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Opencart Age Verification Extension By Knowband - Software/Programmer Market - Nairaland

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Opencart Age Verification Extension By Knowband by JohnMichaelT: 12:55pm On Jun 25, 2019
With the advancement in the eCommerce industry, selling and buying online became the most prominent thing today. Today, each and every individual owns the smart and handy technology through which they can buy anything at any time. However, there are many websites that contain explicit content and is not good for the immature audience. Since the Internet is a roof to each and every type of content or a product, being an OpenCart store owner makes you responsible to come up with a full proof solution and overcome this problem. KnowBand offers OpenCart Age Verification Module that enables OpenCart sellers to restrict the immature audience from accessing their website.

The 18+ age verification module showcase an age verification popup at the front end of the website. Customers have to enter their age in that verification popup. The popup will automatically ban the access of the underage customers and filter out them from the relevant customers. This will help OpenCart sellers to keep away the immature audience from the negative impact and also enable them to comply with the government rules and regulations.

Features of OpenCart Age Verification Extension:

1. Admin can restrict online visitors below 18 years of age for accessing the store via OpenCart age verification module.

2. An age verification popup is been featured on the OpenCart store to confirm the age of the user with the help of OpenCart age verification popup.

3. The age verifies the OpenCart module allows admin to enable or disable the DOB field from the admin interface.

4. The age verification OpenCart extension allows admin to set the age verification popup title, description in multiple languages.

5. The online store owner is been allowed to set the terms and conditions from the admin interface of the OpenCart 18+ verification extension. Customers can click on “terms and conditions” for viewing the details.

6. Admin is been provided with an option to set the look and feel of age verification popup by OpenCart 18+ verification plugin.

7. There are multiple themes available for the age verification OpenCart extension look and feel set up.

8. The OpenCart Age Gate Pop-Up extension offers admin an option to preview the theme from the admin interface.

9. The online store merchant can also select the location where he/she wants to show the age verification popup.

10. There is no need to change codes from the admin interface for applying age verification functionality via OpenCart verification popup.

Benefits for Admin:

1. The OpenCart store merchant can easily download, install, configure and use this OpenCart age verification plugin without any coding knowledge and technicalities.

2. The online merchant can set the minimum age accordingly required to access the website.

3. The OpenCart 18+ verification plugin allows admin to set a logo from the admin interface. This option enables admin to change the look and feel of the OpenCart website.

4. The online merchant can also enter the URL for redirecting the store visitors if they close the age verification popup.

5. The age verification OpenCart extension is multi-lingual compatible and compatible with all the themes of OpenCart.

6. There is no need to change even a single line of coding in order to validate the age of visitors.

7. There are 5 different themes available for setting the look and feel of the age validation popup.

KnowBand is one of the most reputed names in the field of plugin development. We provide the best plugins for platforms like - Magento, PrestaShop, OpenCart and Shopify.
KnowBand's OpenCart Age Verification Module Link: https://www.knowband.com/opencart-etsy-marketplace-integration
KnowBand’s OpenCart Age Gate Pop-Up extension User Manual: https://www.knowband.com/blog/user-manual/opencart-etsy-marketplace-integration/
KnowBand’s OpenCart age verification popup product video:

For more support and information, feel free to contact us via mail at support@knowband.com

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