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How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Ibime(m): 3:59pm On Oct 19, 2010
@ Tkb,

Thunder fire your nyash! Hehehehehe.

@ Peedavinci,

How many undergrad dissertations did you reference in your PHD thesis. Ingrate! Hehehehehe.

BTW, I'm not disputing your claim. Its just not usually done to quote Undergrad when you're doing a postgrad. Of course there may be exceptional pieces of work worth referencing such as your own thesis which has been referenced by Stephen Hawkings and the like. Anofia! Hehehehehehe.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by bawomolo(m): 4:00pm On Oct 19, 2010

wicked man grin
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by tkb417(m): 4:01pm On Oct 19, 2010

@ Tkb,

Thunder fire your nyash! Hehehehehe.

@ Peedavinci,

How many undergrad dissertations did you reference in your PHD thesis. Ingrate! Hehehehehe.

BTW, I'm not disputing your claim. Its just not usually done to quote Undergrad when you're doing a postgrad. Of course there may be exceptional pieces of work worth referencing such as your own thesis which has been referenced by Stephen Hawkings and the like. Anofia! Hehehehehehe.
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Seekers(m): 4:02pm On Oct 19, 2010

i actually asked for the web link on him claiming he won a nobel prize  grin
i was actually talkin to you in my last post,
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:03pm On Oct 19, 2010
this thread smells of BAD BELLE
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Seekers(m): 4:06pm On Oct 19, 2010

this thread smells of BAD BELLE

true talk, bunch of jobless n stupid ppl
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by AloyEmeka5: 4:06pm On Oct 19, 2010

this thread smells of BAD BELLE

Are people no more allowed to have opposing views without being accused of bad bellerism or tribalism?.

The only problem I have with opposing views here is they are yet to present what Emeagwali did wrong/ a bogus claim from him apart from generalizations. From my opinion, if Emeagwali claims half of what he didn't achieve in America, CNN,FOX,MSNBC, etc will make jest of him in a day or two. I am sure than these anti Emeagwali crusaders have written major media houses about them besides, the media houses google people and do more research before presenting them to the public. Last year alone, BBC presented Emeagwali as a 21 C genius. How did they all miss the fraudulent side of this man?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by tkb417(m): 4:09pm On Oct 19, 2010

Are people no more allowed to have opposing views without being accused of bad bellerism or tribalism?
im wondering

why would i be beefing Phillip?

am i a scientist?

na wa oh
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by madprof(m): 4:10pm On Oct 19, 2010
Hm, undecided
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:11pm On Oct 19, 2010

this thread smells of BAD BELLE

how ? That we ask after his acclaimed father of internet crap,his PHD conspiracy or that he claimed to have won the Nobel award ? What has this got to do with hausa or ijaw ?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by AloyEmeka5: 4:13pm On Oct 19, 2010

Journalists get fired for not vetting stories or making stuff up, even at the New York times. Politicians fake college degrees, and the electoral body does not catch the lie: only to be found out by a citizen journalist weeks to election. All this is in America. Fraud and incompetence are not unique to Nigeria/Africa, contrary to all you might be hearing in the media.

There is no way CNN, BBC, etc will air Philip Emeagwali continuously without someone blowing the whistle on the fraud. There is just no way and you know it.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by AloyEmeka5: 4:14pm On Oct 19, 2010

how ? That we ask after his acclaimed father of internet crap,his PHD conspiracy or that he claimed to have won the Nobel award ? What has this got to do with hausa or ijaw ?

Apparently, you need lectures on simile and hyperbole.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:16pm On Oct 19, 2010
Philip Emeagwali designed the program and formula for the fastest computer on earth, the Connection Machine. He designed the system of parallel computers that are used by all search engines, for example Yahoo or Search.com. The parallel computer idea was also worked on by individuals such as Burton Smith and Daniel Hillis.

The Connection Machine with a program developed by Philip Emeagwali solved a 350 year old packing problem that was considered to be one of the great unsolved mathematics problems. [/b]The Connection Machine and Mr.[b] Emeagwali also designed equations to explain how sperm swim, how polluted groundwater flows, how the Earth's interior moves and causes volcanic eruptions, finally how to recover petroleum safer and in larger quantities.

Finally Philip Emeagwali designed the Hyperball computer which is able to forecast long-term global warming patterns.

Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by AloyEmeka5: 4:18pm On Oct 19, 2010

If this is true, why was he not awarded the degree then?

Awarding degrees has never been the true test of knowledge. No wonder Nigeria is in this shape today because we tend to measure one's capability through paper qualifications. Ask those who have PHD, there are more things to it than academic work. Some people are intellectually capable and their dissertation were very okay but they never received their PHD, why?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by OmoTier1(m): 4:19pm On Oct 19, 2010
I was refering to the supercomputing award not the Congrassional or Presidential award - typo/mix up!

Why not go to those references and check them out for yourself? And for your request for his journal publications, I think you know little or nothing about how inventors work! They never bother to publish their works because if they do, something would go wrong. History have shown us that this is always the case.
I say this 'cos while I was working on a concept on intelligent structures based on neural networks, the foundation who provided part fundng wanted to publish some of the initial findings in a smart structures journal and the expert group in te research laboratory gave a resounding NO to the foundation. Today, that laboratory recognises that the concept is novel, has wider implications on future smart structure analysis. Today in my own personal capcity, I have made no attempts to publish an write up on those findings but in the faculty, they see the work as very novel and two external bodies have had a look at the work and the agree with the faculty's expert group findings!

The achievment of Philip.E. is a source of inspiration to my scientist around the world and the fact that He never claims to know it all and He is willing to share his wealth of knowledge with others speaks volumes about him!
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Carlosein(m): 4:21pm On Oct 19, 2010

@ Tkb,

Thunder fire your nyash! Hehehehehe.

@ Peedavinci,

How many undergrad dissertations did you reference in your PHD thesis. Ingrate! Hehehehehe.

BTW, I'm not disputing your claim. Its just not usually done to quote Undergrad when you're doing a postgrad. Of course there may be exceptional pieces of work worth referencing such as your own thesis which has been referenced by Stephen Hawkings and the like. Anofia! Hehehehehehe.

Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by samoks(m): 4:25pm On Oct 19, 2010

These re reasons y we'll never grow in dis country cos we always lookin for de down fall of ourselves, white use their own witch n wizard to help theirself n improve their growth but naija(africa),na lie, lookin to bring who is up down instead of tryin to get up urself, bullshit, true or false,i dnt care.am sorry n am not,those against dis guy re stup*d n fool**h, mumu ppl,

Thank you my Bro, A prophet has no honour in his land, to all those believing what saharareporters wrote about him, have you asked what source SAHARA REPORTERS GOT THEIR findings from?? From all i read from there, they were saying Philip claimed this, he claimed that, they were also saying it has been debunked,

Please who debunked what and why and where was it debunked?? Let them give us real evidence before we crucify this guy, If he actually won the GORDON BELL AWARD, then why was he awarded it? were there no other inventors in the same field as at then??/

Please let us stop pulling ourselves down

On the issue of Dr or PhD, Hope we all remember Prof. Wole Soyinka's ordeal with UI, UI awarded him a 3rd class degree, he rejected it and went abroad to come home with a FIRST CLASS, Now you tell me, the UK university that he got the FIRST class and UI which is superior  The old Profs in UI then just didn't want to recognize him for fear of him over-taking them,

It is very simple, WE NIGERIANS are too JEALOUS,

Don't just react to stupid reports from unscrupulous quarters, All i am saying is that they should give us proofs, i mean real proofs of the people that debunked all of PHILIPS' CLAIMS, PERIOD,
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Chuks84(m): 4:26pm On Oct 19, 2010
I read the actual article in saharareporters. I was shocked that a fellow nigerian in diaspora would do this to one of his own. Emeagwali might have overstated some things but it doesn't take away the fact that he's a very brilliant man. The Gordon Bell award was not by accident. How many Nigerians can lay claim to that? The article was childish, petty and vindictive at best. If the author had stuck to his evidence, it might have been a good expose, but he went on and on about petty and irrelevant facts like how the Gordon Bell award was worth a thousand dollars etc. It almost sounded as if the author were jealous of Mr. Emeagwali. Shame on Prof. Toyin!
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:27pm On Oct 19, 2010

Awarding degrees has never been the true test of knowledge. No wonder Nigeria is in this shape today because we tend to measure one's capability through paper qualifications. Ask those who have PHD, there are more things to it than academic work. Some people are intellectually capable and their dissertation were very okay but they never received their PHD, why?
Long story ! The question is ;does he have or not ? If NO .why did he address himself as a doctor ?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Carlosein(m): 4:31pm On Oct 19, 2010

Awarding degrees has never been the true test of knowledge. No wonder Nigeria is in this shape today because we tend to measure one's capability through paper qualifications. Ask those who have PHD, there are more things to it than academic work. Some people are intellectually capable and their dissertation were very okay but they never received their PHD, why?

Exactly my sentiments. There's more to his not receiving his doctorate.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by TewMuch: 4:34pm On Oct 19, 2010
If he falisfied his qualifications and faked his achievements even in the slightest bit, he should be exposed and have to either retract the statement or explain what he meant.I wonder why Nigerian's are never objective.This is why we are so quick to praise 419's and fraudsters.We never ask the "why or How possible" questions.American's are often fooled by con artists.Including their TV stations and supposedly credible sources.Maybe it is lazy reporters or people loving sensational news.It took another Nigerian to debunk his claims which to me is acceptable.Would you have preferred if a white man shamed us? And further proved how fraudulent we could be?I have seen this argument and was ashamed and disappointed by Phillip.Dr.Toyin Falola did his duty, and that is that.I hope we, in the future come out and debunk false claims and insult fraudulent people.Especially people of questionable character and resources.This is nothing like bad belle, it is just cleansing ourselves of the filth that has eroded our society and showing them that they are no longer respected in our country.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Carlosein(m): 4:36pm On Oct 19, 2010

Long story ! The question is ;does he have or not ? If NO .why did he address himself as a doctor ?

Erhm, where was that?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:36pm On Oct 19, 2010
Wait a minute, let us be objective here, look at those who are against him, all Nigerians professionals, there is something fishy. He might have hyped up some of his achievements, so what? A lizard who falls from high Iroko tree, if nobody, praises him, he will take that responsibility upon itself.
To come on this platform to dismiss this man as a total fraud is absolutely ludicrous. This man goes from one symposium to another, all over the world, he's highly paid to deliver speeches. Are they also saying that this bodies don't verify his credentials?
This is the problem with Nigerians, the energy they used here in unveiling trash about their fellow countryman is enough to build a Boeing 787 plane.
If nothing is been heard about those enumerated above, what is our business? are we going to sing their praises for them? Nobody knew Phillip until he showed himself to the world. Let American body of scientist prove otherwise, until then, Phillip is still a hero in his own right.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:36pm On Oct 19, 2010

I was refering to the supercomputing award not the Congrassional or Presidential award - typo/mix up!

Why not go to those references and check them out for yourself? And for your request for his journal publications, I think you know little or nothing about how inventors work! They never bother to publish their works because if they do, something would go wrong. History have shown us that this is always the case.
I say this 'cos while I was working on a concept on intelligent structures based on neural networks, the foundation who provided part fundng wanted to publish some of the initial findings in a smart structures journal and the expert group in te research laboratory gave a resounding NO to the foundation. Today, that laboratory recognises that the concept is novel, has wider implications on future smart structure analysis. Today in my own personal capcity, I have made no attempts to publish an write up on those findings but in the faculty, they see the work as very novel and two external bodies have had a look at the work and the agree with the faculty's expert group findings!

The achievment of Philip.E. is a source of inspiration to my scientist around the world and the fact that He never claims to know it all and He is willing to share his wealth of knowledge with others speaks volumes about him!

cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

and no one has told you to patent  cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by bawomolo(m): 4:38pm On Oct 19, 2010
I was refering to the supercomputing award not the Congrassional or Presidential award - typo/mix up!

Why not go to those references and check them out for yourself? And for your request for his journal publications, I think you know little or nothing about how inventors work! They never bother to publish their works because if they do, something would go wrong. History have shown us that this is always the case.

how is his invention a novel one if it has being allegedly applied to study global warming?   i wonder why he didnt patent this invention either. maybe he believes in open source or fake sauce grin

between i still can't find the UofM today article you spoke of
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by phreakabit(m): 4:38pm On Oct 19, 2010
I am surprised at the level of Ferocity at which some "sets" of Individuals in this forum are pushing this Anti Phillip Emeagwali crusade,  If you can read, then maybe this article might just help educate you about the Gentleman in question, and whether or not he said anything about a Nobel Prize award.

And if they keep on hating without a cause,then maybe the smart ones should read the quote below

"[/b]It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
   William G. McAdoo[b]"
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:40pm On Oct 19, 2010
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by OmoTier1(m): 4:40pm On Oct 19, 2010


Thank you for that link, I was actually looking for it! Can those doubters respond to the information on the link?

Only lazy lots ride on the back of the success of others in order to get famous! Philip Emeagwali's doubters are lazy lots who want to be famous by propagating lies and denting the image Philip !
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by DapoBear(m): 4:41pm On Oct 19, 2010
Wow. This dude is a 419er. Should be ashamed of himself. You guys should read the University of Michigan lawsuit he filed for racial discrimination (http://www.michbar.org/opinions/appeals/1999/102999/5473.html). Do you think American universities will be keen on admitting more African students after such a bad experience with a fraudster like Emeagwali? Terrible.
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Nobody: 4:42pm On Oct 19, 2010

I read the actual article in saharareporters. I was shocked that a fellow nigerian in diaspora would do this to one of his own. Emeagwali might have overstated some things but it doesn't take away the fact that he's a very brilliant man. The Gordon Bell award was not by accident. How many Nigerians can lay claim to that? The article was childish, petty and vindictive at best. If the author had stuck to his evidence, it might have been a good expose, but he went on and on about petty and irrelevant facts like how the Gordon Bell award was worth a thousand dollars etc. It almost sounded as if the author were jealous of Mr. Emeagwali. Shame on Prof. Toyin!
You actually read the post and thanks for making that observation.Now you can agree with moi that philip has Gordon Bell Award and not a Nobel award.I hope you saw the difference in the prize money also !

Erhm, where was that?

This is one of the reason why we have mass failure in NECO.can't you go and read the first post before asking me unnecessary questions here ?
Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by Bawss1(m): 4:46pm On Oct 19, 2010

Long story ! The question is ;does he have or not ? If NO .why did he address himself as a doctor ?

Rephrase that; why does he allow people to address him as a doctor?

Apparently he isn't one so closest thing is to be called one

Re: How Philip Emeagwali Lied His Way To Fame by tkb417(m): 4:47pm On Oct 19, 2010
Wait a minute, let us be objective here, look at those who are against him, all Nigerians professionals, there is something fishy. He might have hyped up some of his achievements, so what? A lizard who falls from high Iroko tree, if nobody,  praises him, he will take that responsibility upon itself.
To come on this platform to dismiss this man as a total fraud is absolutely ludicrous. This man goes from one symposium to another, all over the world, he's highly paid to deliver speeches. Are they also saying that this bodies don't verify his credentials?
This is the problem with Nigerians, the energy they used here in unveiling trash about their fellow countryman is enough to build a Boeing 787 plane.
If nothing is been heard about those enumerated above, what is our business? are we going to sing their praises for them? Nobody knew Phillip until he showed himself to the world. Let American body of scientist prove otherwise, until then, Phillip is still a hero in his own right.
i dont think people are questioning his pedigree in the world of science/ IT

people are asking about the lies and other things he added to himself

why would he do that? is it fair?

and are people supposed to shut up when they see something wrong/unethical?

on what ground are people supposed to shut up and not say a thing?

cos hes Nigerian?

im confuzzled mehn

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