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We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua - Politics - Nairaland

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We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 4:31pm On May 16, 2007
Yes, I think we should all rally around our new president for the sake of peace and progressiveness of our great nation.

We all know that the latest election is far from being perfect and many are not happy with the outcome. But I feel that prolonging this situation will only prolong debasement of many innocent citizens and also promote the disintegration of our already unstable economy.
We should all be sensible, get closer to being logical and face the reality of the fact; It is what it is, for now somethings will never change:

1. The election could be done 100 times and nothing will change.

2. Upgrading or modifying election process takes at least up to 2 years. And OBJ's administration failed by not exercising special attention to improve this project (Educating the Voters and Empowering the Election Process).

3. It would cost just too much money and valuable time to cancel this election and implement another one; and still perfection is not guaranteed.

4. Out of all the candidates, Yar'Adua in my opinion is still the favorite and the most competent. I truly believe that he would have won the election anyway, even without OBJ's election mago mago magic.

5. Enough is enough, we've made enough fool of ourselves; the world is looking and the kids, the future are also watching. It's time to promote unity and work together as one.

OBJ will be gone and forgotten in few days; hence, I say after May 29, let's give peace and progressiveness a chance.

May God bless Nigeria.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by degoat: 8:36pm On May 16, 2007
@big b1
I see your point and I respect it, but I disagree. It is easy for the person that shit to move on, but not easy for the person that cleans up the shit. It is part of our constitution to have a fair and accurate election. Anything less is uncivilized.
This election must be cancelled.
It is the right thing to do for the sake of our constitution and the future of our country.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 3:08pm On May 17, 2007
I also see and respect your point, but at this point I truly do not see anything beneficial to Nigeria or Nigerian citizens if we continue to reject our new president.

It's time to move forward and learn from this election failure. The next one should be much more better.
We can not continue to dwell on the failure of OBJ's administration; no need to waste more time, we have a lot to be done.

MEND (criminals)

It's time to focus on important factors that will bring the lives of ordinary or unexceptional Nigerians into a more desirable condition.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by ToToChoper: 6:12pm On May 17, 2007
I don't know why boy-boy PDP sluggards will always like to make themselves known, (imagine for the purpose of peace). Na u be their Peace officer?  Abi u don chop your own after the election, now u wan begin work.

This just goes to show the myopic and flawed views of Yaradua supporters.   


And everybody knows PDP promotes political thuggery at great heights compared to the other parties. If nah lie, go ask OBJ wey be una papa, (do or die affair). Even the ugly and dumb Mallam wey resemble monkey una wan make be President go run away any potential international investors from Nigeria.

Person wey no know when to stop drinking "kunu" e don spoil im kidney, nahim go hear u say stop eating Nigeria's money. Abegi
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by mellow(m): 6:19pm On May 17, 2007
It will help in our developmental plans
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by mellow(m): 6:21pm On May 17, 2007
It will help in our developmental plans
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 6:29pm On May 17, 2007
I don't see any other way to turn things around at this point. It is what it is; for now, somethings will not change.

For the sake of the innocent Nigerian citizens and the progressiveness of our great nation, let's give peace a chance.

what is your point?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by McKren(m): 7:16pm On May 17, 2007
mmmmmmmmmmmm, Yar'adua's lobby is really working.
Within the same Week we have heard reknowned IBB boys showing support for Yaradua. Augustus Aikhomo advised all agrieved this week to go to tribunal while showing support for Yaradua, David Mark is lobbying for Senate President already, Gen Salihu Ibrahim is also in the race for Chief of Staff while Gen. Aliyu Gusau is said to be lobbying for defence minister. While here in nairaland almighty BigB1 has assumed the office of Chairman CYP (Campaign for Yaradua's Presidency).   LOL   ,    am Kidding.   grin grin grin grin

On a more serious note this is one of those rare situations when I have to agree with one of my Nairaland bestfriends.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by mazaje(m): 8:09pm On May 17, 2007
We just have to support this present administration that is about to be sworn in.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by ToToChoper: 11:19pm On May 17, 2007
Why everything with naija elections be mago mago, wayo and wuru wuru to the answer?

Mr self acclaimed Peace Officer aka PDP boy boy aka Mallam Big B1,

you know what really irks me is the self denial and lack of true peace in your heart and in the state of the Nigeria people. Your indebtedness to the popular normadic herdsman; Yaradua and his undemocratic PDP has impeded your sound judgement of the contraption in his party of political vagabons.
Surely, I am absolutely and totally disgusted with our last election, and so are many.
You truly know that the election was free (partly i must add) but was definitely NOT FAIR. So why come out here to promote a transition based on falsehood under the auspices of peace?
Peace or what?

Is it really peace for the poltical parasites that abound the lead party or a restive state of mind in the poor Nigerians who seemingingly have no voice and no one to trust?   

The world laughing at us and u screaming peace, in pretense supporting permanent interest.

What we need in Nigeria is a revampment and  (Pastor,  now) Obasanjo's puppeted president elect; Yaradua is his plan to reorganize the fat-bellied vicious thieves in his administration not to remove them and have them subjected to prosecution by the law.

I am in support of a free and fair election.

I am also in support of a new president by the people for the people, and not by the preceding president.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by IykeD1(m): 11:45pm On May 17, 2007

You may want to consider moving out of Nigeria soon because its going to take a while to get
things perfected the way you want. If you don't know by now, accuracy and elections don't go
had in hand, and you are compounding your errors by throwing Nigeria in the same sentence.

Also, why all the hate on our fellow citizens from the north? Are you sure you really care about
Nigeria as an entity or simply advocating for a country of "toto choppers" ? smiley
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by Nobody: 1:47am On May 18, 2007
Sounds good, let them keep rigging elections and we'll accept it in the name of peace, sounds great, you're a genuis BigB1. If they rig next time, we have to accept it in the name ofpeace, when will it end?. . . Oh yeah when PDP loses out then peace won't be an option!
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by wadomi: 2:11am On May 18, 2007
i agree - at least his demeanour is not like the thief looking Atiku and Buhari.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by degoat: 3:32am On May 18, 2007
Eventhough I disagree with Big b1 and I hate PDP, but I honestly do not see anything bad in what he's preaching. Whether we like it or not, Nigerians will eventually come around and follow exactly what Mr. Big b1 is selling; and that is the fact (if you don't believe me, you should read the topic intro over).
There is no need to throw stone at the man. He's preaching for peace, for the sake of the innocent Nigerians who have no power to change anything and also for the sake of the future of our nation. To be honest, one has to be a crack-head to disregard or condemn what Mr. big b1 is selling.
And this is why I stated in my previous post that I see his point and I respect it.
Mr. ToToChoper, I've read your post and I'm confident to say  that "with the attitude you've displayed regarding this topic, I'm not sure if Nigeria can ever move forward with people like you around.

Sorry, this is the truth.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by degoat: 3:55am On May 18, 2007

Whatz up?
You've got an attractive name.

Can I Holla at you?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by Nobody: 5:11am On May 18, 2007

Your reasoning bewilders me, anybody can thenrig elections then turn around to ask for peace, does that even make for progress?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by Olowoaiye(m): 8:55am On May 18, 2007


Whatz up?
You've got an attractive name.

Can I Holla at you?

FYI wa_do_mi is probably a very big DICK under the skirt.

Talk about alternate realities. grin
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by wadomi: 12:38pm On May 18, 2007
It is a shame that instead of answering the question and staying by the ambits of the topic, you guys are characteristically digressing to off topics which shows the mundane nature of the mind of an average Nigerian - a consistent audacity to talk gibberish and out of the point innuendos.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by degoat: 1:24pm On May 18, 2007

Your reasoning bewilders me, anybody can thenrig elections then turn around to ask for peace, does that even make for progress?

I don't get it?
May be there is something I need to know. Is Big b1 a political candidate?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by degoat: 1:25pm On May 18, 2007
You put it out there, what do you expect?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 2:18pm On May 18, 2007
Open Letter To The President of Nigeria

Mr. President. We the people aren't writing this letter to you to discuss the past, or discuss Nigeria's problems. That is obviously common knowledge. I am writing on behalf of the citizens of Nigeria and the larger world to bring to your field of vision the more important issues you have to handle.

Corruption must be dealt with within the first year of your occupying that seat. Corruption must be killed and buried immediately, and all corrupt logger heads must be silenced with it, Sir. We can't afford to waste time wallowing in corruption and the lowly practices of usurping the wealth of others, when Nigeria is strong and blessed enough to provide abundantly for everyone.

From today, you will certainly flinch as your entire body cells will cringe with the occurrence of every death on all Nigerian roads due to repairable defects. The hastier you repair these, the healthier for you. You are now responsible for every Nigerian who dies due to no power during surgery or for surgery, disease from lack of clean water etc, if you don't handle these solidly, as expediently as possible.

You MUST separate/cut/disallow the corrupt the use of their stolen money in a permanent fashion, to teach them and warn all others in the New Nigeria, that you, our hero is starting. Sir, all Nigerians who can't account for their wealth must be dealt with quickly at the beach, in the Jerry Rawlins style so Nigeria may proceed in the more important direction of our destiny.

The problems challenging the globe at this time are way beyond this. There are serious regional crises affecting Africa and the world. What is Nigeria doing about this?

Global warming, according to the International Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) report (Ref 4), which has already created 25 million refugees, is threatening to slam harder on us in the next three years, and will produce a refugee crisis of between 50- 200 million people. If we do not fix and prepare ourselves now, how will we deal with these more serious challenges of the near future?

With global warming, there will be droughts, shortage of water. The poor once again will be worst hit. If we can't secure our power supply now, then what will happen to power supply when global warming slams soon and our rivers run dry?

If we can't secure our coast lines now, then what will happen when the ocean levels rise and there is mass flooding?
Sir, if we can't feed ourselves now, then what will happen when things get worse, a refugee situation develops, and people move within Nigeria and from neighboring countries to Nigeria for shelter. How will we take care of these?

Nigeria is the greatest, largest and strongest African country. How are we equipped and prepared to take care of Africa, as the primary custodians of Africa ?

United states and the larger world can not take care of us, we all saw how the United States who failed and refused to be a part of the Kyoto process, saying, in a famous statement by the United States director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy Myron Ebell; February 14, 2004:-

"The Kyoto Protocol has been sold as a first step in addressing climate change, but it is a step in the wrong direction. The costs of the policies required by Kyoto will far outweigh any potential benefits," said Director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy Myron Ebell. "President Bush and Prime Minister Howard are to be congratulated for leading the way to a brighter future based on technological innovation.

" Ebell continued. "Because they have refused to sign on to the energy rationing required by Kyoto, Americans and Australians will be wealthier, healthier, and therefore better able to deal with future environmental challenges, whatever their cause ."

(Ref 5), Yet when a small consequence of Global warming hit their shore, the Katrina, we saw how incapable they were of handling this. We must and will handle these situations ourselves.

How prepared is your office and the Nation for these bigger problems, Sir. Corruption is a piece of cake. We have bigger challenges of our generation looming at us. Are we ready or are we ready to get ready?

There are great wars going on in Africa . We have the genocide in Darfur, which the international society refuses to recognize and address adequately for what it is, for certain reasons. How prepared are we to deal with the refugee crises and situations in neighboring Chad which borders on Sudan ?

How are we addressing the crises in Sudan and how are we controlling the problem of increasing raids in Chad, and taking major steps to stabilize Africa . Did we do our best to ensure that the Abuja resolution worked? We know that though the international media portrays the Darfur crises as one of separate religions and races, we do know the truth that it is Moslem on Moslem, and Africans on Africans and nothing else.

The split between the two rebel groups and their fighting themselves makes the real scenario even more evident. And the world cares less, as they continue exploiting the region and Africa via the crises, caring less about Africans dieing. What are we doing about this…Now!?

Sir what are we doing about Russia, China, Iran and Kuwait that continue to break the weapons embargos, and supply millions of dollars worth of ammunitions including helicopter weaponry launch pads, to the warring factions in Sudan? We indeed know the great plans Garang had for Africa, before his assassination was orchestrated. What plans do we have for Africa, to protect, safeguard and to promote?

The world is again at a technological revolutionary point. Technology is changing. There are serious issues, concerns about what technologies are obsolete and harmful, what technologies are necessary, and what technologies are environmentally friendly. What is Nigeria doing to develop its own environmentally friendly technology? What is Nigeria doing about and for development of science and technologies for Africa and the world?

Are we only going to remain consumers of obsolete harmful products, tailored for the west? What is our stance and what is our position on space junk and wars in our outer-space?

Sir, Malaysia under a brief, determined forty year span went through a technological revolution and became one of the most productive industrial nations on earth. Pakistan and India are nuclear powered, advanced, big stake Nations in global dynamics. Are you planning to kick on the industrial revolution in Nigeria today so that we can achieve what Malaysia did, in 30, or even 20 years? Or are we still going to battle over problems of refining our oil?

What program is in place, what incentives are being given to develop immunizations and therapeutic solutions for HIV and Malaria; Africa's problems. We Africans developed cures to all our ailments and survived without any help from the westerner up until the years they came to steal us and our minds away. Do you know that Nigerian herbal scientists do cure asthma, a feat yet unattained under orthodox western medicine?

What are you doing to revive this and give incentives to our scientists, be they in the colleges or in traditional centers to race at developing cures and prophylaxis against cancer, Malaria, HIV and other problems endemic to us? Or are you waiting for the west to use our brains that they have imported with Visa lotteries, to develop such cures and sell them to us?

Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 2:30pm On May 18, 2007
Too much for us to accomplish and there is absolutely no need to dwell on things that obviously will not change for now.

It's time to  move forward and work together as one.

I hope Atiku and Buhari will eventually put aside their animosities toward this new administration and focus on what is important.
In my eyes, Nigeria is still the greatest country in Africa, we have so much and enough to turn things around quickly; but prolonging negativity and working against one another will only prolong effort working toward the progressiveness of our great nation.

I have confidence that this new administration will not disappoint us; they are ready and will surprise many.

Let's learn from past mistakes, join hands and work toward moving our great nation back to the GIANT of AFRICA; believe me, it's not too late
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 2:41pm On May 18, 2007

What is your point?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by angel101(f): 3:07pm On May 18, 2007
y dont we try violence for a change as peace doesnt seem to have worked so far. the corrupt people/govt of nigeria obviously count on the attitude of the average nigerian ( wether we like it or not it is done and it wont change) to continue in their evil misruling ways. isnt it time we hold them accountable?
yes yaradua is likly to have won so y didnt they just let it be? these people do not account for even 1% of the nigerian population and so they should not be allowed to play god with our lives and future!
the bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and only the violent taketh it by force. maybe we should try that for a change.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 3:39pm On May 18, 2007
Good and very interesting point; but I have questions for you:

1. MEND who claims to have similar strategy as your recommendation; could you please identify what this group has done for their people lately? (FYI: this group cares about no one, but their pocket; and I can assure you that peace and prosperity are the last thing group like this wants, because when there is peace and prosperity it means there is no purpose for them; and with no purpose they will be out of business)

2. If we do go ahead and try violence for a change, who will lose? (FYI: 98% of the families of politicians and big wig Nigerians have already left the country couple of months ago, therefore the loser will be the powerless and innocent Nigerians) And I can also assure you that these same families will return to run things as soon as you guys finish killing one another.

3. Don't you think enough is enough, we've had enough bad news, poverty and enough of people dying everyday from deadly disease? Don't you think our focus should mainly be on this low standard of living that is killing Nigerians and Nigeria as a nation?

4. Don't you think that those leaders you will be fighting for are only thinking about their gigantic foreign bank accounts and the security of their families?

5. Where do you reside? I'm sure not Nigeria, hence it is very easy to recommend violence when you're thousands of miles away.

Let's face the fact, the election could be done over and over till the end of time, for now nothing will change.
And definitely Violence is not the answer; working together as one toward a common goal is the answer.

I say, let's support Yar'Adua's new administration before our great country crumbles into dust.

May God bless Nigeria
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by lewa(m): 3:58pm On May 18, 2007
I have said it before~the emergence of Yar'adua as the presidential candidate of PDP was a seriously flawed process!The so called elections which they say led to his emergence is another story,we need not rehash again.He reminds of Shagari~inspiring,dull,docile,rustic and it's a shameful again that we not only cannot conduct an accurate fair census,we have proven indeed to the whole world that we are a nation beset by fraud,in love with fraud!
PDP is synonymous with roguery and banditry and this was clearly manifest during the last elections~ballot papers were dumped in S/Africa and still Yar'adua constitutionally did not meet the provisions of winning the elections!
For myself hes not my leader~period!I would not be part of any whitewashing or illegality~the premise that he should be supported is very wrong~rather admonished and castigated for going along with this charade!
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by Mariory(m): 4:01pm On May 18, 2007

y don't we try violence for a change as peace doesnt seem to have worked so far. the corrupt people/govt of nigeria obviously count on the attitude of the average nigerian ( wether we like it or not it is done and it wont change) to continue in their evil misruling ways. isnt it time we hold them accountable?
yes yaradua is likly to have won so y didnt they just let it be? these people do not account for even 1% of the nigerian population and so they should not be allowed to play god with our lives and future!
the bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and only the violent taketh it by force. maybe we should try that for a change.

Maybe if you move from London to lead the violence, others might follow?
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by laudate: 4:14pm On May 18, 2007

I have said it before~the emergence of Yar'adua as the presidential candidate of PDP was a seriously flawed process!The so called elections which they say led to his emergence is another story,we need not rehash again.He reminds of Shagari~inspiring,dull,docile,rustic and it's a shameful again that we not only cannot conduct an accurate fair census,we have proven indeed to the whole world that we are a nation beset by fraud,in love with fraud!
PDP is synonymous with roguery and banditry and this was clearly manifest during the last elections~ballot papers were dumped in S/Africa and still Yar'adua constitutionally did not meet the provisions of winning the elections!
For myself hes not my leader~period!I would not be part of any whitewashing or illegality~the premise that he should be supported is very wrong~rather admonished and castigated for going along with this charade!


y don't we try violence for a change as peace doesnt seem to have worked so far. the corrupt people/govt of nigeria obviously count on the attitude of the average nigerian ( wether we like it or not it is done and it wont change) to continue in their evil misruling ways. isnt it time we hold them accountable?
yes yaradua is likly to have won so y didnt they just let it be? these people do not account for even 1% of the nigerian population and so they should not be allowed to play god with our lives and future!
the bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and only the violent taketh it by force. maybe we should try that for a change.


Maybe if you move from London to lead the violence, others might follow?

Oh boy, am having so much fun reading these posts!! wink  cheesy  grin Mariory, you deserve a round of applause for that succint reply! tongue
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by Imani(f): 4:18pm On May 18, 2007

Maybe if you move from London to lead the violence, others might follow?


People should stop bible bashing and be realistic.

I dont know how someone can confidently talk about change from the comfort of London.
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 4:19pm On May 18, 2007
Posted by LEWA
I don't know why boy-boy PDP sluggards will always like to make themselves known, (imagine for the purpose of peace). Na u be their Peace officer?  Abi u don chop your own after the election, now u wan begin work.

This just goes to show the myopic and flawed views of PDP's Yaradua supporters.  


And everybody knows PDP promotes political thuggery at great heights compared to the other parties. If nah lie, go ask OBJ wey be una papa, (do or die affair). Even the ugly and dumb Mallam wey resemble monkey una wan make be President go run away any potential international investors from Nigeria.

Person wey no know when to stop drinking "kunu" e don spoil im kidney, nahim go hear u say stop eating Nigeria's money. Abegi

Posted by LEWA
Why everything with naija elections be mago mago, wayo and wuru wuru to the answer?

Mr self acclaimed Peace Officer aka PDP boy boy aka Mallam Big B1,

you know what really irks me is the self denial and lack of true peace in your heart and in the state of the Nigeria people. Your indebtedness to the popular normadic herdsman; Yaradua and his undemocratic PDP has impeded your sound judgement of the contraption in his party of political vagabons.
Surely, I am absolutely and totally disgusted with our last election, and so are many.
You truly know that the election was free (partly i must add) but was definitely NOT FAIR. So why come out here to promote a transition based on falsehood under the auspices of peace?
Peace or what?

Is it really peace for the poltical parasites that abound the lead party or a restive state of mind in the poor Nigerians who seeming have no voice and no one to trust?    

The world laughing at us and u screaming peace, in pretense supporting permanent interest.

What we need in Nigeria is a revampment and  (Pastor,  now) Obasanjo's puppeted president elect; Yaradua is his plan to reorganize the fat-bellied vicious thieves in his administration not to remove them and have them subjected to prosecution by the law.

I am in support of a free and fair election.

I am also in support of a new president by the people for the people, and not by the preceding president

Also posted by LEWA
I have said it before~the emergence of Yar'adua as the presidential candidate of PDP was a seriously flawed process!The so called elections which they say led to his emergence is another story,we need not rehash again.He reminds of Shagari~inspiring,dull,docile,rustic and it's a shameful again that we not only cannot conduct an accurate fair census,we have proven indeed to the whole world that we are a nation beset by fraud,in love with fraud!
PDP is synonymous with roguery and banditry and this was clearly manifest during the last elections~ballot papers were dumped in S/Africa and still Yar'adua constitutionally did not meet the provisions of winning the elections!
For myself hes not my leader~period!I would not be part of any whitewashing or illegality~the premise that he should be supported is very wrong~rather admonished and castigated for going along with this charade

Excellent point; you definitely have the right to express the level of your despisedness of this new administration, but you must also think broadly and understand what is currently going on in Nigeria.

Moreover, I was wondering how long it was going to take you to finally remove your scary masquerade mask (Lewa alias ToTo Chopper).
Anyway, you're free to be bad as you want to be; it's your father's land.

One love!
Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by BigB11(m): 5:31pm On May 18, 2007
Tony Blair ready to meet with Yar'Adua

British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, has said he looked forward to "an early meeting" with the President-elect, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua in order "to begin our discussion on future co-operation."
Blair in a letter to President Olusegun Obasanjo said the British Government will work with the new administration on reforms and governance among others.

“We are keen to work with the new administration on reform and governance, democracy, development and other areas of cooperation which we have developed over the last eight years,” Blair stated in the letter.

But Blair, who also gave kudos to Obasanjo for his great efforts in moving Nigeria forward, said Britain and the international community would be interested in the continuation of the reforms which the out-going President started.

“Nigeria has made important progress during your time in office, and I have greatly valued my relationship with you. The continuation of reform by your successor will be extremely important for the UK (United Kingdom) and other members of the international community,” the letter further read.

Blair however assured that though Obasanjo was spending his last weeks in office, he would love to remain in contact with the out-going President to rub minds on issues about Africa and the international community.

“I look forward to maintaining contact with you on African and international issues in future,” Blair stated.

Blair’s letter came on the heels of the visit by envoys of some member-countries of the Arab League to congratulate Yar’Adua on his victory in the April Presidential elections.

The envoys from Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Algeria, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also canvassed improved bilateral relations between Nigeria and their countries.

Yar’Adua, responding to the envoys from the Arab League, assured that the relations between Nigeria and their respective countries would be strengthened even as he called on the African Union (AU) and the Arab League to form a common front aimed at championing the overall interest of member countries within the comity of nations.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Information and Communication, Mr. Frank Nweke Jnr, will next Tuesday appraise the media of the activities slated for the inauguration of Yar’Adua and his deputy, Dr. Jonathan Goodluck.  

Re: We, Nigerians Should Rally Around President Yar'Adua by ToToChoper: 5:35pm On May 18, 2007
Mallam Big B1,
this is an important issue that i take to heart, so understand my drive.
I believe that we are both pointing in the same direction, only that you are using a different spectacle. That is okay though.

You see one of the problems with our Nigeria is that a few of us have declared an unwillingness to be part of a honest progress in our country. For those of you that fall in this category, this is what i say to you "drink, drink on nah God go catch una one day".

For clarity, nobody is vying for MEND, but there are many Nigerians tired of the injustice and mockery in our government. There are many of us tired of sugar-coated politicians who make good promises before getting in offfice, but on getting there, the only result we get is shame, disappointment and thievery.

Even more, also for clarity, those retired Generals campaigning for Yardua's administration, do you think they are there to smile at the people?

What I am clamouring for is a change in Nigeria. For a system of checks and balance, OF TRUTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY because without this we are not going no where.

The rallying and posting behind the dumb Yaradua is uncalled for. He doesn't reflect confidence and reasurance for the people. I'm even sure if he finds himself in the wrong places in Lagos (eg. Oshodi, Kirikiri, Ajengunle) if care is not taken even small picken go chance am of his candidature.

I can only have fruitful and intellectual discussion with a sane mind and although it is very tempting to respond to your post, such an act is simply a waste of my time.

      NOTE: i no sabi who LEWA or ELEWA be o. I be the one and only ToToChoper of nairaland.

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