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What Can Be Done? - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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What Can Be Done? by Nobody: 8:05am On Aug 29, 2019
You know what I hate about Nigeria schools? They charge parents excessively and pay teachers peanuts! Imagine paying Basic Tuition of N350,000 (they are other expenses- books, clubs etc) and you pay teachers N30,000 monthly. Its just wrong! Can't teachers do something?

We have teachers association or Union, right? Can't they protest to be paid fairly?

While I do understand these are private schools and the salaries are based on the proprietress or board of trustees discretion I still find it absurd! There should be a minimum wage for this. It shouldn't just be acceptable because "its my school and that's what I will pay". The impact of teachers CANNOT be underestimated.

What can be done?

Can we report ministry of education?
Do you know their handle or email? Please with it!


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Re: What Can Be Done? by ikh777: 8:10am On Aug 29, 2019
The teachers have not be empowered enough to know their rights. sadly, THIS IS NIGERIA... where those who truly make impact are never celebrated or remunerated as such.

Many teachers are depressed and have no financial plan asides CONTRIBUTIONS.... its sad but in this government NOTHING can really be done about it. They have no voice. Only those who have a major side hustle can actually teach better.

You know what I hate about Nigeria schools? They charge parents excessively and pay teachers peanuts! Imagine paying Basic Tuition of N350,000 (they are other expenses- books, clubs etc) and you pay teachers N30,000 monthly. Its just wrong! Can't teachers do something?

We have teachers association or Union, right? Can't they protest to be paid fairly?

While I do understand these are private schools and the salaries are based on the proprietress or board of trustees discretion I still find it absurd! There should be a minimum wage for this. It shouldn't just be acceptable because "its my school and that's what I will pay". The impact of teachers CANNOT be underestimated.

What can be done?

Can we report ministry of education?
Do you know their handle or email? Please with it!

Re: What Can Be Done? by yazga: 3:33pm On Aug 29, 2019
You are just being emotional. Schools in Nigeria are capitalist in nature. It is run as business. Good business is getting the most profit at the least cost. Also labour laws are useless here, teachers don't get paid for half the job they do. They don't rate teachers at all.
I still can't understand why most private school do this. And then you start wondering what the excess fee they collect is used for, since they can't even pay those doing the job.

Teachers are paid monthly, parents pay tuition per term, the school management pay utility bills to run the school I believe, plus non academic staff. I am not a parent,teacher,neither do I work in any school, but I think,if we look into this, SOMEHOW I think 50-80k is fair

Finally,Last week, I attended a Conference and we discussed this. Since protests work no more, we've agreed to sign a petition and will ask the public to join in doing that. kindly tag us once you start the petition to improve the overall STANDARDS for TEACHERS -

Our focus is on Early Childhood+Primary+Secondary
Re: What Can Be Done? by Rubyjade: 10:50pm On Sep 17, 2023

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We Are Hiring Now!!!! / Urgent Response From Suiss Credit / Apply To Get A 100k Grants

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