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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Gimmick Of Religion. (305 Views)
Women Need To Throw Away The Shackles Of Religion / The Prison Of Yahweh And Other 'gods' Of Religion / Thank God For Slavery- A Case Of Religion Turning Blacks To Fools (2) (3) (4)
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Gimmick Of Religion. by Solohmony: 1:47pm On Oct 04, 2019 |
Religion simply means to bind up. So many religion beliefs do not just arise from human stand point only but back up with religious spirits. These religious spirits held their victims'minds against sound reasoning and as long as they still have power and authority one will be convince for doing right thing . God' Spirit do not create or enforce any religion but gave men dominion, resources and sound minds. These Spirits control and dominate their victim's mind. These spirits are Angelic being created by God but just as humans have their own free will to obey God so also angels. They are rebellious spirits against God's agenda for humanity. Humanity can only know truth from the Creator and the designer of the universe about their origin, morality, meaning of life and destiny not from man-made gods backed by these religious spirits who manufactured religions purposely to destroy humankind. They created these religions and set men apart from each other to fight themselves for the rest of the life. The Creator of heaven and earth does not create any religion for humanity. Religion is evil. Embrace the Spirit of true God to free you from these religious bondage. God create man for glorification and dominion not for religion. The true way to worship God is not through religion but having true fellowship with God. In reality the true God wants worship in truth and fellowship with not religious services. Choice is yours. |
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