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Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 - Travel (211) - Nairaland

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by lexzi: 11:26pm On Dec 14, 2019
Woooowww!!! Congratulations!! timeline so epic!! I key into your testimony.. Submitted and got AOR today...

Ladies and gentlemen it's Peeeeeeee Peeeeeeee Rrrrrrrrrrr,

AOR - 28th August, 2019

PPR - 13th December, 2019.

Details coming soon.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by lightedpath(f): 12:37am On Dec 15, 2019
Hello house, please I’m confused about the minimum points to be scored before one can be considered.
I saw 67points out of 100 and another place I saw CRS of not less than 440.
Please what is the difference
67 points is for eligibility. This is the required point before you can be considered to apply. The CRS is the ranking score in the pool of other intended applicants. It is determined by a number of factors and the required score is not fixed. It is determined by the number of people invited and the range of their scores. In recent times, it has been hovering around 470.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by godG: 12:44am On Dec 15, 2019
Congrats to the new PRs! The God that answered your PR prayers will answer your prayers about work and life in Canada. He's got you!


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by 40manlappy: 2:54am On Dec 15, 2019
Justin Trudeau’s mandate letter to the new Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
-Ensure the effective implementation of Canada’s increased annual Immigration Levels Plan for 2020-2022, attracting more than a million new permanent residents to Canada over that time. This continues our modest and responsible increases to immigration, with a focus on welcoming highly skilled people who can help build a stronger Canada.
-Work with the provinces and territories to ensure a renewed focus on the delivery of high-quality settlement services to ensure the successful settlement and integration of new Canadians. This will require a rigorous approach to data in order to accurately measure outcomes.
-Work on reducing application processing times, improving the department’s service delivery and client services to make them timelier and less complicated, and enhancing system efficiency, including in the asylum system.
-Introduce a Municipal Nominee Program that will allow local communities, chambers of commerce and local labour councils to directly sponsor permanent immigrants. At least 5,000 new spaces will be dedicated for this program.
-Make the Atlantic Immigration Pilot permanent. At least 5,000 new spaces will be dedicated for this program.

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by EyesondPrize: 4:11am On Dec 15, 2019
Congratulations to you guys and all the very best in Canada!!!



Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Nettye: 5:33am On Dec 15, 2019
I lumped my letter or explanation together and uploaded it under the additional document space. If the employment doesn’t count towards your points then no need, just put it under your personal history.


Same questions ... do I write a LOE for each section or I lump it .. also if your former place of employment doesnt give out refernce letter anymore due to something that happened what do you do ?( the employment doesnt count towards my points as it was only 4 months ).

Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by TEECANN: 5:45am On Dec 15, 2019
Congratulations to you guys and all the very best in Canada!!!


The journey just started.

Listen to all advices(They are given from hearts that want you to make a success of your Canadian outing), but still do your own research, pick what works best for you from all advices and leave the rest...trust your plans and strategies (that your plans do not look traditional or similar to well worn paths, does not make them invalid)...ultimately trust God fiercely on your Canadian outing (you'll need Him)

It will end in praise IJN!


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by olaniyisal: 6:01am On Dec 15, 2019
If want to fill my NYSC period as part of my personal history, what will I fill for first two column as my possible answer

What activity type should I choose
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by tolfa(m): 7:10am On Dec 15, 2019
I will suggest activity should be "employment" and you use your PPA as company name
If want to fill my NYSC period as part of my personal history, what will I fill for first two column as my possible answer

What activity type should I choose


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by LecturerIFE: 7:42am On Dec 15, 2019
My people, it's PPR!!!

Kindly wait for my epistle grin

Congratulations bro.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by justwise(m): 8:14am On Dec 15, 2019
My people, it's PPR!!!

IELTS - July 28, 2018: LRSW 8, 8, 7.5, 7
ECA - WES: Feb 14, 2019
CRS - 470
ITA - May 29, 2019
NOCs - 2123 & 4162
AOR - July 20, 2019
MEP/BIL - August 7, 2019
First Ghost Update (GU) - August 9, 2019
Second GU - December 11, 2019
PPR - December 13, 2019 @ 10:58pm [146 days Post-AOR]

Single Applicant
Visa Office - Ottawa

Disclaimer: You're about to read an epistle. Pardon all typos/grammatical errors grin

Decision to migrate: Since I completed my first degree program in 2012, I had always wanted to travel abroad to study but didn't give much thought to living there. Even though I had failed so many times, I was still holding a touch for acquiring a foreign degree. By the time I completed my Masters in December 2015, I made up my mind that was the end of studying in Nigeria. Fast forward to May 2018, it was another regular day in the office, when my friend (now a friend and brother) worked into my office (he worked out of the second office - both shared offices) and one discussion led to another which made him ask me if I knew about immigration to Canada. I said "NO", then he asked if I knew about WES..."NO". He then urged me to open a WES account, which I did immediately. At the time, I was below 30, have MSc, had spent one year on the job and if I scored 8777 in IELTS, I would be a perfect candidate. My CRS would be 450, and ITA would be sure in those days of 440s. I had no idea that the journey was going to be a tortuous one (as you would soon find out). I was happy to start the journey as I was already tired of waking up by 4am and going to bed by 10pm (Lagos residents would understand). Given my job as a Development Researcher, I also knew it would take time before socioeconomic welfare in the country changes for the better and I was not ready to wait around.
IELTS - I decided to register immediately for IELTS as I was confident I didnt have to prepare much, being a researcher and having written the academic module in the past. Anyway, I still crashed through the Listening and Speaking components on edx, since it was the same for both modules and read through a combined material on writing of 250 pages. I registered with MOD and wrote the test on July 28. That day was the toughest day of all the exam days I've had. The examiners seemed like amateurs, delaying unnecessarily and making us spend 9hrs at the center. I could make this value judgement because I had once written Academic IELTS with BC in 2016 and it was seamless. The headset had a background noise that was disturbing. A few of us complained but we were told that's how it is. What In fact, a guy beside me didn't write the Listening part 'cos of this. I missed the first few answers before I found my pace. I had to guess the answers in the end, hoping for the best. For the next 13 days, my mind wasn't at ease. In the end, the result was released and I had my desired scores, I was so relieved. Box ticked, moving on. Mind you, my friend had advised me to use MOD because of the way BC fails people in writing (Yea, hes one of those who believes BC is unjust) and I was even ready to write the listening without a headset, but on speaker. How naive I was to think that was going to work, given what actually went down.
ECA – I requested for my transcript to be sent to WES from UI PG School. It was processed within a week. I thought to myself this shouldnt take time at all. So far, so good. I was hoping for fast processing. At the time, the O'level requirement had not been added. I paid WES in August and by August 30, WES had sent a verification request to UI PG Schl. I sent my certificate via Hellofax, that was easy. And the wait began. My friend felt I shouldn't wait till WES sends another request (after the first 7wks) until I started to make a move. So, he gave me the contact of a guy who should be able to help. I generated a pdf copy of the letter WES sent to me and sent same to him as evidence. He promised to work on it and later told me it's been sent but my status didn't change. I put a call to WES (spending 300naira for 20mins) but I was told they haven't received anything. For the next few weeks, the story was the same, I kept calling and nothing changed. I joined this thread in October 2018 (Part 5) during my struggle with WES.

Thereafter, I got connected with the Records officer at PG Schl. I called and texted but he didn't respond. I later found out he wasn't in the country. Chai! The woman had to go meet him in his office, then he and I spoke for the first time. I explained to him and he told me that it takes the receipt of 7 mails for WES to confirm. Haba, that just doesn't make any sense! He told me they haven't received mine. I sensed that their mailing system was problematic (with good reason), so I called WES to see if by the time they were sending the second request, they could send the hard copy by courier and that I was ready to pay. My account was activated to pay 78 CAD, in addition to the $207. I later found out I was just paying for fast delivery of ECA report.

By this time, another friend who studied at a UK university and started his evaluation after me was awaiting his report. I kept calling WES and UI, each time spending 300 naira calling WES. The latter would say they've sent it but WES would say they hadn't received it. My friend was as worried as I was, wondering what the problem was. I remembered complaining and asking for help on this thread and someone advised that I go to the school. I remembered being angry at that suggestion. "After all, I wasn't even supposed to know about this, it should be between UI and WES." In the end, the fellow was right. I kept calling WES and UI, sent messages to WES Twitter account. Still no progress. At some point, my account was activated for a payment of 85 CAD. What the he**, I already completed my payment. After calling again, it took WES a few days to remove the payment request. Meanwhile, time was passing by. Around October, I was copied in verification response sent to WES, by UI. I thought my troubles were over because my status changed to "we received your documents, we're reviewing your documents." After 2 harrowing 2 weeks of waiting, the status was reversed. Back to square one. I guess they refused to acknowledge the response because the sender wasn't smart enough to put in blind copy. During that period, I started to find ways of distracting myself and keeping my hopes up. I began to learn French on Duolingo, every day for the next 3 months or more. That was the greatest accomplishment of the year for me. Je comprends le français maintenant et je m'améliore de jour en jour. I had achieved a life goal to learn French.

Then came December, and I swore I was going to be in Ibadan on the 23rd. I did and went to PG schl. I overheard a discussion between some staff members about how UI's mailing system needs overhauling. My suspicion was confirmed. I then met with the Record officers, rehashed my unusual struggle and insisted that my verification response be sent by hard copy. I paid for courier and started tracking it.

I put the letter in an envelope and sealed it to be sent. I paid another 9k, thereabout. I remember being asked by the lady at the courier office if I was only sending a piece of paper, I said YES O. In my mind, I was thinking its none of your concern, just send it. I continued to track it till it got to WES. Despite taking this action, I escalated the issue to UI's VC as my friend told me he responds to mail. The messaging was that UI PG schl is dysfunctional. He forwarded the mail to the Record Office and put me in copy. The Record Officer was angry at this move when I later spoke to him. He felt I shouldn't have sent the mail since they already acquiesced to my request. In my mind, I did for others who may find themselves in my shoe in the nearest future. I was trying to slap the system into correction. angry I have no regrets for taking that action.

By January, it got to WES, took them about 3 days to acknowledge it. To avoid stories that touch; I called and the voice at the other end advised that I escalate my issue on twitter again, that he also finds the timeline unusual, he thought me how to phrase my request and it worked. I got a confirmation by both mail and twitter that my evaluation had started and it was ready by February 14. On the same day, I dived into the pool, with less enthusiasm. Meanwhile, my friend had always assured me of ITA with my score, thinking a CRS score of 450 will be fashionable till mid-2019. Boy, we were so wrong. The unexpected happened, our permutation failed, IRCC reduced the number of invitees and minimum CRS scores of invitees skyrocketed. In the end, ECA took over 8 months, no thanks to UI PG schl.
ITA - With my CRS at 450, I couldn't be invited from March till May. During the period, minimum CRS scores of invited applicants were 452, 451 (twice) and when it was 450, tie-breaking rule was put at November 2018, so I couldnt get invited. That was my last chance. I was beyond frustrated, inertia was setting in. But my friend kept encouraging me. Another friend who already got PPR and was in Canada kept giving me hope too.

It was the month of May and my birthday was fast approaching on the 19th. I would be 30, which meant that my CRS score of 450 would become 445. My friend called me the last week of April, on a weekend, that I have to register for another IELTS and try to ace it so that my score will go to 451 after my birthday. But I was reluctant, I never thought I would have to write the test again. I had to borrow the registration money. There was going to be 2 draws (May 1 and 15) before my birthday. Our permutation was that my result would be ready before 15th that preceded my birthday and if I got ITA on May 1, all good. May 1 passed, no ITA, result came out and I performed worse than I did the first time. Remark was hopeless and useless given the timing, so I didn't even bother to collect it but BC delivered it to my office anyway ("Take your property", they said. That wasnt nice, lol). My birthday came, and I appreciated God for where I am, even though I'm not where I want to be but I was grateful I'm not where I used to be. Still, I was still feeling dejected somewhere in my mind. Now, it dawned on me that I may not continue this journey after all. I just wasted another 75k, on nothing. The past year, my salaries had been spent on the process. My friend warned that I can't be at 445, but I told him during that call to give me some time, I needed time to think. I thought about writing TEF as I was getting more confident with my French proficiency, grâce a Duolingo but the cost discouraged me.

Then came the light at the end of the tunnel. The week of my birthday (May 19) was also my 2-year work anniversary (May 15). Without writing another IELTS, I should just have added my NYSC and max out on work experience. So, why didn't I think about that? I must have panicked. So, I contacted my PPA and when I was sure I would receive a reference letter, I updated my profile. And my CRS score shot up to 470. Thanks to Topsmamen who shared a letter format. Next draw was on May 29, and the minimum score was 470, with tie-breaking rule put at May 23, around 11 in the morning. I had updated my profile that evening but because the first time I entered the pool was put into consideration (Feb 14), I got the silver mail. Despite the delay, I was overjoyed. So was my Mum who was getting tired of asking me every two weeks and getting disappointing news. My friend in Canada didn't even bother to chat me up because he felt bad I couldn't have gotten it. I later informed him and he was happy too. Moving on...

MEDICALS – Pre-ITA, I had called Q-life to book and I was told I can only do that with the letter. Post-ITA, I called to book and followed the usual procedures and I was booked appointment for June 28, and did the usual tests that day. It was seamless.

PCC - I got Inspector Moshood's number on this thread and called him when I was ready. (That man has a good personality as it's often mentioned by many who met him.) When he found out I was in the area (as I work a bike ride away from Alagbon), he asked me come immediately. I was in and out of the place within an hour.
POF - This wasn't easy to come by and it was the main reason I had to submit one-week shy of the 60-day deadline. It was 100% gift deed from my mother. I backed the transfer slip up with a notarized document, done by an uncle who is a lawyer.

AOR - July 20: This was barely 24 hours that I received the POF. I had uploaded all documents Upfront Medicals form, a pdf containing ECA report, degree certificates, transcripts & IELTS result, PCC with the fingerprint page, NYSC ref letter with no pay slips, Primary NOC ref. letter with Payslips - in their respective placeholders. Even though I had a folder for the purpose of EE; I forgot to upload two LOEs I had written up, one for work experience and the other for POF. I thought about raising a CSE for some time and decided that my application was simple enough and that there was no need. Once in a while during the waiting period, I would think again about why the LOEs are needed and always decided against raising CSE for that purpose. Please dont try this if you know you won't be able to sleep well at night.

Afterwards, with the advice of Daybour, I created a July AOR group and a profile on Immitracker. I was largely successful at not checking my account every day. Rather, I kept busy with the group and this platform.
MEP/BIL - Being a control freak that I am, lol, I had set a reminder for the 25th day on my calendar but I was hoping for an earlier timing. There I was, on the 18th day Post-AOR, seeing the mail sitting pretty in my inbox. I would have gone ahead to do the biometrics on the same day but I wasnt with my International Passport. It was done the second day July 9 - and I met two of my group members Dubem and Abychick - at VFS Lekki. I got a ghost update that morning too.

This post was wrongly tagged as spam by antispambot please avoid quoting it.

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by olaniyisal: 8:28am On Dec 15, 2019
But it was not include in the Pre - ITA in work history..

Is that a good move

I will suggest activity should be "employment" and you use your PPA as company name
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Jaybye: 8:38am On Dec 15, 2019
Lol.. Banky, I warned you!

And your excellency @Justwise, I can't stop wondering why antispambot will wrongly start tagging PPR gists as spam.

Others might want to know what to avoid while compiling their stories.


This post was wrongly tagged as spam by antispambot please avoid quoting it.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by olaniyisal: 8:39am On Dec 15, 2019
Please House, As anyone use NYSC periods as personal history before...

If want to fill my NYSC period as part of my personal history, what will I fill for first two column as my possible answer

What activity type should I choose
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Jaybye: 8:42am On Dec 15, 2019
Anything not included as work history for which you earned part-points to your CRS should go to personal history and stay there! This has been advised severally, as in severally, brother Niyi. Even on this page, just up above, @Nettye still referred to such while answering @MumTwins2..

But it was not include in the Pre - ITA in work history..

Is that a good move

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by profeddor15: 8:44am On Dec 15, 2019
Good morning sir and ma, I wish everyone Merry Xmas and happy New year in advance.
Please, i want to ask an urgent question ;
How many months will gift deed will stays in someone account if it happens that gift deed came in two weeks or one months before the 60days deadline and can it be acceptable?.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by COPR2020: 8:52am On Dec 15, 2019
Hello house, please I’m confused about the minimum points to be scored before one can be considered.
I saw 67points out of 100 and another place I saw CRS of not less than 440.
Please what is the difference
67/100 to be eligible

CRS is what gives you an ITA if you meet/surpass the cut off for a particular draw


Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by olaniyisal: 8:52am On Dec 15, 2019
I have sent you a personal message

Anything not included as work history for which you earned part-points to your CRS should go to personal history and stay there! This has been advised severally, as in severally, brother Niyi. Even on this page, just up above, @Nettye still referred to such while answering @MumTwins2..

Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Jaybye: 8:57am On Dec 15, 2019
Sir, when it's Gift Deed, the time it came in does not matter. Just ensure it's coming from someone whose relationship with you can not be easily questioned by your eventual case officer. Best options include your dad, mum,
and siblings or those of your spouse, if you're married. I'm not saying one can't get from cousins or friends, but I'll discourage anything that will easily link one and village people yet again.. And of course, you do not want any cause for worry post-ITA should your application/PPR linger far too long.

Good morning sir and ma, I wish everyone Merry Xmas and happy New year in advance.
Please, i want to ask an urgent question ;
How many months will gift deed will stays in someone account if it happens that gift deed came in two weeks or one months before the 60days deadline and can it be acceptable?.

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by justwise(m): 8:59am On Dec 15, 2019
Lol.. Banky, I warned you!

And your excellency @Justwise, I can't stop wondering why antispambot will start tagging PPR gists as spam.

I'm also wondering why you think that it's not possible

1 Like

Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by olaniyisal: 9:01am On Dec 15, 2019
@Netty, thats mean there will no be need to update the employement history on my work history. with the NYSC since it does not count but I will leave it on personal history
The Employment that I disclose on my work history is 3 years and more which I believe is the part of eligibility.
Finally, Am I correct I dont need to update my employment history with the NYSC since it doesnt count

I lumped my letter or explanation together and uploaded it under the additional document space. If the employment doesn’t count towards your points then no need, just put it under your personal history.

Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Jaybye: 9:03am On Dec 15, 2019
Okay sir. I've stopped wondering.


I'm also wondering why you think that it's not possible

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Kaygirl33: 9:19am On Dec 15, 2019

This post was wrongly tagged as spam by antispambot please avoid quoting it.
Chai. What is happening na.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Ishilove: 9:20am On Dec 15, 2019

I'm also wondering why you think that it's not possible
Oga, dey click on your followed tabs.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Kaygirl33: 9:25am On Dec 15, 2019

I'm also wondering why you think that it's not possible
Wow. Please @justwise, how can we avoid being banned by anti-spam bot.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by justwise(m): 9:56am On Dec 15, 2019

Oga, dey click on your followed tabs.

Lol I no dey click
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by bankyh1905(m): 9:58am On Dec 15, 2019
Hehehe...I'm back, I hope not momentarily. I've been suspended twice in a month by the antispam bot. If this happened in my secondary school #FEGO, I would have been the baddest boy. grin If it has super intelligence, I would say to it that I understand who is boss now, I yield *raises hands above head* grin This must be the NL joke of the year.

I've been reading the congratulatory messages and it has been painful not being able to reply. I was suspended as I posted that first part of the PPR gist. Apparently, it was a long post that couldn't go at once and the anti-spam wasn't forgiven.

@Jaybye, you did warn me. Are you sure you don't have the confidence of the anti-spam bot? grin Thanks a lot for the congratulatory message.

@Austinbani @MJKJ @Eraytee @ednut1 (there's an "m" right in front of my name Sir)
@Liispa (I will still be here to mark scripts wink) @Palominopeaches @yemblaze (the full gist will have to be in two parts)
@Itzpearlz @Debsify @Kaygirl33 @Ladymarshall (milady, it's my pleasure to serve)
@GBSS (hehehe, what comes to mind is the Yorùbá analogy of the masquerade and the one who doesn't know the person under the veil. I don't mind you identifying yourself grin)
@browneyes7: THANK YOU ALL for your congratulatory messages. I appreciate you.

@Justwise: Thank you for helping to free my PPR gist.

I will now post the concluding part. I hope the anti-spam bot will calm down and let me be. grin

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by justwise(m): 9:58am On Dec 15, 2019

Wow. Please @justwise, how can we avoid being banned by anti-spam bot.

Unfortunately the software goes bunkers sometimes so there is no correct answer to your question . Just report it if you are banned

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Mrsc22: 10:11am On Dec 15, 2019
Google ‘crs calculator’ then input your information as requested


How do I do that please I’m new here and have been reading this trend but didn’t find out that please help.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by Gr8fulHeart(f): 10:37am On Dec 15, 2019
Hello house. Greetings to everyone one here. Pls im kinda stuck . What is the specific noc for a loan officer in a microfinance bank. JD... To acess prospective clients and see if their business qualifies for loan. Meet company target for loan disbursement and also recover monies disbursed. Thanks as i await response

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Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 10 / Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered Part 5 / General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 15

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