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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance (11408 Views)
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Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 6:31am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Mathew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Don't you know that the reason why the outward look is corrupt is because the inward is corrupt? Someone who dresses immorally simply has an immoral heart. If the person should clean the immoral heart, the outward appearance won't look immoral. God cares more about the content of the heart, but this doesn't mean he doesn't give a damn about the outward appearance. What you have inside your heart is expressed outwardly in your looks. That's why Jesus said in the verse above that we should clean the inside of the cup so that the outside will be clean as well. If the outside looks dirty, there's no way the inside will look clean. Try to think about the reason why a lady would dress in skimpy or tight clothes that reveal delicate parts of her body. It's not because she just wants to wear clothes. It's because she wants to seduce me and draw immoral attention to herself. The idea to wear such clothes first came from her heart. This shows that the heart is corrupt. The corrupt heart leads her mouth to request for immoral clothes Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. The sad part is that such immoral dressing is seen among people who call themselves Christians. Go to church and see ladies dressed like divas from music videos. The guys are seen with sagged trousers and dog chains. The reason why such exists in Churches today is because of the Pharisees in charge. The Pharisees are seen looking decently dressed in some cases, but their hear is dirty. That is why they allow dirty and immoral people to feel at home in the Church. Mathew 23:25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Kindly change your heart and your immoral dressing will change. If your dressing is immoral, it simply means your heart is immoral and not right with God. 21 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Izabel(f): 6:37am On Sep 29, 2019 |
The Bible is full of indications that God cares about our appearance. God created us "in his own image," ( Genesis 1:27 ), He designed each of us in the womb ( Jeremiah 1:5 ), and "we are his workmanship" ( Ephesians 2:10 ). He made each of us to look just as we do, and we reflect His own beauty. The Bible doesn't say how we reflect His beauty, but it is reasonable that our appearance has something to do with that. Since God cares about our appearance, we ought to as well. However, as God told Samuel when Samuel was looking for someone to anoint as king to follow Saul in 1 Samuel 16:7 , "… the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." If we are to have the same attitudes as Jesus has, we should place our priority on how our heart is in relation to God. Outward appearance may be important, but the heart is more important. Samuel looked at each of David's brothers, and he was sure God would have chosen one of them. But God had chosen "a man after His own heart." ( 1 Samuel 13:14 ). David was good looking ( 1 Samuel 16:12 ), but God had chosen him because of his heart, not his appearance. People often look at 1 Timothy 2:8-10 ("I desire then … that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." ![]() The world places quite a bit of emphasis on physical appearance, but Christians should "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of [our] mind[s], that by testing [we] may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" ( Romans 12:2 ). We should not reject caring about our physical appearance just because the world cares, but we should be changed inside so we can tell what the will of God is. If His will for us is to minister to the "beautiful people," we probably should look the part so our physical appearance does not detract from our ministry. Our reason for paying attention to how we look should be to please God, not other people. Therefore, the answer to the question, "Should Christians care about physical appearance?" is "Yes", but with the very strong caveat that our reason for caring should be that we want to please God in our bodies. 12 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Nobody: 6:43am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Lol! Do not be deceived by God Himself you mean? For this is God's position concerning the outward appearance: 1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV) 7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. And this is Jesus position on the same outward appearance: John 7:24 (KJV) 24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. And by "righteous judgment" Jesus meant how God judges a man which is based on the heart and not the outward appearance as man judges. Therefore Jesus just repeated the saying of God to Samuel, to illustrate "Their Oneness" in judgment. Key point here is judgment, because it's man who judges based the outward appearance not God, for God's judgment is always based on the heart. Therefore what looks bad to man might look good to God, and vice versa, because of difference of their basis of judgment. However this is not in any way saying that people should now go naked and be exposing their private parts in their dressing, because there is now something called lust on Earth, and it's for this reason that God later clothed man and woman who He originally made without cloths. So for that reason we should yet cover bodies up, and if any one exposes private parts of his or her body for evil and with the intent to mislead others, that person has sinned against God because God looks at (the motive of) the heart. But most importantly, we ought not judge according to their outward appearance but on the basis of the heart (righteous judgment) which God Himself uses. 11 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 6:47am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Izabel: Not because we want to please God but because it pleases God. Dressing skimpily to some people is seen as a way to please God. But does it please God? No. So before we do something, let's ask God if it pleases him. Not just sit and say a prayer asking God about it. Read the Bible to see if the action goes in line with God's word. 4 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 7:54am On Sep 29, 2019 |
jesusjnr: Very funny misinterpretation of the word of God. You have clearly shown that one can get tattoos, braid his hair as a man, sag, wear female clothes as a man, and God won't be bothered because it is his heart God is after. Have you forgotten that the outward appearance is a reflection of the heart? The inward appearance can never be clean if the outward is dirty Mathew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Your illustration of Samuel and the sons of Jesse is also misconstrued. The men God told Samuel not to look at where looking good. There wasn't anything bad about their looks, that's why Samuel wanted to pick them. However, their heart was not right with God, that's why God didn't pick them. Nowhere does the verse say they were immorally dressed. If they were immorally dressed, Samuel would have kicked against them. But clearly, Samuel the prophet saw godly dressing in them, that's why he wanted to chose them. 1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV) 7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. Samuel wanted to chose them for their decent looks, but he couldn't see that their heart was not right with God. They were more like the Pharisees who looked clean on the outside but filled with immorality inward. That was what God saw in them that made him reject them. Mathew 23:25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Mathew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. The reason why God chose David over his brothers is because David did look good on the inside and also his heart was right with God. That's why the Buble described him as a man after God's heart. As stated in the OP, if you are immorally dressed, then it shows that you are immoral on the inside, your heart is immoral. To change your dress to something decent, you have to change that immoral heart. You have to wash the inside to make the outside clean. Mathew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. So dude, you illustration with the sons of Jesse is wrong. Samuel almost chose those other sons because of their stature which looked kingly to him. That's how man judges. We don't see the heart. Man can even deceive others by appearing godly but inside he's of evil. When God chose David, no scripture states that David was immorally dressed. He was also dressed like a godly person just as his brothers. But he had an advantage over his brothers because his heart was right with God. That was something Samuel could not see. So, if you don't want people to tag you a prostitute, don't dress like one. No sane Christian will dress like a Yahoo boy or prostitute. That's because their heart is clean, and it reflects on the outward. They won't even want to be mistaken for an immoral person or a thug. But those with dirty hearts often think their heart is clean. Hey, how come your outward appearance looks dirty? Where did the inspiration for the immoral dressing come from? Is it not from your heart? Can you now agree that your heart is immorally dirty? 9 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by KingOfAllIgbos: 7:59am On Sep 29, 2019 |
![]() I would buy Guccis and Ferragamo.... Fvck Pvssis like Fat Oyinbo ![]() After i suck the br**st, i pop the Krest. Rhymes intended ![]() 1 Like
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Starboytwo(m): 7:59am On Sep 29, 2019 |
I keep dread, piercings, tattoo etc... My mode of dressing is both loud and colourful... I dont care what people think or say.. and I'm damn sure my mode of dressing is the least of Gods problem... Shalom 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by seunmohmoh(f): 8:00am On Sep 29, 2019 |
And how does a Yahoo boy dress exactly? 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by MANNABBQGRILLS: 8:00am On Sep 29, 2019 |
This is so true . We don't serve a poor God. Our Lord and Personal Saviour JESUS CHRIST surely got swag, that is the only reason the soldiers that crucify him will fight and make make sure they have atleast a piece of Christ clothing....... It must have been the most expensive and highly respected linen back in the days. WE SERVE THE OWNER OF EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN AND EARTH. THE earth is the Lord's................. alBHAGDADI:Proverbs 26:4 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Lamasta(m): 8:01am On Sep 29, 2019 |
You cannot understand spiritual matters until you are spiritual yourself and the only way to be spiritual is being baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT. 3 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by YorubaAssasin: 8:01am On Sep 29, 2019 |
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Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Onlyonebuhari: 8:03am On Sep 29, 2019 |
The content of a word is the product of its environment. If your heart is dirty, your dressing will also be nauseating. Don't tell me you can dress like prostitutes and still claim to me innocent. 5 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Enculer: 8:04am On Sep 29, 2019 |
You Nigerians live in a small bubble. Try to travel out and see life through a different set of eyes. 10 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by orunto27: 8:04am On Sep 29, 2019 |
The Lord is GOOD and we are made in His GOOD IMAGE. |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Ekakamba: 8:04am On Sep 29, 2019 |
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Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by realstars: 8:04am On Sep 29, 2019 |
The way we president ourselves before God is the way he sees us. The problem with man is inability to keep the law of God, which is mandatory in the sight of God. 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Nobody: 8:05am On Sep 29, 2019 |
alBHAGDADI:All I can is that agree with you is that you've found an interpretation of the Bible which agrees with your position concerning the outward appearance. What is immoral dressing to you, is not the same as immoral dressing to God, for God made man and woman not just skimpily dressed but without any cloths in the beginning, and it was good and not immoral dressing to Him. Genesis 1:31 (KJV) 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. But that would be immoral dressing to you right? That's why God says man (Alghagdadi) looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by babyfaceafrica: 8:10am On Sep 29, 2019 |
how humans see things I'd different from how God see things |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by genkins(m): 8:28am On Sep 29, 2019 |
jesusjnr:That guy agbagdadi or whatever, thinks through his anus. Spewing trash not most times.. All the time.. Once I see his post I don't even bother reading instead I'll read peoples responses to him because the responses will make some sense. You can be controversial but try and be intelligent enuf.. Not putting forward dumb arguments that makes one lose some braincells when reading thru 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Jay5mie: 8:29am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Why una de argue... For heaven we go settle the matter. The only issue b say the heaven no wan come, even the people wey give us the religion dun abandon us. By the way Op, can't you type without cursing? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by efficiencie(m): 8:35am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Starboytwo: Nothing you do is GOD's problem...He doesn't have a problem! If the whole world likes let them all go naked e nor affect to jux gban gbo gbo panti aye yi si nu orun apadi, sinpu!!! 2 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Vasgas: 8:37am On Sep 29, 2019 |
I agree with the Op 101% If there is anything like that, one outward appearance matter's a lot. I have met a lot of Christian whom always gives excuse that the lord is only concern about the heart and not the body forgetting the fact that your outlook is a reflection of your mind. Even some modern day churches are not left out, the believed by disregarding modesty in dressing the draw others to Jesus, you find it hard pointing out the differences between the house of God and a club. Brothers that just recently left the world and growing in the lord have been drawn back by lust courtesy to those baring cleavages and wearing skimpy dress, pastors have difficult looking at the other section in the church to avoid falling into temptation. In as much it is necessary that we should draw sinners to Christ, but we shouldn't forget that the are suppose to be transformed to a new creature and not remain the way the came. Our dressing matters, you can dress like an hooligan or LovePeddler an expected to be treated as a sane person. 2 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by efficiencie(m): 8:43am On Sep 29, 2019 |
alBHAGDADI: We are talking about humans and not machines cannot predict every single event bordering on humans. The LovePeddler who came to Jesus, romancing, sorry, kissing His feet, washing it with her tears and drying them with her hair would today have been deemed really abominable! Every one in the room knew her to be a LovePeddler and they interpreted her action as defilement but Her GOD deemed it worship...there are ladies under the surgical knife of the HolyGhost so they may wear terrible attires for now but in due time Jesus will lead them to the point of giving stuff up without confrontation or even preaching...let us be careful when dealing with the sheep of Jesus' pasture. He is a jealous Shepherd, who will leave 99 sheep and go looking for a dirty, stinking, rebellious, wanton, good-for-nothing and uncouth sheep! Nevertheless as a divine ideal you are right, cleanliness within is reflected in cleanliness without! 4 Likes |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by Righteousness89(m): 8:54am On Sep 29, 2019 |
GOD ALMIGHTY is sooo Concerned about Everything... For those Who say their outward appearance does not Matter, Rapture will Tell! |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by NkitaAla: 8:59am On Sep 29, 2019 |
[s] post=82667882:[/s] |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by lizyamos(f): 9:02am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Starboytwo:The Bible said and I quote. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. All what you wrote is of the world so don't tell me God doesn't care about your physical appearance. 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by LightSpirit: 9:14am On Sep 29, 2019 |
All these people, like the op, who make God look so ridiculous are worse than atheists. They paint God so ugly just to defend their ignorance. It is better to live in absolute denial of God than accept blindly the existence of an insecure God as presented by the OP. 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 9:19am On Sep 29, 2019 |
efficiencie: You haven't said anything in essence. |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 9:22am On Sep 29, 2019 |
jesusjnr: Why are you hell bent on not accepting the truth? Yes, God created us naked and it was good until man sinned and became ashamed of his unclothedness. What did God do after that? He made clothes from leaves and gave them to wear. If he wanted them to be naked after they sinned, would he have done that? Even Adam and Eve found it a shameful thing to be naked after sin opened their eyes. But today, unclothedness is glorified. 1 Like |
Re: Don't Be Deceived, God Cares About Our Outward Appearance by alBHAGDADI: 9:25am On Sep 29, 2019 |
Starboytwo: God doesn't have a problem. It's you who has problems. He has earned you against Tattoos. If tomorrow you get cancer from it or SARS arrests you, don't blame God. Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. |
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