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Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 - TV/Movies - Nairaland

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Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by HeWrites(m): 4:40pm On Jul 27, 2019
A former sports journalist and retired director with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Akinloye Oyebanj, has died at the age of 62.

Igbere TV learnt that Mr Oyebanji passed on at National Hospital, Abuja on Saturday morning from heart disease.

Oyebanji had been ill for almost four months now and his family had spent millions of naira to save his life without any improvement, Igbere TV reports.

Family source said he had the misfortune of losing his kidneys which were replaced successfully through a transplant in India.

“But one of the side effects of kidney transplant is heart failure, which he had experienced on two occasions and survived,” a family member said.

Family members, friends and professional colleagues recently appealed to governments, public-spirited individuals and corporate organisations to assist him with $25,000 for treatment abroad.

Oyebanji served the NTA for 35 years in different capacities, including being a sports broadcaster, and later as general manager (sports).

He retired as managing director of NTA Properties at the authority’s headquarters in Abuja.

Oyebanji worked with legendary sport journalist, Walter Oyatogun, who died at the age of 78 in 2014.

Speaking after Oyatogun’s death, Oyebanji said they were colleagues at a time and that he learnt a lot from him.

“He was dedicated to his work, punctual and ensured that everything went smoothly and in the right way,” he said.

Oyebanji, who hailed from Kwara, is survived by four children and a wife.

Source; http://igberetvnews.com/850492/just-in-veteran-nta-sports-journalist-dies-at-62/

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by naptu2: 4:41pm On Jul 27, 2019
O my God!!!


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Amuocha: 4:42pm On Jul 27, 2019

Just remembered his broadcast back then ...Nigeria's U17 has won the FIFA World Cup......

I am Akinloye Oyebanji reporting for NTA News. embarassed

118 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by SheikhMuniru(m): 4:43pm On Jul 27, 2019
Chisus shocked

1 Like

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Nemesis909: 4:43pm On Jul 27, 2019
One of our best.

Mat his soul rest in peace.

23 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by OTayobami(m): 4:46pm On Jul 27, 2019
Ooooh God! When NTA was NTA
Who remembered

60 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by jlinkd78(m): 4:49pm On Jul 27, 2019
Truly veteran. Rest in peace

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Ishilove: 4:52pm On Jul 27, 2019
Ha! Eyah!

Baba rest in peace cry


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Beremx(f): 5:05pm On Jul 27, 2019
The way he comments on Nigeria football matches can give someone high blood pressure. I remember him vividly. cheesy grin

Rest in peace Sir.

33 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by naptu2: 5:21pm On Jul 27, 2019
He took over from the likes of Yinka Craig, Waheed Olagunju, Charles Ojugbana and Walter Oyatogun.

I will always remember the way he looked after Nigeria lost in the final of a tournament, I think it was Canada '87.

He looked like he had been crying. My sister kept making fun of him.

He was the face of NTA Sports from the late 1980s till the mid-2000s.

Rest in peace.


54 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Amowap2019(m): 5:39pm On Jul 27, 2019
R.I.P sir


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Nobody: 5:40pm On Jul 27, 2019
Akinloye Oyebanji

NTA Sports


22 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Patoski7(m): 5:40pm On Jul 27, 2019
Rest in peace


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by mostyg(m): 5:41pm On Jul 27, 2019
Say: “Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do.”’) [ 62:8 ]

May God grant the entire family fortitude to bear the loss.


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Nobody: 5:41pm On Jul 27, 2019
Having a kindey transplant always runs the risk of rejection.....which can lead to heart failure.


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by doctokwus: 5:41pm On Jul 27, 2019
62,that's young.
A good sport journalist.
That transplant may have been poorly done.
India is not a good centre for all these transplants Nigerians run to.
Their complications rate is way too high.

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by princeade86(m): 5:42pm On Jul 27, 2019
Pls we need ans to this igbere TV. What channel is it on gotv or startime


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Mursz: 5:42pm On Jul 27, 2019
Chai! How sad. RIP

1 Like

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by EkunKekere: 5:43pm On Jul 27, 2019
Very sad news. I grew up watching this man. He was modest, unassuming and very knowledgeable about his job. A true and consumate professional.
May his very gentle soul rest in perfect peace in the bosom of our Lord.

28 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Avedonn: 5:43pm On Jul 27, 2019
I remembered his voice commentary during the 2006 Olympics. I used to stay late into the night watching the games.

He has a calm voice which make someone enjoy the games.

I still wonder how NTA lost all the good reputation the once had.

15 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Nobody: 5:44pm On Jul 27, 2019
This story is sad. RIP

Even after a kidney transplant, the rate of rejection is high, coupled with the anti-rejection medications you need to take for the rest of your life, and the lowered immunity these drugs cause. You are open season for any sickness that comes your way.

Dialysis was his best option in my opinion but also that is expensive.

I plan to open up a kidney institute in Nigeria to manage kidney care because kidney failure isn't a death sentence. Everyday I deal with people who have been on dialysis for more than 10 years and you wouldn't even know they are on dialysis. They looks as healthy as everyone else.

Another problem with dialysis in Nigeria is the lack of knowledge when it comes to nutrition on dialysis which is a very important part, if not the most important part. Most people who die from kidney failure in Nigeria is because they did not adhere to a strict kidney diet due to ignorance.

I plan to open a kidney institute and train people on how to take care of kidney patients. I plan to train nutritionists, nurses, and doctors on how to manage kidney patients. We can't keep losing people to kidney failure which can be managed.

58 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by hisexcellency34: 5:44pm On Jul 27, 2019
Why can't FG assist him when the family called for assistance?

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Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Justiceleague1: 5:44pm On Jul 27, 2019
Ohhhh nooo..what a loss.
I used to picture an elephant whenever he's on tv.

Rip sir..

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Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Famocious(m): 5:44pm On Jul 27, 2019
May his soul rest in peace ..

...Heart failure is not a side effect of kidney transplantation..


Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by hedonido: 5:45pm On Jul 27, 2019
Oh dear. These kinds of developments diminish me, and remind me that I am fast approaching my own demise, with each tick of the clock.

I sadly but boldly embrace this reality of life.

Reporting from the Gates of Heaven,
Akinloye Oyebanji, NTA News.

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by greggng: 5:45pm On Jul 27, 2019
This is my fear about kidney transplant...after spending all the million and more importantly removing another person's own to give to the sick....he or she ends up dieing shortly ...i.e. ojb, Steve kadiri to name but a few.

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Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by Nobody: 5:46pm On Jul 27, 2019
May his soul rest in peace ..

...Heart failure is not a side effect of kidney transplantation..

It could be. I can explain the process

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Re: Akinloye Oyebanji Dies At 62 by MrCarterlee(m): 5:46pm On Jul 27, 2019
Ooooh God! When NTA was NTA
Who remembered
very interesting program cool

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