:15 asks believers to keep company with unbelieving parents even if they insist (on following their religion?), but verse 9:23 asks believers not to take their fathers and brothers as protectors if they disbelieved! (31:15) "But if they strive (Jahada) to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), " (9:23) "O ye who believe! Take not protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above faith: If any of you do so, they do wrong" These verses of course appear in different contexts. Apologists can argue that verse 9:23 is applicable only in the context of hostilities and not otherwise. Then we have to define what is hostility. We must not forget that many passages in the Quran reflect an hostile environment of fluctuating fortunes between believers and unbelievers. Since neither the Suras nor all the verses within Suras are arranged chronologically, the contexts of these `revelations' become that much difficult to understand. Interestingly, verse 31:15 also seems to appear in the context of `Striving' from the Unbelievers' side. Note the word `Jahada'! 5. Which enters the Paradise: Soul or Body or Both? After resurrection, it is the body (after reuniting with the soul?) which enters the Paradise. This has been emphasized throughout the Book. See verses 13:5, 17:98-99, 20:55, 34:7, 75:3-4. However verses 27-30 in Sura 89 state that it is the Soul (Nafs)* which enters the Garden! (17:99) "See they not that Allah who created the heavens and the earth has the power to create the like of them (anew)? , " (75:3-4) "Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay we are able to to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers, " (89:27-30) (To the righteous soul will be said) "O (tho) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back thou to thy Lord - well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter thou, thee among my Devotees! Yea, enter thou My Heaven!" (31:28) "Your creation and your rising (from the dead) are only as (the creation and the rising of) a single soul, " (Pickthall) In Islam, the bliss in Paradise is not complete without the corporeal and sense pleasures. Otherwise, how can one drink Zanzabil (76:17), feel the moderate temperature (76:13), enjoy maidens (55:56) and drink honey and milk (47:16-17). These are all joys in state for the faithful. Yousuf Ali (note 6128 for verse 89:27-30) also says that it is the soul which enters the heaven, and not the gross body which perishes (His comment is contradictory to what verse 75:3-4 says!). Read verse 31:28 also. It says man's creation or resurrection is in no wise but as an individual soul*. Pickthall's translation (see box above) is more clear. _____________ 6. God needs man or man needs God? A very clear contradiction exists between verses 51:56 and 35:15. While the former verse says that God created Jinns and mankind for His own reasons (read also 67:2), the latter one says it is man who is in need of God! Read also 51:57. (51:56) "I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve me" * (67:2) "He who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is the best in deed" 35:15 "O mankind! It is you that have need of God: but God is the One Free of all wants, worthy of all praise" _____________ * Of interest in this regard is the popular (but probably fabricated) Hadith: "I was a secret treasure, and I created the creatures in order that I might be known" (*, *) 7. EVIL AND GOOD: Where do they come from? While one verse says that both Evil and Good issue from Allah, the very next verse says only Good comes from Allah! (4:78) ", If some good befalls them, they say "This is from Allah". But if evil, they say "This is from thee" (O prophet). Say: "All things are from Allah, "* (4:79) "Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah. But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thyself" ________________ * Interestingly, the remainder of this verse goes like this: "But what has come to these people. That they fail to understand a single fact?" Can anyone understand what God says here? The fact that both Good and Evil are from Allah or only Good is from Allah? 8. Who has to be blamed for BELIEF AND DISBELIEF ? (6:12) "It is they who have lost their own souls, that they will not believe" (10:100) "No soul can believe except by the will of Allah" 9. Who has to be blamed for the wrongs done? From verses 35:8, 16:93, 74:31, 2:142, we learn that it is Allah who has to be blamed for all the misguidance. While other verses hold man himself responsible for the wrongs done (30:9, 4:79). (35: "Allah leaves stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills" (30:9) "It was not Allah who wronged them, but they wronged their own souls" 10. UNBELIEVERS: To be persecuted or forgiven? Verses 23:117 and 98:6 say that unbelievers will not prosper and are the worst of creatures!. Verse 9:29 also asks believers to fight those who do not believe in Allah, the Last Day, His rules and His religion of truth. But verse 45:14 says otherwise. Read also 16:128. (9:29) "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth , " (45:14) "Tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of Allah; It is for Him to recompense (for good or evil) each people according to what they have earned" 11. God's advice to Muhammed on propagating Islam We have seen apologists quoting verses from the Quran in support of their claim that the Quran does not recommend forceful conversions. The verse they often quote is 2:256 which says "There is no compulsion in religion". There are also many verses in the Quran which suggest otherwise and these have already appeared on web pages. Here we see two contradicting directives from God on conveying Allah's religion to the people: (3:20) "So if they dispute thee, say: "I have permitted my whole self to Allah and so have those who follow me", "Do you (also) submit yourselves? If they do, they are in right guidance. But if they turn back, thy duty is to convey the message. And in Allah's sight are (all) His servants" (8:38-39) "Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from disbelief), their past would be forgiven; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning to them). And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's in its entirety, " Is verse 8:38-39 an abrogation of verse 3:20? If that is the case, can we recommend the directives in verse 8:38-39 as the standard method to be followed by all Muslims? Or is the latter verse given during the context of war? To me, these verses reflect the changing moods of the prophet in response to the public reaction he received. We see a content & tolerant messenger in verse 3:20 and a contempt and aggressive messenger in verse 8:38-39! Those who take error for truth, and the truth for error, will never attain the supreme goal, for they are led astray by vain desires and false views |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by firdaus4us: 12:08pm On May 10, 2007 |
@nossycheek, nossycheek:Those verses also did not tell us who bears the pregnancy. Is that another ERROR? Do you want Quran to tell you everything? Don't be lazy! However, for Quran not to say anyting about ovum in those verses does not mean Quran denies it. Or can you give us a verse in the Holy Quran to negates it? Check below the statement testimony below: Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad : {In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days, }1 {If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones, }2 [/color] He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad . Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: [color=#006600]“So that the two hadeeths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ) that have been noted provide us with a specific time table for the main embryological development before forty days. Again, the point has been made, I think, repeatedly by other speakers this morning: these hadeeths could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available [at] the time of their writing . . . . It follows, I think, that not only there is no conflict between genetics and religion but, in fact, religion can guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches, that there exist statements in the Quran shown centuries later to be valid, which support knowledge in the Quran having been derived from God.” Without doubt, this professor is in better position to challenge the Quranic acount on this topic. QUESTION: Please tell us what the Bible says about Embryonic Sex Determination nossycheek:What is/are the contradiction(s)? More to come! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by nossycheek(f): 2:04pm On May 10, 2007 |
@firdaus4us I forgot that you don't understand English any more, I really understand your plight. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by mukina2: 8:58pm On May 10, 2007 |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 9:43pm On May 10, 2007 |
@ firdaus4you! Amazing that you plagiarised from another site again eh. We are used to it. Isnt it amazing that all these so called "scientists" began to take an interest in the "glorious" sayings of the quran in relation to science AFTER some encounter with Saudi Arabia and NOT before. . . wait! "For the past three years, I have worked with the Embryology Committee of King cAbdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, helping them to interpret the many statements in the Qur'an and Sunnah referring to human reproduction and prenatal development." - Keith L. Moore. Professor Johnson began to take an interest in the scientific signs in the Qur'an at the 7th Saudi Medical Conference (1982), when a special committee was formed to investigate scientific signs in the Qur'an and Hadith. - E. Marshall Moore . . . Like many others, Professor Simpson was taken by surprise when he discovered that the Qur'an and Hadith contain verses related to his specialised field of study. When he met with Sheikh Abdul-Majeed A.Zindani, he insisted on verifying the text presented to him from the Qur'an and Hadith. - Joe Leigh Simpson. Sheikh cAbdul-Majeed A.Zindani met with Professor Goeringer and asked him whether in the history of embryology was there any mention of the different stages of embryonic development, or whether there existed any embryological texts at the time of the Prophet. Sheikh Zindani also asked his opinion regarding the terms the Qur'an uses to describe the different phases of fetal development. After several long discussions, he presented a study at the 8th Saudi Medical Conference: - Gerald C. Goeringer. Professor Kroner is one of the world's most famous geologists, becoming well known among his colleague scientists for his criticisms against the theories of some of the major scientists in his field. Sheikh cAbdul-Majeed A. Zindani met with him and presented several Qur'anic verses and Hadith which he studied and commented upon. - Alfred Kroner Sheikh Abdul-Majeed A. Zindani presented a number of Qur'anic verses describing the beginnings of the universe and of the heavens, and the relationship of the earth to the heavens. He expressed his astonishment, saying that the Qur'an describes the universe as seen from the highest observation point, everything is distinct and clear. - Yushidi Kusan Prof. Armstrong was asked a number of questions about Qur'anic verses dealing with his field of specialisation. He was eventually asked, "You have seen and discovered for yourself the true nature of modern Astronomy by means of modern equipment, rockets, and satellites developed by man. You have also seen how the same facts were mentioned by the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago. So what is your opinion?" - Professor Armstrong (Can you ask a man for an oppinion when you have virtually given him no room for disagreement?) Professor Hay is one of the best known marine scientist in the USA. Sheikh cAbdul-Majeed A. Zindani met with him and asked him many questions about the marine surface, the divider between upper and lower sea, and about the ocean floor and marine geology. - William Hay Can we indeed take the theories of this "professors" seriously? Are these works actually without confounding factors which is the foundation of any scientific research? And who is Sheikh Abdul-Majeed A. Zindani? - On 2004-02-24, the United States Treasury added Zindani to its list of banned entities[2], alleging that he is a supporter of the banned terrorist organizations al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Islam. His name subsequently appeared on the UN 1267 Committee's list[3] of individuals belonging to or associated with al-Qaeda. Can we take a terrorist seriously? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by nossycheek(f): 10:37am On May 11, 2007 |
Embryological development in the Qur'an Sura 22:5 says "We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then from a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed , and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes." Sura 23:13-14 repeats this idea by saying God "placed him as (a drop of) sperm (nutfah) in a place of rest, firmly fixed; then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (alaqa); then out of that clot We made a (foetus) lump (mudghah), then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature." 75:38 also says man becomes an alaqa and 96:2 says we came from alaq. Moore however goes further and incredibly he claims in a later edition of his textbook that the Qur'an "states that the resulting organism settles in the womb like a seed, 6 days after its beginning". This really would be amazing if it was true. Actually the Qur'an says nothing of the sort. We have to ask what the precise meaning of these words is in order to know whether the verses contain important scientific statements that have only recently been discovered, as Moore and others claim. In comparison with the meaning of nutfah, it is rather more difficult to understand what alaqa means. Many different suggestions have been made: clot (Pickthall, Maulana Muhammed Ali, Muhammed Zafrulla Khan, Hamidullah), small lump of blood (Kasimirski), leech-like clot (Yusuf Ali), and "leech, suspended thing or blood clot" (Moore, op. cit.). Moore suggests that the appearance of an embryo of 24 days' gestation resembles a leech, though this is rather debatable. In side view the developing umbilicus (genetically part of the embryo) is almost as big as the "leech-shaped" part into which a human is formed and the developing placenta (which also consists of tissue that is genetically from the embryo) is much larger than the embryo. It is claimed that the ancient sages would not have been able to see an embryo about 3mm long and describe it as leech-like, but Aristotle correctly described the function of the umbilical cord, by which the embryo "clings" to the uterus wall in the fourth century B.C. It is impossible to believe the suggestion of Bachir Torki [11] that alaq in 96:2 means links, referring to the gene code of DNA, as this makes a nonsense out of other verses where the word is used, such as 22:5 ("we made you from a drop of sperm, then from that a gene code, then from that a little lump of flesh, ". To establish a definition for alaqa we might take a look at the Qamus al-Muheet, one of the most important Arabic dictionaries ever compiled, by Muhammed Ibn-Yaqub al-Firuzabadi (AD 1329-1415) [12]. He says that alaqa has the same meaning as a clot of blood. In 96:2 the word alaq is used, which is both a collective plural and a verbal noun. The latter form conveys the sense of man being created from clinging material or possibly clay, which is consistent with the creation of Adam in the Bible from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7) and some of the other Qur'anic verses listed above. However, the translators of the Qur'an have all translated alaq as "clot" as opposed to "clinging" in 96:2 because the use of the singular alaqa elsewhere forces them to use "clot" here too, despite the attraction for the meaning "clinging" or leech-like which is perhaps more scientifically accurate. Another source of information are the early Muslim commentators. Ibn Kathir wrote that when the drop of water (nutfah) settled in the womb it stayed there for forty days and then became a red clot (alaqa), staying there for another forty days before turning to mudghah, a piece of flesh without shape or form. Finally it began to take on a shape and form. Both ar-Razi and as-Suyuti claimed that the dust referred both to Adam's creation and to the man's discharge; nutfah referred to the water from the male and alaqa was a solidified piece of blood clot. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (died about AD 1350) wrote that "the foetus is a living or dead babe animal which is sometimes found in the womb of a slaughtered animal, and its blood is congested" . Another great physician, Ibn al-Quff wrote some 13 out of 60 chapters from "On Health Preservation" about embryology and pregnancy. He included a further stage of development one week after conception, the foam stage or raghwah. Up to 16 days the embryo was alaqa (clot) and after 27 to 30 days the clot turns into a lump of meat, mudghah. These dates must be regarded as very approximate but are nevertheless a major improvement on what one of the most reliable Hadiths says about foetal development, as we shall see later. Moving onto the next stage of development, Razi described the mudghah as being a little piece of meat the size of what a man can chew. The idea that mudghah means chewed flesh is a later, and less accurate translation of the word, but the idea has persisted because it is claimed that the somites from which the backbone and other trunk structures develop bear a passing resemblance to teeth marks implanted in plastercine. It must be said that not only is this an imaginative interpretation however, but besides, Moore cannot claim that the mudghah should occur at 26-27 days since at that point the embryo is a mere 4mm long. One would have to wait around 8 weeks before the embryo was the size of chewed flesh (if a mouthful is defined as being 20-30mm wide), which is what mudghah really means. And in the following Hadith, transmitted by Bukhari and Muslim, Muhammed claims that the mudghah stage occurs between days 80 and 120. Yet by this time the foetus is considerably larger than a lump of flesh the size of which a man can chew, and looks very human-like and totally unlike meat. `Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) reported that Allah's Messenger , said: "Verily your creation is on this wise. The constituents of one of you are collected for forty days in his mother's womb in the form of blood [sperm?], after which it becomes a clot of blood in another period of forty days. Then it becomes a lump of flesh and forty days later Allah sends his angel to it , " Thus according to Muhammed, the drop of sperm remains in the womb for 40 days, then becomes a clot for a further 40 days, then a lump of flesh for 40 days. It has been shown that human sperm can only survive inside a woman's reproductive tract for a maximum of 7 days; at 80 days the embryo has very definitely acquired the shape of a human being and looks nothing like either a clot or a mouthful of flesh. The final stage of human development which the Qur'an describes is the creation of bones, and the clothing of bones with flesh. However, according to modern embryologists including Prof. Moore, the tissue from which bone originates, known as mesoderm, is the same tissue as that from which muscle ("flesh" develops. Thus bone and muscles begin to develop simultaneously, rather than sequentially. Whereas however most of the muscle tissue that we have is laid down before birth, bones continue to develop and calcify (strengthen with calcium) right into one's teenage years. So far from bones being clothed with flesh, it would be more accurate if the Qur'an had said that muscles started to develop at the same time as bones, but completed their development earlier. The idea that bones are clothed with flesh is not only scientifically completely false, but is directly copied from the ancient Greek doctor Galen. Deception in Islam is an inborn thing, It cannot be changed but tranferred from generation to generation, readers beware! Truth has come, falsehood is bound to perish. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by babs787(m): 2:25pm On May 12, 2007 |
@noisycheeks You still went to www.answering-islam.com again. Please go there and lift more. This will your second time of repeating same set of questions, are your websites running out of questions? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 3:22pm On May 12, 2007 |
@ blabs787 Have we run out of answers? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 4:23pm On May 12, 2007 |
David those were nice additions to the embryology nonsense. It is well known that Muhammad copied the science facts that were the teachings in his days. Science has since moved on and the Koran is still parading wrong outdated theories that sound ridiculous to doctors and scientists. There are a series of clips on you tube where a scientist debated these facts with proof of where Muhammad copied his stories from. The guy went deep talking about the Muhammad claim of sun setting in muddy waters and humans from sperm dots. These were the beliefs way before Muhammad and are well documented. The Islamic audience and panelists had horror on their faces at the end of it all. The man was lucky not have been slaughtered on that stage. I'll find those for the interest of any one who wants to be amused and entertained. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by mrpataki(m): 4:50pm On May 12, 2007 |
@ babyosisi, Please do paste it. Wanna be amused for a day! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by stimulus(m): 2:26am On May 13, 2007 |
@babs787, babs787: This up there? Lol. . . When you're done whimper and snivelling, grow up and face issues. All your borrowed tricks are quite weathered now; so this repeated wailing about people posting articles from other websites is not going to help you one tiny bit. When you were plagiarizing articles from other websites, dressing them up as your own to pretend your night-school graduation, no one said anything. But as soon as the same application is served for your attention, you're now crying like a wounded sardine. You're here grovelling about the "second time" nossycheek is serving "the same set of questions", as if you have ever thought out issues on your own. Go there and lift as many as you might, and come back showing the Forum how empty you have been from day one. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 2:30am On May 13, 2007 |
He actually started his "display of great knowledge" by copying and pasting some Islamic 101 contradictions of the Bible from some Islamic site but cried when I copied and pasted the rebuttals. The guy's been caught in so many lies,I dislike liars. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by stimulus(m): 2:36am On May 13, 2007 |
Hehehe. . . The problem with his specie is simple: everybody is a liar except them, even if their own lies are staring them in the face! That is why, when his games were exposed, he went in a mad fit to refer to the Muslim authors I quoted from as "deluded authors that lied"!! I can just imagine his adulators rubbing his skull and consoling him for his blown cover! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by nossycheek(f): 12:17pm On May 14, 2007 |
babs787: As if blabs has stopped his plagiarism. What an arrant nonsense! Provide the answers if you have them or have your websites run dry? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nicer(m): 12:28pm On May 14, 2007 |
what's with the religious bullets between u guys anyway? u guys know each other? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 12:31pm On May 14, 2007 |
nossycheek: Nope. It's just that he's still redressing them in language that might help hide his plagiarism. ------------------------ Nicer: Nothing wrong in warming up for a familiarity fest! He's only been experiencing a ricochet of his own bullets! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by babs787(m): 3:34pm On May 14, 2007 |
@noisycheeks Am still asking you if your sites are not having questions again? I have answered in one of the threads where you lied, so if you still want me to educate you, please give me the questions will the translations and babs will surely respond @stimulus I am not surprised at you because I have noticed that you have been avoiding most of my questions. @babyosis, I have nothing to say to you, you know the position I put you and I dont give a damn. @Gwaine You are welcome on board. Soon, you will be assisting your folks in answering my coming questions and please do not run or avoid my questions like your brother stimulus. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by babs787(m): 3:41pm On May 14, 2007 |
@noisycheeks Am still asking you if your sites are not having questions again? I have answered you in one of the threads where you lied, so if you still want me to educate you, please give me the questions with the translations and babs will surely respond @stimulus I am not surprised at you because I have noticed that you have been avoiding most of my questions. @babyosis, I have nothing to say to you, you know the position I put you and I dont give a damn. @Gwaine You are welcome on board. Soon, you will be assisting your folks in answering my coming questions and please do not run or avoid my questions like your brother stimulus. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 4:04pm On May 14, 2007 |
@babs787, I've actually been waiting for you - and it's really funny that you're predictable. You joined the Forum on August 15, 2006, which is two months later than when I came on board ( June 04, 2006). I should be the one welcoming you. You don't have any official status here to be throwing questions around and demanding anything of anyone. So, if you have read the massages I left you in some other threads, take the hint: I'm not here for your games, and I'm going to serve you some no-nonsense issues about the stuff you've been beating around. If you want to discuss, be my guest and I'll just crawl back to my hole jeje. If you would have it otherwise, then please prepare for your worst nightmares, because that's the one reason why I resumed my contributions. I trust you can be self-advised for the better. Cheers. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by nossycheek(f): 4:49pm On May 14, 2007 |
oh blabs you are just displaying the shame called blabs. You are wallowing in ignorance and self pity. Needless to say that your tail is in between your legs now. I pity the by product of your groin, they must look like you. Enough of your trash cos, you definitely got nothing to offer. Glad I achieved my aim. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 5:23pm On May 14, 2007 |
Lol @nossycheek, one shouldn't go that far as to spread the vexations on his kids (if that's what "by-product" of his groins meant). I may be mistaken; but give credit where it is due, I must say that the kids of any discussant on the Forum are absolutely winsome - including his! As for babs787, his recent reactions and vexations are only because his covers have been blown. I really do not mind anyone posting articles from any website as long as it is intended to help us learn, the articles reposted are summarized, and credit is given to the original authors. That is what babs failed to do; and now that you have served him his own ale, he's gravely intoxicated and can do nothing else. Cheers. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 5:27pm On May 14, 2007 |
gwaine why do you keep disappearing? I enjoy reading from you |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 5:48pm On May 14, 2007 |
@babyosisi, Lol No vex. I recently relocated and it took me a while to settle down and get re-connected online. Actually, I was just sitting down jeje and thought to check nairaland recently; only to find some fellas have been misbehaving so much that I can't let such rascally behaviour pass like that. I may be busy between times; but I dey ground for now. People like babs have to wake up to reality - and that's one reason why I'm here again. Enjoy plenty!! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by mrpataki(m): 8:02pm On May 14, 2007 |
Gwaine:This is all time hilarious for me! Love you all guys for making it real everyday. May God bless you all! Welcome back again Gwaine. Seriously waiting for Havila too to come back |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 8:16pm On May 14, 2007 |
yeah,I still miss Havila,last time I mentioned how much I missed him,I got a ban |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 2:40am On May 15, 2007 |
babs787: [img]http://www.thesmilies.com/smilie-generator/image/cyan%5E_%5Earial%5E_%5E0%5E_%5E0%5E_%5EEscapists+are+forever+coming%21+%5E_%5E.gif[/img] |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Nobody: 3:26am On May 15, 2007 |
babs787: didn't they teach you that's not a polite way to speak to a lady? were you raised in mushin market? |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 6:56am On May 15, 2007 |
babs787: Just one thread stimulus opened to answer your challenges, and you're taking such a bad hit already! If he had opened half the number of threads you did, you probably would have had a heart attack, abi? As if you have not been dodging his questions, this one for example: https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-52589.0.html#msg1102231 And where's firdaus4us? He should go there and prove his mettle as well. babs787: Good to know; so that when you receive some more knocks, no one will 'give a damn' how bad it turns out for you. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by babs787(m): 10:46am On May 15, 2007 |
@gwaine I've actually been waiting for you - and it's really funny that you're predictable. You joined the Forum on August 15, 2006, which is two months later than when I came on board ( June 04, 2006). I should be the one welcoming you. No problem, as it pleases you. You don't have any official status here to be throwing questions around and demanding anything of anyone. So, if you have read the massages I left you in some other threads, take the hint: I'm not here for your games, and I'm going to serve you some no-nonsense issues about the stuff you've been beating around. So you can now shout abi, where have you been when your folks have been saying many things about my faith and prophet, creating threads and posting all sort of things, nobody talked but when same is given to you, you resrot to 'babs is deriding your faith". I am ready for you and since stimulus may likely not be around, you take up his position. If you want to discuss, be my guest and I'll just crawl back to my hole jeje. If you would have it otherwise, then please prepare for your worst nightmares, because that's the one reason why I resumed my contributions. Are you afraid, your folks have said more than that, so your cry will lead you nowhere. I am creating some threads in whch you must answered cos your folks have done same. I trust you can be self-advised for the better. i dont give a damn about who you are. You cant just come here and start posting senseless threads. Your folks have done more than and I am paying them back. If you feel disturbed, the door is opened. I will surely make this place urt for you. If you want to proceed babs is available too. Lol No vex. I recently relocated and it took me a while to settle down and get re-connected online. Actually, I was just sitting down jeje and thought to check nairaland recently; only to find some fellas have been misbehaving so much that I can't let such rascally behaviour pass like that. It is now you know that fellas are misbehaving, but you didnt see when your folks have been doing same all these while. As I do say, I only respect those who respect my faith. So you are welcome on board. I may be busy between times; but I dey ground for now. People like babs have to wake up to reality - and that's one reason why I'm here again. Sure, lets set the ball rolling man. When your folks stop, then babs will surely do but anything aside that, prepare for more of your falsehood. Just one thread stimulus opened to answer your challenges, and you're taking such a bad hit already! If he had opened half the number of threads you did, you probably would have had a heart attack, abi? As if you have not been dodging his questions, this one for example: https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-52589.0.html#msg1102231 You are here supporting denials. You are free to go there and confirm. You may shout or cry from now till eternity, nothing moves babs, your folks started it and am paying them back in their own coin. So feel free if you have anything. His posts have been debunked, so you can assist him. Good to know; so that when you receive some more knocks, no one will 'give a damn' how bad it turns out for you You know what, since you have decided to burst into nairaland, tendering your stupidity, babs will henceforth create threads on your doctrine which you must answer. You know that you have been the one preaching to us that Jesus died for your sin , he is both God and Man etc, so questions will be served you on your doctrines. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 11:45am On May 15, 2007 |
@babs787, babs787: Too bad if you consider me shouting - that's what illiterates do, especially of your kind. I've tried to be consistent in my style - and you will see it in the next few weeks as much as you can take. I often start by offering that people discuss; if they cannot and must exhibit their rascality, then and only then do I serve them what they're asking for! How many threads has stimulus opened? Just one (1) and you're over-reacting like an intoxicated night-crawler. Just because you were exposed for your hypocrisy, doublespeak and the fact that you're a total stranger to truth, you're sobbing with all these excuses that haven't cured the bad knocks you took. You can cry and call me whatever you like - your religious tribe is known for taking hard knocks and fainting in convulsive fits! But sobbing here with all this drama is not going to help you. You simply don't mess with Gwaine! |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by babs787(m): 2:52pm On May 15, 2007 |
@Gwaine Too bad if you consider me shouting - that's what illiterates do, especially of your kind. I've tried to be consistent in my style - and you will see it in the next few weeks as much as you can take. I often start by offering that people discuss; if they cannot and must exhibit their rascality, then and only then do I serve them what they're asking for! I am an illiterate and that is the more reason I am here to learn from useless professor like you that burst into thread and start behaving stupidly. I dont care who you are, feel free the door is opened and stop this your stupid threat. You should know that respect beget respect when you burst into nairaland and start saying all sort of things to babs. How many threads has stimulus opened? Just one (1) and you're over-reacting like an intoxicated night-crawler. Just because you were exposed for your hypocrisy, doublespeak and the fact that you're a total stranger to truth, you're sobbing with all these excuses that haven't cured the bad knocks you took. You can see your problem, go to that thread and debunk or continue from where he stopped. He is confused himself and you do say, you will also see hell by the time I start with you. Just because I exposed your falsehood, you started misbehaving. As I do say, nothing moves babs, you are free to continue with your thread, typical of an empty barrel. You are here shouting that babs has been deriding your faith, where have you been when your folks started it all. We shall soon as proceed who has been double speaking and a total stranger to the truth. How many of your falsehood have I debunked? You have been asking muslims questions and none of them shouted that you are deriding their faith but when the same is meted to you, you go about shouting that babs is deriding your faith. Besides, you are free to defend your false doctrines you have been preaching and if you dont want questions to be asked, you stop preaching same. You can cry and call me whatever you like - your religious tribe is known for taking hard knocks and fainting in convulsive fits! But sobbing here with all this drama is not going to help you. You simply don't mess with Gwaine! We are seeing who has been crying. Havent you been crying that babs has been deriding your faith and that is what you receive when you insult other's faith. So the thread is opened, you are free to continue with your threat. You simply don't mess with Gwaine! I dont care who you are.You can go on with your empty thread, empty barrel. It seems my exposing your falsehood stung you like a bee, so you are free to cry and let me remind, when you are ready to cry, please tell me and I will give you a big bowl. If you care for debate, set the ball rolling. Babs is not ready to respect your faith until you do same. |
Re: 11 More Contradictions by Gwaine(m): 5:11pm On May 15, 2007 |
@babs787, I am an illiterate and that is the more reason I am here to learn from useless professor like you that burst into thread and start behaving stupidly. I don't care who you are, feel free the door is opened and stop this your stupid threat. You should know that respect beget respect when you burst into nairaland and start saying all sort of things to babs. I knew you would be so predictable, babs. I often send 'feelers' to size up your type, and then they jump around and even confess to their illiteracy. You can see your problem, go to that thread and debunk or continue from where he stopped. He is confused himself and you do say, you will also see hell by the time I start with you. And that is supposed to be your own "threat"?? I no fit laugh.
I know. . . where your falsehood and hypocrisy were blown, you could do nothing other than turn round and refer to your own Muslim authors as LIARS!
How many threads have I created to ask Muslims questions? Reacting with more hypocritical lies is not the way to blot out your blown deception.
Babs, trying to shift your embarrassment to me is not working. I'm really humoured that all your recent reactions are just because of one thread stimulus opened to answer your challenges. It's normal to wail - I've actually seen some Muslims do so when they were exposed.
Is this your clever way of offering a bribe after weeping? Nice. We'll be seeing more of your red eyes soon. |
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