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Reviewing Genuine Salvation by ochibuogwu5: 3:20pm On Aug 27, 2019
What does it mean to have eternal-life inside Jesus Christ or to be saved or to become born-again or to become a disciple of Jesus Christ?
All it requires is to *believe in Jesus Christ*
That is all
He paid the complete price for human-salvation on the Cross of Calvary *once and forever*

Sincerity from any human being who wants to believe or who claims to believe.
This *sincerity* is not based upon human presumption/judgment but upon God’s approval/affirmation because He sees our human hearts and judges our inner thoughts to ascertain who is *sincerely saying ‘I believe in Jesus Christ as my God and Lord’ i.e saying what he/she means and meaning what he/she is saying*
Jesus did not hide/conceal what will become of the individual/human being who will *believe in him or become his disciple* rather he stated it clearly thus
“Now *great multitudes* went with Him. And He turned and said to them, 26 “If *anyone comes to Me* and *does not hate* his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and (hate)his own life also, he *cannot be My disciple*. 27 And *whoever does not bear his cross* and come after Me *cannot be My disciple*. 28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— 29 lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? 31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. 33 So likewise, *whoever of you does not forsake all* that he has *cannot be My disciple*. (Luke 14:25-33)

So that he/she who wants to become a disciple of Jesus Christ will know what it entails, make adequate reviews whether this life/decision is worth it or not before joining such that nobody will say “I was not aware of what it takes before I joined” hence all the crowds that he fed (4000, 5000 e.t.c. without counting women) only had 120 at Pentecost, when the crowd said his teachings were too strict and rigid in John chapter 6 then departing in great numbers, He did not mind giving the 12-disciples an option of going with the crowd or remaining with him hence this attitude of *some of us* who are scared of telling people what it will cost them to follow Jesus Christ genuinely because of losing population or fame is *against the teachings of Jesus Christ* rather we are promising them salvation or giving them hope of possessing eternal-life which they know with all sincerity of their day-to-day lifestyle that it is the *products of their flesh that is still manifesting* both in their secret and public lifestyle . Some of us are busy trying to impose *speaking in tongues and different slogans/utterance upon them as a way of convincing them that they are saved/born-again/Christians/Believers*. Some of us are busy teaching them their inheritance in Christ Jesus, Holiness of Life, Bible studies-series, Crusades, Retreats, In-doors e.t.c when they do not have THE LIFE (THE SEED, the capacity to produce/manifest such fruits) as Jesus said “what is born of the flesh is flesh, what is born of the Spirit is Spirit” (John 3:6).
You do not need to be scared about this truth or tag it *legalism*, if any person sincerely examines this lifestyle from *mere human reasoning, human-flesh-resourcefulness/capacity*, it is *impossible* to manifest such lifestyle on this earth however it is A LIFE OF GRACE that has been LIVED BY THE FULLNESS OF GRACE HIMSELF(JESUS CHRIST) on this earth for 33 years outside his mother’s womb and additional 9 months inside the womb before He was crucified, died, buried, rose and ascended into Heaven hence anybody who *willingly accepts to use His grace by entering into death with His flesh on the Cross* after carefully understanding the *genuine cost of being His Disciple/A Believer/A Christian/A Born-again* will RECEIVE THAT SAME LIFE WHICH HE BREATHED OUT UPON THE WHOLE WORLD ON THE CROSS WHEN HE EXPIRED(RELEASED HIS NEW LIFE/HIS NEW BREATH) WHICH WOKE HIM UP FROM THE GRAVE ON THE RESURRECTION MORNING, LIFTED HIM INTO HEAVEN ON THE ASCENSION DAY, GATHERED THE BRETHREN TO WAIT IN EXPECTATION FOR HIS INDWELLING-LIFE AND RECEIVE THE OUTPOURING-PROPER ON THE PENTECOST DAY UPON THE 120-DISCIPLES INTO HIS/HER AND LIVE CONSISTENTLY TILL ETERNITY.

He/She receives the *grace of God made manifest in the crucified Jesus Christ*
Immediately we *receive Jesus Christ sincerely* at the same *second/time* Jesus Christ receives our flesh/self-/ego/identity(the spirit-man which produces self-righteousness and every other form of sins not our skin) and crucify it together with his own flesh on the cross of Calvary then in exchange for our dead/crucified flesh Jesus Christ transfers the whole of His Human and God-nature into us and begins to live-out his lifestyle through our mortal-bodies.
He confirms to us that He(The Eternal-Life) is now inside us just as Romans 8:16-17 declared “The Spirit of God Himself bears witness with our (human)spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if *indeed we suffer(have our flesh crucified together with the flesh of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary) with Him*, that we may also be glorified together.”

Any human being can have this reality/encounter at any private or public location of your choice or daily engagements through *deliberate meditation on the LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFIED, Scripture-study aimed at having Jesus Christ come into your life, laying of hands by ordinary or ordained persons with your willing desire *to be filled without measure with THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST*, administering of Sacraments *with a sincere disposition from the receiver to be filled with the life of Jesus Christ without measure*, church-programs/services *with a sincere hunger to be filled with the fullness of Jesus Christ Life*.

This new-life makes you to willingly give up every sin, sinful-business, sinful-jobs, sinful-opportunities, religious-titles/hypocrisies or anything in the appearance of sin without any external-preacher, without consideration whether you will become hungry for months/years or the rest of your life on earth, loose your friends/allies, loose your fame/religious-titles e.t.c as He begins to teach you *personally about himself without any human teacher through the Scriptures you have read before that time or the ones you have never known were inside the Holy Bible* even as you go about your day-to-day normal living inside your mind for those whose business/jobs/engagements are not sinful without disrupting anything or make you appear unorganized or make you appear like someone that needs psychiatrist therapy.

This period of personal teaching from JESUS CHRIST LIFE INSIDE YOU could go without food, comforts, conveniences, jobs, business, friendship, relationships e.t.c without you being conscious about these things yet He still provides for your daily feeding effortlessly just like He recognized the hunger of the crowd that were following him and He gave them something to eat out of compassion. For some people you might still have some of these while deep down your heart, you will confirm that there is a deeper and clearer knowledge of Jesus Christ, His Grace and the Scriptures that is going-on *within you* while you attend to your daily engagements even fellowship with the brethren. Now your fellowship among the brethren is no longer fellowship as usual rather you attend because the LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST INSIDE YOU NOW wants you to be there so that more of Him inside you will increase and HIS LIFE/BEING will be *transferred unto others* without *your preaching on their pulpit* or trying to pretend or trying to present a false-image of yourself among the brethren or trying to impose your new-life doctrine upon them or forcefully correct their wrong-doctrines. This period can take days, months, years e.t.c. Discipleship directly from Jesus Christ is a life-long process till eternity however it does not take *forever* before Christ Jesus now living inside you begins to connect you to human teachers(other disciple-makers) who will help you to understand how to allow THIS LIFE INSIDE YOU TO EXPRESS HIMSELF WITHOUT DELAY. A Disciple-maker is not just *a psychological-motivator, a mentor, a life-coach, a manipulative-minister, a brain-washer, a tithe/seed/offering-receiver, an officially-ordained-minister, a social-media writer, a religious critique e.t.c.* rather someone whom THE LIFE INSIDE YOU WILL LEAD YOU TO APPROACH FACE TO FACE because He is also carrying THE SAME LIFE WITH YOU, if you see anything that does not represent Christ Jesus lifestyle inside him/her the Spirit of Christ inside you will tell you to point-out such issue/matter to him/her, if he/she agrees to adjust according to Jesus Christ standard you can continue with him/her if not, the Holy Spirit will lead you unto another disciple-maker. We are not called to be *disappointed in men’s inconsistencies* because they are not the ONE THAT APPOINTED US, you can only get disappointed in the person who appointed you such that you will begin to nurse the desire of *rejecting Jesus Christ as God and Lord* because someone who you assumed was a Christian is *manifesting an unrighteous/inconsistent lifestyle* that does not depict Jesus Christ in any form at all or you are beginning to *presume that God’s time for a particular situation in your life to manifest is being delayed by God* or you think God is being unnecessary strict/mean/wicked to you or your challenges in life hence Jesus said “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me” {Luke 7:23}

Along with the personal teachings of Jesus Christ life now living inside our mortal bodies and the discipleship through disciple-makers, Jesus will lead you to other human being whom you will also allow to receive the transfer of the Life of Jesus Christ inside you to be imparted into their own life while being engaged in normal day to day activities without daisying, hypnotizing, manipulating, forcing them or appearing to them in the dream or pretending to be who you are not in their presence. Jesus Christ did not even force his disciples towards prayers rather most early morning they woke up from sleep only to discover he has gone to pray in a quiet place hence when they saw the wonderful fruits that this his prayer-life brought in their day to day engagements and encounters with different sects (Pharisees, sadducees, demonic-possessed-persons, miracles, willingness-to-be-crucified-for-mankind just to please His Father, His resurrection and ascension into Heaven, the Pentecost out-pouring-lifestyle), they willingly asked him to teach them how to pray as John taught his own disciples (Luke.11:1-ff). Discipleship just like Jesus Christ did for his 12-disciples was not in the dream. Discipleship involves the transfer of LIFE (JESUS CHRIST) unto another life (human being) within a *life context* not in a dream world beware of the people that visit you in the dream that you call disciple-makers/mentors/life-coach/man-of-God/women-of-God. Our Major duty as disciples/Christians/Born-again/followers of Jesus Christ is *not to preach* but to *be with Jesus Christ Our Lord* every tick of seconds from the moment *we first believed till eternity* then if He wishes he *might send us forth to preach* thus
“And He (Jesus Christ) goes up into a mountain and called *unto himself* whom he would: and *they came unto him*.
And he *ordained twelve*, that *they should be with him (first)*, and that he *might (probably)* send them *forth to preach*(secondary),
And to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils:” {Mark.3:13-15 KJV}
“And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that *he may abide/dwell/Live with you forever*” {John 14:16}

The important thing is not *climbing mountains* rather *being where Jesus Christ is found every point of time in our lives here on this earth carrying Him inside our mortal-bodies*
The important thing is not *desiring to convert everybody for Jesus by preaching everywhere or climbing unto pulpits or struggling for pulpits/religious-titles/religious-recognition or being an international preacher or arranging foundation shaking crusades or entertainment-driven night-vigils or building the largest auditorium/cathedrals or having the highest crowd/followers* rather *being with JESUS CHRIST*, Jesus Christ is much more interested in saving human beings more than we are hence he tasted death for every human being not only Christians/preachers alone (Hebrews 2:9) therefore just allow him to attend to that issue of reaching out to anybody he wants at his own time, style, strategy, method and choice of vessel.
He can decide to be looking at your face and you looking at his face for days, months, years e.t.c without sending you out, just be comfortable *being a dead-person while He lives* through you at His disposal.

The baptism we are called to is *being inserted/immersed* into the death of Jesus Christ with our own flesh hidden inside his own flesh so that his resurrection-life will replace our dead-flesh and begin to live through our mortal bodies thus it is Christ Jesus dead and resurrected who willingly carries our mortal bodies and proceeds for water baptism to whoever he ordained as the baptizer just as he chose John-the-Baptist in his days *in order to fulfill all righteousness* thus water baptism being an external sign of an inward “NEW LIFE/REALITY”

He can also decide to use our mortal-bodies to preach, teach, heal, perform-miracles, engage-jobs/marriages/careers/offices/politics/ideas/families/homes/fellowships e.t.c. hence the glory will always be channeled towards him not you/I because *we are mere vessels that are dead* while He is the PERSON LIVING and all the money belongs to Him because He is the person who worked through our mortal bodies hence He(Jesus Christ) decides who it should be given and what portion to be used on our mortal bodies willingly without any reminders/intimidation/manipulations from the pulpits, or other preachers/prophets/disciples.

This death of our individual human flesh together with the flesh of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary at the point we first believed defines *end of sin, sinful-living, appearance of sin e.t.c once and forever* inside our hearts/thoughts/brains or in our mortal bodies.(Matthew 1:21, 1 John 3:5-10, John 15:22, John 15:3, Titus 2:11-14) just like Jesus Christ lived upon this earth from conception till ascension without any sin.

As long as we still have mortal-bodies *temptations/trials* will still come to our mortal bodies as they came to Jesus Christ while he was on this earth however as Christ Jesus overcame all temptations while in his own mortal body even unto death on the cross, he will also overcome all temptations that will come to our mortal bodies even if it entails *death of our biological bodies* for THIS OUR FAITH/LIFE INSIDE JESUS CHRIST.
A dead person is not afraid of death hence we have martyrdom for the sake of Jesus Christ as part of our lifestyle no matter whose ox is gored thus “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that *through death he might destroy him* that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.“ (Hebrews 2:14-15)

Discipleship is not a life which is only possible in the monastery or seclusion or mountain, in fact you can be there and not be connected to HIM(Jesus Christ) rather it is all about where He chooses to lead us and his voice is as clear as any human voice even in the midst of noisiest human environments.

The New-Life who has entered into your mortal-body will confirm it to you that you have died and He(Jesus Christ) is now living through you.

You willingly give up on Sin and anything/job/business with the appearance of sin without any external preacher

The New-Life inside you begins to teach you about himself through the Scriptures you have read before or you have never read-at-all without any human teacher even as you engage in any daily routine he decides to lead you into.

After he has given you his pertinent teachings whereby you can now discern sound doctrines then He continues his life-time discipleship in your life through other Disciples (disciple-makers).

As he continues his discipleship inside our mortal bodies(directly and indirectly) he *uses us* to transfer HIS LIFE unto others who will receive Christ Jesus newly and even correct those who have imbibed wrong doctrines all through their lives whether as ordinary persons or ordained, rich or poor, sick or healthy, old or young, single or married e.t.c
“And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 5:42),
“And *in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied*, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.” (Acts 6:1),
“And the *word of God increased*; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith” (Acts 6:7)

We continue in this discipleship without getting tired, wearied, discouraged or afraid till Jesus Christ comes again in glory with the company of his angels through the sustenance of HIS ETERNAL LIFE INSIDE US
thus “Now unto *him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy*,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”
{Jude 1:24-25 KJV}

We do not need to be *concerned about having large number of people believe this complete truth about the Gospel of Jesus Christ* and become *followers of Jesus Christ* rather we just allow His Life inside us to teach/share the *whole counsel of God* with men as we allow them to be moved by the Holy Spirit grace of immediate response to genuine salvation and we also warn them about the eternal consequences of rejecting the gospel.

We do not need to be eager to multiply disciples rather allow the Life of Jesus Christ now living through our mortal bodies to become transferred unto others at his own style and pace for He is the Lord that gives growth.

We are not into competition with anybody or group because we are *dead with Christ Jesus Crucified* and the New-Life of Christ Jesus is the person living through us and we are not ambitious over anything both in the spiritual or physical realm for we are *dead* and His Life of Grace at work now inside us is more than we can think, pray, desire or imagine.
Great Grace Brethren!!!
Re: Reviewing Genuine Salvation by ochibuogwu5: 11:51am On Sep 16, 2019

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