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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Opay Android Pos Machine (4592 Views)
How Much Is Opay Android Pos Machine / All You Need To Know About Palmpay Android Pos And How To Get It / Process And Obtain Your OPAY Android POS 4g Network For Business In One Week (2) (3) (4)
Opay Android Pos Machine by folashele(m): 6:06am On Oct 20, 2019 |
Hello guys I know most of you know opay as just the ride hailing platform where you order ride from destination A to B. Yes opay is that and much more Opay is the mother app that houses other wonderful features such as Opay-Pos mobile money business Oride-bike hailing service Ofood-order food anywhere in Lagos Okash-quick loan platform Obus- transportation around Lagos in an ac bus Obet-platform sport betting Owealth-invest money and get 10% daily Otrike-tricycle hailing service selectively available depending on the state you are in All of these and many more to come on the opay platform operapay is owned by opera group owners of operamini. To be a part of any of These you need to download the opay application on Google Play Store Use the link below For 5.0 android devices and above For iPhone Once downloaded you need to register on the app Then fill the agent upgrade form Benefits of being an opay agent *BENEFIT OF AGENT UPGRADE* 1.FREE *ANDROID POS MACHINE* 2.FREE BRANDING MATERIALS 3.TRANACTIONS LIMIT EXTENSION 4.ACCESS TO *OKASH LOAN* 5.AGGREGATOR ENROLLMENT WHERE YOU CAN MAKE UPTO 150,000 IN MONTH 6.FIRST TO KNOW OF NEW FEATURES ON THE APP 7.OPAY AGENT CERTIFICATE 8.GLOBAL MONEY TRANSFER contact opay agent upgrade office on 08124723416 on whatsapp for more information 1 Like 2 Shares
Re: Opay Android Pos Machine by MrCuteking(m): 7:02am On Oct 20, 2019 |
Please explain no.5 |
Re: Opay Android Pos Machine by folashele(m): 11:20am On Oct 20, 2019 |
MrCuteking: Let's do a little math As an opay aggregator There are 4 different levels you can be on to make money Bronze (5-20) agents @50kobo per transfer transaction Silver (21-50) agents @1 naira per transfer transactions Gold (51-100) agents @ 1.5 naira per transfer transaction Platinum (100+) agents @2 naira per transfer transaction Example Mr Rotimi is a mobile money operator, a sport betting agent and also an opay aggregator (super agent) Mr Rotimi has 105 agents under him He is on platinum level earning Every month here is what opay pays Mr Rotimi Due to the transactions made by agents under him 30 days x 2naira (one transfer)= 60 naira 60 naira x 105 agents = 6300 naira The calculations above is when all his agents make only one bank transfer in a day for a month Now let's increase to a reasonable amount of active agents under Mr Rotimi 30 days x 40 naira (20 transfer) =1200 naira 1200 naira x 105= 126,000 naira The calculation above is when all his agents make 20 bank transfer in a day for a month He gets 126,000 monthly as an aggregator Tell me why you won't want to be an aggregator today chat opay on 08124723416 to fill the aggregator form and start earning 1 Like |
Re: Opay Android Pos Machine by emmsana: 1:16pm On Oct 26, 2019 |
Pls run from this guy OP. he is a scammer. I confirmed it from opay customer care. Though his WhatsApp and Google form looks like opay real agent. Na thief ooo. He is after your information and your activation code that will be sent to you. If you need anything go to the support section of the mobile app. Customers rep full there 8am to 8pm. But these guy said his own Na 24hrs |
Re: Opay Android Pos Machine by atop1(m): 2:47am On Jun 04, 2021 |
To help you on your journey to getting your Opay POS fast and simple, I have written an entire article plus video to explain all the information you need to get the Opay pos by yourself without having to contact anyone. check the article and video step by step here |
Re: Opay Android Pos Machine by atop1(m): 6:51pm On Jun 09, 2021 |
You can watch this indepth tutorial on how to get Opay POS fast (without the requirements of huge statement of account) |
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