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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Things You Need To Know About Okpa (bambara Nuts) (884 Views)
Bambara Nuts: 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of This Superfood / 12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Okpa (bambara Beans) / Health Benefits Of Bambara Beans/nuts (2) (3) (4)
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Things You Need To Know About Okpa (bambara Nuts) by JannyHealthCare(f): 10:08pm On Aug 14, 2019 |
Bambaran beans, also called Okpa, subterranea, Congo goober, Gurjiya, Vigna, Kwaruru, ground beans, hog peanuts, jugs and many other names, taste delicious with protein-rich beans, which are similar to peanuts, but better. Contains many anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are ideal for the treatment of arthritis, anemia and other inflammatory diseases. And it’s full of protein and can turn into delicious probiotic drinks and protein-rich flour. Bamboo beans are easy to digest, drought resistant, easy to grow and contain excellent nutrients to feed all the hungry people in the world. Bambara nuts are common in West Africa, Uganda, Congo, Nigeria and Cameroon, as well as in Philippines, India, Thailand and Malaysia. But it can grow in many arid regions of the world, including parts of the United States. Bambara nuts can be used anywhere in soups, stews and casseroles. And that can turn into a drink that turns into a super delicious baked snack. They can be brewed and used as flour for high protein rolls, bread, biscuits, cakes, and desserts. Can also be a pudding, which is delicious. Whole Food – Bambara nuts are considered whole foods that contain all the nutrients your body needs. Prevent malnutrition – Bambara nuts contain all the nutrients the body needs to prevent malnutrition. High Energy – Bambara nuts contain carbohydrates that are very good for high energy so you can get things done. Bambara nuts contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, vitamins, potassium for the health of the cardiovascular system, magnesium for enzyme production, iron and copper for anemia, calcium and phosphorus for strong bones, selenium for our immune system. It makes great protein-rich flour – bambara nuts can be steamed and ground into highly nutritious flour, which is far better than whole wheat flour … and is completely gluten free. This flour can be used as a substitute for wheat and contains more protein than wheat flour … and also makes good vegetable milk … and snacks. And it makes beautiful biscuits and bread with a grainy texture. Anti-inflammatory – Bambara nuts are also a good anti-inflammatory food which helps with inflammation, arthritis, joint pain, swelling, redness and pain in general. And because inflammation is the first step towards disease … Bambara nuts also help prevent overall disease. Lots of Antioxidants – Nuts contain lots of antioxidants which help prevent overall disease. It also helps heal and prevent DNA damage. Lowering Cholesterol – Nuts also help lower cholesterol, helping to prevent heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Lots of protein – bumblebee nuts also contain 18% protein, which is ideal for nuts. It also contains lysine protein, which is not found in many plant sources. Contains leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, methionine, valine, and threonine. Like soy, it’s much easier to digest. Easy to digest – Apart from that, bamboo beans are much easier to digest than other nuts. Helps with insomnia – Bambara nuts also contain a good amount of magnesium, which helps overcome insomnia. Prevents gastric cancer – Bambara nuts prevent gastric cancer with all of its antioxidants and probiotics, and their anti-inflammatory properties. Good for the intestine – Because the beans are anti-inflammatory and full of probiotics, they are very important for the treatment of diverticulitis, IBS, IBD and Crohn. High Probiotic Content – Drinks and foods made from Bambaran beans, such as processed soy milk, contain a lot of probiotics and help maintain and grow the composition of good bacteria that are good in our intestines. This is very important for good health. Prevention of Anemia – Nuts contain a lot of iron and copper, which helps prevent anemia. Prevent osteoporosis – Bamboo beans prevent osteoporosis because they contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus for strong bones. For details click on;
Re: Things You Need To Know About Okpa (bambara Nuts) by judgementyard(m): 11:54pm On Aug 14, 2019 |
OP thanks for your write up which was very informative.
we need more of such articles! 1 Like |
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