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Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information - Crime (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Pearl05(f): 10:07am On Sep 30, 2019
[quote author=Austin4Jesus post=82699578] Let your god fight for himself, you don't have to punish people for him, let him punish them himself and let the lives of other people continue.. [/quot

Which might have been done by a mentally challenged Moslem kid.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Nobody: 10:07am On Sep 30, 2019
and the say these people aren't extremists

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Jiokejohn: 10:09am On Sep 30, 2019
Inasmuch as we are to respect each others believe and system of worship, but we shouldn't mock GOD in disguise. Quran, Bible, Scroll etc are holy books of worship. They contain words of GOD. Human beings are created in image and likeness of GOD. Human beings as an entity propagate the word of GOD. Quran, Bible that was printed, duplicated, bond and published as books (holy books) were done by human beings. In the course of publishing a book some copies with inscriptions ended up as waste and find its way in refuse dumps. More so, old, mutilated and loosened Bibles and Qurans that defy binding might also find its way in refuse dumps. Are such circumstances amount to blasphemous or sacrilegious?
Remember, it was found in sewage in primary school. Please those little pupils are minors. Whoever did that might be oblivious of sheet of paper in his/her possession. My questions are 1. How did they discover it? 2.How did the copies of Quran find its way in the hands of the user? Enough of all these fanaticism and hypocritical holier than thou pretence. Zamfara government should save us all these ridicules by building modern toilets and equip our institutions with hygienic toiletries.
For instance, “[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they earned [i.e. committed] as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” [Quran 5:38]. In view of this, how many politicians and so call bandits has been amputated? If you are to keep the law, keep the whole law. Do not be selective. Quran did not say that negotiation or amnesty should be given. If you want to be civil, be civil to the core. If you opt for sharia, be sharia to the core. Stop mocking GOD. I believe we have been fooled enough.


Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Dpharisee: 10:13am On Sep 30, 2019
A Yoruba teacher was murdered in Gombe for unknowingly throwing out a Koran through the window which a student was using to cheat during exams. The student shouted Allahu Akbar and ran to the town to inform a mob which came to the school and beat her to death.

Zamfara is a state ruled since creation by religious nut heads
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Ameboperoo(m): 10:15am On Sep 30, 2019
What can I say?

People have been fined and imprisoned for disrespecting the American flag. And no one raised a brow.

Everyone has a right to fight against what they believe is sacrilegious.
The flag is a national symbol but religion should be a personal thing.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Lordbricks(m): 10:16am On Sep 30, 2019
Zamfara people I hope you can see why banditry still thrives in your domain and a lot of your citizens are been killed..Misplaced priority.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by freeze001(f): 10:17am On Sep 30, 2019
Shush! It is only a dysfunctional society that will shut down scarce, critical education resources just because of a religious book when no life is in danger. It is that same dysfunctional, backward and sick society that can and has in fact targeted and murdered Christians in the North just because of a cartoon depiction of Mohammed in another country! When statistics are counted, the entire Nigeria pays the price instead of the backward lot with priorities turned inside out!


Different value system: what may be unimportant to you could be very important to others and what may be a priority to you may not be the same to others - live and let live; don't take Panadol for somebody's headache.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by freeze001(f): 10:20am On Sep 30, 2019
Education is fundamental and is a right that ought to be protected by the state. Religion on the other hand is private and should not in any way interfere with the right to education which the state has truncated just because of a few pages of the quran found somewhere. Does it change the essence of the quran or stop it from being what it is? Y'all just keep majoring on the minor!

What can I say?

People have been fined and imprisoned for disrespecting the American flag. And no one raised a brow.

Everyone has a right to fight against what they believe is sacrilegious.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Chuzoetoh(m): 10:26am On Sep 30, 2019
Lugard nwa, abeg comman collect ur thunder biko, dem no remember to give you ur share , nwa oma , thunder locate Lugarboy!!!
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Blakenails(m): 10:27am On Sep 30, 2019
I see die hard jihadists and fanatics everywhere
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by ss1930(m): 10:28am On Sep 30, 2019
Of all the problems in the state, Quran is to be investigated.

As a nation, we may never get it right. We are too blinded by religion
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Wendybrown(f): 10:30am On Sep 30, 2019
May thunder continue to strike Luggard wherever he is.

Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Lilimax(f): 10:30am On Sep 30, 2019
Islam as a religion, muslims as the followers respect Al qur'an the whole lot, so if you do not have sure knowledge about that,or your failure to be faithful and rational keep your useless brains out.
My God fights for me and not me fighting for my God except he is powerless!

They suspended everybody and close down a whole school just because some wraps of satanic verses were found in the sewage. shocked
Ndi ara!!! embarassed embarassed

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by GeoAfrikana(m): 10:31am On Sep 30, 2019

The flag is a national symbol but religion should be a personal thing.

Contrary to what you believe, religion isn't a personal affair on Nigeria. That's why all government agencies have a central mosque, a Catholic Church and a Protestant church. And there's room for all to go for worship. Even the working hours leaves room for Muslims to worship five times daily.

India is a secular state but killing a cow is still a punishable offence in many parts of the country.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by jibrilELsudan: 10:33am On Sep 30, 2019

Quran is a paper I could dump anywhere so as the bible idiot! angry the north is a curse on the south. ordinary paper oloshi!




Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Wendybrown(f): 10:37am On Sep 30, 2019
Christians pretend as if religion should not attract fanatic adherence, yet their fanaticism can't make them stand Islam and it's Quran.
At every given opportunity they insult Muslims and they still complain about nairaland mods who can nolonger stand thier childishness and have to introduce barrier before Christians can access Muslim threads

Listen to yourself, this is absolute madness. And Yes any religion shouldn't attract fanaticism! No religious leaning should take away your ability of thinking logically and being rational.

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by luminouz(m): 10:39am On Sep 30, 2019
It's not his fault... Na na that bastard Lugard. This idiott gets free oil allocation money every month so he can afford to waste it since they don't work for it. I'm so angry and wish I had some connect to go off that man.

How much can you pay for the connect?
If the price is right, you will get!
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by taiwojoe40(m): 10:39am On Sep 30, 2019
We have some low iQ in government..some are mentally ill..Cow brain *Hiss
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Zubi10(m): 10:44am On Sep 30, 2019

Lol the stories out Zamfara never cease to be amusing. Did the State offer these kind of rewards for information about bandits or property crimes like cattle rustling. They're prioritising police man power to investigate this matter instead of violent crimes.
Are you a human being at all..this a holy book not a novel.y can't you close your mouth if you've nothing to say
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by theenchanter: 10:50am On Sep 30, 2019
Freeze001 is the real deal. grin Very straight and apt.

It's just so disheartening cos it's d lifestyle they choose to adopt, they may even dispense their anger on innocent people. Tell d average Northerner that he's stupid and he won't take it serious but just don't go into religious brawl with them... i wish they take education with high esteem the way they uphold their religion in order to emancipate their incorrigible mind.

But what can we do since the people themselves are contented with d status quo?

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Wendybrown(f): 10:51am On Sep 30, 2019
[quote author=evilive post=82699537]If you must serve a god, look for one that will respect your inquisitive nature. Not one that forbids freedom and questioning.

Any f*cking God that depends on human ignorance for protection and promotion deserves no attention.

Any stupid God that uses fear and punishment as a tool for manipulation or forceful loyalty is nothing but a product of egoistic imagination.

How can a rational human being fight on behalf of his creator, isn't that insultive?

If Quran belongs to an all powerful and an all knowing God, why should one stupid follower take it upon himself to fight in its defence?

If pages of the so called sacred book can float comfortably inside a sewage, then, it's just like any sheets of paper with ink. Any importance attached to it is man-made.

The moment you let go of your reasonability for one popular irrational ideology, you lost the right to live.


This is so on point.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by theenchanter: 10:52am On Sep 30, 2019
Are you a human being at all..this a holy book not a novel.y can't you close your mouth if you've nothing to say
pls, elaborate on it being a holy book and how it's desecration caused so much hullabaloo.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by soso22(m): 11:00am On Sep 30, 2019
God you shouldn't have allowed Lugard to commit such blunder by making us stay in the same country with these uncircumcised.

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by exnovio(m): 11:09am On Sep 30, 2019
Islam is the most confused Religion on earth

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by XwhY(m): 11:15am On Sep 30, 2019
I had to read the comments to be sure I actually understood what is written up there.
I couldnt believe what I'm seeing.

We have really lost it in this country.
Now I feel like crying.

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Vince77(m): 11:17am On Sep 30, 2019
May thunder continue to strike Luggard wherever he is.


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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by dia4iam(m): 11:23am On Sep 30, 2019
I refuse to accept that these people are human beings. They are beasts or worse... Islam however has nothing to do with what these people prioritize. They are just plain bastards trying to use belief to tame the lot.

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by MosayA: 11:25am On Sep 30, 2019
Only in my country...
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by mechanics(m): 11:38am On Sep 30, 2019
The urgent matters of banditry, they won't take action, but they are ready to take action on something not that necessary, it's only God that can punish someone for destroying His Holy book.

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Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by makavelidon(m): 11:45am On Sep 30, 2019
Religious fanatism at its best.
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by Nobody: 11:51am On Sep 30, 2019
the shithole is indeed a bad joke!
#MIS-PLACED priority by a bunch of SELF-SERVING, shallow, clueless thieves!
Re: Zamfara Investigates Qur’an In Sewage, Promises N2m Reward For Information by EmekaOdunze(m): 11:52am On Sep 30, 2019
God please if there's anyway(s) as a nation have offended you, forgive us.

How can a Governor be this unreasonable.

I Still blame the youth sha..

Until we wake up, people like this we continue to rule us.

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