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Health Is Precious Yet Not Costly.surviving Diabetic.my Story by AUSVINS(m): 1:01am On Sep 14, 2019 |
[7:57 am, 13/09/2019] +234 703 923 4973: Diabetes: Inflammation the killer The second category of Illnesses is Physical injury. This is where diabetes reigns supreme. So whatever freeze chemical imbalance has caused in your pancreas, it allows excess sugar to roam free in your arterial tube network. The sugar particles are sharp crystals, tunnelling at high speed in your blood tubes. These inflict cuts on the walls of the blood vessels resulting to millions of tiny wounds on the artery walls. Where there is a wound and healing, there's is a scar. Scars leave a scab which takes up space. Millions of scabs inside your blood vessels will take up enough space to block the tinier vessels. This increase in space of the scabs leads to a decrease in the volume in the blood vessels, and subsequently increases the pressure therein; remember its a closed system. With increased pressure, your heart must pump harder and faster to circulate blood through the body. This is the genesis of High Blood Pressure in your body. The tinier passages soon get blocked by too many scabs and there's a blockage to the flow of blood to the organs these vessels supply blood to. This is the root cause of numbness in the toes and fingers. The biggest culprit is the eyes with arguably the tinier blood vessels. With poor blood supply to your eyes, macular degeneration sets in. Quickly resulting to loss of sight. Different organs suffer differing degrees of damage from this wounding and healing of the blood vessel by sugar crystals. My people, this is the simplest explanation I can give about Inflammation. As simple as this sounds, Inflammation is your body's biggest health nightmare. Let me give you an illustration with Arthritis. The fluid lubricating your joints, every bone joint, is water (you thought it was oil right? Wrong)! This water should have pH 7.0. Which means its neutral, not acidic nor alkaline. When this water turns acidic, (by the way, what generates acidity in our bodies is the digestion of COOKED FOOD, especially RED MEAT. Adam had no fire in the garden, remember?) it irritates the brisket bone (not biscuit bone) at the joint. Acidity wears away human tissue, the irritation causes pain, serious pain at that, so your doctor will more often than not give you PAIN KILLERS, or NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs). The problem is, NSAIDs are acid forming drugs! You guessed right, more Inflammation after a temporary relief. Headaches, pain, coughs are signals that your body is in trouble. Most doctors offer prescriptions on the signal. I liken it to a man who fixed an alarm system in a facility to detect forced entry. Then his alarm goes off in a forced entry, and instead of looking for the intruder, he picks a hammer to stop the ringing alarm. Always find out what is causing your pain or headache. 9 times in 10, your body is crying out for water. Another sad victim of your blocked blood vessels is the kidney and urinary system. Since sugar is hygroscopic, it sucks up water in the system and the kidney has to throw out the contaminated water via urine. This is also why diabetics experience dry tongued thirst. As you satisfy the burning thirst, hygroscopy empties the water. The frequency wears off the kidney and the urinary bladder due to continuous urine. Until you are no longer able to control your urine. It just becomes a flow. If you're pressed and can't get to a toilet in 90 seconds you pee in your pants. If you are asleep and the urine comes you weewee on your bed. All these are fall outs of arterial Inflammation. The kidney also suffer decay in the tubules. This can result to Nephrosis or Nephritis and kidney failure ultimately. For us the men, the saddest part comes when the tubes in the little boy starts to block and the Rock of Gilbratar refuses to rise to our defence. When performance in za oza room becomes a mirage. Oh sugar! Let's leave it there. Then there is the sleeplessness. Going to the bathroom every hour denies you sleep and compounds the problem. The body's natural defence against Inflammation is (I know you won't get it) SLEEP!!! Restful sleep. So when polyuremia (frequent urination) denies you deep REM sleep, it compounds the problem. The body takes out inflamed portions when you're in REM sleep (REM - Rapid Eye Movement). This is what you miss with Insomnia. This is where you have your biggest victory if you come with me. I've been there and back. I know the way. It cost me millions and a lot of embarrassment. But it must not be so for all of us. The answer is in a simple tea. Made from simple local herbs. Formulated by my wife and I. The ultimate is to normalise organ function and eliminate blood sugar. In addition, this is what you get 1. Normalised blood pressure. 2. No Insomnia (helps you sleep and rest) 3. No Arthritis (the swelling and the pain) 4. No Macular degeneration (improved sight) 5. Blood flow to the Penis (I think I'm talking to adults) 6. Helps your skin glow (women would love this) 7. Stops frequent urinating 8. Gives you a healthy appetite 9. Grows your hair and nails (a personal discovery) Now, just before you go shouting 'gbogbonishe' (Yoruba for cure all drug) remember that everything written here is from the root cause INFLAMMATION. Take out Inflammation and all these go with it. Still in doubt? There is much more, but this lecture is a full six hour presentation. I've given two hour versions in churches. I have a thirty minute version for organizational groups for busy leaders. I will answer personal questions in my inbox or via WhatsApp. Many of us are shy over these matters. They're reading right now, but are afraid to comment. I've gone thru the whole Diabetes spectrum to get to where I am now. I can and I will answer you. What I will not do is enter into an argument. There's much more, but this is a foundation on which you can build. In concluding this episode, take note: 1. Alkalize your body at the cellular level. You must do this to stop the advance of free radicals and the damage they cause. 2. Get rid of arterial Inflammation. A damaging fall out of sugar crystals in the blood passage and acidity from cooked food. 3. Stop canned foods, the preservative and salt in them is killing you softly. Give up wheat, whether its bread, cakes, or its other derivatives. I pity those who give up pounded for wheat. Pounded yam is better for you. 4. Return to natural foods. Eat everything that grows on a PLANT and avoid everything manufactured in a PLANT. You can take any quantity of Vegetables (bitterleaf comes highly recommended) Fruits Nuts Tubers Seeds If you are interested in the Alkalizer, I will help you get it. The tea is made by yours sincerely. Reach me if you want it. And PLEASE, we are still in the process to get NAFDAC certification. So if you'll be looking for NAFDAC contact your doctor. If you're looking for a solution, find me inbox or call and WhatsApp on 08023501285. I am ready to take your questions. Please don't be offended if there's a delay in answering yours. I have interests as far as the United States of America, South Africa and Kenya. God bless and heal us all. Thank you for staying with me. Leo. [7:57 am, 13/09/2019] +234 703 923 4973: Diabetes Melitus: the illness. Human Ill health comes in 3 categories. 1. Chemical imbalance. Lack of vitamin C gives you scurvy, lack of calcium gives porous bones, low vitamin A creates sight issues. No insulin or insulin resistance creates Diabetes and its complications. Depression and Insanity also come under this category. 2. Physical injury. Bullet wounds, knife cuts, vehicle accidents, falls, fights, fire and hot liquid burns, the lot. 3. Microbial infections. Bacterial, Viral, Fungi, infections produce different diseases in the body. This shouldn't lend itself to arguments even with my doctor friends. Medical science acknowledges 39 disease classifications. I find it coincidental that Jesus was between for our sicknesses andatever YOU think created it) for self healing. So when you hear say, that doctors don't 'heal', believe them. Three internal balances ensure this self healing. 1. The pH (Acid - Alkali) balance 2. The Vitamin - Mineral balance. 3. Amino acids - Enzyme balance. The body has 75% water at pH 7.0. The blood, which has 83% water must maintain a pH reading of 7.365. Medical science approximates this as 7.4, but your system will not. If blood pH drops to 7.265(0.1 unit short) you faint and go into a coma. Other words, the body shuts down. If this shortage reaches 0.2, YOU DIE! The pH imbalance is responsible for nearly all of your health nightmares. The body will inflict serious damage to any organ to keep blood pH stable. Every organ falls below the blood in the pecking order. If you believe in God, HE says 'the life of the flesh is in the blood' (Lev 17:11, 14). Your bones and endocrine system suffers more of this violations due to pH decline. When pancreas falls victim, insulin production fails. The result? No sugar conversation, results to excess sugar in the blood stream, which causes inflammation of the arterial tube network. Arterial inflammation narrows the blood tube passage, reducing the volume. Elementary Chemistry tells us that the pressure of a close system will rise when the volume decreases, hence the rise in Heart Blood Pressure. The first answer to Diabetic recovery is to restore pH balance. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Dr. Baroody, a New York medical practitioner says, 'the many names of illnesses does not matter, what matters is that they are all caused by excess acidity at the cellular level'. You will find this in his book, 'Alkalize or Die'. Serious title. I think we will rest and assimilate this point. My head is hot. We have two more points to run through. But remember this: Recovery from Diabetes requires you to alkalize your body to restore Acid - Alkali balance at the cell level. The natural way to alkalize is to live on fruits and vegetables (no cooked food) and water for a month. The other way involves a cost and will require you to talk to me privately. We will continue later in the day. I hope this helps. God bless you thus far. Leo. [7:57 am, 13/09/2019] +234 703 923 4973: Diabetes: Inflammation the killer This Concludes My Presentation for Now. More information will come from questions I'll receive. The most commonly asked questions will be answered on the platform for the benefit of all. Of course no mention will be made of the people asking the questions. The second category of Illnesses is Physical injury. This is where diabetes reigns supreme. So whatever freeze chemical imbalance has caused in your pancreas, it allows excess sugar to roam free in your arterial tube network. The sugar particles are sharp crystals, tunnelling at high speed in your blood tubes. These inflict cuts on the walls of the blood vessels resulting to millions of tiny wounds on the artery walls. Where there is a wound and healing, there's is a scar. Scars leave a scab which takes up space. Millions of scabs inside your blood vessels will take up enough space to block the tinier vessels. This increase in space of the scabs leads decrease in the volume in the blood vessels, and subsequently increases the pressure therein. Remember its a closed system. With increased pressure, your heart must pump harder and faster to circulate blood through the body. This is the genesis of High Blood Pressure in your body. The tinier passages soon get blocked by too many scabs and there's a block to the flow of blood to the organs these vessels supply blood to. This is the root cause of numbness in the toes and fingers. The biggest culprit is the eyes with arguably the tinier blood vessels. With poor blood supply to your eyes, macular degeneration sets in. Quickly resulting to loss of sight. Different organs suffer differing degrees of damage from this wounding and healing of the blood vessel by sugar crystals. My people, this is the simplest explanation I can give about Inflammation. As simple as this sounds, Inflammation is your body's biggest health nightmare. Let me give you an illustration with Arthritis. The fluid lubricating your joints, every bone joint, is water (you thought it was oil right? Wrong)! This water should have pH 7.0. Which means its neutral, not acidic nor alkaline. When this water turns acidic, (by the way, what generates acidity in our bodies is the digestion of COOKED FOOD, especially RED MEAT. Adam had no fire in the garden, remember?) it irritates the brisket bone (not biscuit bone) at the joint. Acidity wears away human tissue, the irritation causes pain, serious pain at that, so your doctor will more often than not give you PAIN KILLERS, or NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs). The problem is, NSAIDs are acid forming drugs! You guessed right, more Inflammation after a temporary relief. Headaches, pain, coughs are signals that your body is in trouble. Most doctors offer prescriptions on the signal. I liken it to a man who fixed an alarm system in a facility to detect forced entry. Then his alarm goes off in a forced entry, and instead of looking for the intruder, he picks a hammer to stop the ringing alarm. Always find out what is causing your pain or headache. 9 times in 10, your body is crying out for water. Another sad victim of your blocked blood vessels is the kidney and urinary system. Since sugar is hygroscopic, it sucks up water in the system and the kidney has to throw out the contaminated water via urine. This is also why diabetics experience dry tongued thirst. As you satisfy the burning thirst, hygroscopy empties the water. The frequency wears off the kidney and the urinary bladder due to continuous urine. Until you are no longer able to control your urine. It just becomes a flow. If you're pressed and can't get to a toilet in 90 seconds you pee in your pants. If you are asleep and the urine comes you weewee on your bed. All these are fall outs of arterial Inflammation. The kidney also suffer decay in the tubules. This can result to Nephrosis or Nephritis and kidney failure ultimately. For us the men, the saddest part comes when the tubes in the little boy starts to block and the Rock of Gilbratar refuses to rise to our defence. When performance in za oza room becomes a mirage. Oh sugar! Let's leave it there. Then there is the sleeplessness. Going to the bathroom every hour denies you sleep and compounds the problem. The body's natural defence against Inflammation is (I know you won't get it) SLEEP!!! Restful sleep. So when polyurinaria (frequent urination) denies you deep REM sleep, it compounds the problem. The body takes out inflamed portions when you're in REM sleep (REM - Rapid Eye Movement). This is what you miss with Insomnia. This is where you have your biggest victory if you come with me. I've been there and back. I know the way. It cost me millions and a lot of embarrassment. But it must not be so for all of us. The answer is in a simple tea. Made from simple local herbs. Formulated by my wife and I. The ultimate is to normalise organ function and eliminate blood sugar. In addition, this is what you get 1. Normalised blood pressure. 2. No Insomnia (helps you sleep and rest) 3. No Arthritis (the swelling and the pain) 4. No Macular degeneration (improved sight) 5. Blood flow to the Penis (I think I'm talking to adults) 6. Helps your skin glow (women would love this) 7. Stops frequent urinating 8. Gives you a healthy appetite 9. Grows your hair and nails (a personal discovery) Now, just before you go shouting 'gbogbonishe' (Yoruba for cure all drug) remember that everything written here is from the root cause INFLAMMATION. Take out Inflammation and all these go with it. Still in doubt? There is much more, but this lecture is a full six hour presentation. I've given two hour versions in churches. I have a thirty minute version for organizational groups for busy leaders. I will answer personal questions in my inbox or via WhatsApp. Many of us are shy over these matters. They're reading right now, but are afraid to comment. I've gone thru the whole Diabetes spectrum to get to where I am now. I can and I will answer you. What I will not do is enter into an argument. There's much more, but this is a foundation on which you can build. In concluding this episode, take note: 1. Alkalize your body at the cellular level. You must do this to stop the advance of free radicals and the damage they cause. 2. Get rid of arterial Inflammation. A damaging fall out of sugar crystals in the blood passage and acidity from cooked food. 3. Stop canned foods, the preservative and salt in them is killing softly. Give up wheat, whether its bread, cakes, or its other derivatives. I pity those who give up pounded for wheat. Pounded yam is better for you. 4. Return to natural foods. Eat everything that grows on a PLANT and avoid everything manufactured in a PLANT. You can take any quantity of Vegetables (bitterleaf comes highly recommended) Fruits Nuts Tubers Seeds If you are interested in the Alkalizer, I will help you get it. The tea is made by yours sincerely. Reach me if you want it. And PLEASE, we are still in the process to get NAFDAC certification. So if you'll be looking for NAFDAC contact your doctor. If you're looking for a solution, find me inbox or call and WhatsApp on 08023501285. I am ready to take your questions. Please don't be offended if there's a delay in answering yours. I have interests as far as the United States of America, South Africa and Kenya. God bless and heal us all. Thank you for listening. Leo. |
Re: Health Is Precious Yet Not Costly.surviving Diabetic.my Story by ursullalinda(f): 1:38am On Sep 14, 2019 |
Diabetics no be better sickness oh... and what i hate the most are the don'ts that come with it. I thank God for your life and I pray my family and I won't have any reason to contact you ....Amen. God bless you for the lecture and creating awareness |
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