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How Many Of You Want To Live And Work Abroad? by miclaymichael(m): 4:40am On Sep 06, 2019 |
How many of you want to live and work abroad? Let me tell you what the ‘School na scam’ pipu won’t tell you, either because they don’t know better, or they know and want to mislead you... Do you know that the cheapest means of immigrating abroad LEGALLY is only available to those with a University (or Polytechnic) degree? Other legal means will cost you the sort of money that takes a lifetime to save up. Some who dropped out never knew that one day, they’d like to take advantage of such opportunities. When the opportunity came and they met this roadblock when they were asked for a degree or its equivalent, they went away to take their L silently. One of the reason why Edu-Thrust Initiative Nigeria took it upon itself to orientate young people on academic and career advancement across secondary schools in Nigeria is to avoid a bleak future career wise. This is why even those Nigerians who eventually ‘succeeded’ without the degree will never advice you to drop out. They might not tell you their story, but they know what they secretly suffered and they don’t want you to make the same mistake. I’m usually hesitant of talking about this particular advantage because I don’t want to encourage people to immigrate en masse. Anyway, it’s the truth. Some of us wish that when we were your age, we had someone to be giving us life ‘expo’ like this. Don’t waste it. Not everyone will succeed as an entrepreneur. It’s hard. Your destiny might be best suited as a multinational executive or even diplomat. Don’t choose to do business simply because it became your only option after you dropped out. For every successful Nigerian entrepreneur, there are hundreds who are toiling on the boulevard of broken dreams. Some have resorted to illegal activities to save face and some have taken their own lives. This is the dark reality. When you get your degree and you still choose business, then at least you’d be making your choice from a position of strength, not hunger or desperation. You can choose to work in Nigeria or abroad. You can choose to be a career professional or an entrepreneur. All doors are open to you and you’re truly allowed to choose. This is true freedom and what we call A LIFE OF OPTIONS. Please get a 1st class or a 2-1. If your head nor strong reach and na 3rd class you fit manage, bring am like that. My dad used to tell me “Good tin nor dey finish for this life” That is to say... all the flex that you’re looking for won’t go out of fashion by the time you graduate. It will all be here waiting. One more thing... don’t ask your mates for advice. They’re just as clueless as you. Ask people who have battle scars and would tell you the truth. Those who want to drop out will often advice you to do so. No one wants to be alone in their decision. Whatever you do, please finish. It’s not easy, but it’s doable. Jisike. - J.O.
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