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Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by labani06(m): 6:46pm On Jul 16, 2019
why Africa ?
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by vivalavida(m): 6:51pm On Jul 16, 2019
Afonja should migrate to that side na
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Nobody: 6:53pm On Jul 16, 2019

common stop lying,. bald head,. make they come naija, they will pack wella grin grin grin grin

I'm serious. I was shocked the day I saw the documentary too. I laughed like a mad person, just imagine if they start that trend in Nigeria? It is bye bye to People's fathers.

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Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by udemzyudex(m): 6:58pm On Jul 16, 2019
Africa is a shìt hole continent.

When i tell people that the God that created the people in this continent is different from others they keep looking at me like I'm saying trash, well this is it.
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by worldclass68(m): 7:28pm On Jul 16, 2019
if I were God....I would have wiped out Africa tetey..
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by 4Play(m): 7:33pm On Jul 16, 2019

common stop lying,. bald head,. make they come naija, they will pack wella grin grin grin grin

Bald men in Mozambique could be targets of ritual attacks, police have warned, after the recent killing of five men for their body parts.

Two suspects have been arrested in the central district of Milange, where the killings occurred.

"The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold," said Afonso Dias, a police commander in Mozambique's central Zambezia province.

Albino people have also been killed in the region for ritual purposes.

Three men have been killed in the past week alone.


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Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by FuckThaMod: 7:34pm On Jul 16, 2019
Please who knows the whereabout of ANTIBITRUS.
U mean Antibrutus the dick hunter
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by adediamond07(m): 7:43pm On Jul 16, 2019
It saddened ones heart
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Angelfrost(m): 7:46pm On Jul 16, 2019
Someone will come and be yapping/blabbing about patriotism.... Imagine how Africans reason in an age of extreme technological advancement. Damn!!!

An archaeologist once postulated that African Negroes descended from the lineage of the outcast, accursed, and rejected son of Nimrod... I thought it was all racist trash... But, I am seriously beginning to have a rethink. undecided
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Angelfrost(m): 7:48pm On Jul 16, 2019
Backward Continent, A continent that could turn Gods own people "the isrealites" into slaves, what do you expect

As in... Here I thought the very bad ones were cooling off at the bottom of the Red Sea...
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by skelewu404(m): 7:57pm On Jul 16, 2019
how you take know,you be seer? grin
dont worry u r safe
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by grandlexuz(m): 8:02pm On Jul 16, 2019

Mr intelligence , Mr I know all, is Egypt not an African country, did they not enslave the Isrealites?
Common sense is not really common

You are right and cos Africa is in the Earth, the people of the Earth enslaved "Gods people"
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by belliey(m): 8:04pm On Jul 16, 2019
So much evil in Africa. Later some people will label white people as racists, when the truth is we are our own worst enemies and worst oppressors.

Yup. They even sold their own people into slavery. It's been like this since the time of slavery. Even before that.
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Nobody: 8:27pm On Jul 16, 2019
God airpus o


Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Platony(m): 8:55pm On Jul 16, 2019
AFRICANS with their dark minds.

Dark souls I tell you. sad
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by XhosaNostra(f): 9:15pm On Jul 16, 2019
If Donald trump talk now una go dey yab am

What can he say when his country has the worst, deranged killers in the whole world? I don't remember reading a story about any African male caught dancing in the rain naked, wrapped in a meat dress with its own vagina & 2 boobs from different women. That & far worse has happened in America.

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Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Haynnie: 9:22pm On Jul 16, 2019
Nonsense practice �
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Haynnie: 9:25pm On Jul 16, 2019
This whole thing is retarded.... I still can't believe in this modern age Africans still have superstitious belief consuming their thoughts, very primitive of them sad
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by MasterofNL: 9:31pm On Jul 16, 2019
But why are Africans like this? sad

I just don't understand.
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Optionalx: 9:46pm On Jul 16, 2019
Families are said to be trading in their own loved ones in a bid for money and influence from some of the country’s most powerful people.

It is believed in the African country that albino body parts will bring a person wealth or luck, with people willing to pay as much as $3,000 to $4,000 for a limb, or as much as $75,000 for the whole body, the MailOnline reports.

As a result, people with albinism are often attacked by people who wish to chop off their limbs, leaving them mutilated, or in many cases, dead.

Albinism affects one in 1,400 people in Tanzania, which experts put down to incest in rural communities in the country.

It is a hereditary condition which causes the complete absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes.

Since records began, there have been 74 murders, with 59 people with albinism surviving attacks, while 16 graves have been robbed for body parts, however there are believed to be many more unrecorded.
The most recent case recorded was four-year-old Pendo Emmanuelle Nundi, who was abducted from her home in December. Her father and uncle were both arrested in connection with her disappearance, however even with a reward of £1,130 offered up by police, she still hasn’t been found.

Mwigulu Matonange was only 10 when he was attacked by two men on his way home from school. The men chopped off his left arm, before disappearing into the jungle.

After the brutal attack, which took place in February 2014, he told IPP Media: ‘I was held down like a goat about to be slaughtered.’

In this case, the men were complete strangers to Mwiglulu, however there’s suspicion surrounding Pendo’s father after he took half-an-hour to report her abduction, despite there being neighbours around who could’ve helped as soon as she was taken.

According to a UN report, a 38-year-old woman was attacked by her husband and four other men while she was sleeping in February 2013 while their eight-year-old daughter looked on.

As reported by the MailOnline, Josephat Torner, who campaigns for albino rights, asked:

Now we can see the parents who are involved in planning the attacks. What kind of war are we fighting if parents and family do this? Who can we trust?

You do not know who is your enemy.

People with the albinism are being hunted and killed for our body parts. It is because people want to become rich.

We are still living in danger. It is because people, they have different ideas. Some people, they are thinking they should get our body parts and sell to different places.

The question is, why? Why now? And who is behind the killings?

Source @unilad.com

This dumb superstition doesn’t work... una just the kill and maim people for nothingness biko...
Na wao undecided
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Joystark(f): 9:58pm On Jul 16, 2019
No be today e start na, I saw it on the news years ago. Even bald headed men are being hunted by ritualists in Mozambique, it is said their head is filled with money.

Hahahahah. Bald head and money. Which money? Lol.

This continent is bleeped as it is..
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by mediclife1987(m): 10:02pm On Jul 16, 2019
Families are said to be trading in their own loved ones in a bid for money and influence from some of the country’s most powerful people.

It is believed in the African country that albino body parts will bring a person wealth or luck, with people willing to pay as much as $3,000 to $4,000 for a limb, or as much as $75,000 for the whole body, the MailOnline reports.

As a result, people with albinism are often attacked by people who wish to chop off their limbs, leaving them mutilated, or in many cases, dead.

Albinism affects one in 1,400 people in Tanzania, which experts put down to incest in rural communities in the country.

It is a hereditary condition which causes the complete absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes.

Since records began, there have been 74 murders, with 59 people with albinism surviving attacks, while 16 graves have been robbed for body parts, however there are believed to be many more unrecorded.
The most recent case recorded was four-year-old Pendo Emmanuelle Nundi, who was abducted from her home in December. Her father and uncle were both arrested in connection with her disappearance, however even with a reward of £1,130 offered up by police, she still hasn’t been found.

Mwigulu Matonange was only 10 when he was attacked by two men on his way home from school. The men chopped off his left arm, before disappearing into the jungle.

After the brutal attack, which took place in February 2014, he told IPP Media: ‘I was held down like a goat about to be slaughtered.’

In this case, the men were complete strangers to Mwiglulu, however there’s suspicion surrounding Pendo’s father after he took half-an-hour to report her abduction, despite there being neighbours around who could’ve helped as soon as she was taken.

According to a UN report, a 38-year-old woman was attacked by her husband and four other men while she was sleeping in February 2013 while their eight-year-old daughter looked on.

As reported by the MailOnline, Josephat Torner, who campaigns for albino rights, asked:

Now we can see the parents who are involved in planning the attacks. What kind of war are we fighting if parents and family do this? Who can we trust?

You do not know who is your enemy.

People with the albinism are being hunted and killed for our body parts. It is because people want to become rich.

We are still living in danger. It is because people, they have different ideas. Some people, they are thinking they should get our body parts and sell to different places.

The question is, why? Why now? And who is behind the killings?

Source @unilad.com


Am I safe laidis
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by urahara(m): 10:20pm On Jul 16, 2019
Africans have completely recessed brains.

I keep saying Africans are far worse than even their colonial masters.

Ever since the British left us to our independence, one would have thought, 'fine, let's make this country excel'. But what do we have today?

Our very own in power are re-colonising us under the guise of democracy.

Africans are a disgrace - anywhere you go, wherever they are, even in the Western World. Strife, envy, jealousy, no team work, too much gossip ... always Africans.

Can you just stfu

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Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by mediclife1987(m): 10:22pm On Jul 16, 2019
I just hope the madness doesn't get here..

Fellow albino spotted...
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by leofab(f): 12:35am On Jul 17, 2019
What a foolish statement.
Backward Continent, A continent that could turn Gods own people "the isrealites" into slaves, what do you expect
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Clentuzbaba(m): 7:44am On Jul 17, 2019
What would u expect from shithole countries
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Judolisco(m): 10:31am On Jul 17, 2019

What can he say when his country has the worst, deranged killers in the whole world? I don't remember reading a story about any African male caught dancing in the rain naked, wrapped in a meat dress with its own vagina & 2 boobs from different women. That & far worse has happened in America.
every country has its own flaws but Africa's own Nigeria in particular is just sheer stupidity if not instead of channeling our energy to building our nation or continent we prefer ritual killings and corruption instead of building world class schs and hospitals we prefer going abroad to sch and give birth...so u can see our problem is more than that of America's own and what trump is saying is that we should fix our goddam country since we have all d resources to do so.
Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by Nobody: 1:48pm On Jul 17, 2019

Can you just stfu


Re: Albinos In Tanzania Are Being Hunted For Their Limbs by quietmagic582: 1:56pm On Jul 17, 2019
Amen, its very sad to hear people are so desperate to become rich by evil means

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