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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape (60379 Views)
Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo And Wife, Modele Celebrate 20th Wedding Anniversary / Modele Fatoyinbo: I Am Not Your Friend If You Don’t Celebrate Biodun Fatoyinbo / Modele Fatoyinbo: "My Husband Cannot Rape Anyone" - COZA Pastor's Wife (2) (3) (4)
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Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by dachilino: 2:03pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Modele Fatoyinbo, wife of Pastor Fatoyinbo has been dragged by social media users for defending her husband Pastor Fatoyinbo against rape. Recall that it was reported earlier today that Pastor Omodele Fatoyinbo, denied claims of her husband raping Busola Dakolo. According to her, it is impossible for her husband to be a rapist. She said “My husband is not a rapist. Even if he was an unbeliever, he would not be a rapist.” Her husband, however, took the microphone from her before she could finish her speech, and said: “the elders are handling the matter.” However Modele Fatoyinbo was dragged by social media users after the comment,for defending her husband Pastor Fatoyinbo against rape. They also accused her doing nothing about rape allegations, made against her husband by other women in the past. Pastor Modele Fatoyinbo was also tagged a rape apologist, only out to protect her family's source of income. Here are tweets below; 1 Like 3 Shares
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by justflow1(m): 2:05pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
A yoruba saying goes thus: ta ni e'le shinshin o ba gbe bi ko ba n se e'legbo translated as: who do you expect a "housefly" to favour if not a person with a diseased patch of skin connotatively: mummy D no get option than to support Daddy B lols....if push turns shove Daddy B might still be a virgin ![]() 48 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by dachilino: 2:07pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Modele Fatoyinbo dragged for defending her husband Pastor Fatoyinbo against rape lalasticlala, seun, mynd44, dominique 2 Shares
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Yuceeluv(f): 2:11pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Just fulfilling one of her duties as "his wife". Nothing surprising here. As she speaks, only God knows the number of atrocities she knows and has hidden within her, about her husband. 105 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by SenorFax(m): 2:11pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
What would you have her do?? Condemn her own husband? It's for better for worse. Most of them bashing her are singles anyway. 120 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Benekruku(m): 2:12pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
The only victim that was rewarded with a marriage What else do you expect her to say 80 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Annie939(f): 2:12pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
what do you expect? after all her husband called her a cold dead body. 14 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by TheMainMan: 2:14pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
lol she will support him openly but der will be intense scolding behind the scenes it is expected 27 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Mraphel: 2:15pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
His wife is on point. He knows her husband better. Some of u blaming the pastor are perverted, mastubator and rapist. 86 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by crazyABO(m): 2:20pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Theirs nothing wrong in wah she said ![]() ![]() ![]() 57 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Johnkay01: 2:21pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
The more I read these COZA saga the more I get irritated by daft comments that follow. Because rape is bad doesn't make false accusation good. Busola said Bimbo raped her and Bimbo said he did not rape her. Instead of people to be neutral and watch as things unfold before supporting anyone of them base on facts, no my people will not. Because rape is bad they must crush anybody that is accused of rape especially if the person is pastor because pastor is not human being. What is now the difference between these people behavior (especially those who went to His church with placards today) and those who lynch at the mention of thief? 139 Likes 18 Shares
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by NobleAngell(f): 2:24pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
What do you expect her to say? That her husband is a rapist? She's being a supportive wife. I feel for her. 7 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by festacman(m): 2:27pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
EYE OF THE STORM - An uncomfortable position to be. It is becomes even hyper-uncomfortable when as a pastor's wife, you have little option but to defend a pastor-husband who should ordinarily be above board but who is mired in avoidable sex scandal. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Daviddson(m): 2:31pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Do you expect her to come and say 'I'm not saying my husband is guilty or not guilty, but...' Bill Cosby also committed his own rapes more than 10-20 years before ladies started coming out to accuse him. The court or jury convicted him all the same despite the fact that he's a household name in America and he's also very old. That's justice. 13 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by crazygod(m): 2:33pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
From all this comments above, it is true when they say that most Nigerians don't even reason at all. Very sad. 20 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Freetamzy: 4:43pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
NobleAngell: All in all, the truth of the whole saga shall prevail someday, only God knows the truth . I sincerely feel pained over the matter. I am being careful not to take side with anyone for one, surely the truth shall prevail, may God Almighty take control for he alone knows who is wrong. *observing 6 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:49pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
This alleged rape issue, it is only 'slow people' with burning emotional energy that are supporting either of the party involved without being patient to know the truth of the matter. Everyone can believe who they want to believe out of the 2 people involved in this serious issue. Maybe the Pastor or his former chorister and Choir Master! We hope The truth come out soon, then we will know who is lying, and we will also know who will go to jail. Our cent on this serious allegation. The truth of the whole matter will be out soon. Patient is a virtue! 11 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by 9jaBloke: 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
If she totally believes what she is saying, fine. If she believes or knows otherwise, wrong. Generally speaking, standing by your husband for better for worse does not necessarily translate to supporting him if you know he commited a crime. If your spouse is doing wrong, God is not asking you to support or defend the wrongdoing, rather He wants you to stand and tell your spouse the gospel truth and help him/her get back on track. 5 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by themonk(m): 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
You believe without physical or circumstantial evidence that the women who spoke up were saying the truth but you deny in a heart beat that the pastors wife is telling the truth. You just believe what you want to be true and not facts, she should go to court if she is serious and Fatoyibo should be jailed if guilty but if not guilty, Biodun should be jailed for defamation. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Zombiekiller010: 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
As Timi Dakolo supported his wife,do you expect Modele not to support her husband, those that are ranting on this rape or no rape, started having sex under 16years old ,they are either baby mama ,bitter single mom or pedophile men that are pretending to be activist. Most men ranting will demand for sex from a job seeking lady b4 giving her job or marks if they are lecturer. Spits on hypocrites 39 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by id4sho(m): 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
![]() So Timi Dakolo married a fairly used wife . What do I know sef 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by bestman09(m): 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
I agree with her. Someone was raped over 20 years ago, not once according to her, yet she still joined the Church and sang as a chorister without any complain till now 8 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by IamSoProlific: 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
I think is high time I stop reading anything that has to do with COZA till they take it to court. The whole thing is driving me bananas, Nigerians are so daft and dumb. Now I know why our leaders are unapologetic with their ill behaviors. Full of unwarranted abuse and insults, void of reasonable points to buttress their claims. Most of Nigerians are oyes members, anywhere belle face, while some do it for clouts. Funny enough,most of them are simply envious and naturally bittered. Let the world scatter, so all man can start afresh. Still don't know why I came back to this sh!thole. 8 Likes 1 Share
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by ClearFlair: 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
It’s like social media makes people mad. Just look at Atiku supporters and these ones 3 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by magicminister: 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
I kinda feel sorry for the woman. Just look at how her husband has consistently embarrassed her with other women. My best friend was raped by their house boy when she was like 12-13. She never told anyone about it till she was 30. She was ashamed and afraid and didn’t want the world to judge her. She was raised in a Christian family where “sex” is never talked about. People will never get it till it happens to people you truly love. People like you are the reason a lot of women are afraid to come out. Yeah there may be false accusations every now and then but 3 people accusing the same person!! Haba !!! Even if you wanna give the accused the benefit of a doubt, never ever invalidate the accusers claim or defend the accused. Stand a neutral ground and go with the facts on ground. Right now, the fact is that 3 women from different backgrounds have accused the same person of rape, the fact is 3 more women have accused the same person of some level of misconduct. Please bro, our women are our sisters, mothers and daughters. Let’s defend the Nigerian woman, let’s love the Nigerian woman. 16 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Nobody: 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Last comment on this rape or no rape issue, before I sail off into the sunset. 1.The funny thing about this case are the people saying...It was not rape, she did not cry out! Okay...there are many cases like that. 2.Again, a raped woman is in a horrible state. She is not going to just go and report to the authorities (Even the current Lagos case involving a young student, it was a friend who took her to report the case). 3.With the way many are responding to the rape wonder no raped woman is going to come out and tell her story. 4.Sluts don't deserve to be raped, just like any other woman 5.Anyway, I could say more, but I am tired. And I have to find my way off this thread. 6. Yes...women do lie against men on rape. And many of the men defending Fatoyinbo have been victims too of this. Let us not diminsh their stories. To every Nairaland woman...please, if you have been raped, please, cast your sorrow aside, make a report, and put your rapist behind bars. To every Nairalander...let us offer support to every rape victim. Let us not stigmatize them, call them names, and let us not sweep such cases under the carpet. And yes, Biodun is still INNOCENT till proven guilty. Just because we all suspect him, does not mean that he does not deserve to prove his case in court. And all you Chrstians defending your philandering pastors......God is watching. Repent. Otherwise...God will soon show us he is not mocked, and his name is not for profaning. Good night from me. I may have the sweetest smile, glowing between my nose and chin, But only I know the truth about the deep secrets held within. I may have the prettiest eyes that have seen more than they should And have cried more delicate tears than anyone else ever could. I may have the kindest heart, but that came with a cost. It has felt the worst of pains and experienced the greatest loss. I cannot change the past, an event to which I succumbed. But I can focus on the present and change what is to come. We are all so different and yet so much the same. Everyone, in some way or another, will experience a kind of pain. Everybody has things they wish not to recall, Into each life some rain must fall. Scattered throughout our lives, like a friend that is one of a kind, Dreary days will steadily approach, bad memories trailing behind. These dark days are necessary, just as important as the rest, For if we didn't have the worst, we couldn't recognize the best. Source: To any rape victim reading this...the best is yet to come. It does get better. The darkness will fade away. 18 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by GOFRONT(m): 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
![]() A perfect example of a Community deek is what Biodun is..... See as Madagagascar COZA Our Super Chickens!!!! 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by puresaint(m): 6:52pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
Thunderstorms fire all of you against her... Cos if is me I will defend my husband/wife against outsiders and we tackle it at home later! 3 Likes |
Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by Truth370: 6:52pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
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Re: Modele Fatoyinbo Dragged For Defending Her Husband Pastor Fatoyinbo Against Rape by deebrain(m): 6:53pm On Jun 30, 2019 |
She is his wife. What is with all this rubbish? You all went to the church shamelessly to protest- in the same country SARS killed young people and there was an outcry to protest against SARS. Failed protest. Many youths are just ignorant and irritating. I hate to say this, but I can't wait for another distraction to hit social media again. Like seriously. I won't be surprised if our youth protest if their favorite BBnigeria housemate is evicted. Shior. 8 Likes |
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