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Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers - Education (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers (27127 Views)

Sex For Grades: Kiki Mordi Who Exposed Universities Lecturers Never Graduated / Sex For Grades: BBC Releases The Full Documentary Of Lecturers Involved / Sex For Grades: Boniface Igbeneghu Of UNILAG Exposed In BBC Documentary (Pics) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by oluwasegun007(m): 9:34pm On Oct 07, 2019
Because na BBC people believe...

If na bisola no one will..

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Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by TSRC: 9:37pm On Oct 07, 2019

Nearly hundred videos

Liar liar liar

See your mouth
I would lie because they want to pay me money?
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by Brown133: 10:12pm On Oct 07, 2019
I wonder the kind of comments some idiots are making here! maybe they are part of those lecturers destroying our young ones! This animals that called themselves lecturers are taking advantage of our young girls and boys! Girls will pay in kind or cash to pass a course...Boys are to pay to pass, destroying their future and someone have the nerve to come here to say BBC is tarnishing the image of which country?? Anambra state University should be their next target... Their is a click of lecturers there destroying young girls in that school!! I think is time to start exposing all!!

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Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by Obasalemu: 11:29pm On Oct 07, 2019
I don't know why lalasticlala name just dey come back to my mind after reading this thread. I hope not what I am thinking.

grin looks like village oracle wants to nominate you for ban
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by CodeTemplar: 12:53am On Oct 08, 2019
The British want to destroy our top educational institution. The British have done nothing positive for this country. If Unilag had made a major breakthrough in research would the BBC publish or run documentary on it ? Go to Uk universities and your white professors will be telling you that you can’t graduate here with first class because you’re black! They should run documentaries on those .
Stockholm syndrome dey worry u. You are in love with your captors and will even repel any form of help. Get well soon!
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by Chuckdee(m): 8:02am On Oct 08, 2019
The British want to destroy our top educational institution. The British have done nothing positive for this country. If Unilag had made a major breakthrough in research would the BBC publish or run documentary on it ? Go to Uk universities and your white professors will be telling you that you can’t graduate here with first class because you’re black! They should run documentaries on those .

I wanted to insult you, for example; you are an idiot! but I don't want to insult my senior.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by salam8528: 9:38am On Oct 08, 2019
The British want to destroy our top educational institution. The British have done nothing positive for this country. If Unilag had made a major breakthrough in research would the BBC publish or run documentary on it ? Go to Uk universities and your white professors will be telling you that you can’t graduate here with first class because you’re black! They should run documentaries on those .
what u should be concern is, where the lecturers guilty or not? Ur claim that Nigerians don't graduate with first class is a big fat lie cos we see and hear it everyday, Get ur fact right pls. crime is crime.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by naijaguy123456(m): 9:41am On Oct 08, 2019
Who then is this 1mbecile ?

I wanted to insult you, for example; you are an idiot! but I don't want to insult my senior.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by OGHENAOGIE(m): 10:01am On Oct 08, 2019
Media houses abroad nor dey hide story like keep our media houses here o. Good one
was it BBC that aired gandoller gate...stop thrash talk...
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ProfessorBola: 10:38am On Oct 08, 2019
rubbish talk... Evil hiding under the cover of darkness

The Rise of Private Education in Nigeria Especially since the Late 1990's has been a result of the decline in the resource provision and general upgrade standards in the Public Sector of Education. Universities Like Covenant, Madonna, Leeds etc would not exist if the State and federal sector of University education was progressing in terms of Facility, resource and infrastructure maintenance and development. So if Nigeria keeps on producing more universities like Covenant University, this will result in less Nigeria students seeking foreign education basically at the Under-graduate level. That just common logic.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ProfessorBola: 10:42am On Oct 08, 2019
rubbish talk... Evil hiding under the cover of darkness

Can we at a basic level agree that if our State and Federal Universities were improved up to the level of standard at Covenant University Ota that this would lead to more students staying back in Nigeria for their Under-graduate Studies and not seeking under-graduate studies in Ghana, South Africa, Southern Asia i.e Indian, Malaysia, Australia , Europe and North America.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ProfessorBola: 10:50am On Oct 08, 2019
you are absolutely correct, we must be careful, while it's true that the Lecturers are rotten and breeding maggots yet we should be careful about the foreign reportage else when they turned against us, we should not complain.

I agree, what i am trying to explain is that we have independent news outlets now like Sahara TV, OakTV, Channels TV etc who can report on these issues now and the barrier of entry into News/Media has been reduced due to Information Technology such as the internet and social media, Start up media companies don't require so much capital now, just a laptop, internet connection and some media equipment i.e microphone, camera etc. We as Nigerians can build their own media channel and work on marketing and building a strong plant-form. Relying on foreign media to do a Job that Nigerians can do now to ensure accountability and fairness in society has a negative downside when that Foreign media entity wants to conduct propaganda against the host state that it is reporting stories in like BBC in Nigeria. Lets not fool ourselves BBC is a media outlet arm of the British Government so it will push a narrative that is in the Long term of benefit to Britain.

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Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ProfessorBola: 10:52am On Oct 08, 2019

For your information, the BBC carried that news, even CNN reported it.

Can you send me a link to this where the BBC carried it, Thank you....
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ProfessorBola: 11:08am On Oct 08, 2019

I'm trying to understand why you think our universities are growing? Prosperity? In which field? Please if you have nothing to say or type park for corner let brilliant minds comment.

I'm not even sure you attended any university, if you did you'd know by now that we don't have universities, only glorified secondary schools. Do you know the level of research going on in the world?

Well from what i have experienced in Lecturing in Nigeria and being a visiting Lecturer in Europe and Asia, i can't see to much difference in the Degree Programme for say economics, accounting offered say in South Bank University, London and Covenant University, Ota. Apart from universities that are called "Red-Brick Uni's" in the UK or "Ivy League Uni's" in the USA, the level of teaching, comprehension, assimilation of course material and student acumen is the same in Nigeria, USA and UK. You can download the Modules/Course Works/Curriculum of most Europe/North America Universities online now in "Pdf" so you can compare and contrast with Nigerian University curriculum in the Area's of Social Science, Engineering, Bio-Medical, etc to see if their is any great difference in advancement. I do agree that in the area of Research and Development i.e Graduate Schools these places such as Europe and North America may be ahead of Nigeria, but on the Basic Under-graduate Level, the Curriculum is mostly the same globally, the Delivery of course content and in-depth explaination may defer as most Universities in Abroad tailor the course delivery to events happening in current times i.e if you are studying Economics or Finance in a European Universities the course material will in-corporate issues such as the Financial Crises of 2007-08, Brexit, The Arab Spring 2010-11 and its effect on energy markets global in terms of supply and demand etc
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by sevule(m): 3:11pm On Oct 08, 2019

So they BBC now is now the Social Media Judge of what Happens to so called Corrupt Lecturer's in Nigeria..

Fellow Nigerians this is not the way to go for our country...we should do the right thing and not allow so called external media houses from foreign
countries to dictate what happens in Nigeria in terms of Justice and Fairness in the Society...

I am SHOCKED that you are a lecturer when you espouse such arguments that makes absolutely no sense. With all what you have written, it is absolutely no surprise that our universities are in such a mess. BBC did an expose on the rot in the Nigerian university system and instead of condemning the lecturers you turn around and condemn BBC? Does this make any sense at all?
Why do you want to kill the messenger? Maybe it is because you are also one of those lecturers that demands for sex in exchange for good grades.

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Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by stormborn28(m): 6:58pm On Oct 08, 2019

Can we at a basic level agree that if our State and Federal Universities were improved up to the level of standard at Covenant University Ota that this would lead to more students staying back in Nigeria for their Under-graduate Studies and not seeking under-graduate studies in Ghana, South Africa, Southern Asia i.e Indian, Malaysia, Australia , Europe and North America.
we are talking of random lecturer, you are here discussing improve infrastructure in universities... Does that stop the Randy lecturers from still existing there? Attack the main reason for this thread
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by stormborn28(m): 7:01pm On Oct 08, 2019

I am SHOCKED that you are a lecturer when you espouse such arguments that makes absolutely no sense. With all what you have written, it is absolutely no surprise that our universities are in such a mess. BBC did an expose on the rot in the Nigerian university system and instead of condemning the lecturers you turn around and condemn BBC? Does this make any sense at all?
Why do you want to kill the messenger? Maybe it is because you are also one of those lecturers that demands for sex in exchange for good grades.
dont min him.. I was too busy to engage him in this discussion... I hate when people leave the major subject and bring in excuses and irrelevant nonsense
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by stormborn28(m): 7:07pm On Oct 08, 2019

I agree, what i am trying to explain is that we have independent news outlets now like Sahara TV, OakTV, Channels TV etc who can report on these issues now and the barrier of entry into News/Media has been reduced due to Information Technology such as the internet and social media, Start up media companies don't require so much capital now, just a laptop, internet connection and some media equipment i.e microphone, camera etc. We as Nigerians can build their own media channel and work on marketing and building a strong plant-form. Relying on foreign media to do a Job that Nigerians can do now to ensure accountability and fairness in society has a negative downside when that Foreign media entity wants to conduct propaganda against the host state that it is reporting stories in like BBC in Nigeria. Lets not fool ourselves BBC is a media outlet arm of the British Government so it will push a narrative that is in the Long term of benefit to Britain.
do our useless local news media have or think toward exposing rot in the educational system... How many of their journalists can think deeply in carrying out what BBC journalists did... I have been in this country for over three decades.. I haven't see yet
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by ebassey759: 9:13pm On Oct 08, 2019

The academic fraud in the faculty of Law all began when Mr Cyril Ndifon (now Prof. Ndifon) was employed as a university lecturer. Here was a doubtful character who was thrown out of the faculty of law as a student on academic grounds; who later returned to be employed as a lecturer in the same faculty after some years of unaccounted absence.
One wonders what such a character would wish the faculty that threw him out as an academic slowpoke. Definitely Crisis. If you are in doubt ask any psychologist and they will tell you better about the inward aggression and the associated crisis. He meandered to become a professor and subsequently the Dean of the faculty on primordial considerations. Ask the students in the faculty about his character.

No female student enters his office without being sexually assaulted, including his own blood relations and some female staffs in some cases. They say he is under a curse from his home (it all began when he raped a young girl and denied same, the young innocent girl out of anger placed a curse on him..., a story for another day).
But the Lord God Almighty disgraced him out of office 4 years ago when he raped a female law student to a state of unconsciousness in his office: you can read the full story about the rape case by clicking on here or by visiting: https://dailypost.ng/2015/09/11/unical-suspends-dean-of-law-prof-ndifon-over-alleged-rape-of-student/amp/

The law students and some lecturers; including some members of the faculty alumni on affidavit declared him a SERIAL RAPIST AND A MERCENARY in the faculty of Law and demanded for his prosecution. Yet he was returned to the faculty without Justice to the victim and to the public; to continue his professional immoral activities. He claimed the police cleared him. But he is yet to be cleared in the Court of Morals. Can a man who has no good character and good moral standards be a lecturer? The answer is quite obvious. NO...!!!

Since his return, he has repeatedly raped, sexually assaulted or molested female law students in the faculty of law with a high level of impunity, even bragging about his escapade (the rape episode) in the past and the fact that he is now untouchable. The fact remains that most female law students who have been sexually harassed by him are either too scared to report him or are timid because they want to graduate peacefully. The recent event was about a month ago when he made another attempt to rape a final year Law student of the Faculty of law and threatened her to strip naked or fail his course (Jurisprudence). Unknowingly, this female law student who resisted him and was smart enough to have recorded on her smartphone a conversation where he (Prof. Ndifon) threatened her to strip naked or risk failing his course. (For those of you reading this story, Jurisprudence is a compulsory course which every law student must pass in order to graduate from the faculty of Law) The same female law student approached the Dean of the faculty of law (one Professor Okom) to report the sad incident to him, unfortunately, the Dean who is a well known Clergyman, a close associate and disciple of Prof. Ndifon confiscated her smartphone and even threatened the student not to speak of it outside his office unless she wouldn’t graduate. This innocent girl and many others have become too scared of this man, who they describe as an evil man, and his followers who claim they are bishops, elders in churches support his demonic activities.

The university degree is awarded based on good CHARACTER AND LEARNING. Hence one without character has no place in the university business.
Unical should ask OAU, UniIlorin and AAU Ekpoma what happened to such professors in their universities. They were All shown the way out of the university. WHY is Unical still keeping Prof Cyril Osim Ndifon, a SERIAL RAPIST and a well known mercenary as a professor in the faculty? Is this fair to the system...?

Source: Unical Stories by Felicia Undie
Website: https://unicalstorie..com/2019/09/why-is-prof-ndifon-still-in-faculty-of.html?m=1
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by UniportAgbero: 1:44am On Oct 09, 2019

Well from what i have experienced in Lecturing in Nigeria and being a visiting Lecturer in Europe and Asia, i can't see to much difference in the Degree Programme for say economics, accounting offered say in South Bank University, London and Covenant University, Ota. Apart from universities that are called "Red-Brick Uni's" in the UK or "Ivy League Uni's" in the USA, the level of teaching, comprehension, assimilation of course material and student acumen is the same in Nigeria, USA and UK. You can download the Modules/Course Works/Curriculum of most Europe/North America Universities online now in "Pdf" so you can compare and contrast with Nigerian University curriculum in the Area's of Social Science, Engineering, Bio-Medical, etc to see if their is any great difference in advancement. I do agree that in the area of Research and Development i.e Graduate Schools these places such as Europe and North America may be ahead of Nigeria, but on the Basic Under-graduate Level, the Curriculum is mostly the same globally, the Delivery of course content and in-depth explaination may defer as most Universities in Abroad tailor the course delivery to events happening in current times i.e if you are studying Economics or Finance in a European Universities the course material will in-corporate issues such as the Financial Crises of 2007-08, Brexit, The Arab Spring 2010-11 and its effect on energy markets global in terms of supply and demand etc

Pls, Ivy league schools have no academic bearing. It's a group of elite schools that engage in a particular sports tournament.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by SHOCK7(m): 5:04am On Oct 09, 2019
The British want to destroy our top educational institution. The British have done nothing positive for this country. If Unilag had made a major breakthrough in research would the BBC publish or run documentary on it ? Go to Uk universities and your white professors will be telling you that you can’t graduate here with first class because you’re black! They should run documentaries on those .
And how do you know this?
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by Ibile77(m): 8:05am On Oct 09, 2019

I agree, what i am trying to explain is that we have independent news outlets now like Sahara TV, OakTV, Channels TV etc who can report on these issues now and the barrier of entry into News/Media has been reduced due to Information Technology such as the internet and social media, Start up media companies don't require so much capital now, just a laptop, internet connection and some media equipment i.e microphone, camera etc. We as Nigerians can build their own media channel and work on marketing and building a strong plant-form. Relying on foreign media to do a Job that Nigerians can do now to ensure accountability and fairness in society has a negative downside when that Foreign media entity wants to conduct propaganda against the host state that it is reporting stories in like BBC in Nigeria. Lets not fool ourselves BBC is a media outlet arm of the British Government so it will push a narrative that is in the Long term of benefit to Britain.
I can't agree less. If not for scarcity of men, why one will ever call dog, Mr. It's boils down to irresponsibility of many in our society.
Re: Sex For Grades: BBC Set To Expose More Nigerian Lecturers by tck2000(m): 6:58pm On Oct 24, 2019

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