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Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb - Celebrities - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb (58921 Views)

Nathaniel Bassey's Comments On Busola Dakolo & COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinbo / Harrysong On COZA Pastor Bidoun: A Bigger Battle Against The Church Is Coming / Busola Dakolo Rape: Nigerians Storm Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinbo Page To Blast Him (2) (3) (4)

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Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by GistMore12: 7:55pm On Jun 28, 2019
Veteran Nollywood actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo has aired his views on the trending case of Timi Dakolo’s wife rape scandal.

RMD as he is fondly called urged those criticising Busola Dakolo, who early on Friday in an interview revealed that she was raped by pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, of COZA ministries, not to be too quick to judge her.

He added that Timi Dakolo is a real man for standing besides his wife to help me through this trying times.

In an Instagram post, he wrote:

“Two sides to a story does NOT invalidate the truth of the abused, the molested, the hurting. Do NOT be quick to rebut someone’s pain. Do NOT speak too hastily for someone who can speak for themselves. Do NOT expect a rape story to make sense to you because when a predator strikes, the circumstances are not his first thoughts.
“Thank you @busoladakolo for finding your voice and thank you @timidakolo for being an amazing support system for your wife, na man you be. #rmdsaysso #lettruthbetold #letthetruthprevail #notorape.”

See more here; https://gistmore.com/dont-speak-for-someone-who-can-speak-for-himself-rmd-cautions-busola-dakolos-critics

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by GistMore12: 7:56pm On Jun 28, 2019

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by IamD18: 7:58pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended up supporting the accuser indirectly without knowing the real truth.

183 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Andersonjr(m): 7:59pm On Jun 28, 2019
Well said


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by GOFRONT(m): 8:00pm On Jun 28, 2019
Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Engrjj: 8:02pm On Jun 28, 2019
The support Busola is getting so far shows that Biodun is not clean.

But one thing I know is that, whatever your crime is you will surely have some people that will support you so don't be surprise wen people also stand up for Biodun Fatoyinbo.

By the way, what's the meaning of Fatoyinbo?

37 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Birdeyeview: 8:04pm On Jun 28, 2019
Over 71 well known celebrity has so far sad a thing or two as regards to this... This pastor might even end up suffering PTSD before going to bed tonight. Internet na scam on god


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Birdeyeview: 8:06pm On Jun 28, 2019
By the way, what's the meaning of Fatoyinbo?
fat-oyinbo: fat or chubby white man

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by nepapole(m): 8:06pm On Jun 28, 2019
Fat Oyinbo don buy market.


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by StrikeBack(m): 8:16pm On Jun 28, 2019
grin angry angry angry
Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by ValCon888: 8:17pm On Jun 28, 2019
Thank you RMD.
This case made me realize many Nigerians lack empathy. The ability to put yourself in the shoes of the abused. Do you know what it means to be raped? To be sexually assaulted by the one person who's supposed to protect you?
Busola Dakolo is a strong woman to speak up.
In saner societies the police would have promptly started investigations with helplines created to persuade more people to come forward.
For those saying there was consent:
Sleeping with a 17yr old girl is rape even if she says yes. This is because she lacks the legal capacity to give you consent.
Even in the United States, the only way a man 18 and above can sleep with a girl of 17 is if they started dating when he was also underaged. That relationship is protected under the Romeo and Juliet Laws.

Modified: @ regiomontanus and neddstark and other silly people asking for evidence.

You say I lack wisdom, but it is you guys that lack sense. Is this your first time hearing about Pastor Fatoyinbo and women? Not just sleeping with them but wrecking their lives. Is this your first time?

In his reply, he stated they are trying to extort money from his church. Is he richer than Pastor Adeboye or Pastor Oyedepo? Why do we not hear such stories about these Pastors?

I had said earlier that investigations should be carried out. Does that not mean the relevant authorities should do their job and look for evidence?

Women must be encouraged to speak up because these monsters are not just in positions of authority, but hiding in plain sight around you.

So please try and have sense. If not for your sake but for the sake of your family and loved ones.

81 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by punisha: 8:18pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended up supporting the accuser indirectly without knowing the real truth.

The way people be taking sides sha...
I will always stand against rape but this man should better speak and calm nerves.
The truth will eventually prevail.
Just saddening that it is the church again under attack.

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Nobody: 8:28pm On Jun 28, 2019
The support Busola is getting so far shows that Biodun is not clean.

But one thing I know is that, whatever your crime, you must surely have a some people that will support so don't be surprise wen people also stand up for Biodun Fatoyinbo.

By the way, what's the meaning of Fatoyinbo?

I am glad this is happening.

More women will be confident to come out and speak

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Estaxy21211: 8:30pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended up supporting the accuser indirectly without knowing the real truth.
pls wat is the real truth?


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by LearnITsmash(m): 8:44pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended his post by siding a farm tool who was gladly sleeping around with the pastor but as he stopped supporting her financially, he now becomes a raper after 15 years of knowing her, silly lady undecided


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by soke02(m): 8:48pm On Jun 28, 2019
Why is everybody speaking against this pastor, it means something is not right about him


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Omihanifa: 9:10pm On Jun 28, 2019
If you have been to COZA before, you will understand why even some church members don't trust him on this particular matter angry cuz baba nah guy man and he dey sweet talk people all in the name of counselling coupled with the fact that women are always around him undecided so he is very vulnerable to temptation, and adultery

The best he should have done was to settle this matter in house, and compensate the dakolo's family if need be. All this gragra of him saying he's going to court will further expose his dark past ( former cultist, scammer,)

Busola dakolo can't just come on air and start spewing trash,she has a family and reputation to protect angry

Whether the pastor likes it or not, this issue will have a physiological effect on his wife and children

And finally, I will also advice him to do away with TONTO DIKEH that he gives preferential treatment to anytime she comes to church. undecided angry
And also stop hanging out with people of questionable character (ubi Franklin, tonto dikeh)

37 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Firstorderwizard(m): 9:12pm On Jun 28, 2019
Its like I will renew my Vaseline crew membership card undecided
Imagine loosing all you've built over the years cos of a #50 worth of meat between a woman's thigh.

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Karemarealty288(m): 9:16pm On Jun 28, 2019
The support Busola is getting so far shows that Biodun is not clean.

But one thing I know is that, whatever your crime is you will surely have some people that will support you so don't be surprise wen people also stand up for Biodun Fatoyinbo.

By the way, what's the meaning of Fatoyinbo?

Everybody is STANDING with Timi and his wife ....hmmmmm only the Pastor's DICK is STANDING with him. grin

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Thales01: 9:18pm On Jun 28, 2019
The so called COZA pastor has a skeleton in his closet.His response to the allegation wasn't cogent in any sense in that he failed to repudiate the allegation against him with credible details.Anyways,no one expected him to admit his complicity.Unfortunately for him,his unconvincing response lends credence to Mrs dakolo's claims in addition to the previous rape allegation levelled against him by some other lady.
Nevertheless,kudos to Mrs dakolo for mustering up the courage to speak up.Her doughtiness would surely embolden more women to open up.
Let keep our fingers crossed and see how things will unfold in the coming days.

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Engrjj: 9:29pm On Jun 28, 2019

Everybody is STANDING with Timi and his wife ....hmmmmm only the Pastor's DICK is STANDING with him. grin

Bad mouth

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Lavoca: 9:43pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended up supporting the accuser indirectly without knowing the real truth.
What's your problem now? Your posts on this issue along reeks of misogynism


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Charmingrascal(m): 9:56pm On Jun 28, 2019
I think God himself wants to show the World who Fatoyinbo is

Is he the only handsome, well dressed and popular Pastor in Nigeria that three different women are accusing him of rape/sexual immoralities

His hands are not clean

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Shukusheka(m): 9:59pm On Jun 28, 2019
Is it that Op doesn't understand English or he just chose on his own to look stupid? Where on earth did RMD caution Busola Dakolo in his post? undecided

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Nobody: 9:59pm On Jun 28, 2019
Someone that knows this Fatoyinbo guy should please tell us how old that guy is.

From his age, I will be able to deduce something

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Nobody: 10:07pm On Jun 28, 2019
If you have been to COZA before, you will understand why even some church members don't trust him on this particular matter angry cuz baba nah guy man and he dey sweet talk people all in the name of counselling coupled with the fact that women are always around him undecided so he is very vulnerable to temptation, and adultery

The best he should have done was to settle this matter in house, and compensate the dakolo's family if need be. All this gragra of him saying he's going to court will further expose his dark past ( former cultist, scammer,)

Busola dakolo can't just come on air and start spewing trash,she has a family and reputation to protect angry

Baba, shed more light on the bolded please

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by Khaleell001(m): 10:21pm On Jun 28, 2019
He ended up supporting the accuser indirectly without knowing the real truth.

more like false equivalence.
Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by jayson87: 10:48pm On Jun 28, 2019
All the fake and so called celebs in Nigeria are dim-witted! All taking busola's side and not passing her tale through a logical context of critical reasoning. Still amazes me though! Numbskulls everywhere!

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Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by AgreatMan: 10:56pm On Jun 28, 2019
Why didn't this woman take this case fisrt to the court instead of the media?


Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by dapsoneh: 11:00pm On Jun 28, 2019
Re: Busola Dakolo: RMD Reacts To Rape Allegation Against COZA Pastor Bidoun Fatoyinb by kolnel: 11:03pm On Jun 28, 2019
I’m still amazed how some folks keep supporting the pastor
It shows Nigeria has gone to the dogs
Rape everywhere else is a serious crime
Whether true or false
And there’s never a smoke without a fire
I sincerely pity the coming generations


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