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Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria - Travel - Nairaland

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Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by autojosh: 7:50pm On Sep 12, 2019

Indiscipline and the ever growing population in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole, has given birth to a menace that might choke us up if it's not curtailed.Yes, I am referring to plastic bottles.

One person dropping a plastic bottle on the road may seem harmless, but imagine a million people replicating this bad habit, we would be left with a filthy environment and clogged drainages, which gives rise to flood.

Just take a look at this :

Image credit: awarenessng

I would save the sermon of indiscipline for another day. Let's talk about plastic roads. You are not alone, I was shocked the first time I heard the term. But they already exist.

Plastic roads are made entirely of plastic or of composites of plastic with other materials, unlike regular roads made with asphalt.

While the idea of plastic roads are relatively new, some countries like India, UK, US, Indonesia are already making some progress in building plastic roads.In January 2019, The Department of Transport announced a £1.6 million(approx. 700M Naira) UK trial of a plastic road technology developed by MacRebur, an asphalt enhancement company based in Scotland.

There are more than 34,000 km of plastic roads in India, mostly in rural areas. More than half of the roads in the southern state of Tamil Nadu are plastic.

Although, it has its disadvantages, the advantages outweigh regular asphalt concrete roads. Plastic-bitumen composite roads have better wear resistance, this means less potholes and less repairs.

Thinking about all the plastic bottles I see when I travel through Lagos, I am forced to think about the possibilities of a pothole free Nigeria, using recycled plastics.This should drastically reduce the massive over-inflated budgets allocated to building and fixing roads. Let's not forget that getting rid of these plastic bottles would also reduce the issue of clogged drainages which lead to floods.

What are your thoughts about this, we would like to hear from you.

Don't forget to share !.

By Donald3d


54 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Nobody: 7:59pm On Sep 12, 2019
Good development. I hope Nigeria will key in. However, what about heat?


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by tillaman(m): 8:20pm On Sep 12, 2019
This is a welcome idea to Nigeria, never heard of this but I couldn’t help but look it up to have more knowledge on this discourse!
It’s safe to say it’s a very beautiful idea cause the problem of fixing badly tarred road year in and out will be minimal to reasonable extent, there’s no harm in absorbing this beautiful idea


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by DonMarkuzi(m): 8:21pm On Sep 12, 2019
We have plastic road in Delhi.

20 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by RealSolution001: 8:21pm On Sep 12, 2019
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Nobody: 8:32pm On Sep 12, 2019
plastic surgery
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Flyingngel(m): 8:40pm On Sep 12, 2019
If plastic road is now the in-thing then many countries that want to go that way shld not bother hw they are going to source for plastics.
Lagos and Abia empty rubbers shld cover the a large kilometres of their road.

36 Likes 1 Share

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by hisgrace090: 8:45pm On Sep 12, 2019
If car get burnt on it there will be problem.

39 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by nuban07(m): 8:48pm On Sep 12, 2019
Good idea... But I'm looking at the disadvantages e.g fire on plastics, I hope the road will still stand


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by shadrama(m): 9:22pm On Sep 12, 2019
plastics, the menace of the world.

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Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by sparog(m): 9:32pm On Sep 12, 2019
This is actually cool.

There is a school in southwest that allows parents pay school fees of their wards using plastic waste, I've been wandering what the school does with it but now I know better

17 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by nicepoker101(m): 9:32pm On Sep 12, 2019
Can it withstand heat. There is a reason why asphalt and car tyres are black. Or are they going to make use of black plastics only?


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by gwarotango: 9:58pm On Sep 12, 2019
Excellent idea on the surface. What do our engineers in the house think about it?

3 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Ishilove: 10:05pm On Sep 12, 2019
Your articles are always so well written, Autojosh. So whatt happened here? This was the disgraceful article written by one of your writers.

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Yahman1(m): 10:05pm On Sep 12, 2019
grin grin grin
Imagine Plastic roads in Northern Naija, hot sun go melt them, with the kind heat were dey there


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by gwarotango: 10:13pm On Sep 12, 2019
grin grin grin
Imagine Plastic roads in Northern Naija, hot sun go melt them, with the kind heat were dey there
This is where you're ignorant about engineering design. Don't you think the engineers building that road won't take that into consideration? It's the first thing they'll consider before anything else, but then the hatred for the north.........

35 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Florblu(f): 10:29pm On Sep 12, 2019
This is a beautiful idea if well implemented.

Btw, Lagos state government claimed to be repairing damaged roads. They will block half of those roads for 2-3 weeks claiming they are repairing it just to open the road and discover the contractors left a bad part which slows down traffic even more than usual. After 4weeks, contractors will return back to the road for another repair/maintenance.

What exactly is the issue?

35 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Yahman1(m): 10:34pm On Sep 12, 2019
This is where you're ignorant about engineering design. Don't you think the engineers building that road won't take that into consideration? It's the first thing they'll consider before anything else, but the hatred for the north.........
I just stated the reality not hatred. If u have been to the north same thought would pop up your mind


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by sirfemoz(m): 10:39pm On Sep 12, 2019
Coal tar did not last. Cement did not survive. How do you think plastic will live to see another morning? Waste in Lagos and Nigeria in general is poorly manage. Other countries take plastic drinks as well, but they were able to contain it.


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by gwarotango: 10:39pm On Sep 12, 2019
I just stated the reality not hatred. If u have been to the north same thought would pop up your mind
Are you an engineer? If you're not then you're totally incompetent to have an opinion on the technicalities of this project
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by FarahAideed: 10:41pm On Sep 12, 2019
Can it withstand heat. There is a reason why asphalt and car tyres are black. Or are they going to make use of black plastics only?

Black plastic? Are you for real or just joking ?

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Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by FarahAideed: 10:43pm On Sep 12, 2019
Good idea... But I'm looking at the disadvantages e.g fire on plastics, I hope the road will still stand

It's not 100 percent plastic , its a hybrid mix of plastic and other regular road material


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by nicepoker101(m): 10:44pm On Sep 12, 2019

Black plastic? Are you for real or just joking ?
I am on the fence
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Yahman1(m): 10:46pm On Sep 12, 2019
Are you an engineer? If you're not then you're totally incompetent to have an opinion on the technicalities of this project
I don hear u.

Cari your over seriousness go one side biko


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by boss1310(m): 3:38am On Sep 13, 2019
I come to Nairaland for posts like this
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Onyenna(m): 5:17am On Sep 13, 2019
I just stated the reality not hatred. If u have been to the north same thought would pop up your mind

You're right about the heat.... But.... The engineers already thought of that too and worked their way around it.... These kinda roads exist in india..... The temperature over their sometimes is equal or higher than that of the north.....

These are not just ordinary plastics.....They're Plastic composite roads....... More like reinforcing Asphalt with plastic so as to improve the wear resistance.

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Lagbaja01(m): 5:48am On Sep 13, 2019
There's need for global adoption of this and both plastic and nylon wastes would be things of the past.
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by odave: 6:44am On Sep 13, 2019
Many things to consider. Cost and hazard implication. Hope it will be safe for road users? If all these can be taken care of, I believe we can propose this to ministry of transport coz I doubt if they do any research at all.

Thanks for the info. Lemme Google search it


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Nobody: 6:45am On Sep 13, 2019
Imagine boys burning tyres during festivities, road go just catch fire.

I doubt we are disciplined enough for such innovation.


Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by SolarHub(m): 7:37am On Sep 13, 2019
Na wa o
Re: Plastic Roads: The Possible End Of Pot Holes And Flood In Nigeria by Nobody: 8:45am On Sep 13, 2019

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