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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? (4199 Views)
Cobwebs Attacks :Pray These Prayers On Tuesday Fasting.By Spiritualist Ade. / ❤️❤️ Science Discovered God Which Shows The Evidence Of God Long Time Ago / Do This And Your Prayers Will Be Answered. (2) (3) (4)
If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 9:50pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
Sincere answers needed. 4 Likes
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by dollytino4real(f): 10:24pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
where a lion is something dies |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Noble3264: 3:01am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Since both have being given a level playing ground ,let the nature take care of the rest. 1 Like |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by 1Sharon(f): 5:15am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Hahhaa |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by orunto27: 8:03am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Not funny but very interesting. The wicked prays like The Fulanis at The Grave of Usman Dan Fodio yesterday. The Righteous also prays immitating Oduduwa, Abraham and Jesus Christ. The Lord watches over The ways of The Righteous and The ways of the wicked shall perish. So when you pray, do not sin. Ask your Worship to lead you not into Temptations and always deliver you from all evil. Good question. Thank you. 1 Like |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by LeiderJa: 8:08am On Aug 10, 2019 |
No god in this scenario. The outcome of the dilemma depends on factors such as strength, experience, body build, nutritional status, topography of the location and a multitude of other factors. Like a Pandora's box. |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 10:55am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 10:57am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Noble3264: In order words if u were God, your answer will be "two of u are on ur own" 1 Like |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Noble3264: 11:11am On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317:Would you rather prefer the vegetarian escape and the carnivore goes hungry? Mind you the wildebeest has eaten it is rather logical for the cheetah to eat to .its just a cycle of life. |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 11:18am On Aug 10, 2019 |
LeiderJa:So u are saying they are wasting their time praying? They are on their own? 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 11:21am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Noble3264: No I would rather not put both of them in that situation. As God I will think of a better way for them to survive without hurting each other. Remember nothing is impossible for me. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Nobody: 12:41pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317: Wow! I never knew atheists also believes animals have the sense to think and pray to G O D! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 1:01pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: Do u need help with the analogy? I can break it down for u if u don't understand. U must talk even when u don't understand, u ask questions instead of making a fool of urself 2 Likes |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Nobody: 1:06pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317: Sorry Sir, you don't need to bite me! ![]() You posted the picture of animals NOT intelligent creatures with the ability to think, so it's rather you that have made a fool of yourself here Sir, by placing the unintelligent creatures on a scene depicting intelligence! ![]() |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by OtemAtum: 1:11pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
First of all, prayer is a waste of time. It doesn't mean anything. It is just a mere wish. Whatever will be will be. Homo Sapiens III 15:12 sacrifices are useless and prayers are for the weak. But he who wants to be great will use his head to think deep, be his own god and do good to his fellow human beings. Secondly, everything in existence thrives in a system called "The Survival of The Fittest". God Almighty doesn't answer any prayer, rather God Almighty is the totality of existence. Read the book of Eartum 1:9-17 and be enlightened: 9. At the time I was high up in the universe, making reference to the earth, I have learnt what nature is all about. Nature knows no emotion; it knows no cruelty. It does what it should do at any time, not regarding what is on its way. It spared no homo. 10. The rocks are formed when it is time for them to be. The mountains, the plateaus, the hills, they all form even when living organisms are on the earth. The occurrence of every act of nature in a place where living homos live will bring about a transition. 11. When the hurricanes come and the thunders strike and the whirlwinds and cyclones erupted, and the volcanoes visit the earth, there shall be transition of the lives of the homos from the earth to the Valley of Knowledge. 12. The heart of a homo perceives natural disaster as the cruelty of nature. They know not the nature of nature. They judge nature and not themselves. Nature brings about transition of lives. 13. Now, from the perspective of nature do I speak; the homos break nature, they deplete nature, they alter nature and dilute nature. The homos tear nature apart because they thought that nature is not conscious. 14. How do they tear nature apart? How do they break nature? They do this by breaking rocks to make things for themselves, digging the earth for precious stones of nature; making breezes for themselves which depleted the covering of the earth. They build things on the land of nature and cause transition to nature. 15. Now who then is wrong? If nature is wrong by causing transition to the soul of a homo through death, then the homos are wrong also by changing the face of nature through breaking down and constructions. 16. But the truth of the matter is this; neither nature nor the homos are wrong. For every single thing in the universe depends on every other thing for survival. 17. Therefore when you hear of earthquakes and volcanoes and cyclones killing the homos on earth, have no hatred against nature or even the Mirosh of it. For those who have died, in the long run, are in a happier state than you have thought. They look at the world they left and shake their heads for the great ignorance in it. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by BeLookingIDIOT(m): 1:20pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
The cheetah can always eat something else. |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by NPComplete: 1:44pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: Like he said, stop making a fool of yourself. So a cheetah can't think but it knows how best to stalk its prey and incapacitate it, right? Secondly it is an analogy u buffoon. A similar scenario here would have played out between two humans sometime in history. U just want to talk and instead u are coming across as someone with intelligence so low that the concept of analogies escape him. 8 Likes |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Noble3264: 2:11pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317:OK. so "As God" what better way would that be? |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Nobody: 2:17pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
NPComplete: It's obvious Mosquitoes also have the ability to think because they know how to maneuver around and suck people's blood! ![]() |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by NPComplete: 3:06pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: Of course. Any that has a concept of itself and its surrounding and how to navigate through it obviously thinks in one form or another. 4 Likes |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Nobody: 3:07pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Instead of such illustration, why not make it real by using creatures that aren't existing with instinct{human}? Praying is synonymous with humans who knew that they'll be held accountable for whatever they do whether good or bad. Security dogs are tamed beasts trained to protect their owners, but because this creatures live on instinct the owners must always feed them at the appropriate time so they don't get hungry and return to their normal WILD life If they're exposed to such condition, they may even hunt the one they're trained to protect! So why on earth would any reasonable intellectual think of making a stupid illustration about such creatures when they can't think of storing food apart from going for food when they're hungry? No carnivore hunt for fun or storage, they hurt due to hunger. Humans do all sorts of things to provide not only for today{Matthew 6:11} but for times that they're not certain they can still be alive, they call it FUTURE? Please atheists, it's not a crime to enlighten others if there's a need to. But it's presumptuous trying to make others look stupid when you yourselves don't have enough discerning spirit to outwit others! God asked humans to pray because our lasting bliss doesn't depend on how much material things we possess. Animals are contented if they're able to eat, sleep and mate but humans desires far much more than that! ![]() |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Image123(m): 4:00pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
You are not God, that's the first lie the devil told Adam and people with adamic nature keep hoping for this. God made the prey as food, it has no other destiny. It glorifies God fulfilling its destiny, you should. |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 6:48pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: U are indeed foolish... Our people say: if u are given a proverb and still the proverb has to be explained to u, the money used to marrying ur mum is a waste. U can't relate the animal used in the image analogy to what humans face u must be a fool. 2 Likes |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by LeiderJa: 6:52pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317: Yeah pretty much. All the necessary ingredients to determine the outcome are in the scenario already. What if there's a thorn in the ground? It's also part of the equation. Life is a big theory of uncertainty. |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 6:53pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
BeLookingIDIOT:Like what? |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 6:59pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Noble3264: As God I will create a situation where the cheeteh can survive and eat without having to kill another animal that wants to also survive. Surely as God do u think this desire can be difficult to achieve? |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by Nobody: 6:59pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
frank317: Sorry Sir, i know it pains so much to be ridiculed when you're trying to expose someone else! Don't be angry Sir, next time just try use something that could be easily linked with your illustration, rather than talking about prayer when those involved are beasts who lives on instinct! ![]() |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 7:11pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: U are sick... The casket maker prayers for good business so that him and his family will survive... Please how many times have u prayed for death? And If God answers every prayer what will the casket maker eat? In every business the owner flourishes on the lack his client? He wants the client want and desire his product and and something this products are not good to be desired. How many clients want to lack? 2 Likes |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 7:13pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Maximus69: Smh... |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 7:14pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Image123: And this is love? |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by frank317: 7:25pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
LeiderJa: Well know its the equation of life. This equation is brought under scrutiny since u guys believe and all loving and all seeing God exists. Besides, what does a thorn benefits from stabbing he animal? Does a thorn pray to stab an animal? |
Re: If You Are God, Which Of These Prayers Will U Answer? by orunto27: 7:44pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
I will answer both in my own way. |
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